Marked for Pleasure [Blood Bond] (2 page)

BOOK: Marked for Pleasure [Blood Bond]
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They moved from room to room, the brothers surrounding her like a personal entourage. She was relieved that Christian’s, and later Joseph’s room, had a bit more character but still less than she’d hoped to find. When she’d spoken with them in the past it had been difficult for her to get any of them to divulge anything personal about themselves, not even commonalities such as work or family. Heidi had hoped to get a glimpse into their characters by their bedroom décor, but no such luck. There were no photos, trophies, sports memorabilia, or souvenirs—nothing to indicate they lived a full life. Her little apartment was a shrine to her life growing up, so it was difficult for her to understand living so minimally. It was just weird being inside the house she’d watched with curiosity for so many years. She’d certainly entertained fantasies of visiting these bedrooms on a dark, stormy night.

As they began to leave Joseph’s room, the last on the second level, he barred the entrance with his arm. She jerked her head to the side to gauge his intentions, her nerves already on edge, being alone with the DeVilles.

“My room’s going to have your scent for days to come,” he said in his deep, silky voice. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep at night.” He bit his lower lip, gently releasing it as he awaited her reaction.

She swallowed the frog in her throat and tried to disguise the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Joseph resembled a predator sizing up his prey. A wash of apprehension and excitement flooded her body, nearly making her dizzy. These were real men—strong, confident, and wealthy. They didn’t have to behave. She imagined they took what they wanted, when they wanted it. Joseph didn’t actually want her, did he? Although she had good skin and hair, it wouldn’t hurt for her to lose a few pounds. She was nothing special, in looks or status. And he’d had numerous chances over the years, and especially the past couple weeks, to make a move.

“I’m sorry. It’s my mildest perfume.”

He used his free hand to tilt her chin up, his arm still blocking the door. “I never said I didn’t like it, Heidi. And I wasn’t talking about your perfume—”

“Okay, that’s enough of Joseph’s room.” Christian plowed through the arm barring the entrance and entered the hallway, followed by Francis. In those few moments, time had stood still, and she felt a dizzying lust encompass her. As soon as Christian broke them apart, the warmth fizzled away, leaving her feeling bereft.

* * * *

Joseph wanted to knock his younger brother through the wall. He could sense Heidi’s desire, her willingness to submit, but Christian spoiled their moment. It was Joseph’s idea to hire the cute, young blonde from down the street. His attraction for her only grew over the past five years. She was a forbidden fruit, and he was no saint. As often as Francis reminded him to keep his distance, he continually found himself trying to run into her when she was in town in the evenings.

He’d seen her ad in the local paper advertising her recent position at a new real estate agency. After that, there was no choice in whom they’d use to sell their home. He needed that excuse to get closer to her even though he knew he should be staying away.

The little human brought out all his base desires. His mouth watered and fangs lengthened every time she came within five feet of him. No woman turned him on like this, made him so needy and desperate for release. Over the last few years, Heidi had blossomed into a beautiful woman, and he hadn’t failed to notice. He’d watched her, fantasized about her, but knew better than to involve himself with a neighbor.

Everything took a turning point when he’d visited one of her open houses last year. They had money, so it wasn’t unusual for him to be looking at office space downtown. He’d come in late, after the sun set, and was the last client to view the unit. They’d talked about business and weather, but before long he was massaging her shoulders. She never resisted, only thanked him and told him how skilled he was with his hands as she leaned back in the chair. All he wanted to do was show her how
he was in other areas, but he’d behaved and remained a gentleman.

Her neck had been unblemished, smooth, and pale. His fangs lengthened from the sight alone, and his cock hardened as she made soft mewling sounds each time he squeezed her shoulders a little harder.

Ever since that day, there was a powerful sexual energy between them whenever they’d meet. If it wasn’t for Francis being a constant drag, telling him to stay away from the tempting little human, he’d have already tasted her and fucked her long and hard.

To have a real woman, one with virtue, innocence, and natural beauty, would be a treat. If only his brothers felt the same way. Christian, he may be able to sway. He could see the glint in his eyes when Heidi was around. Francis was another story. Their eldest brother was a stickler for the rules, never involving innocents in their depraved vampiric lifestyle.

“Do you have a survey for the property?” she asked as they returned to the main level.

Christian pulled out a chair for her in the kitchen. “I’m sure we can find one for you.”

“Good. As soon as I can get all the paperwork together, we can get it on the market. I’ll have to come by later to take pictures and a video for the virtual tour.”

He barely paid attention to what she said, too transfixed on the fullness of her lips and flush on her cheeks. Her blood would be sweet, delectable. She was a vision of purity, and he wanted to own her, teach her the pleasures of the flesh. He didn’t have to be told she was a virgin. He envisioned her under him, her chest rising and falling as she fought for control, her blonde hair sprawled across his sheets.

Would he dare to bring her into the basement?


He focused on the here and now, looking to Christian for clarification. “Huh?”

The fence line.
Didn’t you have the property line marked before we had the wrought iron put in?”

“Oh, right. In my office.” His control was wavering. He needed the escape to get his faculties together. As he slipped away to retrieve the documents, he heard those fuck-me heels closing in behind him. “I’ll be right back,” he called over his shoulder.

Yes, he wanted her but knew better than to get his hopes up. With Francis breathing down his neck, he’d be better off staying away from the little temptress. He’d have to ignore the sweet call of her blood.

