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Authors: L.A. Day

BOOK: MadeforMe
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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica




Made for Me


ISBN 9781419922251


Made for Me Copyright © 2009 L.A. Day


Edited by Pamela Campbell

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book Publication May 2009


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
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characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Made for Me
L.A. Day


Chapter One

Year 2210

Federation Earth Council

Daygon Office


“Mav, I found your way in,” Rebecca said with just a little
too much glee for his comfort.

First Commander Maverick Spencer rolled his chair across the
tiled floor. His gaze zeroed in on Rebecca’s vid screed as it flashed an
advertisement for a robotic sex site. “No thanks, Rebecca. I don’t need to buy
sex. But there might be something there for you.”

“Nope. But that Marston babe you downloaded into your cyber
sex unit just placed an order.”

“For what?” His gaze snapped back to the vid screen. “And I
downloaded her file for research. She’s a target in our investigation.”

“Yep, but you added her picture to your cyber sex unit. You
can’t hide anything from a techno wiz.” Merriment gleamed in Rebecca’s eyes.
“Anyway, she ordered a pleasure droid—a hi-tech robotic sex machine—and wait
until you hear the description. She might have been describing you. Well, that
is, if you have at least ten inches in those pants.” Rebecca raised her brows
in a suggestive manner.

“I think I can cover that,” Mav grumbled, his eyes scanning
the banner ad.

“Excuse me.” Rebecca waved her hand in his direction. “I
need to open this drawer.” Mav rolled backward to allow her to rummage through
his stash of odds and ends.

“What are you looking for?”

“A tape measure. I had better verify the length. We wouldn’t
want to disappoint her.”

“If you think I’m whipping it out for you, think again. I
disappoint.” He scooted closer, reading the digital data. “I’m still not sure
how this pleasure droid info is going to help us.”

“I intercepted the order. The droid she wants is top of the
line. An ALB—Artificial Life Bot—verbally programmable, complete with simulated
skin and…ugh…life-like body fluids.”

Mav leaned closer. “You’re not suggesting that I—” He
blinked to clear the mental picture that filled his mind.

“That you take the place of the droid. Of course, just think
of the ‘undercover’ work.” Rebecca waggled her eyebrows.

“Fuck.” He had visions of being “undercover” with the
elusive Kari Marston in a way that had nothing to do with research.

Rebecca smiled. “Yeah, I imagine you’ll get to do a lot of

“It won’t work.” He couldn’t get involved with a suspect. It
was unethical.

“Why? You can’t take orders in bed? Fuck me harder, big
stud…lick my clit…tongue fuck meeee!” Rebecca squealed.

He poked her in the ribs. “Cut the shit.”

“We need a way into the inner circle of Orbmed. This is just
the ticket and if you get to fuck the info out of the target, so be it.”
Rebecca shrugged her shoulders. “It’s not as if she’ll be unwilling. She’s
willing to pay to have a robotic stud fuck her. Or are you afraid you won’t be
up for the job?”

Maverick grunted in response. He’d wanted to pierce Kari
Marston’s lips with his cock since he’d first opened the file. Her wavy blonde
hair, full rosy lips and shining blue eyes entranced him.

“I guess, if you’re getting paid to fuck, you’ll be a member
of the galaxy’s oldest profession,” Rebecca cooed smugly.

“Fuck off, Rebecca, or I’ll tell Holt your secret.”

“Bastard.” Her fingers flew over the keys as she pulled up
more information. “Hmm.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “What?”

“Do you mind shaving your cock and balls? That’s what
Marston prefers.”

Mav closed his eyes. He hoped she liked clean-shaven cocks
because she had a sucking fetish and not for some other reason. Her perfect bow
of a mouth would look just right wrapped around his shaft. He hardened at the

“This isn’t going to work.”

* * * * *

Does a pleasure droid sweat?
Mav was sweating. He
took a deep breath and placed his hand on the digiscan. A minute passed—two.
Kari Marston’s face appeared on the screen.

“May I help you?”

“I am Mav II, from Skytech,” he croaked in irritation.
Reduced to the role of pleasure droid, he waited for his dream woman to open
the door.

“Oh, just a moment.”

The entry to high-rise box 312 opened with a whoosh and Kari
stood before him. A scarlet blush colored her delicate features and her eyes
darted away, as if she were too embarrassed to look at him. “I wasn’t expecting
anyone to come out. I…I placed an order digitally.”

