Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) (18 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)
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He approached the bed
, taking Cleo and placing her on the floor before reaching for his wife.  He removed her nightgown and then guided her to her back noticing her small wince as her weight settled on her bottom.  He was careful removing her rubber diaper cover as he knew the welts on the backs of her legs would be burning.  He met her eyes and saw her flush as she turned her head to the side and he unpinned her nappy. 

“Good girl,” he said quietly and removed the soiled nappy.  Lucy
closed her eyes as he gently spread the lips of her sex and thoroughly washed and dried her, his fingertips briefly stroking her sensitive skin until she was squirming beneath him.  “There’s my little worm,” he chuckled as he removed his fingers and then shocked her by bending to run his tongue quickly between her lips, the tip flicking against the small bud that instantly became erect.  Her face was flaming, her heart pounding at the sensation, but Lucas merely lifted his head and kissed her bare tummy before flipping her over and once more applying a soothing layer of the salve to her bottom and the backs of her legs.  When it was dry, he lifted her naked from the bed.  She didn’t fuss as she stepped into the drawers he held for her though feeling the fabric press against her strapped bottom elicited a small gasp.  Lucas caught her eyes and was pleased to see her own eyes were completely clear of the guilt and distress that had filled their depths before her punishment.  He tied the ribbon at the waist of her drawers into a small bow and then gave her bottom a gentle pat.  Lucy felt her face heat as well as the tingle that had begun the moment he had caressed her earlier deepen into an ache between her thighs.  The stockings her Papa drew up her legs drew a small moan from her as well, the tightness of the stockings irritating the fresh welts he had placed on back of her legs.  “These poor little legs were almost healed, Kitten,” he said as he tied the ribbons above her knees, his hands then going to gently cup her calves.  “I hope my girl will one day learn never to run from her Papa again.”  Lucy wanted to again explain that she hadn’t truly been running from him, that the thought had not even crossed her mind but Lucas was able to read her mind.

“Kitten, you need to learn that if you are frightened or upset, you need to run to me…not away.  I will always be there for my girl, understand?” he asked as he slipped her shoes onto her feet.

“Yes, Papa,” Lucy said quietly as he stood and undid her braid and spent several minutes with her between his knees as he brushed her hair before tying a green ribbon to hold it off her face. 
He stood and held out his hand.  Lucy gathered the letters she had written before taking his hand.  Lucas scooped up Cleo and they stopped to return her to her own bed in Molly’s room and Lucas watched as Lucy firmly closed the door. 

Lucy bravely
entered the dining car.  Taking a deep breath, she faced the people she had grown to admire and even love and informed them that Cleo had been found in their compartment and admitted her guilt in what had happened.  “I’m so sorry,” she said walking to the three adults and handing them each a letter, having written an additional one for Emmie’s nanny.  Emmie was already seated at the table and breathed a huge sigh of relief at Lucy’s news.  She was surprised when Lucy handed her a letter as well looking up to see both her Papa and Lucy’s give her a nod to let her know it was okay for her to accept the letter.  Emmie read the short letter and her heart filled with joy knowing how much Lucy wanted her to know she was very grateful to have a friend that could understand every single aspect of the things required in this lifestyle.  She looked up to see Lucy looking at her and gave her a nod and a huge smile, silently letting her know she felt the same way.  Neither girl would judge the other or make fun when punishment had been witnessed, both knew that having the other would help them adjust, accept and be able to more fully understand why they simply felt a deep need to submit as they did to the strict but loving men they had wed.  Emmie slid the folded paper into her pocket as she watched Lucy slowly take her seat next to her on her very obviously still tender bottom.  After Molly tucked Lucy’s napkin into her collar, she bent and gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

“I’m very proud of you, Lucy,” she whispered before joining Bertha at their usual table. 
Lucas took his own seat and Emmie reached out to find Lucy’s hand.  The two girls held hands, giving silent love and support to each other and Lucy felt another bit of guilt slip from her. 

“Thank you, Lucy,” Stefan said finishing his letter and folding it before sliding it into his pocket.  “You write a lovely letter.  We all make mistakes,
little one, but those that confess and accept the need for discipline have truly earned forgiveness.  I know you will learn from this experience and work hard to be a better little girl for your Papa.”  Lucy nodded, her eyes never leaving his as he spoke quietly.  “You have a very big heart, little one.  I know you are going to be a really good friend to my little Emmie.”  Lucy impulsively slid from her chair and ran to give Lord Northbridge a hug.  Lucas smiled seeing the surprised but pleased look on Stefan’s face.  Stefan returned the small woman’s hug and then kissed her cheek. 

