Loving the Wild Card (26 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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While he understood her position, he needed a moment to determine what
he could say that would appease her.  His mind made up, Josh decided to
tell her only enough to satisfy her need for, not seeing him and her brother in
shades of black and white. “On two occasions, Sam asked me to help him


“Poor choice of word… I mean relocate people who were in danger.”

“No better, Joshua!”

“Well, that’s all I’ve got!” Josh threw back unwilling to spend any more
time seeking the word that would appease her.

“Okay, relocate is good.”

“We, I mean, I–” Josh corrected himself.

“No, you meant, we. Who’s we, Joshua?”

“Ask me another question and I swear to God, I’m done telling you
another damn thing. You’re just going to have to live your life in ignorance of
this whole situation.” He didn’t raise his voice because he didn’t need to. The
way he voiced the statement was proof of his seriousness.

“Well, I’m not about to apologize for butting in, but I hear you.”

“When your brother called me, he wanted help in relocating two people. I
was his only option at the time because he didn’t want Matthaeus to know what
he was doing. My family had the means to help him out. After hearing what he
had to say, I took the decision to do as he asked.

I know you still have issues with Sam; he’s
far from an angel,
but I assure you, I’ve
much worse. So much worse, Lux.”

Something in his expression must have resonated with her because when he
next looked up, it seemed as though she were looking into the deepest part of
his soul.

“Do you mean your childhood, Josh, is that what you’re talking about?”

“Amongst other things,” he replied. Whenever he thought too deeply about
his and his brother’s past, it filled him with rage. Yes, Sam might have done
some reprehensible deeds in his life, but Josh knew he could tell her about
pillars of society who did much worse and all in the name of greed, perversion
or the greater good.

“I’ve lost interest in this line of conversation so listen well. I have
only met your brother a handful of times. I don’t much care for him, but,
believe it or not, I understand him.

You say you hate Sam, but I know better. He’s the only blood relation
you have and that means something, I saw it in the way you looked at him when
your guard slipped and you hugged him. If you ever see him again and you’re
still curious, you can question him.” Josh said as he watched her.

“Do you swear that you don’t have anything else to do with him?”

“Never question my integrity, Luxandria,” he replied in deadly earnest,
making no attempt to hide his anger.

“I’m sorry.”

Those two simple words were all it took for his irritation to disappear.
His point made, Josh lightening the mood with a smile and teased, “I accept
your apology, but I know you can do better than that.”

When she got to her feet, he hoped she was coming to join him in their
once favorite chair. Seeing her walk towards the door, he immediately tensed
before he realized she made no attempt to gather her coat.

“Please excuse me for a while.”

“Are you okay, Luxie?”

“I’m fine; I just need a few minutes.”




Lux was gone for so long Josh began to worry. When he opened the door,
he saw a trail of her clothing leading to their old bedroom door.

His heart immediately began beating double time, but he hesitated. The
last time they were in that room together was the day, she left him. Behind
that door was a place of memories that still haunted him.

Licking suddenly dry lips, Josh knew what awaited him. Deep in his heart
he knew if he entered their room, tonight would make or break them. Finally
ready to find out, he bypassed the clothes strewn across the floor and pushed
the door open.

At the very least, he expected to see her laid out on the bed. What he
got was the shadows of bedside lamps and an empty room. The door leading to the
bathroom was ajar and he heard the sound of the shower switching off. Standing
on the threshold of the bathroom door, he saw Lux emerging from the steamy

As she pulled a towel off the rack, she noticed his presence. “I was
waiting for you but you took so long, I couldn’t stay in the shower any

“Apologies for my tardiness, but I’m here now, so how about we get back

“Sorry, no can do. But I’ll wait for you inside.” Not bothering to wrap
the towel around her beautifully toned body, Lux dabbed at the rivulets of
water that glistened on her skin. When she applied the material to one of her
breasts, his eyes follow transfixed.

With each tap, she somehow managed never to obscure the sight of her
dark brown areolas and nipples from his sight. When she pushed up a breast and
stroked under it, Josh subconsciously licked his lips. If tantalizing him with
her breasts wasn’t enough, she went in for the kill when her hand trailed a
path directly towards the strip at the juncture of her legs.

Throwing the towel at him, he made no attempt to catch it as it slid
down his chest. “Clean up… I’ll be waiting.”

Turning, as she walked away, Josh took in the sight of her perfect ass. It
was high, and he loved it.

The minute she was out of sight, all fingers and thumbs, he ripped at
his clothing and wondered why it was taking so long to get out of them. In
reality, it took him less than a
the spray of the shower
was washing over him again for the second time in mere hours.

