Marrying Mari (6 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Marrying Mari
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Ethan held her coat while Mariella fumbled her arms into the sleeves. Really, her lack of coordination was embarrassing. She caught the eye of the hostess, who looked shocked, and hauled the belt in to a knot at her waist.

Gabriel slipped his arm around her again, and Ethan preceded them out the door.

It was still raining, but the awning overhead crossing the sidewalk to the street kept the bulk of the downpour off them. A sleek silver Jag sat at the curb, the rear left passenger door already held open by a driver covered in rain gear.

“Thanks, Eli.” Ethan slid onto the backseat. Then Gabriel handed her inside, and Ethan hauled her across his lap. Gabriel chuckled as he ducked into the car.

“Impatient, man?”

The driver slammed the passenger door and jumped into the front seat. As they pulled away from the curb, she squirmed. “D’you mind?”

Ethan simply held her still. “I like you where you are.” Mariella glared at him, then transferred her glare to the other man when he chuckled again.

“I’m not a doll.”

“No, you’re not.”

She continued to glare at Ethan. He ignored her, and after a few moments, she relaxed. Dropping her head on his shoulder, she sighed silently. She was tired and slightly apprehensive about what was coming. He was warm and solid, holding her without effort.

“Good girl.” Ethan’s low approval warmed her. She slid one hand onto his chest, resting it just above his heart. She could feel the steady beat of his heart and the warmth of his skin through the linen shirt. His clean scent tantalized her nose, as from under her lashes she watched Gabriel. The flashing streetlights shot across his face, highlighting the harsh angles and planes of his features, of his strong throat.

She was breathless. She parted her lips to draw air in more deeply. She licked her dry lips, knowing they were still swollen and sensitive from the men’s earlier kisses. Tasting the sweetness of the raspberry tart and the crisp tang of the champagne on her tongue, then on her lips, she lifted her mouth and languidly pressed a kiss against the pulse in Ethan’s neck. He jerked in response. Under her hand his heartbeat raced. She pressed her hand harder against him. She touched her tongue to his skin. Licked him, delicately like a cat. He tasted slightly salty and delicious.

Gabriel’s head swung around. Mariella knew he was there, watching. It felt…good. Knowing he was there, knowing he was watching.

She shifted, angling her torso to press her breasts against Ethan. She licked his throat again, more. Then reached up to bite his earlobe.

His fingers pulled at the belt of her coat. As Ethan turned his mouth to capture hers, he shoved the coat away and slipped a hand under her sweater, stroking up, up, up to her right breast. Her breast was firm and full in his palm. Ethan thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same moment he closed his hand over the soft mound. She gasped into his mouth, and he took advantage of that to deepen the kiss. He was forceful, hungry, insistent. She tightened her fingers on his shirt, clasping the fine fabric.

Damn, the man could kiss, she thought fuzzily, then sank again into the raw passion of the embrace. His right hand held her head in place, angling it exactly as he wanted, holding her steady for his mouth. She arched into his hand. She moved her hips over his, wanting.

Gabriel’s harsh voice cut into her swoon. “We’re here.”

Ethan lifted his mouth, then pulled her head slightly when she leaned up to kiss him again. “Mariella.” His voice held a warning. Her heavy lids lifted, and she stared into his eyes. Deliberately, he lifted his hand from her skin and smoothed her sweater back into place. His breathing was fast and his nostrils flared as he sought control.

The car stopped outside a brightly lit building. Before the driver could get out, Gabriel had shoved open his door and was standing on the curb. Ethan urged her toward Gabriel. The tall man again wrapped an arm around her and hustled her toward the lobby doors.

A uniformed doorman opened the doors for them. “Evening, Mr. Pryor.”

“Evening, Sam. This is Mariella Amorini. She’ll be staying with Mr. Stone and me. Full access.”

Sam tipped his cap at her. “Miss Amorini.”

She nodded, embarrassed.

Ethan swept in. “Sam.”

“Mr. Stone. Long day.”

Ethan pushed the button on an elevator. “Yes. Not over yet.” The doors whooshed open, and Gabriel urged her inside. Ethan stepped in and pushed a button. The doors closed.


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ethan scrub a hand over his jaw. She stood still, head down, uncertain now that they were here. Her hands shook with a fine tremor and she clenched them into fists.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened into a small, elegantly modern lobby. There was only one door, straight ahead. Gabriel urged her forward as Ethan stepped around them, pulling out a key.

“Don’t worry so,” Gabriel whispered in her ear. “The big bad wolves won’t hurt an inch of your tender skin.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “You can still say no, little one. No harm, no foul.”

She drew a deep breath and lifted her chin. Her tension was ridiculous. It was time to revel in the pleasure she was certain these men could give her. Even if tomorrow she never saw them again, tonight promised to be a mind-blowing experience.

“Let’s go.” Her voice was calm.

Chapter Four

The apartment beyond was dark, only the entry hall lit by a single lamp. Before Mariella could get a clear look, Gabriel had her through the door and tight in his arms. He kissed her, holding her against his big body, ravishing her with his lips and tongue. She clutched the lapels of his jacket, only to feel Ethan peeling her raincoat off. She let go of Gabriel so that the man behind her could slide the damp fabric off her shoulders and arms.

At the same time, Gabriel continued to explore every bit of her mouth. She pressed back, swiping her own tongue across his full lips. She nipped his lower lip and Gabriel growled.

She shivered with delight and nipped again.

“Keep your arms free,” Ethan murmured in her ear.

