Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)
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When the kiss ends we pull away from each other breathless, staring into each other’s eyes.

“Come on,’’ he smirks, pulling me to the door.


It’s dinner time by the time I finally get five minutes to myself. I’ve searched for Malik since lunch started twenty minutes ago, but I haven’t seen him, Max or Myles for that matter. I start to give up that I’ll see him when the door to the lunch hall opens with all the Carter brothers walking in one by one. All wearing serious facial expressions, but it’s Malik’s furious one that has me glued to my seat completely frozen.

I’ve managed all day to avoid people seeing my eye, no one other than Mr. Rogers or Malik have seen it, or if they have they haven’t mentioned it to me. So when Denny yells out my name making me jump, I advert my eyes away from Malik over to her and I really shouldn’t have been surprised by her reaction, but I was. Not even Lilly paid this much attention towards me and we’ve been friends years.

“What the hell happened to you?’’ she demands, her eyes hard as she looks at my head wound. It’s not that bad, it’s mostly sore from the bruising, but the actual cut isn’t that big. It’s more like a scratch to be honest. Oh no! I’ve turned into one of those girls who down play the big things. When did I become her? My mom would pitch a fit if she knew I hid something like this from her.

“Long story,’’ I mumble not wanting to get into it, but then I don’t have to when Max slams his tray down next to Denny.

“That fucker got to her this morning,’’ he growls filling her in.

“Davis did this to you?’’ she whisper yells, her eyes filling with tears, something I really don’t need right now, my head is still pounding after all. It’s not like I can go to the nurse’s office for some paracetamol. They can’t give them out without written consent from parents or guardian.

“Look, I’m fine. Please, just drop it until later,’’ I beg, gesturing to listening ears around us.

She nods her head stiffly, obviously not happy about not being able to ask questions. She always knows how the rumour mill works in this school, and that it’s better to talk when people won’t be eavesdropping in on our conversation.

“Hey babe,’’ Malik whispers in my ear making me shiver. He’s never sat next to me before, he usually sits across from me or on the other end by Myles, but today, he’s sitting next to me with his chair pulled up next to mine. His friend Jake takes Malik’s usual seat next to Myles, giving everyone a chin lift. Jake is the lad who sits next to Malik in registration. He’s also the only other person apart from a few of Myles’s friends that I see sitting at our table. I asked Denny once what his deal was, but she couldn’t give me an answer which is unlike her. All she could say is that he’s quiet, a man whore and doesn’t speak to anyone other than Malik.

No wonder they’re friends.

“Hey,’’ I whisper, feeling a blush covering my cheeks.

“How you feeling?’’ he asks, reaching out to move the hair away from my eye.

Turning in my chair I look at him with soft eyes, loving that he cares this much to ask me, “Still got a headache, but other than that I’m fine,’’ I smile genuinely.

“Good,’’ he says then does something else that shocks the hell out of me; he leans in and kisses me. It takes me a few seconds for my brain to catch up, but it’s not long until I’m kissing him back, ignoring the cat calls from all around us.

We pull away breathless like always, Malik is giving me his cocky smirk which makes me smile shaking my head. Giving me one last peck on the lips he turns to study his food, with his one hand resting on my thigh.

Still in my Malik bubble it takes me a few minutes to realise the hall sounds quieter than usual. When I look around I notice mostly everyone is looking at our table. Some are whispering and some look like they’re catching flies with their mouths hanging open. I’m feeling pretty uncomfortable, so I lean into the table.

“Um, why is everyone staring over here?’’ I whisper to no one in particular.

“Because oh-almighty-one over there just staked his claim,’’ Max grumbles with a playful smirk.

“Why do you sound so upset?’’ Denny asks before taking a bite from her apple.

“Cause I wanted to claim her,’’ he says so seriously it makes Denny spit all her apple out, all over the table.

“Charming,’’ I laugh, thankful none of it reached over this side of the table.

“He’s kidding,’’ she says to herself.

“I am not,’’ he mocks, faking that he’s offended. “I lay awake the whole night wondering how I could steal her back from my jackass brother.’’

