Read Male Review Online

Authors: Lillian Grant

Male Review (16 page)

BOOK: Male Review
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“God, I love you, Meg Riley.”

“You’re just saying that so you can get in my pants.”

He flicked open the top button of her dress and ran his tongue over the flesh flooding out of her apparently skimpy bra. He tickled her cleavage, and then stopped to look at her. “Not to get in your pants, but getting you out of your pants is one hell of a good idea.”

Meg slipped out of his embrace and got to her feet. She flicked open the next button, revealing the top of her red satin bra. “I will if you will.”

No one could accuse Sam of being slow on the uptake. He tugged off his boots and threw them aside before standing and unzipping his jeans. Meg giggled and when he looked at her he couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he needed to tease her a little and start showing her who was the boss. This was a strip club after all, and what woman could resist putting on a show?

Chapter Thirty

Meg couldn’t believe she finally had Sam to herself. Tears welled in her eyes and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She loved him so much it hurt.

A frown creased his brow. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Perfect. I was just thinking about how much I love you.”

“Oh, baby.”

With two steps he covered the distance between them and crushed her in his embrace. She settled her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him. The scent of soap and cologne filled her nostrils. Her man smelled good enough to eat. She wiggled free and tipped her face up, parting her lips to accept his passionate kiss. His tongue took possession of her mouth. Heat rolled through her as he teased her tongue, and then nipped her bottom lip before plunging back inside her mouth like he planned to kiss her until they both died from lack of oxygen. Something started to probe her belly button and she couldn’t hold back a giggle. He was going commando and apparently part of his anatomy had escaped and wanted in on the action.

She broke the kiss. “So, how about that cross?”

He brushed her cheek with his knuckles and dropped a soft kiss on her lips. Stepping back, she admired his dick, which had indeed escaped the confines of his jeans and was currently primed and ready for action. She ran a finger over the moist tip, and then slipped it between her lips, raising an eyebrow as his cock danced in apparent appreciation.

When she reached out to touch him again, Sam grabbed her by the wrist and held her hand back.

She tried to tug free, but his grip tightened. Why wouldn’t he let her play with him? “What are you doing?”

“That’s not the way we play this game.”

His husky voice made her weak at the knees and she barely breathed out, “No?”

He let her wrist go, but thwarted any hope she had of touching him up when he stowed the pony and zipped up his pants. She pouted in disappointment. Now they’d found some time alone he was teasing her instead of getting down to work.

“If you want me to use the cross, we need to do this properly. You must follow all my instructions or risk punishment, and all you can say is ‘yes, Sir’ or your safe word.”

She lifted her eyes to his. His jaw was set and his eyes were dark. Standing with his arms folded, he looked like a man she shouldn’t trifle with. What exactly did he plan to do to her that she needed a safety word for?

“Safe word?” It sounded positively scary.

He flicked open a third button on her dress. “Yes, a word you wouldn’t normally say during sex. That way if you shout it out I know you’re not comfortable with what we’re doing.”

Was he worried he might go too far and really hurt her, or were his desires so kinky they might freak her out? Her heart fluttered and sweat dampened her palms. “Will I really need one?”

“It can’t hurt.” He stepped behind her and slipped his hands in the bodice of her dress, palming her breasts, making them ache and her nipples peak. “Safe word?”

She barely breathed out, “Jelly,” as he nibbled her neck and continued to torture her nipples.

The delightful interlude stopped and she felt Sam’s body shaking behind her. With a violent tug she pulled his hands out of her top and turned to glare at him. “What’s so damn funny?”

He was holding the laugh in as best he could, but she knew by the way his shoulders moved and the quirk to his lips he was still amused. Meg folded her arms and tapped her foot. “Well?”

“No, nothing.” He cleared his throat. “But why jelly?” A grin spread across his face.

“I figured if you planned to do something I didn’t like I should use something unpleasant and I hate jelly. You’ve really killed the mood now.”



He raised an eyebrow and folded his arms. “From now on you call me sir and other than answering a direct question, the only thing I want to hear from you is the word jelly.”

His grin wasn’t as wide, but she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Break the rules and I will spank you to teach you to be a good submissive. Understand?”


