MadeforMe (4 page)

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Authors: L.A. Day

BOOK: MadeforMe
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He raised his head. “Not this time. Not without me buried
deep inside your hot little cunt.” His thumb buffeted the nub his lips had just
left. “Ask me and I’ll end our torment.”


“Ask me. You don’t have to beg. Just tell me it’s my cock
you want deep inside you and not some robotic dick.” He shifted and his thick
cock head nudged her opening. She wrapped her legs around his hips, silently
begging him to enter her but he wouldn’t budge. She ached. She needed him,
wanted his cock buried deep.

“It’s you Mav. Only you.” As she watched, his pupils dilated
with desire. “Fuck me now…please.” She bucked hard against him.

“Kari, take it easy. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He palmed her bottom and held her still as he pushed with a
slow deep rhythm. His cock head entered her and her breath hissed out. His arms
shook from the strain of his restraint. She swallowed and tried to breathe as
he pressed forward.

“I wish you could see this. How beautiful you are opening
for me, swallowing me.” He shuddered. “Fuck! You’re so tight. So wet and

She’d expected discomfort but there wasn’t any. Just an
intense stretching sensation as he burrowed deeper inside her body. Locking her
legs around him, she pushed forward and impaled herself another inch or two
before he could stop her.

“Easy, Kari.”

“I want it all,” she said with a gasp, her spine tingling.

He laughed. “You’re going to get it all.”

“Now.” He felt so good, so right deep inside her.

“Pushy woman.” His gaze locked on hers. He tilted her hips
and surged deeper.

She gasped, “Oh my god!” Light flashed behind her eyes. His
cock and the vibe combined stole her breath. Emotions flooded her. Her heart
hammered and her pussy burned. It was stretched so tight.

“Are you okay?” Mav asked.

She nodded and rocked her hips. Her nerve endings tingled as
his cock throbbed deep within her. His male scent enveloped her and she
struggled to breathe.

“Kari, it’s so good. So tight and wet. Never before has it
been so…sweet.” His eyes met her misty gaze and he pulled back.

“No. Mav, don’t.” Her legs tightened around him and her
hands grasped his hips.

He thrust forward. “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.”

She relaxed her hold. Her tight inner muscles rippled and
the vibe sent pulses up and down his cock as he moved in and out. He wanted to
stay forever inside the sweetest haven he’d ever known but he needed to make
her come. He was afraid he wasn’t going to last much longer in her tight,
velvet grip. “I need to move harder, faster. It might get a little rough but I
really need to move.”

Holding her hips, he pulled back to the tip and thrust
forward. She moaned and closed her eyes. Inching out, he thrust in balls deep
and buffeted his groin against her swollen, protruding clit. A small scream
escaped her lips but he didn’t think it was a protest.

“Unlock your legs.” He brought them around to the front of
his torso, bent her knees and pressed them toward her chest. Then, with a
forearm across the back of her thighs, his free hand parted her folds.

“Mav.” She lifted her head and he met her gaze, which was
heavy with lust.

“Relax. You’re going to take me so good like this.” His
thumb circled her clit and his hips pressed down. He hesitated inside her. The
pulses from the vibe in her other canal rolled through him and he shuddered.

“Help me.” Her blue eyes widened. She gasped for breath.

“Don’t fight it.” He pumped his hips in rhythm. Her pussy
flexed and pulsed, milking his cock. Her tight cunt swallowed his shaft and
rippling contractions milked him.

“Fuck me, Mav.”

“You feel so good. Come for me.” He pressed hard, tight
circles on her clit as his hips pounded her, relentless in the pursuit of
pleasure. He clenched his jaw and growled, trying to stem the flow of his

Her feverish gaze met his and her hands grasped his hips.
“Now, Mav.”

Her pussy clenched and he swelled with pride as her eyes
dilated. His heart raced. Liquid heat surrounded him and he shuddered. His
release surged, wave upon wave of fiery sensation sweeping through him as he
spilled his seed deep inside her welcoming body.

Sated, he collapsed to her side and gathered her close.
“That was breathtaking.”


