March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7) (5 page)

BOOK: March With Venus: 94 Love Games (Book 7)
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Be worthy of the things you seek.

You want to implement some of the love games you’ll read in this book?

Well, make sure you deserve the romantic leap of faith you want your partner to grant you.

Simple as that.

Going back to the notion of karma, do to others what you want to receive in return.

So make sure you deserve the things you seek.

The notions of relationship bliss, gratefulness and patience suggest that you pray for something, you wait and things come.

That is true, but the trick is that you must be worthy of what you are awaiting. If you seek work, be worthy of the position you want. Polish your resume, beef up your experience, educate yourself and be in sync with what the industry and your potential employer would want in a candidate.

If you are looking for love, be in the right mental and physical attitude to attract a potential mate. If you want peace, surround yourself with peaceful and grateful folk.

Being grateful and patient is only one part of the job; the other part is being aware of what it takes to get what you want – and just do it.

Pay attention to detail.

In a relationship, as in life, details sometimes matter more than the grander picture.

To ignite your passion and your lover’s, pay attention to detail…and not just with your lover, but with everyone else.

I guess what I’m saying is to subtly increase your value in your partner’s mind by doing random acts of kindness occasionally – well, not occasionally, I meant
all the time.

Not all acts of kindness make the headline news, and the truest deeds of generosity sometimes are hidden, buried into details.

And that is where true gratefulness comes into play. You are thankful not just for a small thing, but for a small thing that is insignificant, part of everyday life, buried into existential minutiae.

For example, thank a distant relative for remembering your birthday each of the last 10 years. Show your appreciation for the person who has cleaned your workspace or house for the last five years.

Thank a close friend for having supported you in sad and happy times since elementary school.

Be in the moment.

There’s nothing more important than “being in the moment,” especially when your lover is not into love games and you are the one initiating things.

Even if you are not, paying attention and being present at all times will do wonders to your relationship, combined love life, and future as a couple.

So dear reader, are you with me at this moment?

Are you, or are you not?

Let’s do this again.

Are you reading this book while mulling, say, over the next big thing happening in your life or the big problem currently tormenting you?

Are you here… or are you there?

You see, attention is imperative in certain things, even if you are by yourself, working on something important.

The power of meditation and contemplative effectiveness —meaning you achieve more by not budging much — is very real.

Right now, I’m talking to you — well, I’m actually typing these words — and I’m really in the moment. I feel the words, the concepts, the phrases, the discourse that I’m sharing with you.

I’m with you, in the moment.

Are you?

Are you?

I think now you are, assuming you weren’t before. That’s the same level of attention I suggest you display when working on something or talking to someone.

Be in the moment.

Whenever you are with someone, be present and be in the moment.

In other words, pay attention to everything around you at that particular moment. Heed what the person is saying. Focus on what you are doing.

Many people spend time thinking about other, unrelated things when they do something. For example, they might be pondering their problems when someone is talking to them.

Rather than listening to that person and gleaning as much information and wisdom from him or her, they would be thinking about something irrelevant, temporary or minor.

The bottom line: they lose twice. Number one, they think about something they have been thinking about for a while, and will be thinking about again; and number two, they miss out on wisdom their interlocutor might want to hand them.

Always be in the moment.

Be creative.

I love creative couples, whether it is in real life or on the big screen.

Creativity spurs your imagination, activating millions of neurons in your brain. What a fantastic ability to exercise your neuronal system!

To be creative, just be yourself. Don’t imitate someone else, and don’t follow rules that someone somewhere has set some time ago.

Being creative means you take advantage of your inner talent — and believe me, we all do have something special in us.

With that inner talent, explore as much as you can. Explore things at work, in your personal life, in your public aspirations, and your private quests.

Creativity is not just for those artistically inclined. You can find creativity in every walk of life, even in sciences.

The other day, I was chatting with a retired oceanographer, and in the midst of the conversation, she told me that an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

Didn’t see that coming!

I didn’t even remember why she said that, but that fact stuck in my brain…which, hopefully, is bigger than my eye.

I wonder whether an ostrich, with its smaller brain, was able to live a full life, in accordance with its ecosystem and metabolic requirements.

And the answer was yes.

So I wonder why you, dear reader, whose brain is bigger than the eyes, cannot be creative. Of course, you can!