Sam raised an eyebrow. The stern look on his face sent a thrill through her.

“Sir.” God, she wanted him to do anything he wanted to her, the badder the better. She was doomed. If her mother found out, she would be locked in a convent for life.

“Good girl. Now, I want you to finish undressing for me and make the show sexy. This is a strip club after all.”

He crossed to the sofa and sat with his legs stretched out in front of him.

Meg didn’t move, not sure she could strip off seductively, even under orders.

“You need some music, baby, or are you just being disobedient?”

Oh God, the thought of music horrified her. If they made too much noise someone would turn up for sure and this was a one off performance for Sam’s eyes only. She shook her head and got busy with the rest of her buttons.

“Not so fast, Meg. I want to savor every inch of you. Imagine you’re trying to seduce me with your body. I want this to be as sexy for you as it is for me.”

Fat chance. But he was the boss. She chewed on her bottom lip and glanced around the vast open space. What if someone came in and saw her?

Sam got to his feet and she panicked. She’d disappointed him already.

“I can do better, sir.”

He crossed the space between them and ran his hands up her arms. “This isn’t a test. I want you to enjoy this too. Wait here, I’ve got an idea to help you get into it.”

Meg watched as he crossed the stage and lifted a red mask off the wall. She stood silently, letting him slip it over her head. Her heart pounded as the room disappeared, replaced by darkness. Warm lips caressed her shoulder and Sam’s deep purr sounded in her ear, “Relax. I’m going to start you off. Listen to my voice. I want you to follow what I say. It’s just you and me and nothing else matters. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

He patted her bottom affectionately. “Good girl.”

Heart pounding, Meg waited. What would he want her to do?

Nimble fingers undid the remaining buttons on her bodice and cool air wafted over her skin but it was the warm kisses slowly covering the top of her breasts that made her shiver and her nipples pucker, the abrasive feel of the lace making them ache. The kisses stopped and silence filled the space. She strained to hear something, anything, to give her a clue what would be next.

“Slip your dress off for me. Let the fabric caress your skin like a lover’s gentle touch.” Sam’s deep voice sounded distant, but the command carried easily across the room. She guessed he had retaken his place on the sofa.

With a slow nudge her left shoulder slipped free. She took a deep breath, imagining Sam stroking her with his long fingers as she slid the rest of the top off. Slowly she slipped the garment to her waist. The soft fabric left a trail of goose pimples as she anticipated Sam’s reaction once she revealed all of her dark red lace bra.

“Didn’t I tell you to take it off? Let me see all of you.”

Meg let the dress fall to the floor, a smile teasing her lips when a low groan echoed around the bar. The matching red thong appeared to be to Sam’s liking. Another moan raised her pulse and she felt a tug deep inside. She was a sexy woman and her man wanted her.

Standing in nothing but four inch heels and some very skimpy underwear, Meg held back a shiver. Sam had gone strangely silent. She fought the urge to tug the mask off to check he hadn’t made her strip, and then left her alone, or worse invited a group of friends in for a surprise party. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she started to open her mouth, but her words were swallowed in a brutal kiss which ended as quickly as it began, leaving her lips tingling and her body aching for more.

“Link your hands behind your head.”

Meg hesitated.

“Now, unless you want me to spank your deliciously ripe arse.”

She did as he told her.

Sam chuckled. “Good girl. Now your whole body is mine to play with. Don’t move and don’t orgasm unless I say you can or you’ll be punished.”

Meg swallowed and breathed more deeply as adrenaline rushed through her body urging her to flee.

When Sam caressed her cheek she pressed her face into him. “Do you trust me?”

Meg nodded.

“And you remember the safe word?”

“Jelly, sir.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her middle, holding her tight to him. She struggled not to drop her hands and fist them in his hair. The scent of his favorite musty cologne filled her nostrils. Her whole body flamed to life, all thoughts of running, overtaken by a wave of trembling lust. She focused on the feel of his hot demanding mouth and the growing erection pressed against her abdomen. A pulse between her thighs echoed every beat of her heart. Then his mouth and hard body were gone.