Reaching around, he removed the vibe. “Are you okay?”

She nodded.

Pulling her close, he relaxed. She was his. She’d come so
gloriously for him and now she belonged to him. Drained and at peace, he let
the darkness take him.

Kari couldn’t sleep. In the morning, she had to face Harmon
and prove he was behind the drug altering. The thought scared her but not as
much as her feelings for Mav. After tomorrow, he would walk out of her life and
she’d go back to her lonely existence. It would be better that way. She would
be safe. A man was a complication she didn’t need in her life. She’d promised
herself long ago that she would never be vulnerable to any man. She’d kept that
promise. She glanced at Mav’s sleeping form. His muscled chest rose and fell in
a steady rhythm and her heart pounded from just looking at him.

It would be better when he was gone. Men were a problem.
They were weak and fickle. Look at what Harmon had done. She wouldn’t let a
—control her life the way her mother had let them control hers.
Kari shuddered, remembering the stream of men and drugs through her mother’s
life. Her mother had been disappointed so many times and every disappointment
had brought more alcohol, drugs and another man. Another

* * * * *


She stilled her heart and turned, preparing herself not to

“I’ve had my shower,” she said. “You can get yours now.” His
eyes were drowsy and his hair mused from sleep but he looked good—too
good—lying in her bed, naked, his semi-erect cock stretching as it woke.

“What time is it?” he asked.


“It’s early. Why don’t you come back to bed?” He treated her
to a lazy grin.

“I’ve already showered.”

“You can shower again with me. I’ll even wash your back.”

She turned toward the door before she lost her resolve to
end it before she got hurt—any more. “I’ll order breakfast. It will be ready in
thirty minutes.”

“Kari.” His tone pleaded with her to stop but she didn’t
look back.

“Rebecca will be here in at six.” She hesitated by the door.

“Rebecca— What?”

“I found her e-dress on my vid last night and contacted her.
She’s bringing a transmitter. She liked my idea about confronting Harmon.”

“What else did she say?”

“Nothing.” She would not discuss the rest of their
transmissions nor that Rebecca had told her of Mav’s obsession with her. She
wouldn’t mention that Rebecca had figured out that Kari had seen Mav as he
observed her and that’s why her description of the droid fit him so well. She
was describing
—a stranger she’d seen in the market and couldn’t

* * * * *

While drying his hair with a towel, Mav found Kari busy in
the kitchen and ducked into her office. She had deleted the files from last
night but a few quick key strokes retrieved them.
Damn Rebecca.
scanned farther and a smile tugged at his lips.

He went in search of Kari. “What’s for breakfast?” He slid
his arm around her waist and nestled his cock against her bottom, cursing the
double layer of denim.

She stiffened in his arms. “I’m having a nutrish-shake and
you’re having organic bacon and eggs.”

“Smells great.” He inhaled her fresh, flowery scent. “Almost
as good as you do.”

“I’m sure you’re hungry, so sit down.” She stepped out of
his arms and placed his plate on the table.

“I am hungry…but I would have preferred to skip breakfast
and eat you.”

“Mav, I told you last night that it was a one-time thing.”
She grabbed her shake off the counter and slid into a seat on the other side of
the table. Her lowered lashes fanned her cheeks as she sucked on her straw.

He groaned as if in pain. He knew how good those lips felt.
“Just a good-time fuck?”

“I didn’t mean…” She glanced up and away.

“So, I could have been anybody, even a pleasure droid and it
wouldn’t have made a difference? You still would have come so hard you almost
passed out. Is that what you’re saying?”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.”

His lips curled. He’d like to put something else in her
mouth. He lowered his voice. “Could have been a stranger on the street or in a


“A stranger with short dark hair, tight jeans and
sunglasses.” Her gaze finally locked with his and he arched a brow.

“Damn you! You hacked into my system again.”

“Yep. I know you were describing me and you know I
downloaded your image into my cyber sex unit.” He grinned. “Rebecca has a big
fucking mouth.”

“She is blunt.”

“Wait until you meet her.”