There was a war waging in their culture about mixing the races. It seemed a recent trend to take a human mate, but the elders insisted it was destroying them by diluting the bloodlines. Each half vampire born was a degree weaker than their full-blooded parent. Eventually true vamps would be extinct.

Since their late father had been on the council, it seemed only fitting that his eldest son would take his place. Since the last plague destroyed the majority of the vampire race, Francis took his responsibility to keep the race pure very seriously. Too seriously, if you asked him. Joseph, and especially Christian, had assimilated well into human society. Vampires were a
myth, so as long as they could maintain control, it was easy to live and work amongst humans.

“It’s okay. I haven’t seen the office anyway.” She continued to follow him, slipping into the small office after he entered.

As he sorted through the file cabinet, she strolled around the room, trailing her fingertip daintily along the top of the shelves. Her blonde hair fell in loose curls down her back.

“I know they’re in here somewhere. Just give me a minute.”

When she shut the door, he thought he was a goner. With the circulation of air cut off, all he could smell was her—ripe and sweet. The ultimate temptation. He felt the room warm, developing a life of its own as if fueled by the girl’s essence. Her heartbeat pounded in his ears, not slow and steady, but desperate and erratic. She was either nervous or aroused, preferably both. His mouth watered, and when he ran his tongue along his upper lip, he felt the sharp prick of his incisors. No doubt, Francis would come to the rescue any minute and save him from himself.

“I wanted to thank you again for this opportunity.” She was right behind him.

He jerked to attention, spinning around, a few files dropping to the floor. Joseph never lost his cool, but this weak little human had him hanging on to control by a thread. When she was near, he could barely contain the urge to taste her, to feel the heat of her skin against his own. Vampires weren’t known for being gentle, patient lovers. Heidi would never be able to handle him, so it was foolish to entertain fantasies of keeping her. Did she not feel the danger he represented? Most animals and humans alike could sense the malevolent energy that vampires emitted, a self-defense mechanism held by weaker beings, prey.

He braced his hands on the low cabinet behind him, using it as an anchor.
Where the fuck is Francis?
“I figured it was best to support the community with a local agency. I saw your ad…”

“Right. Of course. Anyway, I really appreciate it, and I’ll do my very best to meet your expectations.”

Would she bend over his desk right now? Offer her body and blood with no questions asked?

The door swung open, bringing a waft of cleansing air into the too-small room. “Joseph? You find the file?”

He was beyond reason at this point. His fangs wouldn’t recede on command, and his muscles were tense, adrenaline pumping violently through his veins. Had his eyes taken on a reddish hue?

As soon as Francis entered the room, Joseph bolted without a word. He knew his older brother was disappointed with him, which only made him feel worse. Control was everything in their race, something to be revered so they could live amongst humans without being detected. He was only one hundred and eleven, so had a lot yet to learn compared to Francis’s almost two hundred years. Of course Christian was only eighty-five and moved seamlessly between the two worlds. He blamed Heidi’s unique hold on him. She alone was capable of bringing him to his knees.

Joseph brushed by Christian, who tried to stop him when he rushed away from the office—and the girl.

“What’s your problem?” asked Christian.

“That…that girl.” He could barely speak, his heart still pounding in his chest from thinking about her.

He chuckled. “She is something. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she’s certainly not your average human.”

“Perhaps she carries the next plague. Wasn’t it the lure of a beautiful human siren which started the last?”

Centuries earlier the black death had decimated the human population. In their desperate attempts to come up with a cure, some scientists inadvertently created the birth of vampires. The serum didn’t cure the disease in the blood. It gave eternal life, extraordinary abilities such as speed, strength, and unique powers of the mind. One scientist had hoarded the discovery in hopes of gaining all the glory, only administering it to a small test group. The few who’d had the drug were able to pass their gifts down to their children naturally—and thus their race was born. In time the new bloodlines mutated, evolved. Older vamps were even able to control the thoughts and moods of others, and in some cases, the energy surrounding objects and people.

Of course there were drawbacks, as there was always a price to pay. The new properties of the blood made it necessary for the user to ingest large amounts of blood to fuel the new chemistry in their cells. Their bodies adapted by developing fangs to aid them as predators. Their eyes and skin became sensitive to daylight, requiring them to live mostly nocturnal lives. It was a small price to pay for a life that could potentially last forever.

But the recent increase in human-vampire matings had diluted some of the bloodlines, making their race susceptible to disease and death once again. It had taken one diseased human to weaken the bloodlines.

Christian rolled his eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with her health. The only problem is Francis insisting we don’t act on our natural impulses.”

If only Joseph could follow his heart’s desire, he’d show Heidi just how well he could treat a woman. He would devote himself to her, teach her about his culture, and ultimately share his life-giving blood.

“My natural impulse is to bring her downstairs and steal away her innocence. I suppose that makes me a monster.”

Christian said nothing in response.

Joseph slid open the iron bolt from the basement door and entered the darkness.

Chapter Two

Francis didn’t want to deal with Heidi Walsh. He’d advised Joseph it was a bad idea to hire the neighborhood girl, and it appeared he was right. All the lessons and progress they’d made over the past few years were in vain. As the eldest brother, it was up to Francis to teach his brothers the art of control. Nature made them predators, beings that relied on instinct. With the development of their mind control and practice of suppressing their urges, it was possible to live a satisfying existence amongst humans. But it took just one little female to throw them off course. If only his brothers knew just how much.

BOOK: Marked for Pleasure [Blood Bond]
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