Out of the shower in record time, he grabbed a towel and hastily dried
off. The sight that greeted him as he entered the bedroom caused his cock to
spring to attention. He was in trouble and he knew it. He had to slow down. But
he wasn’t sure how he was going to do it. Lux was lying on her stomach,
stretched out on their bed in all her naked splendor.

He hadn’t lied when he told his father he was a connoisseur of women.
The truth was, when he was with other women, he always took his time because he
was in complete control. With them, it was just sex because they didn’t touch
any part of his heart. Seeing Lux, he knew there was no way he was going to be
able to show his finesse this first time. He wanted her too much. He wanted her
fast, hard, and deep.

He didn’t know if that was what she wanted, but he was about to find
out. He loved his wife more than he could ever articulate, but it had been too
long since he was buried deep inside of her. All their touching and foreplay
had been leading up to this moment, and Josh didn’t know how he’d managed to
hold out this long.

Walking to the bed, every muscle in his body stood out in stark relief,
and his erection stretched toward his belly. That she watched his every move
was a complete turn on.

“You look perfect in that position. That ass is perfect.” Climbing onto
the bed that depressed with his weight, Josh straddled her body. “I love this
ass, do you know that?”

“I know, why do you think I’ve been showing it to you?”

“Oh, it’s like that is it?”

“Yeah, it is. So what are you going to do about it?” Lux gasped at the
stinging slap he applied to her backside and tried to turn over.

Josh wasn’t finished with her and held her effortlessly in place. “The
last time we were in this room we made love and when I woke up you were gone. I
didn’t like that, Luxandria.” As his words trailed off, Josh applied another
stinging slap to her ass.


“Shut up, I’m speaking and you’re going to listen and take what I give
you!” The sting of the slap he applied to her ass was followed by his cupping
her butt cheeks and kneading them upwards. The motion exposing her to him.

Lux gasped.

“You snuck away and left your rings on the pillow as though our vows
meant nothing to you.” As the memory of his discovery came rushing back; his
next contact with her backside was harder than he intended. To ease the pain he
massaged her hot flesh and at the same time ensured his fingers slid between
her legs.

“You’re wet. Do you like to be spanked, Luxandria? Did one of your
lovers turn you on to being spanked?” At her continued silence, Josh felt
something coil within him. That some other man had taken what was his, filled
him with so much anger, he remained motionless. It didn’t matter that he’d
slept with countless women during their separation. The thought, of his wife
doing the same with other men, was nearly his undoing. But he needed to know.
Once he knew, he could accept it and move on.

“Answer me, Luxandria.” Unable to help it, he knew there was pleading in
his tone.


“What does that mean?”

“It means no one turned me on to spanking.”

She’d answered his question but it didn’t alleviate the jealousy that
was his constant companion since the day she’d left him. It was torture, but he
needed to know how many lovers she’d had during their separation.

Covering her with his body, Josh rubbed his cock up and down her back as
he marveled at how good she felt beneath him. She was the perfect mixture of
hard, soft, and beautifully smooth skin, and he loved the feel of her. He
wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her, but first he had to
know the answer to the question that was killing him.

“How many, Lux?”

“How many, what?”

“Don’t play with me. You know I don’t play that way. Answer me, how


“What did you say?”

“For God’s sake I said none! If you’re only going to throw questions at
me, you can just get off me and–”

Josh shut of her next words by turning her head and sealing his lips
against hers. The kiss was carnal. It was deep and wet and he couldn’t get
enough of her. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside her but first he wanted
the taste of their mouths against each other. They’d always enjoyed this simple
part of foreplay and he’d missed it. This intimacy he reserved only for her.

Wanting to be gentle, but caught up in the moment, he didn’t know how.
Releasing her mouth, he flipped her over with a show of strength that produced
a sharp gasp from Lux.

“I want to taste you. I want to commit everything about you to memory,
Luxandria. Is that what you want?”

“Will you just shut the hell up and do it!” Lux all but screamed.

In an instant, her legs were over his shoulders as he pulled in a deep
breath of her. This was his love, his wife; the woman that no other man had
touched but him. Josh knew the workings of a woman’s body and set out to give
her nothing but pleasure. It might well kill him, but he was going to go slow
while he relished the place that was his alone. That would always be his alone.

Being with Lux meant all the years, of honing his skills at sex, went
out the window. Being with her was about making her feel what they meant to
each other. With that in mind, Josh went to work. Every stroke, every lick,
every time he lapped at the juices that flooded from her body was only for
them. This was what he missed, what he longed for and he wanted to know she was
feeling the same way as him.