“It should be interesting.” She licked her lips and his
pulse rate increased.

“Only believe half of what she says.”

“So, you only fucked about five hundred women.”

Mav choked on a bite of egg. “She’ll pay for that.”

“Just kidding.” Kari hesitated. “Mav, have you and

“No way. We’d kill each other.” He chuckled at the thought.
Rebecca wasn’t bad looking and she could be a lot of fun but she was more like
a sister to him than anything else. A computer geek sister with a wicked sense
of humor.

“Did you…before we met…did you have simulated video sex with
my image?”

Mav’s cheeks burned with the heat of embarrassment. He
hadn’t blushed in years. He met her curious gaze head on and nodded. “It didn’t
compare to the real thing.”

She smiled hesitantly. “I—”

“You have an unidentified guest.” A computerized voice
announced as a picture flashed up on the corner monitor, cutting off Kari’s

“That’s Rebecca. She has impeccable timing, as usual.”

“She’s pretty.” Kari turned and glared at Mav.

He twisted his lips. “Pretty evil.”

Rising to her feet, Kari crossed the room to open the door.
She couldn’t wait to meet Rebecca. She wanted to see for herself if there was
anything between her and Mav. “Hey, Kari, nice to meet you.” The petite redhead
whizzed right past her. “So stud, how’d she figure out you weren’t robotic?
Couldn’t you keep it up all night?”

Mav shook his head, his aqua eyes gleamed with amusement as
he met Kari’s gaze. “I told you—she’s pure evil.”

“Hey, I found a way for you to fuck dream girl here.”
Rebecca nodded Kari’s way.

“Rebecca.” They both said in unison.

“Yeah. I know, inside you’re both thanking me. I know it.”

“Did you bring the transmitter?” Mav asked.

“It’s in this ring. Kind of looks like an engagement ring.
Maybe you ought to put it on her.” Rebecca shoved the ring at him.

Kari was quick to hold out her right hand. “Does she have an
off button?”

“I haven’t found one yet but if you want to hold her down,
I’ll help you look.”

“Hey, I don’t get into that kinky threesome shit,” Rebecca

“Is there anything else I can do for you before you leave?”
Mav asked sarcastically as he tried to usher Rebecca toward the door.

“Yeah. Kari, do you want me to forward the ALB request I

“No,” Mav snarled.

“Uh, don’t worry about it. I’ll place the order myself.” Not
likely. Mav would be a hard act to follow and somehow the thought of a robotic
sex machine just didn’t do it for her anymore. Kari’s gaze flickered up to meet
Mav’s glare.

“You will want to adjust your description.” Rebecca
chuckled. “I’d ask for a blond.”

“Out.” Mav’s hand hit the scanner and the door slid open.

“See you.” Rebecca waved as she darted out the door.

“You see why I never tried to fuck her?”

“She’d probably criticize your technique.”

“What’s wrong with my technique? You didn’t complain last

“I didn’t say anything was wrong with it.” Hell, how could
he think that she thought that? She’d melted into a puddle under his touch.

“Then why’d you bring it up?”

“She criticizes everything.”

you criticizing my technique?” His brows shot

“No. Your technique is fine. It’s better than fine. It’s
wonderful—the best.” She’d always heard that men were sensitive when it came to
their sexual prowess or the size of their package but this was ridiculous.

“I’m glad we agree.” The corners of his eyes crinkled and
his lips curled.

“You were playing me.”

“Of course. I know that my technique is beyond reproach.”
Mav wagged his dark brows in her direction.

Smug little shit!

Chapter Three


“Can you hear me?”

Mav stepped around the corner. “I can hear you just fine.
Don’t hold the ring to your mouth when you talk. It causes static, plus it
makes you look really odd.”

Kari narrowed her eyes at him and tapped the ring on the

“Fuck.” He jerked out his earpiece and shook his head.
“Taking lessons from Rebecca?”

“I don’t need them. I do ‘bitch’ really well all by myself.”
She batted her lashes at him.

bitch.” He mouthed the words.

“I’m not
bitch. I told you, it was a one night

He smiled and her resolve melted.

