Lyon's Angel (The Lyon) (3 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Angel (The Lyon)
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"Chief Sloan!"

“Colton, you got a minute?"

"Sure." I hadn't really seen or spoken to the chief since
I'd told him I was keeping her, his daughter was the only reason he could have
for searching me out and we'd already had that conversation so seeing him
standing in my office was a bit of a surprise.

"What can I do for you sir?"

"Got a call from a friend in Arizona."

I felt my heart pick up speed, I'm a hundred percent sure that we
were in the clear but you never know; how the fuck had I fucked up? I kept my
cool though and showed nothing on my face.

"I don't need details son, but just tell me one thing, is my
daughter safe?"

I didn't answer him, just looked into his eyes; if it had been my
life alone on the line I wouldn't have thought twice about giving him
something, but there was no way I was hanging my guys out to dry.

"I see, alright son, you hold fast to your secrets just make
sure she's happy she deserves it."

"As long as I've got her she's golden."

He nodded his head and went back out the way he came.

I took a deep breath and relaxed my tense shoulders, apparently
they hadn't found anything or at least the chief hadn't said. I pulled out my
phone and did what I had to do. There was still no sign of Taylor; he was still
listed as a missing person only; cool.




days flowed together without incident, Kat's tattoo was coming along nicely and
she was getting used to it so we didn't have too much drama. She'd taken
another shopping trip with Carol which damn near gave me a coronary but the
women in my family convinced me that I had to cut the apron strings, yeah
funny. I know one thing was for sure, if shit went down like last time I was
seriously going to slap a bitch no joke.

come home with what I'd since termed 'the drive Colton crazy' clothes.'
Everything was either clingy, short or showed off her tits.

what the fuck, didn't we talk about this?"

"What?" She was busy trying on her new shit, some short
flirty number that barely went past her hips.

"You're not wearing that shit out of this house." Was
she trying to drive me fucking insane, I thought she learned that lesson the
last time and what the fuck was my sister thinking helping her buy this shit. I
liked sexy as much as the next guy but there was no way she was wearing that
band aid outside this fucking house. What the fuck!

"Please Colt, I like it." She pouted at me and batted
her damn lashes, look at this shit she's learning how to reel me in.

"How about I only wear it when I'm with you?" She walked
over and wrapped her arms around one of mine.

Fucking girl is gonna give me grey hair.

I left her alone this time because, what's the fucking point, her
new crew which consisted of my mother, my sisters and Char would be on my ass
I'm sure if I put my foot down not that that would really stop me I just don't
feel like dealing with their shit right now. I barely made it through the end
of the fashion show before she was being boned hard on a bed of her new
purchases. Yep, all that shit was house wear.









can't wait to do you on the back of my bike going ninety miles on the open

I whispered that shit in her ear as she rode my cock at my desk in
the office. Outside the door we could hear the guys coming back from lunch.

She came just from my words alone; I had to put two fingers in her
mouth to muffle the scream. My girl is a screamer.

"It's too good Colton, I can't stay quiet the others are
gonna know." I kept stroking up into her through her orgasm that had her
squeezing the life out of my dick.

"You should've thought of that before you started teasing the
fuck outta me all day."

I kept pulling her up and down on my rod as she bit into my neck
trying to stifle her screams.

I jetted up into her off loading what felt like a day’s worth of
jizz, damn she really did it for me.

I gave us both enough time to catch our breaths.

"Hop off babe, go clean up." I smacked her ass as she
lifted off my still semi hard dick.

"Just a minute.......on second thought I don't think I'm done
with your ass yet, turn around I wanna look at my name on your back while I
take you from behind."

I bent her over the desk spreading her legs open enough to fit in
between, taking my pierced cock in hand, wet with her sweet pussy juice I eased
into her my eyes glued to my mark of ownership that I'd had painted on her

She was becoming a pro at taking my whole length though it was
still a bit of a tight fit, running my hands gently over her back I flexed
inside her my cock happy as fuck. With her it was never enough she did things
to me no one else ever could; I could cum inside her all day and never quit;
fucking medical phenomena.

yourself on my cock beautiful; come on squeeze me." I growled into her ear
which I knew would set her off. She flooded my cockhead with her juices at my
roughly spoken words making me lose my shit. I slapped her ass hard once before
cumming a fuck load deep inside her once more as she pushed back and forth on
my meat. Pulling her head back by her hair I fed her my tongue as our bodies

    I helped
her clean up a little before getting back to work, I had shit to do today that
would take me out of town, not far but it was at least an hour's ride away. The
Rossettis have been quiet since my lawyers kept shooting them down, haven't
seen or heard from either of them in a while and besides the guys were on the
job always and Cyrus was practically her shadow these days so I really had no
worries; I just didn't like leaving her for any reason.

The three fuckers behind bars were still finding life less than
pleasant and things were pretty much smooth on the home front except for the fucking
Rossettis, bah, I wouldn't be held prisoner by the crazy fucks, I doubt either
one of them would be stupid enough to try something anyway, this was just me
being my overprotective self where she was concerned, I couldn't help it, once
you found something that precious you were scared as fuck of losing it it
seemed because I spent most of my time thinking of ways of shielding her from
everything that was bad; fucking sap.