I challenge you to be more creative, to use both your eyes and your brain to innovate and improve your life, and to awaken the inner and happier you.

To awaken the happier you and bring back that mojo that’s dormant in you, see

10 Commandments to Follow When Implementing Your Love Games

1. Don’t be ashamed of your fantasy.

2. Be tolerant if your lover does not share your sexual reveries – or worse, finds them repugnant or filthy.

3. Remember you cannot, and should not, try to fulfill all your fantasies.

4. Keep in mind fantasies evolve with time, and what you find appealing today might not be so in the near or distant future.

5. Don’t do onto others what you would not want others to do you – so don’t pursue fantasies that harm others, including your lover.

6. Treat your fantasies as fiction, just like movies. Not everything in a movie is true.

7. Heed your darling’s sensitivities before implementing any love game, even if he or she likes the idea.

8. Stop immediately when a play goes awry, not according to plan, especially when it causes physical or emotional discomfort to your lover or anyone else involved.

9. Continue to work on your fantasies, and seek inspiration from everything around you, including TV and friends. Keeping your sensual muscles fit and flexing them when needed are good practices that can energize your relationship in the long term.

10. Create a joint fantasy with your partner, and renew it occasionally to keep the passion present in your couple. Working on a common erotic goal can do wonders to enliven your marriage or relationship.

A Few More Things

Be patient.

I am glad you are reading this section now. That means you are patient enough to start a book and read it all the way to the end.

Now, that part is easy. Here comes the big question:

How patient are you?

When was the last time you were on the phone calling your utilities company’s customer service without throwing all your ire onto the service representative?

When was the last time you waited, without sighing, that your wife, husband or young child finish what they were doing before leaving the house?

Are you patient with yourself?

These questions are pivotal, and I’d love to hear your side of the story, of your story.

Well, I cannot hear your answers now, but be honest with yourself: How patient are you?

Patience goes hand in hand with perseverance. The former feeds the latter. You cannot be perseverant if you are not patient.

Patience is not an attribute of the weak, but a virtue of the strong. Those who wait long enough are those who deserve to savor the positive outcome for a long time. Remember that.

At the end of the day, the major things in your life will come to you at the right moment, not when you want or need them.

So you might as well save time, energy and resources by being patient. Sometimes, not doing anything is better than always being active, because you might make mistakes that would jeopardize your life progress for a long time.

Control your thoughts.

Your thoughts play a pivotal role in the success – or failure – of your romantic games.

Whether you believe it or not, at this very moment you are reading this booklet, your thoughts are going to shape your day…and life.

Did you just hear what I said? Your thoughts will shape your day, codifying what you judge as good or wrong during the next 24 hours.

You thought those were driven by your value system, right?

I can tell you now that nothing in your value system impacts how you see life, say, in the next few hours.

Your thoughts do.

When faced with a serious existential problem, say, unemployment or terminal cancer, a Republican or Democrat, politician or private citizen, religious person or hardcore agnostic will react the way his or her mind dictates at that particular moment…not in accordance with a long-held moral value or political dogma.

It is all about your mindset, you see?

Whether you are going to have a good day depends on your own thoughts.

Always control your thoughts, and suppress any negativity when it is burgeoning.

In other words, kill bad thoughts as soon as they emerge.

Don’t let them simmer, take shape, grow and expand from the original small mental tidbit.

Your thoughts, whether negative or positive, are similar to money, exactly like interest you earn or pay every day when you have debt or have money deposited in the bank.

To come back to stress, negative thoughts that emerge in your mind grow exponentially each time you revisit them, nurture them, tweak them and modify them.

Love art.

I know what starts your romantic engine off, but for me, and some people I know, arts play a big role in stimulating the sensual and sexual senses.

Arts are the basic yet most sophisticated forms of human expression.

Whether it is music, painting, sculpture, theater… you name it, the art form you choose will help you elevate your mind and skills.

This is because living beings like to express themselves through art, at a very basic level.

The sophisticated part stems from the fact that it takes sometimes a lifetime to learn and master the ropes of an artistic profession.

If you don’t love arts, you cannot love others. You don’t have to like the same form of art I relish, though.

What matters most is an artistic gateway that allows you to express yourself openly after seeing how others have expressed themselves.

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