“What did you come up with?’’ I ask curiously making the hand on my thigh tighten. Looking over to Malik I grin before leaning in to give him another kiss on the lips making him smirk back at me. His expression is playful, amused and relaxed which is so unlike the broody Malik I’ve come to know.

“Well, a McDonalds would have been involved, my bed and a pack of condoms,’’ he winks making me laugh. “Or two.’’

“So romantic,’’ I tease, holding my hand over my heart, sighing dramatically.

“I know, I can’t help it. Romeo hasn’t got shit on me.’’

“Obviously, he actually got the girl,’’ Denny chuckles.

“Hey, they also killed themselves, I’ve got skills just watch,’’ he smirks before getting up to walk over to a table of girls. They all look at him with wide eyes before the giggles start. Within two seconds of being at the table he has his tongue down some girl’s throat.

“Okay, he’s got mad skill. When he comes back with STD’s you guys remind him of that,’’ Denny tells Malik and Myles.

“We do, we even left health clinic leaflets with his and Mason’s condoms the once, I don’t think they were even opened,’’ Myles laughs.

We all laugh with him, but Denny’s laugh doesn’t sound real and I realise it’s because of them mentioning Mason. She really does have a mad crush on the lad. She’s always staring at him, her mind obviously picturing her future with him whenever he’s around. I’m also sure she has been texting him for the past week, but I’m not one hundred percent sure.

We talked about him once a few days after he dropped her back home from mine. She said he was so sweet, acting differently to the way he usually acts around girls. Even admitting she preferred the Mason he was when he was with her, which I could understand if what she said about him to me is true. I just hope he doesn’t break her heart. Even I’ve seen the way he looks at her and to be fair, it is different to how he looks at other girls. Not that I’ve actually seen him with loads of girls.


Last lesson is geography. It’s also my worst lesson here as neither Malik nor Denny are in here with me. But of course Davis is. I’d made sure to be one of the first in to class so that he couldn’t catch me out in the hall alone. I really don’t feel like adding more bruises to the ones he’s already inflicted on me today.

The classroom has a few students already seated, so I take my usual seat towards the front by the teacher. I’d learnt as soon as Davis would be in here to be as close as possible to an adult. Not that the geography teacher Mr. Haynes would do anything. He has to be one of the most laid back teachers I’ve met so far. He doesn’t shout when the class becomes too noisy, or confiscate a phone if someone has it on.

I’d even heard one of the girls in Hannah’s little group bullying one of the nerdy girls once and he said nothing. If I could hear them, then I know for damn sure he could have, which really pissed me off.

Davis walks in with his eyes to the ground, making my palms sweat. The teacher isn’t here yet, and although I know he’s a pretty shitty teacher, I’d still rather have him here when Davis was.

Thinking he’d forgotten I was in this class I sink back in my seat relaxing somewhat.

“What? She got them to hit you because you wouldn’t take her out on a date?’’ a girl says from behind me making my back straighten.

“Yeah, it looks like someone doesn’t like being told no,’’ Davis lies, his voice full of venom.

“Silly tramp,’’ Hannah sneers, butting her nose in. “Who does she think she is coming to our school thinking she’s all that? I can’t wait for someone to knock her down a peg or two.’’

“I know what I’d love to do to her, the lying bitch,’’ Davis growls making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge.

The teacher walks in just as someone throws something at the back of my head. My head flies forward making everyone in the classroom laugh loudly. When my eyes land on the teacher he just looks at me like he’s looking through me, so I do the only thing I can do, I stand up, shoving my shit in my bag.

“Where do you think you’re going Miss Evans,’’ he asks piping up for the first time.

“Home,’’ I mutter.

“What, are you too good for school now?’’ Davis says amused.

I turn around to look at him for the first time, shocked slightly when I see his bruised face. Looking at his deep scowl immediately lets me know who used their fists to do that to him. He’s bullying me because he can’t pick on someone that can challenge him. I thought I would feel angry about provoking him more, but I don’t. I don’t agree with fighting, it doesn’t solve anything, but something tells me it’s the only thing Davis understands.

“Need a picture babe?’’ Hannah laughs.

