Lucky Number Four (25 page)

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Authors: Amanda Jason

BOOK: Lucky Number Four
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“Like what you heard?” I ask, watching Colin
avert his eyes while the other two smirk and start to laugh.

“We were looking out for you,” Drew responds,
shrugging his shoulders.

“Yeah, you’re like a little sis to us,” Liam

“So, you weren’t being nosey, huh, Colin?”
Colin looks uncomfortable. It’s time to let him off the hook. “It’s
nice to know you guys have my back, but I do like my privacy. And
if I was actually hooking up with someone in here, this little spy
session you all had going on wouldn’t have been cool.”

“Hey, it was at least better than what we had
to look forward to this evening.” Liam has stopped chuckling and is
back to his frowny self.

I gently push them aside and look into the
living room to find it’s empty. “Where are the ladies we heard
earlier?” I ask, turning back to look at them. Jeff is grinning
with his arms crossed, leaning against the open door.

Liam looks lazily at me. “Oh, they just came
up for a drink, nothing else. At least, nothing on our part. I’m
sure they would’ve loved to spend the night, but we just weren’t
feeling it.”

“How about cards?” Drew blurts out.

“Yeah, sounds great.” Liam glances at Jeff
and me. “How about you two? Want to play a friendly game of

“Poker? I don’t know how to play,” I reply
innocently, and they all fall for it.

Ten minutes later, we’re sitting at the round
kitchen table and cards are being dealt. In front of me are
orange-colored chips. I wanted red, but Jeff grabbed them

Liam has blue, Colin purple, and Drew yellow,
and each of us has the same amount … for now.

“So Dora, do you understand what I’ve just
told you?” Drew asks like he’s talking to a child.

“I think so. If I mess up, don’t hate me.”
There I go with my Miss Innocent act again.

Half an hour later, I’m winning big. In fact,
they each have a small hill of chips compared to my mountain.

Drew rolls his eyes as I win another hand.
“Gentlemen, we’ve been had.”

Yes. I have a great actual poker face, and
one that my dad is so proud of since he taught it to me.

“What? Are you talking about my beginner’s
luck?” I’m trying so hard not to smile.

“Beginner my ass,” Liam quips while leaning
back in his chair and sending me a playful glare.

“And I must say, it’s a nice ass too,” I
reply, keeping my face stoic.

“Very funny, little girl. You shouldn’t try
to pull one over on us big boys,” he replies, liking my

Jeff, Drew, and Colin sit back and watch Liam
and me sparring. It’s fun.

“Are you guys conceding? Are we finished with
the game?” All four walking testosterone machines shake their
heads, and I start dealing the next hand.

“Dora, have you asked them yet?” Jeff asks,
hiding his face behind his cards.

“Asked us what?” Drew looks at me with one
sexy eyebrow raised.

“My mom asked me to invite you over for
Christmas, but I told her you were all going home. Right?”

“I’m going home next week,” Colin says. “My
mum would never forgive me if I miss this Christmas. Our whole
family will be together, which due to the size, is quite
incredible.” His dreamy accent makes me want to drool.

“I’m off to my homeland too.” Liam interrupts
my musings of the mind-blowing kiss Colin and I shared at
Halloween. I’ve wondered why he hasn’t tried again, not that I
would allow it. Okay, I’m lying. I’d be all over him like a fat kid
on cake.

“She always zones out like she’s in another
realm or something. Dora?” Jeff’s voice floats into my
consciousness and I raise my eyes to see that I’m the center of

“Sorry, thinking about my last exam in two
days. I really should be studying,” I lie, and Jeff just grins.
It’s like he’s a mind reader.

“Did you hear that Drew is free for
Christmas, and he’d be delighted to join us? Isn’t that right,

“I would love to spend time with your family.
Mine are … well, Christmas is just another day for them. I kind of
miss having family time.” The look on Drew’s face is heart
breaking. He’s usually the happy-go-lucky guy who acts like he
doesn’t have a care in the world.

“Well, if you get a headache, it’s not my
fault” I say. “My family is different, so you’ve been warned. I
will not be held responsible for what they do, or say.”

I’m relieved when a smile appears on his
beautiful lips. Hey, lips can be beautiful, right? Oh, great. I’ve
missed something else.

Concentrate, Dora.

“Drew said he’ll take his chances,” Jeff
explains. “I think it’s time for me to put little Dora to bed. Her
brain needs a rest.”

Everyone laughs when I stick my tongue out at
him. “Little Dora can put herself to bed, thank you. But I am
tired. Good night. Come on, Jeff, I’ll tuck you in.”

Jeff flops on my bed after changing into some
comfy sleeping clothes. “Well, that was fun.”

“Yeah. It was like spending the evening with
ordinary guys, not Greek gods.” I pull on my pajama pants and look
over at him.

“I told you they’re normal and they just want
to fit in,” he replies, causing me to roll my eyes.

“They’re not normal.
is only a
few hundred people might know your name, not the whole world.”

“Dora, that’s an overstatement. I bet there’s
a tribe in Africa or some poor slob in Siberia who doesn’t know of

“Okay, so maybe a hundred haven’t seen their
pics, but you have to admit it’s a little daunting being around
them sometimes.”

“Only Liam causes me to be daunted.”

“Yeah, if you like the gorgeous, tall, and
solemn type that won’t come out of the closet.”

“Your mom told you Henry says you need to
help him and Drew. So maybe your job is to help him come out. I get
first shot when you do, okay?” Jeff is so good at pleading.

“Maybe you’re too ugly for him. You are on
the homely side.” I giggle as Jeff sends a pillow flying through
the air and it hits the top of my head as I bend over to miss

“I’m not ugly. I’ll have you know I could’ve
been a model, but I didn’t want people attacking me, wanting a
piece of this awesomeness.” He laughs as I roll my eyes again, and
I move his legs so I can lie beside him.

“Okay, stud, but I don’t want to be mending
your heart back together if he doesn’t respond like you want him
to. I have to get him by himself before he goes home. It must be
horrible living a lie every day. No wonder he doesn’t smile

“Yeah, I’m a lucky one. My family didn’t even
blink an eye when I came out to them.”

I turn my head to look at Jeff, who is
staring at the ceiling. I scoot over and put my arm across his taut
stomach and he places his arm around me. The last thing I remember
thinking is that I hope Liam doesn’t break Jeff’s heart.

Playing cards tonight was hard for me. All I wanted
to do was stare at her. She has no idea what she’s doing to me. I
wish I was the one she’s tucking into bed. I know Jeff’s gay, but I
still feel the green-eyed monster raising its dark, ugly head. I
wish I knew what she thought about the kiss on Halloween. If I
declare my feelings for her, would she laugh in my face? Would she
even believe me? I’m so tied up in knots, which is something I’ve
never encountered before. I have to bide my time until she trusts
me and sees me for who I really am.

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