Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (34 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“No,” Austin sighed. “There isn’t much that can be done. We are pretty much on lockdown here at the hotel. Wolf is the only one with in and out privileges but that is with a bodyguard. We have an officer at the door. He got scared ‘cause I made Lyndee scream when she came. He thought someone had gotten to her.”

“How’s she liking lockdown?” Trey asked.

“She’s not. Though I think we are getting through her defenses of blaming herself for everything that has happened at the ranch. Wolf went off on her the other day then John talked to her. I think she has PTSD. We may need to get her a shrink to talk to when we get home.”

Storm sighed strongly. “We’ll work it out buddy. Any news on the trial?”

“Yeah, John said that Markova has expressed his right to a speedy trial. It starts on Monday. Until then Lyndee does not leave my sight. You guys gonna be here for the beginning?” Austin asked.

Whispers on the other end of the phone meant the two men were quietly discussing it amongst themselves. Trey spoke first. “Yes. We’ll fly in Sunday night.”

“Tell John we’re coming in and have him meet us at the airport. We need to go over security for Lyndee without her being there. We don’t need to add more stress onto her than needed,” Storm practically ordered his cousin, his need to protect their woman strong.

“I will. I’ll have her call you after her nap.”

“No. Just tell her we love her and we’ll see her Sunday. We need to keep things as low key as possible,” Trey said, the cop in him knowing what was best. “I’ll text you the info on the flight.”

After ending the call, Austin slipped back in quietly and began putting the breakfast dishes on the cart. When he was finished, he set the chairs to right at the table and wheeled the cart to the door. Pushing it out into the hall, he caught the officer’s sheepish grin from the chair he sat in. Feeling bad for the man, he nodded then closed the door, locking himself and Lyndee in for the day. He knew she had paperwork to do but he wanted her to sleep so he picked up a book he had brought with him and sat in the chair across from the couch and began to read.

The days following were pretty much the same. Breakfast and then Wolf would be escorted to therapy by Lawrence and Lyndee and Austin would make the best of the day. Austin felt guilty about making love to her every day as it wasn’t fair to his cousins who couldn’t. Lyndee understood, though she did manage to entice him several more times, one of them from the spa tub in their room.

Wolf came home around four every afternoon and napped until supper. They partook of their evening meal together as a family, talking and joking, and then afterward they would watch television or play cards. John had told them not to go online to any of the social networks as they could be located that way, which didn’t matter to any of them since Austin and Wolf hadn’t managed to get that into them being isolated on the ranch and because of long hours they put in. Lyndee never got around to putting a profile together on any of them since she was so far undercover. She hadn’t realized how much she missed out on until then.

Austin didn’t tell Lyndee about Storm and Trey coming. He thought it would be a good surprise for her.

Saturday and Sunday were boring for all three of them. There wasn’t any therapy for Wolf, which was good for he was quite sore from the ministrations of the therapist, though he missed getting out of the hotel room. He couldn’t see how Austin wasn’t climbing the walls by the end of Saturday, as he himself he was about to go batty. But Austin and Lyndee had each other to keep themselves occupied.


* * * *


Sunday after breakfast Wolf’s phone rang and after looking at the display he became worried. After sliding the bar to answer the device, he asked, “What’s up?”

Austin and Lyndee both watched him, perplexed at the emotion they saw before answering the phone. Nerves stood on end briefly until they saw him relax. “Yeah, buddy that would be great. What about…” he didn’t get to finish as he glanced up at the other two occupants of the room. Indecision flashed across his features as he listened to the caller on the other end. “No, I understand. I just don’t want them to feel left out.”

Lyndee stood and walked over to Wolf and laid a hand on his forearm. “Don’t worry about us. I can’t be seen out in public so you go and have fun,” she said as she smiled at him. “And tell Lawrence hello for me, since he doesn’t want to seem to speak with me when he comes to pick you up each day.”