“Just because I asked you to fuck me last night, doesn’t
mean we’ll continue to see each other. I’ll admit your practiced technique is
tempting but—”

“Kari, two of my men are listening to everything you say.”

“Oh shit.” Her hand flew to her mouth.

“It’s okay. They know I’m
to resist.” He
stressed the word hard as his hand outlined his erection.

“Mav.” She gasped, and to her horror, her panties dampened.

“It’ll wait. Now, you need to concentrate on your mission.
Stay calm. I’ll be right here. Don’t leave the front two rooms. Johnson’s
across the street with a laser. He’ll take Core out if necessary.”

She shook her hands as her breathing accelerated. “Oh my
god.” She couldn’t do this. She wasn’t an agent. What was she thinking?

“Take a slow, deep breath.”

She glanced at Mav’s confident smile and nodded. She
swallowed hard, closed her eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath. She could do
this. The drug dealing had to stop.

“I’ll be here.” Mav ducked around the corner as she pressed
the scanner.

“Kari, what a delightful surprise. Come in.” Harmon greeted
her cheerfully and she tried to decide if he sounded suspicious.

She entered the modern ultra bright room with a forced smile
plastered on her face. He moved around her to pick up the glass he’d left on
the table by the door. He shook the glass, clinking the ice. “What can I get
for you?”

“I don’t drink.” She moved farther into the room and glanced
at the floor-to-ceiling windows. She hoped Mav’s agent was in place.

“Ah yes. I remember.” He approached her and her nervous
fingers spun the ring.

“I’m pleased you decided to take me up on my open
invitation.” His booze-laden breath assaulted her senses as he leaned close.
The smell reminded her of other unpleasant times.

“I needed to speak with you.” She tried to meet his eyes but
his gaze was centered a foot lower.

He set down his drink and grabbed her hips, pulling her
tight against him.

“Harmon,” she reprimanded, trying to twist free as revulsion
rose in her throat. He was stronger than he looked.

“That’s right, honey. I like that. Rub those luscious
breasts against me. I knew the moment you walked in the door that you wanted to
fuck. I could smell your hot pussy.”

He groped her between her legs and squeezed her tender
flesh. “You’re wet. I knew it.”

She shoved at him but couldn’t break his hold. “Let go of
me. We need to talk,” she gasped.

“We’ll talk after I fuck you. You’ve made me wait too long
already. Don’t worry, I have protection.”


He ripped her blouse open. At the same time, a small blast
blew the door and Mav stepped through the smoky opening. “Get your fucking
hands off my woman.”

“Mav, I didn’t have time—”

“We don’t need him,” he snapped, cutting off her words. “We
have Justina Blake.”

Deflated, Harmon sagged against the wall. “Whatever that
bitch said is a lie.”

“Really?” Mav pulled Kari to his side and closed her blouse
as another agent entered.

“It wasn’t my idea. I just discovered the drug trafficking
scheme. I was going to report her,” Harmon babbled.

“Yeah? When?” Mav’s voice was a low growl. “After you raped

Harmon shook his head. “I wasn’t— She wanted it.”

“The recording will tell a different story. Don’t worry. They
like pretty boy rapists and drug dealers where you’re going.”

“No. You can’t— I have money.” Harmon’s eyes bugged and his
pale flesh turned pasty. “I can get you anything you want.”

“Attempting to bribe a federal agent will get you another
ten years,” Mav promised.

“Please,” Harmon begged.

Mav yanked the ring off Kari’s finger and squeezed it,
breaking the transmitter. He didn’t want the rest of their conversation

The other agent yanked his earpiece loose. “Fuck, Mav. You
could have warned me,” the blond agent bitched.

“Let me tell you something, Harmon. The moment you put your
hands on Kari, you sealed your fate. I’ll make sure you have overnight
accommodations in a containment cell with the biggest, meanest ass-fuckers I
can find. Tomorrow at arraignment, you’ll be talking a little higher, through
lips swollen from sucking cock all night.” Mav grabbed Harmon by the collar and
shoved him toward the other man. “Holt, take him down. We’ll be right behind

“Mav, you wouldn’t—” Kari gasped.

