Loving the Wild Card (11 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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With a nod, Jackson indicated that his sons should take seats. Once they
complied, he looked at them each in turn before he spoke.

“I take it there was no cause for concern?” He asked as he stood before
the cold fireplace; his gaze now fixed on Josh.

“Apart from being followed by a couple of inept goons, things went

“Good, I’m glad to hear that. I’m also pleased that you all made it back
in one piece. Now that I have that information, I suggest you tell me what the
hell is going on, Joshua!” Jackson demanded.

Their father rarely raised his voice but when he did it was always for a
good reason. “What do you mean exactly?” Josh asked, playing for time.

“I’m sorry, did I somehow give you the impression I wasn’t in deadly
earnest? Do not attempt to fob me off. When law enforcement
come to my home uninvited
question me, I demand an explanation!”

“That’s some temper he’s got there,” Jason mumbled under his breath.

“Not now, Jason,” Jake murmured in an attempt to save his twin.

“Do you have something to say, Jason? Could it be about the fact that
while these detectives were in my house they took more than a passing interest
in questioning your wife?”

“What!” Jason exploded to his feet, all traces of amusement wiped away.

“Ahh, it would seem you’re afflicted by the same temper as I.”

About to leave, Jackson stopped him. “Oh, did I forget to mention that
she all but wiped the floor with them, sorry, my bad, as you young people would

Josh dipped his head to hide his amusement at the expression Jason wore
in reaction to their father’s use of slang. He didn’t want to turn their
father’s attention towards him too quickly with outright laughter because he
knew what was coming.

“Sit down, Jason. This meeting has yet to be concluded!”

Thinking better of whatever he was about to say, Jason held Jackson’s
gaze as he walked over to the window. Once there he folded his arms across his
chest and waited with a defiant look.

Jackson’s gaze followed his middle son’s path without waiver. When Jason
came to a standstill, he looked him up and down.

Jackson then turned his attention to Jake. “At least you have the good
sense to remain quiet. Actually, it’s just as well. From what I can gather
wife is extremely upset that
you left without informing her of your whereabouts”.

“Don’t worry, Dad, I’ve got this,” Jake assured.

The sound of Jackson’s laughter filled the now quiet space. “It never
ceases to amaze me that you and Jason think you are handling
those women
. I tell you now, in a standup,
drawn out fight of wills, my money’s on them to win every time.”

Josh agreed with their father and before he recalled his need to remain
inconspicuous, he sniggered. The sound was his undoing. Jackson’s eyes shifted
to him.

“I’m still waiting, Joshua!”

Josh knew his time was up. Even with all the exchanges between them,
their father still awaited his explanation.

“It’s a little complicated...”

Jackson gave his youngest son a pitying look when he trailed off. “I’ll
call for coffee if you need the brain stimulus. Otherwise, I suggest you get on
with it because my patience is nearly at an end!”

Josh took a deep breath, looked around and began speaking.

“I met Samuel Lee the weekend after I first met Lux. Jake and I came
across her defending a kid on the side of the road.” Josh went on to fill his
family in on his and Sam’s first and subsequent encounters.

“Sam’s the reason Lux and I broke up. She doesn’t want anything to do
with him. In her words, ‘…
his lifestyle is disgusting and amoral

I tried to get her to be less judgmental, but I couldn’t. In the end,
she accused me of choosing an association with her brother over our marriage.”

“I’m going to be brutally honest with you, and I can’t believe I’m
saying this, I agree with her,” Jackson said.

Josh and his father were so involved in their conversation, both missed
the look and nod that passed between the twins.

Jason headed for the door, leaving any necessary explanation of their
departure to his brother.

“We can see that you both need to talk, so if you’ll excuse us, I need
to formulate a plan to get back into MacKenzie’s good books.” Without a
backward glance, he too left the room.

And then there were two
, Josh thought as he returned his
attention to his father who was looking at him as only a displeased father

“Leave it, dad,” Josh warned.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. What the hell were you thinking, getting
involved with that man?!”

“I’m not a child. I’ve been making my own decisions for years!”

“That’s right you have, and nearly every one of them has been bad!”

“Look, if you don’t want us here, we’ll leave,” Josh threw out.

“Don’t you dare threaten me or take me for a fool!”

Josh rubbed his fingers across his jaw as he held his father stare. “You
have something else to say to me?”

“Yes, I do,” Jackson affirmed, easing back into his chair now that he
had his son’s complete attention. “I love you Joshua, and I appreciate you for
the man of integrity that you are; that will never change.”

“I know, I love you too.”

“Good, so there will be no more talk of leaving, especially as this is
when you will need your family the most. From what little you’ve told me; I’m
worried about you.”

“There’s no need for you to worry, I’ve got this.”

“Those three words are the ones I dread hearing from you and your
brothers. Should I tell you what
you’ve got
, Joshua?” Jackson didn’t
wait for a response because he didn’t require one. “As I see it, you have a
wife that
you haven’t seen in seven years.
Her brother, who, as those detectives put it;
a thug who is on the police most wanted list
. They also mentioned something
about a murder, for which they think you may have information. The person that
ties this mess together is one Samuel Lee, aka Counterfeit; which I might add
is one of the most ridiculous names I have ever encountered. Did I leave
anything out?” Jackson enquired, sarcasm alight in his voice.

“No, I’d say that was a pretty good summary, but you of all people
should know that sometimes things aren’t always as they seem.”