“Why don’t you just leave me alone? I don’t want anything to do with you or want to listen to whatever shit you’re going to cook up next...’’

“Harlow, that’s enough,’’ the teachers firm voices cuts through my rant.

“No, what’s enough is you. You just walked in this classroom and watched them throw whatever the hell it was they threw at me and said nothing. When they sit there tormenting other students, you sit there and do nothing. Now that I’m speaking up for myself you actually decide to be a teacher? I don’t think so,’’ I snap.

“Go to the principal’s office right now,’’ he barks.

“Don’t worry, I’m going,’’ I snap grabbing my bag and ignoring all the other insults the class throws my way.


Chapter Nine


“What on earth were you thinking getting into trouble this close to finishing school?’’ Gram’s says.

Yesterday after storming out of geography, I’d gone straight to the principal’s office like I’d been asked to. I had told her what had happened and what always happens in his class, I even went as far as to tell her what happened to my face.

Then when I got called in today the principal said she had spoken to Davis and the teacher. Davis had told her he had no idea what happened to my face just like I knew he would. So, it’s his word against mine.


Mr. Haynes however, had basically pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. I swear to God, I’d love to go into his classroom and kick him in the shin. He had said I was being disruptive in his class, using bad language and using threatening behaviour towards him and other students.

I call bullshit, but whatever, the school will side with him. He’s a teacher after all. I heard adults turn around to other parents about how they couldn’t get paid enough to work with a bunch of teenagers, but what they don’t realise is that the majority of the time, it’s us who can’t put up with the teachers or their methods. They say respect your elders, but then, I could hold doors for old people and not even get a thank you. Sometimes it’s not always about respect but about treating people the way you want to be treated by others.

“Grams, I told you what happened. Why is everyone around here so bent on making my life hell?’’ I say feeling tears in my eyes. If my mom and dad were still here they would have gone down to the school or around their parents houses and had it out with them if something like this was happening to me. Not here though, everyone seems to be okay with brushing into under the rug.

“Hey dear, I know you told me what happened, but your principal tells me a different story. I’m just trying to get the facts Harlow, not blame you.’’

I scoff, “Yeah, why would they take a student’s side over the teachers? That would look really good with the school board wouldn’t it,’’ I bite out sarcastically.

“I see your point. I’m going to go in on Monday to have a word. I don’t like this Davis boy. He’s bad news. Also, you can take your geography lessons either back here or in the library. I’m not having some teacher bully you.’’

“You believe me?’’ I breathe, wondering if I’m hearing her correctly. I thought the whole point of this conversation was because she didn’t believe me. Now I’m confused and a headache is forming.

“I’m always on your side sweetheart. I know what school can be like. Not all teachers are bad though, so please don’t let this ruin your education.’’

“Oh Gram’s,’’ I say, feeling tears fall from my eyes as I reach over to hug her. “That means so much to me. I’ve been so scared that I was on my own handling all of this.’’

“On your own? You’re kidding right? I had Malik here first telling me you were telling the truth, then Max and Myles. Why they just didn’t come together is beyond me,’’ she tuts.

“So you only believed me cause they told you?’’ I ask feeling hurt.

“Oh no honey, I believed you before. Mr. Haynes was in your mother’s year at school. He was an ass then too,’’ she says making me giggle.

“Thank you. I love you Gram’s.’’

“Not as much as I love you, sweetheart,’’ she chokes out, her cold hand reaching to palm my cheek.

The doorbell rings so I take a step back from Gram’s embrace to go and open it. None of Gram’s friends come round really and Mark just walks in without knocking.

“That will be Denny. It’s still okay that we go out, right?’’

“You go out and have fun. It’s about time you went out, just remember your curfew madam.’’

“I will, Denny said Mason can drop me home when he finishes at midnight, so I may be a few minutes late. Is that okay?’’

“He’s such a lovely young boy. Wish he’d settle down. Tell him I said straight home,’’ she winks before I rush to open the door.