Guilt consumed Wolf, that he had possibly come between whatever friendship Lyndee had with his escort, but when she smiled the way she did, he knew she was being genuine with her feelings. She really did understand him and what was happening to him. Tears stung his eyes and he had to turn away from her and Austin, not wanting his vulnerability to show. Sighing he responded to Lawrence on the other end of the connection. “I’ll meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes.”

Regaining his composure, he turned to smile tentatively. “I feel guilty that you guys have to stay locked up here all the time. I know it must be killing you, Austin.”

“It is,” Austin sighed, repositioning Lyndee as she came back to sit next to him on the couch, folding her legs under herself. “But, I do have great company. Where is Lawrence taking you?”

A genuine smile lit up Wolf’s face. “Bronco’s game at Mile High. I’ve always wanted to go to a live game. He has season tickets.”

“Great!” Austin exclaimed. “I know you’re a big fan.”

Wolf disappeared into the bedroom that had been assigned to him and then reappeared with his coat and a baseball cap in hand. Shyly he stopped in front of them, an action Austin had never seen before in his friend. “I hope you don’t think any different of me. I mean…”

Both Austin and Lyndee glanced at each other for a brief second before both of them stood up and, each going around opposite ends of the glass and chrome coffee table, they stopped in front of their injured friend. Austin carefully threw his arms around his cousin’s shoulders, drawing him into a hug. “No one will judge you, buddy. Follow your heart. You are still my brother in my heart.”

Letting go, he stepped back. Lyndee let her arms slide around the man’s waist, letting her head rest on his chest. “We are in no position to judge you. You are meant to find your happiness wherever you can find it. Like Austin said, follow your heart. I did and I ended up with three men. I know I will be judged for that by many people, but I don’t care what they think, just like you shouldn’t care what others think. Screw them all. I just hope that Lawrence likes the country, because I know you aren’t going to stay here,” she said, pulling herself away to look up at him. “Are you?”

Chuckling, he said, “No, Lyndee. I will be coming home to my family and friends. We will have to see where this thing with Lawrence lies.”

Nodding, Lyndee hugged him again before pulling away. “Go have fun. Enjoy yourself.”

Wolf nodded slightly before disappearing through the door.


* * * *


Austin pulled Lyndee into his arms, “When did you get to be so smart about everyone’s feelings?”

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her head on him. “I’ve learned a lot from some new friends of mine. They keep telling me that they are here to help me, so if I can return their help just by understanding them, then I know I’ve done a good thing.”

“I love you, Lyndee Dwyer,” Austin said, kissing the top of her head. “You’ve been so open-minded about everything that has happened with us. You’ve accepted each one of us with open arms and shown your love to us. I know that we all love you, including our friends. You have brought sunshine to a bunch of cowboys.”

The blush stole over Lyndee’s face as she leaned up to kiss her man, her hand caressing his cheek. “You have shown me a whole new world, you and your friends. I am happy to be a part of it. I love you all so much.”

Grasping her ass in his hands, he hauled her up against him, her arms sliding around his neck as his lips slanted down over hers. He tried to drink in her essence as he carried her to the bedroom where they spent several hours showing each other their love.


* * * *


It was late in the day when they wandered out of the bedroom and dinner was ordered in as usual. Lyndee was clothed in her robe and Austin in just a pair of black jeans as they supped on steak, baked potatoes, and a salad. They had worked up quite an appetite, though Lyndee felt she could easily work off those calories in short time as she worked over her man. If she had had to be sequestered in that hotel room without Austin or one of the other men, she thought she would have gone crazy.

As she finished the last bite of steak, she glanced up at the glorious man sitting across from her. Seeing a smirk on his face, his eyes lit with a smile from deep within, she had to grab up her napkin and wipe her face, thinking she had something on it. Leaning back, Austin crossed his massive arms on his chest and just watched her as nerves began to overtake her.