“Yes. That is why I am here.” Mav breathed deeply. His heart

“I didn’t expect— It’s supposed to be a discreet site.” Kari
licked her lips nervously and all his blood flowed downward.

“I am Mav II. I am discreet.” He had to remind himself to
speak in what Rebecca called “proper, stilted grammar”. It wasn’t his usual

Kari’s finely arched brows drew together and her full, lush
lips pursed. “Oh.” She blinked long, golden lashes as she finally allowed her
gaze to travel over him. “You’re the…droid?” She whispered the last word.

“I am Mav II.”

“Come in.” She moved to one side and he entered her
dwelling. The sweet scent of woman and honeysuckle teased his senses. His balls
tightened and his fingers flexed. She was close enough to touch.

“You fit my description to perfection. If I didn’t know
better, I would think you were…”

Setting his space pack down, he turned to face her and her
voice trailed off. Her gaze lowered to the bulge he couldn’t stop from
straining at his pants.

“Mmm, it appears they managed to more than fill my

“I hope you find me satisfactory.” It took all his control
to keep his voice at an even pitch while her curious gaze inventoried her

Gleaming eyes rose to his. “You seem real, except for your

“My eyes?”

“Yeah, those aqua irises are too beautiful to be real. I
didn’t make a request on eye color. I didn’t see his— Never mind. You are

Mav cocked his head to one side and eyed her curiously. She
was an extremely attractive woman. He had no idea why she’d chosen to buy a
pleasure droid. He was certain that attracting lovers would be no problem for

“I feel as if I should offer you dinner or something. Maybe
a drink. I’m not sure how…what to do,” she stuttered.

He struggled to hide a grin. “ALBs require sustenance to
survive, much the same as humans. Our bodies are capable of breaking down food
to fit our requirements but I am not in need of nourishment at this time.”

“Okay. So…this seems odd. I feel as if I’m having a
conversation with someone.”

“I have a logic chip. I am capable of conversation. I can
satisfy your need for communication. He stepped closer to her and she gasped a
shaky breath. Her eyes dilated and she warily watched him. “I am here to
satisfy your needs. I am programmed to meet all your wants and desires.”

“Oh my god.” She took a step backward.

“You may call me Mav. Are you in need of satisfaction?” He
had to bite the inside of his jaw to keep from smiling. Maybe the role of
pleasure droid wasn’t so bad after all.

A whimper erupted from her mouth. “I…” She coughed and
nodded her head. Her blue eyes melted as she stared at him.

Mav’s arms snaked around her, gathering her to his frame.
Damn, she felt good. As if she were made just for him.

“You’re warm,” she whispered.

“Yes.” A man burning alive usually was. “I was manufactured
to appear human in every way.”

“Do you…can you feel pleasure?”

“Yes. I have a sensory chip. I can feel pleasure.” Soon she
would know just how much pleasure he could feel and how much pleasure he could

“Can you have feelings for someone? Can you love?”

Mav hesitated. He was unsure how to answer that question.
Taking the easy route, he evaded. “What is love?”

“Never mind. Most men aren’t capable of love either. It
isn’t a requirement.” A shy smile curled her lips but her words held a tinge of

He didn’t reply. He couldn’t tell her that intense feelings
overwhelmed him just by holding her in his arms.

“Have you ever— Were you made just for me?”

“Yes.” He had to believe he lived in this world just for

“So you’ve never experienced pleasure?” Her wide eyes
watched him with curiosity.

He was getting in deeper and deeper. More than anything, he
wanted to tell her the truth but he couldn’t jeopardize the mission. “I have
been programmed and tested. I will not fail you.”

“I didn’t think you would. It’s just… I didn’t expect you to
be so…so real. I don’t usually…oh hell.” Kari gasped for breath as he trailed
his lips up the soft, sweet-scented skin of her neck. “You’re just an advanced
sex toy…right?”

“I am not a toy.” Mav pulled back and looked into her
troubled eyes. “I am a fully functioning sexual bot.” This was not a game, as
she would soon find out.

“You won’t think bad of me…no matter what we do, will you?”