I’m excited for tonight. It’s the first time since I’ve moved here that I’ll be going out with anyone other than my Gram’s. She’s taken me to a few places, but with her age, it’s been pretty boring. The market had been the worst, no scratch that, the car-boot was by far the worst. It had been at six in the morning in the freezing cold rain when we got there. She didn’t leave until she had her push-a-long filled to the brim.

“Hey,’’ I say answering the door.

“Hey girl. Let’s go get ready,’’ she squeals before following me up to my room.

Once we’re up there she flops herself down on my bed, emptying the bag of clothes she brought with her.

“Why do you have so many clothes?’’ I ask. Denny is staying the night, but looking at all the stuff you’d think she’s going to be staying here for weeks.

“I brought some for you just in case. You want to look good for your man. Speaking of... what time is he on?’’

“He said he’d meet us there,’’ I tell her confused.

“No, what time does he race?’’ she says rolling her eyes.

“Huh?’’ really confused this time.

“Oh-Em-Gee, Malik didn’t tell you did he?’’

“Tell me what?’’ I ask frustrated.

“He races Harlow. In fact, he’s one of the best that takes part. You should see him in his uniform, hot as hell,’’ she grins.

Malik races? He never said anything. Though, when we were in his room a while back I did notice some bike posters stuck on his wall. It actually hurts that he didn’t tell me.

“Is that even legal?’’

“Yeah, it’s all done professionally. Malik only races over here though and when the money is good enough he will leave town. He’s pretty well known too. People from all around the country come to just watch him.’’

“That’s great,’’ I say, ignoring my hurt feelings. Maybe he thought I knew or that he had already told me. Who am I kidding? Lately when we hangout we’re always locked in a deep, heated kiss. There’s not been a lot of talking going on. Just thinking about his lips has me brushing my finger across mine.

“Come on then. You can wear your black leggings with your brown boots and you can borrow this off the shoulder brown jumper. It will suit you. Will you let me do your makeup?’’

“I thought this was going to be in the middle of a field? Won’t I need wellies and keep my hair up?’’

“God no,’’ she says sounding horrified. “You need to dress up because of the party we’re going to after. I always go dressed for both. Most girls just go dressed in hardly anything. The one year we went we’d had rain for a week straight. Hannah and her possy of friends went dressed up in dresses, high heels, their hair and makeup all done up and ended up looking like drowned hookers by the end of the night,’’ she snickers making me giggle.

“Okay,’’ I agree taking the items from her. “As for the makeup, I don’t mind, but keep it natural and low please. I’ve never worn much of it because my parents said I never needed it, but I’ll let you. After all, my boyfriend seems to be a stud around here,’’ making us both end up in a fit of giggles.


The night air is cold as we make our way down to the field where all the adults and half the school are all either seated or standing. The place is crammed full of people trying to get a good look. When we walk farther in we have to shout over the revving of the bikes and lean in to hear each other. The place is crazy and there seems to be loads going on all at once.

“Where are we gonna be standing?’’ I shout over the roar of the bikes, my eyes trying to search Malik out in the herd of people.

“Over there,’’ she points, pointing to a few people I recognise from school.

We make our way over hand in hand, stopping to say hello to a few people on the way. None of them really speak to me, but I’m okay with that.

“This is crazy,’’ I shout over to Denny, my eyes trying to take everything in.

“Yeah, you should see it after. Everyone goes wild when one of our own wins.’’

“So it’s not only Malik who races from around here?’’ I ask confused.

“No,’’ she says dryly, rolling her eyes. “Davis. It’s why he and the Carter brothers don’t get on. Mostly! He tried to take Malik out one year by causing a crash. The fucker didn’t even get points taken off of him. They reckon his brother threatened the bloke that runs it, which sounds believable; he’s a complete jackass.’’

“Oh my God,’’ I gasp, my heart beating hard to the point I’m scared I’m having a heart attack. After everything that happened yesterday at school, if Davis is out for revenge then he’ll use this as a way to get it. How could she have not told me this before now? Maybe I could have talked Malik out of racing, I don’t know.

“Don’t worry; Malik knows how to handle himself and the bike Harlow. Davis just has a stick up his arse because he’ll never be as good as Malik. In school and out of it, Malik is in his own league. Come on, we’re here to have fun,’’ she grins, easing my stomach somewhat.