To avoid his watchful eyes, Lyndee stood and began to put the dishes on the cart. This was the first time he didn’t jump up to do it for her, which she found odd. Skepticism swept through her for a brief moment that perhaps he was tired of her, of protecting her, but then she pushed that thought aside. She knew he was in love with her and he showed her over and over especially in the past week, but right now he was gloating and she was anxious to find out what that was.

When she finished, he stood, towering over her. His hands came to her shoulders and slipped under the collar of the robe. “Undo the tie.”

Doing as instructed, she undid the belt on her robe, standing there still and quiet for his next command, watching his face. Running his hands down her shoulders to her upper arm, he let the cottony robe flutter to the floor, pooling around her feet. Standing before her lover, naked as he gazed down at her with love and lust flashing in his eyes, she stood with her shoulders back proudly. She was proud to be his, Storm’s, and Trey’s and that was the only part that made her sad, that they weren’t there with them.

Austin noticed the bit of sadness that crossed her features briefly before it disappeared. Letting his hand rise and graze her cheek, he became serious. “What just made you sad, little one?”

“I miss Storm and Trey,” she said quietly, though never taking her eyes off of his. “I miss home.”

Joy swept through the muscular Indian at her comment of home. She knew where she belonged and they would accept her with open arms. When this mess was over, they were going to take their woman home with them and make her their bride and make babies with her. Smiling down into her iris eyes, he let his callused thumb slide across her lower lip. Her tongue swept out quickly to lick it before she sucked it into her mouth, letting her tongue continue to circle it, her eyes never leaving his once. His breath hitched at the action.

God, he was wonderful. He was a manly man, a man used to hard work. He played hard, she thought, and he fucked hard. Her eyes lowered in shyness at that thought as a smile played at her lips. All three of her men were of the same cloth and they were all hers.

Sighing, Austin pulled his thumb from the hot, moist mouth that had captured it. “That’s enough for now, little one. I have a surprise for you and it will be here shortly, so I want you to go relax in the hot tub for me. You are not to come out until I come to get you. Do you understand?”

Gazing into his deep-chocolate eyes she saw excitement nestled in there and she herself became excited. Nodding, she ran her hands across the wide expanse of his chest, leaned up, and kissed each flat disc before turning to do his bidding. With a sashay in her ass, she walked proudly naked across the room to their room, disappearing from Austin’s view as he watched her with a hunger not associated with the meal they just ate.

Wheeling the cart out to the hallway, he nodded to the guard on duty before retreating behind the door. Straightening up the dining area, he made sure it was clean as he heard the water running in the other room. When he was finished he sauntered into the bathroom where he found Lyndee sitting in the tub, her back to the door while her arms laid out on the top of the tub, her head lying back. Her hair cascaded down the side of the tub to the floor, and Austin bent to pull it together and took the elastic band on the vanity and wrapped her hair up in it.

Watching her breasts bob up and down on the surface of the water, generated by the bubbles the jets fed, he was mesmerized. Her nipples were dusky pink, looking like rosebuds floating there. His attention was drawn when he heard her ask lowly, “Are you going to join me or just stand there watching me?”

“I’ll join you in a minute, love,” he said, letting his hand slide along her neck to her ear. “I have to wait for your surprise to arrive.”

She knew better than to question him on what it was. She had learned that with all three of them. It was part of their dominant nature. The sub doesn’t question the master. She couldn’t imagine what it was but she hoped it would something to alleviate the boredom that had engulfed them. At least the next day they would be in the courtroom, breaking up the monotony that surrounded them.

“Mmm, I can’t wait.”

“Well, you’ll have to. I’m going to blindfold you, little one,” he said, pulling a black silk scarf from his back pocket. “Will you be all right with that?”

The thrill that ran through her body caused her to shiver with delight. Her nipples hardened into sharp points while her pussy creamed. Their sex had been pretty much vanilla since that first day Austin took her on the back of the couch after she had gotten so worked up. They had to remember there was an audience, one with Wolf around, and two with the guard outside the front door. This was going to be good, she thought to herself.

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