Her question tore at his heart. He dreaded the day she
discovered the truth. Damn Rebecca for coming up with this scheme and damn him
for going along with it. “I am programmed to please you in every way possible.
I will do anything you ask, anything you need. I am incapable of thinking anything
between us would be wrong.” If he put too much feeling into the words, she
didn’t seem to notice.

She whimpered. “If only all men were hardwired like you.
Mav, uh maybe we should take this to the bedroom.”

Slowly, his arms slid from around her and her heavy-lidded
eyes flicked up to meet his. She turned, heading down the hall and his heart
leapt. Grabbing his bag, he followed her with light, eager steps. Her tight ass
distracted him and he almost didn’t notice the office as he passed. Slowing his
gait, he took a gander inside. It was a small room, filled with cabinets and a
long table. A vid screen sat on a corner desk. Littered across the desk were
files and digifiles. After he wore her out, he’d have to pay this room a visit.

Increasing his pace, he caught up to her as she entered her
room. He was surprised to find it absent of feminine touches. A plain, blue
silk temperature-controlled blanket covered an adequate-sized bed and a basic
dresser with the minimum of toiletries lined one wall. Next to a simulator
screen sat a doublewide massage chair. He arched a brow. That could be useful.

He looked back at the bed, where Kari stood looking nervous
and unsure.

“I guess you should take off your clothes.” She rubbed her
sweaty palms on her jeans. Her heart thumped as her eager gaze watched him. A
hot flash of lust seared her pussy and she cursed beneath her breath. How could
she feel more emotion for a droid than she’d ever felt for a man?

He inched his shirt out of the waistband of his pants.
Crossing his arms, he hooked the bottom of the skintight material with his
fingers and pulled. Golden skin gleamed over muscles simulated to perfection.

She drew in a sharp breath. “Oh my god. Your maker was a

He pulled the shirt over his head, mussing his short, dark
hair. It made him appear even more human. One thumb flicked the top buckle of
his pants and then moved to the next. Her throat parched as she waited for him
to part the material.

Finally he eased his pants and underwear over his hips and
the ruddy head of his cock peeked out. Slowly, inch by thick, delicious inch,
his cock was freed. She’d asked for ten inches. They’d given her an upgrade.
She’d never seen such an organ. Her panties dampened in anticipation. It had
been a long time since she’d been with a man—a long time since she had even
wanted a man.

“I…I…” Her breath hitched as she struggled to correlate
thought and speech.

“Do you wish to inspect your merchandise?” Mav II posed half
naked, without a trace of amusement on his face. His huge cock stood at
attention. He had to be a droid. A man would be smug as he stroked that rod and
she would have stroked his ego by drooling like an idiot.

“Have mercy.” Her hands trembled. She raised one to her
mouth. Biting a knuckle, she waited for him to continue. “I don’t see any
flaws.” It was obvious that bots had a superior physical design.

He kicked off his low-ride boots and stepped out of his
pants, and lifting one foot at a time removed his socks. Naked, he was
unbelievable. The bed brushed the back of her legs as he approached her.

“We will need to remove your clothes for me to perform to
proper satisfaction.”

“Yes we will but…” The tip of his cock trailed along her
denim covered stomach and her pussy clenched in need.

His warm breath fanned her exposed skin as he opened the
buttons on her blouse. Her utility bra was far from sexy but he didn’t comment
and she noticed he had no trouble finding the side closure. She wondered how
much detail his program contained. She didn’t have long to wonder as he was quick
to strip her and lay her on the bed. She shivered, lying bare on the cool
satin, naked to his pale, glowing eyes.

He certainly felt real as his body brushed hers, skin to
skin. One of his hands tangled in her hair, holding her head in place as his
face lowered. Velvet smooth, yet firm lips met hers. He tasted real. He tasted
of coffee and—man. His tongue traced her lower lip, just before his teeth
nipped her there. She gasped and allowed his tongue entry. He licked, suckled
and nipped at her mouth.

Lord, if he made love anywhere near as good as he kissed,
she was in trouble. She was out of practice, maybe she should have asked for a
beginner’s model.

His hair-sprinkled chest rasped her nipples as he gathered
her close. She groaned and her pussy dampened. Shifting against her, his huge
erection buffeted her stomach and she moaned. Oh…no, she liked this model just

She shivered as his kisses grew rougher and hungrier. This
wasn’t what she had expected. This was like making love, not using a sex toy.

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