A hand slipped inside her bra and pulled her left breast over the top of the fabric. She fought to hold in a whimper, but lost the battle when Sam’s hot mouth tugged on her hard nipple.

He eased her right breast free and turned his attention to her other nipple. Heat flamed through her, making her knees shake. She dropped her hands and grabbed hold of Sam’s shoulders to help keep her balance.

The intimate massage stopped and a sharp slap bit into her left butt cheek. She sucked in her breath as the sting sent a pulse to her clit. He’d carried out his threat and the desire it sparked made her heart pound.

“Did you say jelly?”

“No, sir.”

He grabbed her by the hair, grazed her neck with his teeth and growled. “Hands behind your head then.”

Meg put her hands back and took a slow shaky breath as Sam kissed his way to her naked stomach. Moisture pooled between her thighs as she anticipated where his foray down her body could be heading. His warm lips traced a path to the top of her thong her heart rate lifting with each kiss.

“Open your legs.”

The commanding tone had Meg snapping to without hesitation. When Sam’s hair brushed her thigh she chewed her lip, not wanting to make a sound and risk having him stop. A warm tongue tickled her inner thigh and teased the edge of her thong. Her body shook. She felt lightheaded. All blood must have exited her brain in its rush to fill her hard, hot aching bud.

Sam’s tongue left her, replaced by cool air. She wanted to beg, but held on to what little dignity could be mustered standing masked and semi naked with her hands behind her head.

She heard Sam inhale deeply. “Hmm, you smell good, baby.”

Fingers slipped her thong aside and teased her opening. She could feel the dampness between her legs as a finger slipped inside her filling her aching void. Every muscle tensed as she teetered on the edge.

The wandering digit slid free, leaving her horny and devastated at the loss. How could she be so turned on by so little? One touch of her clit or another foray inside her and she would explode.

Sam kissed the back of her fingers as she felt him climb to his feet.

“Good girl. Now drop your hands and finish undressing for me.”

Desperate to be naked so that they could get to the good stuff, Meg dropped her hands and unhooked her bra.

“Slowly … it’s not a race.”

The word, “sorry,” slipped out before she could stop them

“Don’t be sorry. Turn around and take your bra off slowly.”

Meg hesitated.

His voice was a deep growl. “Forget to call me sir again and I’ll spank that beautiful arse you’re so busy hiding from me.”

Goose pimples marched over her skin. This was so hot. The memory of him turning her over his knee and spanking her flooded her mind. In that position he could do anything to her pussy. She wanted him to spank her, torture her, screw her silly, and then toss her aside. The thought horrified her and yet the throb deep in her abdomen and the dampness pooling between her thighs confirmed she wanted it.

Determined not to disappoint, she turned and undid her bra, letting the straps drop down her arms. With a gentle tug she pulled the garment free and dropped it to join her dress. Next she hooked her fingers in the sides of her thong and bent forward as she slid the thin silk down her legs. She took the time to wiggle the butt he threatened to smack in the hopes it would goad him into action. The moans of appreciation as he got an eyeful of her already swollen pussy sent a pulse of need through her. Apparently he had amazing control. This waiting was torture. She could smell her own arousal and sense Sam’s appreciation. Her whole body shook with desire and everything other than having Sam faded into oblivion, but apparently he had barely gotten started.

“Turn to me and take your mask off.”

She followed his masterful command, no longer bothered that he remained fully clothed while she was naked.

“You’re beautiful, baby.”

Her body warmed at the compliment.

Sam got to his feet. His erection bulged in the front of his jeans and she had a moment’s concern he might do some permanent damage to himself. When he reached her he tossed the mask aside. He circled her wrists with his fingers, acting like a human handcuff, a handcuff she was happy to have attached to her for life, and led her across the stage. His gaze never wavered from hers and she was sure he could see her shaking. So close and yet so far. She desperately wanted to bury her fingers in his hair and kiss him, but it seemed he had other ideas. When her back hit the cross he lifted one of her arms and snapped the cool metal restraint around her wrist. Suddenly concerned, she tugged, but he’d shackled her firmly to the timber. He did the same with the other one.

BOOK: Male Review
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