I nod my head, just as two large hands come around my waist making everyone around me go wide eyed. Squealing loudly for whoever it is to put me down, I kick out hoping to connect to whoever it is, but end up kicking thin air.

“Hey, that’s no way to treat your future brother-in-law,’’ Mason teases as he slides me down his body.

Turning around I smack him in the chest, “You scared the hell out of me,’’ I laugh, looking around for Malik.

“He’ll be here in a second. He’s just finishing off with the checks and stuff,’’ he winks reading my thoughts, but his eyes drift back to Denny, and they’re full of lust as he takes her in.

I just roll my eyes, “How come you’re not at work?’’

“I always come to watch the little brother race. Maverick is here to somewhere. Probably off banging the chick that stopped him on the way in.’’ He chuckles when he sees the disgusted face I make. “Don’t worry. He isn’t like me or Max,’’ he laughs.

“I bet,’’ I tell him dryly.

“Where is she?’’ he asks and I know he’s on about Denny. When I turn to find her not at my side, I frown. It’s then that I see her talking to a boy I haven’t met yet. They’re standing intimately close together, laughing at whatever the other is saying. It makes me grin to see this fun, easy side of Denny. She’s always so serious, most of the time. Her eyes keep looking back over to us every so often and at first I thought it was because she was checking that I was okay, but when she laughs again I notice it’s forced.

“Who the fuck is he?’’ Mason growls making me turn back to him. That’s when it clicks. She’s playing hard to get with him or trying to make him jealous and by his tone I’d say she’s doing a bang up job.

“Somebody that obviously likes her,’’ I bait him, hoping to get a reaction out of him, and it does, his whole body goes hard, including his eyes focused on them.

“Why would she like a skinny ass kid like that?’’ he scowls making me chuckle. “Introduce us,’’ he says it so seriously it has me taking a step back.

Introduce him? I don’t even know who the guy is to introduce him to someone. How freaking weird would I look if I did that?
Hi boy, this is Mason, Mason this is boy.
Yep..., so not doing that.

Thankfully, Malik chooses that moment to walk into our little huddle looking hot as sin. He’s got his racing kit on, and holy noodles, I’ve never seen him look so hot. His one hand is cradled around the helmet that is tucked under his arm; it only makes him look even hotter. He looks so at ease, so well poised, I feel myself becoming hot just looking at him.

He notices me checking him out and a wide grin spreads across his face. I’m still checking him out when he finally closes the space between us. Tilting my head back so I can look up into his stormy dark eyes, I grin, loving how much warmth is there when they greet me.

“Hey hot stuff,’’ I tease.

“Hey babe,’’ he greets with a dry, husky chuckle. “I didn’t know you were coming,’’ he frowns.

Did he not want me to come? Is that why he never mentioned it to me before? Shit. Why did I not think about this before? Crap. Now I’m probably coming off as some clingy girlfriend. If that’s what I am to him, he’s never given us a label. For all I know I could be just a little bit of fun until something better comes along.

“Did you not want me here?’’

“No, it’s not that babe. It’s just that Davis comes here with his brother. His brother is in a rough gang that live on the Linton estate; it’s why I never thought to ask you to come. His brother is a bigger twat than he is. I only thought you’d come to the party.’’

“Oh, well, I’m glad Denny asked me; otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten to see you looking this hot,’’ I wink.

“Hot huh?’’ he asks pressing my body against his.

“Definitely hot,’’ I breathe, my face so close to his I can smell the peppermint on his breathe. His eyes turn a stormy dark colour, almost looking black as he stares down into mine.

“Get a room,’’ Mason coughs into his fist.

“Go away,’’ Malik says not taking his eyes from mine as he brings his lips to mine. The taste of peppermint is strong when he massages his tongue against mine, and I have to bite back a moan. My hands cling to his protective racing gear as I devour him. Every time I kiss him, I get lost in him, the feel of him, the taste of him; he makes me forget everything. He makes me feel hopeful for the first time in a long time.

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