    One of
the families we'd helped a few months before I met my Angel was having problems
again; the husband was a pain in the ass who thought it was fun to beat up on
the wife and kids. I never get involved in that domestic shit unless I was
asked by the parties involved because shit could go south quick, especially if
the old lady was the forgiving and forgetting sort, they'd turn on you in a
heartbeat then you'd be the one assed out.

In this case Vanessa had stuck to her guns, she'd said fuck you to
the dead beat who'd been using her as a punching bag since they'd become a couple
in her early teens, all through their marriage and the birth of their children.
This guy just didn't quit though and since the restraining order didn't work,
that’s where me and my guys came in. I'm taking five of my guys with me a
little overkill but I needed to send a message; last time we just removed this
jackass from the premises but since he wanted to be persistent it looked like
we might have to go hard.

"You're staying at my folks until I get back yeah."

"Oookay, any reason why?"

"Because it's what I want I don't know how long I'll be gone
and I don't want you home alone so just hang with them, Carol should be there
you two could do some of that girly shit you like so much okay."

"Why can't I just stay home by myself and watch TV or
something, I'm not a baby you know Colton."

"Babe work with me here alright; I have to be gone, I can't
be there while I'm worrying about you back here what's the problem?"

"Are you going to take me to your parents every time you have
something to do?"

"What the fuck.....Katarina which part of what I just said
did you not get; this is not up for discussion I have shit to do you're going
where I put you end of story."

She huffed at me and folded her arms but I was done with it. Who
knew she could be so fucking stubborn, it's like the more she came out of her
shell the more of a pain in the ass she was becoming. There's no fucking way
I'm leaving her alone in our big ass house not yet anyway she's out her fucking



  After work I did as I
said and dropped her off at my family's estate, mom was only too happy to get
her clutches into her and since Carol was off with her guy Jason somewhere it
looked like it would just be mom Char and Kat, dad was busy in his home office
going over medical reports or so mom said, knowing him these days he was
probably back there toking.

I kissed her still pouting lips at the door." Stubborn fuck,
stop playing the brat baby you're being childish."

She rolled her eyes at me and walked back into the house; fine I
guess we just had our first real disagreement the first one didn't count since
that had been a misunderstanding on my part, and maybe she had a point but as
far as I know the last time she'd been home alone with just a friend things had
gone to shit. It's good that that shit didn't even cross her mind but it never
fucking left mine. It'll take me a long time to put that shit behind me, yes
the fuckers who hurt her had been taken care of but uh uh, fuck no, until I get
the picture that she'd painted of that night out of my head she wasn't going to
be left alone. ~




   I took my bike
out to meet the crew on the way out of town leaving the drama behind until I
returned. Kat and I haven't really butted heads that often, we're more likely
to have a little skirmish about bullshit that didn't amount to anything; but
from her reaction I had the feeling that this was gonna pose a problem unless I
nipped it in the bud, which I didn't have time for right now.

Six of us rode the hour out of town to Vanessa's place out in the fucking
boonies; Vanessa's a childhood friend of one of the sisters and that's how she
came into our radar, when she'd had enough she contacted Cynthia who had
dropped a word in her old man's ear who had in turn brought the issue to the
crew. This is the kind of shit we handle among other things having to do with
helping people in fucked up situations, like I said before shit between a man
and his woman had to be approached like a fucking time bomb about to detonate,
hopefully this will be the last time we had to deal with this fuck because I
hate repeating myself.




Little Miss. Kat



wish Colton would try to understand my point here, I mean he's treating me like
a child which is the last thing I want from him. I want, no need to be treated like
an equal not like some stupid little kid who needs to be protected all the
time. I know he'll never forget what happened to me and neither will I but I do
wish he would let it go and move on; he's acting like my dad and I don't want
that. I want him to see me the way I am, as a survivor, as someone who he
helped bring out of her shell. I don't understand why he's working so hard to
drag me out of that shell if he plans on keeping me sheltered from life. I'm
beginning to think he'd never leave me home alone in this lifetime, how
embarrassing is it that he dropped me off at his parents to be babysat.






Turns out it didn't take much to encourage the douche to move on; Vanessa's oldest
had kept him at bay until we got there and had pretty much let his old man know
at the age of fifteen that he wasn't going to put up with his shit anymore.
It's a shit thing for a kid to have to do, go up against his parent but it
showed some of what type of man he was going to become.

kept his mom and his two sisters safe one more time all that was left for me to
do was reinforce with just a little muscle power that his family was off

    I had a
nice little chat with Vanessa about maybe relocating; she lived in a remote
location where her nearest help was about fifteen minutes away not good. When
she let it be known that money was the deciding factor the main reason why she
and her kids were stuck there that's where Lyon's Crew came into play, this is
what we do best. I made her promise to get in touch with Cynthia so that after
I work out the details she could be moved in a week or so.

I started the ball rolling right away, after a few phone calls I
had some shit lined up just like that; a couple of the sisters will be coming
out to help with the packing up, I'll give her the tools she needed all she had
to do was use them, after all what good was having all this money if I couldn't
use it for some good?

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