“Somehow I just knew you were going to say that,” Jackson sighed.


When Jake left the meeting, he headed for the family room where only
MacKenzie, Noelle, and Lux were present.

Jake wanted time with his family and thought about ways to extract
MacKenzie without being too rude. He didn’t have to worry; as soon as Noelle
saw him she rushed over to him and demanded that he pick her up.

Lifting her into his arms, he looked at MacKenzie and smiled. “I need to
go and clean up, so I think I’m going to need some help with the limpet I have
attached to me.”

Without hesitation, MacKenzie was on her feet. Jake didn’t know if she’d
been looking for an excuse to get away from Lux, or if she also wanted some
alone-time with their family.

When she reached his side, he had his answer. Turning back to Lux, she
gave her a smile and inquired whether she would be okay on her own.

Lux assured them she was fine and that they should go. On the whole he
had always liked Lux, although, in his opinion she had a tendency to be
slightly petulant. His only other gripe with her was that at times she could be
too childish. For his brother’s sake, he hoped the intervening years had
changed her.

Inside their room, Jake deposited a clinging Noelle on the floor and
turned to MacKenzie ready to further explain his abrupt departure.

“I understand, Jake. I know you had to go, but please don’t ever leave
again without telling me where you’re going.”

“There was no time lovely, or you know I would have filled you in.”

MacKenzie frowned at him before she replied. “If this type of thing ever
happens again, you better make sure; I don’t have to learn of your whereabouts
from anyone but you!”

“Noted and understood,” Jake agreed with a nod.

“Good, now that we’re in agreement, why don’t you go and get cleaned up
and I’ll order you something to eat.”

“How about a welcome home kiss first,” Jake suggested.

“Do you deserve one?”



“Because you love and adore me and I see the way you keep eyeing up all
this manliness. I’ve told you before, if you want all that is me, all
have to do is come and take it.

Jake punctuated his jest with a hand sweep down his body; his dimples showing.

“I don’t know how I’m going to survive being married to, and surrounded
by you Kingdoms,” MacKenzie said with a roll of her eyes.

“I would really like to know what the hell–”

“Jake! Language please the b-a-b-y is right here,” MacKenzie warned,
looking down at Noelle, who was busy playing with her toys.

“Baby,” Noelle shouted.

“Did you hear that, she can spell already,” Jake laughed puffing out his
chest with pride.

“She’s two years old, of course she can’t spell; she’s playing with a

Seeing she was right, he couldn’t keep his feelings of disappointment
from showing.

“You’re so cute, I can’t stand it,” MacKenzie laughed as she slipped her
arms around his waist and hugged him close. Rising onto her toes she gave him a
kiss on the lips and pointed towards the bathroom. “Wow, you smell ripe; go
take a shower and I’ll get you something to eat, after all I have to keep your
energy up.”

At his raised brow of inquiry, MacKenzie laughed. “The way I see it, you
have some serious making up to do, and you’re going to have to work for it.”

“Really?” Jake shuddered in mock fear as he headed towards the bathroom.
“You better order me double portions because it sounds like I’m going to need

When he emerged from the bathroom, mother and child were playing on the
floor. A knock sounded at the door. MacKenzie opened it while he was still in
the process of towel drying his hair.

Jackson stood in the doorway and for a heartbeat his father’s presence
worried him. That he pushed a cart laden with food shifted Jake’s thoughts from
concern to curiosity.

“If you can eat all this food, you’re a better man than I,” Jackson
joked eyeing his son. “I intercepted the maid so I decided to deliver this

“Is everything okay?” Jake inquired.

“Actually, yes. I stopped by to collect my granddaughter. It’s a
beautiful day so I thought she and I could go for a walk and spend some time

“Yay, walk, papa,” Noelle shouted jumping up and down.

“Are you sure, Jackson? She can be a bit of a handful.”

“I’m sure my dear. It will also give you both a bit of time alone. I’m
sure fifteen minutes would suffice, right Jake, but as there is no doubt you
are my son, I’ll give you an hour.”

Folding his arms across his chest, Jake stared at his father and ignored
MacKenzie, who turned away to hide her laughter.

“Let me just look for her coat.”

“Hurry up, Mommy, hurry up. Where hell Noelle coat?!” She demanded
running around in excitement.

“Jake, I warned you about your language!”

“Jacob, this type of language, is entirely you and your brothers doing!”

MacKenzie and Jackson reprimanded him at the same time.

“I told you she understood, only two my as–””



When Jackson finally led Noelle out the door, MacKenzie busied herself
by placing the mountain of food on the table.

Marching directly to the door, Jake turned the lock to ensure they
wouldn’t be disturbed. By the time, MacKenzie turned from the table he was
naked and ready.

“Oh my, and to think all that is mine.”

Jake loved when she spoke her thoughts aloud and didn’t try to stop his

“What are you waiting for?”

She didn’t seem to hear him as her eyes ran over his muscular body.

Moving towards the table, Jake ensured MacKenzie’s lax hand brushed
against his jutting cock. He sat down before he spoke to her. “Take off your
clothes and come eat with me,” he said, his words sounding like an order.

He loved Noelle and he was happy she was in their lives. However, these
opportunities, when it was just the two of them, were rare. Making love to his
wife in broad daylight without concern of interruption was even more
infrequent. Therefore, he intended to use the time to its full advantage.

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