“Thank you, Sir,” Lucy said
, happy that her atrocious behavior had not cost her a friend.

“You are welcome,” Stefan said patting her bottom to send her back to her chair.  Molly and Bertha relaxed as well.  They had quickly become close
and were grateful they could continue to become even better acquainted.  Dinner was lovely, the two families relaxing after such a trying afternoon.  As they stood to leave, Lucas accepted Stefan’s invitation for a drink but declared he would have to meet him in the smoking car after he attended to another matter.  Lucas took Lucy’s hand to lead her back to their compartment.

Bertha and Molly had spoken quietly and when they returned to the sleeping car, Bertha led Emmie in
to the water-closet to prepare her for bed.  Molly saw the porter enter the car.  He nodded at her.  “I’m so pleased that the little lady found her pet.  I know she was quite distraught,” he said.

“Thank you, Mr. Brannon.  It is a blessing,” Molly said and after another nod, he stepped past her to knock on Lucas’ door.  Molly stepped into her own room to
gather the items she would need, placing them into her basket after removing her knitting supplies.  When Cleo immediately pounced on the ball of yarn as it slipped from her hand and rolled across the floor, Molly smiled so grateful the kitten had not been lost.  She put the yarn away, tucked the kitten into her bed and sat to wait quietly.  When she heard the soft knock against her door, she knew that Bertha and Emmie were done in the water-closet. She picked up her basket and steeled herself for the unpleasantness that Lucy’s behavior had caused.  Knowing that she must perform her duties with a firm but loving hand, Molly said a quick prayer and then went to collect her charge.

Lucy had apologized to Mr. Brannon and handed him her letter.  He had been surprised but very impressed with the little woman’s demeanor.  He had met thousands of travelers throughout his years working for the railroad but couldn’t remember being more taken by a single one.  Though the young woman had shocked him with her behavior earlier that day, seeing her now, her face showing her sorrow at having caused such trouble, moved him
deeply.  Reading her letter moved him even more.  “I forgive you, Miss Lucy,” he said.  “You are a sweet little one and I have been honored to serve you and your Papa.  I’m very happy that your Cleo is safe and sound and hope the rest of your trip sees no need for you to face additional chastisement.  Your Papa and your nanny must love you very much to take such good care of you and want to teach you to be a very good little girl.  You are very lucky young lady.”  Lucy flushed knowing he understood the letter of apology had been the least of her discipline.

“Yes, Sir,
I am lucky.  I really am sorry, Mr. Brannon,” Lucy said.  Brannon nodded once more, giving the small woman a gentle pat on her head.  He found himself wishing that more women he encountered treated him with as much respect and sincerity as the special child-women he occasionally met in his duties.  Though they obviously were punished more severely than misbehaving children, they seemed to be far more content and happy than scores of wives he heard complaining to the husbands that, in turn, simply ignored the whining women they had wed.  Lucy thanked him and he nodded to Lucas and left quietly, once more passing Molly.

Molly entered the room to see Lucas hugging his wife.  She hated having to disturb them and wondered if perhaps he had
decided he no longer felt the need for Molly to carry out the plans she had informed him about and that she had discussed with Lucy.  Lucas released Lucy.  “It’s time for your bath and your cleansing, Lucy,” Lucas said quietly.  Lucy’s face blanched, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she looked up into her Papa’s face.  Lucas hated the look of misery he saw but knew he would never grant clemency from a punishment that had been promised.  Seeing him shake his head as he gently turned his wife to face her nanny, Molly knew he had not altered his decision.  Molly gathered a few additional items as well as Lucy’s nightgown.  Before she left, Lucas spoke to her so softly that Lucy was unable to hear his words.  Lucy watched as he attached the strap to her pacifier and placed it into Molly’s basket.  Lucy lowered her eyes to the floor seeing what he had done and knowing exactly why he had added it to the awful items she could see peeking out of the basket.  Her stomach churned and her bottom clenched. 