One of his dark brows shot up. “It’s what he deserves.”

“That might be but it doesn’t make it right.”

“He would have raped you, given half a chance.”

“I know.”

* * * * *

“Hey, Rebecca.” Kari looked up and smiled as her new friend
entered the room. Mav had brought her with him to headquarters and stashed her
in this room. Feeling as if she were a bug under glass, she shivered. She’d
spent her life inspecting and dissecting specimens and now she felt like one.
Four mirrored walls surrounded her. She didn’t know if there were people on the
other side or not.

“Hi, Kari. Mav sent me to keep you company. Whew, I was glad
to get out. Mav’s spewing fire. He went ballistic when Core touched you.”
Rebecca smirked.

“I should…I should leave now.” Kari glanced around, wondering
if Mav was somewhere nearby, watching.

“I wouldn’t advise it.”

“Is he watching us?” Kari eyed the wall of glass.

“I don’t think so.”

“I told him it was over.”

“You told him—” Rebecca smiled and lifted a brow. “Did that
go well?”

Kari shrugged.

“Believe me. He doesn’t think it’s over. I heard him on the
monitor when he called you
his woman
. And he told Holt that if he ever
looked at your breasts that way again, he’d ship him to Jesper’s Galaxy.”
Rebecca laughed. “Oh sugar, it’s far from over. Mav’s been treating you real

“What do you mean? Are you saying he’s not usually nice?”

“He’s nice in a totally dominating he-man way.”

“He’s violent?” Kari asked nervously. “I heard the threats
he made to Harmon.”

“He’s not violent. He’s protective…possessive. Although he
did tell me that when he got you home, he was going to turn you over his knee
and spank your ass for coming up with this plan. He’s pretty upset that Core
touched you.”

“He’s going to spank me?” Kari’s eyes widened and she sucked
in a shaky breath. Unwittingly, excitement flared within her. Her heart thumped
and her clit pulsed with a ripple of heat.

“Don’t worry, he’ll kiss it better or maybe he’ll
it better.” Rebecca’s eyes held a gleam of mischief.

“Rebecca, you have to get me out of here.” Kari panicked.
She stood and paced the room. She couldn’t let Mav have that kind of control.
She wouldn’t be dependent on a man. She couldn’t live as her mother had.

“No way. If I help you leave, he swore he’d tie me up and
deliver me naked to Holt.”

Kari stopped in her tracks and stared at Rebecca. “He
wouldn’t do that. It would be paramount to rape.”

“Not really.” Rebecca wagged her eyebrows. “He knows I cream
over Holt but he’s such a womanizing slut I refuse to let him know it. So far,
Mav’s kept my secret. If Holt knew, he’d whip out that big cock of his and I’d
be sucking it before you could count to three.”

“Men are pigs,” Kari whined, dropping back into a chair.

“Yep, but I have a feeling you’re going to be the one
squealing tonight.”


“Oh, get down off your high horse, Ms. Scientist. I saw your
eyes light up when I mentioned him fucking your ass. You know you want it a
little rough and dirty.”

“I shouldn’t want him at all.” Kari groaned and dropped her
gaze. “Men are so… I shouldn’t.” She knew better than to depend on a man. They
never wanted forever.

Rebecca nodded. “So, can I have your pleasure droid?”

“You want a droid that looks like Mav?” Kari narrowed her
eyes. Not for the first time, she wondered if Rebecca harbored feelings for
Mav. The thought didn’t sit well with her.

Rebecca screwed up her face. “Good point. Although I would
enjoy doing a few things to a pseudo Mav.”

“Mav’s right. You

Rebecca chuckled. “Things are really looking up around

“Why’s that?”

“The way I see it, Mav’s going to be in a real good mood
from now on, with you sucking him off every day.”

“Just for that, I’m going to tell Holt your secret. Then I
won’t be the only one on my knees.” Kari grinned as Rebecca pouted. Being a
bitch did have advantages.

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