His family always accused him of talking too much and it was probably
the truth, but he needed to hear what she was feeling. He knew she was close,
but he wanted to hear her voice it. Her gasps and sighs weren’t enough, he
needed her words. Giving one more swipe, he withdrew his tongue from deep
within her and waited.

“What are you doing? Don’t stop. What you were doing felt so good.”

“Do you want me, Luxandria?”


“Do you want to feel my mouth against you here?” Josh asked running his
hand through her wetness.”


“Then tell me. Tell me what you want, what you feel. Tell me, Luxandria
and it’s yours.”

Lux didn’t hesitate in her answer. “Your mouth feels so good. It’s been
too long, Josh. It feels like a lifetime since you loved me like I was the only
woman in the world. I need you. I need to come. I need to come for you, only

Her words bounced off the wall and made a direct hit to his dick. He was
through with foreplay. Every muscle in his hard body demanded that he take her.
That he buried himself deep inside her. Sweat broke out all over him. His heart
palpitated as the scent of her arousal flowed over him. Without conscious
thought, her perfect ass was again facing him.

Gripping his dick with one hand, he pulled her backside towards him.
“You don’t need to worry, Luxandria, I’m clean. I would never do anything to
hurt you. But I need you, I want…no, I need you.” On his last word, Josh pushed
forward and didn’t stop until he was buried balls deep inside her. When her
body sucked and clung to him, he couldn’t withhold his groan even as his eyes
rolled back in his head.


The feel of Josh within her was what she’d been waiting and longed for.
He felt so good, so right. “I want you to fuck me. Don’t hold back. I want
everything. I want to know you remember me, only me. I can take it, baby. I can
take everything you want to give me!” Lux cried. “I know you’ve been with other
women but they don’t matter. This is you and me. You fill me up, can you feel
me, Josh, can you feel the way I want you? It’s you I want; it will always be
only you. You’ll always be all I want and need!”

She didn’t know what she was saying and she didn’t care. All she knew
was that her love was deep inside her, making love to her and it felt right.

The feel of his hands against her hips as they moved together, his belly
slapping against her ass, his hardness inside her was her only focus. This was
her man and he was taking her in the most primal way a man could.

He didn’t let up. He was power, and he was strength, and he was hers.
She was going to come and she wanted him to know it. He was a talker and she
would give him what he wanted.

“Don’t stop, baby. Just like that. I’m coming. Don’t stop if you want to
feel me come all over you. I want to feel you gush inside me!” Lux screamed as
her inner muscles tightened and her toes curled.

“Yes!” Josh shouted as she felt the heat as he released inside her. As
her body contracted and released his powerful hands clutched at her hips,
holding her steady.

When her hands gave out and she sank onto the bed, Josh followed her
down. “Do you feel that, Luxandria? That’s what it feels like when we make
love. I haven’t felt this in seven years.”

Lux didn’t have the strength to answer. He was perfect. Their being
together in this way was even better than she remembered.

They showered and made love two more times during the night. First, she
took him to their special chair where she made slow love to him. When he grew
hungry, they looked for food in the bare kitchen. In the end, they ordered
Chinese. In the time it took for the food to arrive, they used the kitchen
counter to full effect.

As they ate, without prompting, Josh told her all about Aviva and
Rachel. Lux then took the time to ask if he and his family could help Sam. The
thought of never seeing her brother again, was more than she could stand. She
wanted Sam and his wife safe.

From what she’d gathered about the Kingdoms, they never left a service
unpaid and she ruthlessly tapped into that.

“Will you try for me, Josh? I need to know that he’s going to be okay.”

“I’ll try Luxie,”

“That’s all I ask,” where her final words.

By the time she finished speaking, Lux was fast asleep over her
unfinished meal. When Josh picked her up and deposited her on the bed, she was
too far gone to register any of his tender care.


Josh smiled as memories of their night together slowly filtered into his
mind. Extending an arm, he reached for Lux. The space beside him was empty. A
feeling of déjà vu hit him with so much force, he sprung out of the bed and ran
from the room.

She wasn’t there. He could feel the emptiness in the house as he moved
from room to room. No essence of her presence remained which told him, she’d
been gone for a while.

Anger exploded within him. How could he have been such a fool? They
hadn’t actually spoken about their marriage, but somehow he thought they’d
reached an understanding. Fool that he was, he actually expected to find her
beside him when he woke up.

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