When Molly took her hand, Lucy
raised her eyes to see those of her Papa watching her.  “Be my good girl,” he said softly.  “Obey Nanny Molly and it will be done.”  Lucy felt her throat tighten but she managed to give her Papa a soft smile and obediently went with her nanny.

lmost two hours passed before Molly knocked on the door and entered with a very clean, very well paddled, and very, very contrite little girl.  Lucas had spent the first hour in the smoking car with Stefan and a few other men.  Though he enjoyed both the warmth of the brandy as well as the conversation with other men, his thoughts were on his little bride several train cars away.  After finishing his drink, he declined another and returned to his compartment to wait for his little one.  Lucy flew into Lucas’ open arms the moment Molly released her hand.  Lucas lifted her off her feet and she clung to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms clinging to his neck as she buried her face against his skin.  Lucas put one arm under her bottom and the other across her back, holding her as close to him as possible.  He kissed the side of her cheek and then looked up and gave Molly a questioning look.  He was pleased to see her smile and nod in return, letting him know his bride had done well despite the awful punishment required by her husband.  Molly was grateful the ordeal was over.  She slipped from the room to return to her own, not surprised to find Bertha waiting for her, Cleo sleeping on her lap.  Bertha knew Molly needed some reassurance of her own and the women spent the next hour discussing the emotional strength it required to take care of these special, submissive little women.

Lucas didn’t feel a need to discuss Lucy’s most recent punishment.  He knew she had
received a very thorough mouth soaping and could imagine the bubbles escaping from her mouth as Molly lectured her once more about how proper little girls needed to have clean mouths so no filth would pour from them.  Since this was the third time his little one had cursed, he had given Molly the additional instruction to place a bar of soap into Lucy’s mouth which she would have to hold between her teeth as her nanny filled her bottom with a very hard to hold, irritatingly soapy enema.  Once full, he knew Molly had switched the soap for the pacifier so that her cries would be muffled as she struggled to hold her water while her bottom was paddled hard by her Nanny. He also knew she had been warned that if another session was necessary, she would find herself given nightly enemas for a week, each one accompanied by a paddling.  Lucy had fought to hold her water, the paddle slapping onto her bottom again and again, as she listened to her nanny’s lecture and swore to herself she’d never again say a curse word.  The pacifier gag kept her cries within the room but the sound of the paddle was not the least bit muffled.  Each sharp slap made a distinct sound as the wooden paddle connected to Lucy’s bare bottom or down the back of her thighs. Lucy felt her body jolt forward with every stroke, the watery contents sloshing in her tummy, her bowels full to bursting.

Ignoring the tears streaming down Lucy’s face, Molly had finally
stood her up and despite the urgent need of her little one, slowly removed her gag and wiped her face before she helped her to the toilet.  Molly remained standing, her arms crossed, the hairbrush tapping against her own arm as she waited for Lucy to release her enema.  Lucy’s bottom burned as hot as her face as she was forced to expel her water in front of her nanny who was obviously quite prepared to take the hairbrush to her charge’s already blazing bum if she so much as heard a single whimper of complaint.  Once wiped clean and helped from the bench, Lucy learned another painful lesson as her punishment continued.  Though she truly hated having her bottom filled, she discovered that there were far worse things.  Instead of being given a cleansing enema that would have cooled the burn inside her narrow passage, she was instructed to sit on a small stool and think about how the soapy residue in her little bum was burning away the naughty words inside her.

It had been a truly awful half hour as she sat on the stool, her bottom burning inside and out.  She desperately wanted to climb into the tub and sink into the
soothing water.  Instead, she shut her eyes tightly as Molly knelt before her and used both hands to spread Lucy’s knees wide apart.  Lucy’s teeth captured her bottom lip as she felt the thick lather that Molly had prepared being spread all across her sex.  She hadn’t moved a muscle as Molly began to shave her pussy though her heart pounded with every stroke of her Papa’s razor. By the time she had been taken out of the bath and dried, Lucy was exhausted but realized she felt cleansed not only of the day’s grime, but cleansed totally of her naughtiness.  She had thrown her arms around Molly’s neck and thanked her for taking care of her and loving her when she was disrespectful and so naughty.  Molly had been deeply touched and realized that her life would include many moments of feeling loved and hated by the beautiful woman she deeply loved, understanding exactly what Bertha had warned her about earlier that day.

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