His hands slid over her bottom, cupping and fondling the firm cheeks. Then he slid them up over lace of her bra.

In the dim gold light from the lamp, Gabriel’s whiskey-dark eyes swept over her. Her nipples tightened even more, to the point of pain. Ethan’s fingers buried themselves in her curls. He tugged her head up and covered her mouth with his. His free hand slipped around her waist, shoving the fingertips just under the waistband of her short skirt to stroke her firm belly. He kissed her, then let go as Gabriel pulled her back into his arms. Mariella wound her arms around Gabriel’s neck as he lifted her, one strong arm under her backside. She wound her legs around his waist and passionately thrust her tongue into his mouth. She rubbed herself against the bigger man’s body, making kitten noises.

She was hot, so hot. She might explode, burn up, if something didn’t happen.

“My bedroom, now.” Ethan’s voice brooked no discussion.

She pulled her mouth from Gabriel’s and looked at Ethan over her shoulder. His jaw flexed. He wheeled away and headed up the gorgeous staircase to the second level. Gabriel whistled lightly, watching him go. “Now you’ve done it.”

Without putting her down, he climbed the stairs, turning to the left at the top. Gabriel carried her through an open door into a big room. She gasped as she saw an equally big bed with a dark, elaborately carved headboard. It was on a raised platform directly under a skylight that ran the entire width of the room.

Ethan had already pulled back the thick, downy comforter, revealing crisp white sheets and a mound of pillows. Without warning, Gabriel dumped Mariella onto the mattress.

“Hey!” She pushed up, shoving her hair out of her eyes and saw Ethan unbuttoning his shirt. His jacket and tie were already folded neatly and his belt hung open. Mari watched as he pulled his shirt completely off and, folding it carefully, laid it on top of the pile. Her lips parted as she stared, mesmerized, at the body revealed under the executive clothing. It was stunning. A lean swimmer’s body with defined abdominal muscles and strong shoulders. There was absolutely no fat on Ethan, only sleek, powerful muscles underneath silken, smooth skin.

Glancing away, she saw Gabriel grinning at her as he, too, stripped, pulling off his jacket, tugging his silk T-shirt over his head and unbuckling his belt. He tossed everything aside carelessly. She swallowed, unable to look away. Where Ethan was lean, Gabriel had incredibly brawny shoulders, his chest scattered with crisp, bronze curls that arrowed down to his waistband. He was bulkier, with acres of golden skin, thick arms and perfectly defined pectoral muscles.

She was light-headed again, trapped into staring from one man to the other as they continued to strip. Ethan stopped, still wearing a pair of black boxer-briefs that concealed nothing, while Gabriel stripped off his last garment and stood, completely naked. Obviously aroused.

—couldn’t fit. Inside her. It wouldn’t be possible for his parts and her parts. She stared, then scooted back as both men advanced. She licked her lips and held up a hand. “Wait—”

“Trust me.” Ethan soothed, but his eyes were predatory. Both men moved toward her in a very primal way. Gabriel stopped by the side of the bed, while Ethan climbed on, reaching out to encircle her ankle with one hand. Without warning he pulled, and she slid across the bed toward him. “Too many clothes.” Both men tugged at a boot, tossing them aside. Her skirt had ridden up as Ethan pulled her close. Gabriel’s eyes studied the revealed length of her legs. She gasped as Ethan slid his hands under her skirt and tugged down her tights, trapping her thighs together. Then her tights were gone, and Ethan leaned back, resting on his heels. “Take off your skirt.” The command was back in his voice.

Both men stared at her, but instead of making her nervous, a strange sense of power swept through her. Slowly, watching them, she leaned back on her butt and elbows, leaving her bare thighs slightly parted, one knee raised. She slipped the button of the waist, then slid the zipper down slowly, so slowly one of them groaned.

“Tease.” Gabriel’s voice was deep, rough, his hand tense on the bedpost. He palmed his erect cock, stroking toward the darkened head.

Mariella stopped, her hands on the waistband of her skirt. “So?”

Ethan’s expression was curiously blank, but the color burned along his cheekbones. “Keep going.”

Pushing both hands under the loosened top of her skirt, she leaned back and slid it down her legs, lifting her hips and then rocking forward to shove the bunched fabric over her knees. Ethan reached out and jerked it down and off.

Mariella sat on the bed, legs stretched out and pressed together primly, clad only in her pale gray bra and bikini briefs, suddenly shy as the two men stared.

“Fuck,” Gabriel swore. He climbed up on the bed, on her side opposite Ethan, and stretched out beside her, propping himself up on one long, muscled arm. With one finger he traced the edge of the lace lying across her breasts, making her shiver again. “Gorgeous. And your skin feels like velvet.”

She reached out and touched his chest, stroking her fingers through the crisp curls. “Nice.” She shook her head, then simply traced his coppery areola with two fingers. He drew in a sharp breath, and she flicked the thick nub in the center with her thumb.

“Fuck,” he said again, hard, and closed his eyes.

Nipple play. Check

Ethan circled her ankle and slid his hand upward, slipping his palm over the skin of her inner leg, parting her legs to his gaze at the same time. She turned her head to watch him, and Gabriel pressed his mouth to the skin beneath her ear, then licked a series of kisses down to her shoulder and back. She moaned and her head fell to the side, giving him access, as Gabriel slid her flat onto the mattress.

Ethan pressed a kiss against the inside of her knee, and she twisted, crying out. She opened her eyes to see Ethan staring up at her as his hand fondled her inner thigh, and then cupped her mound, squeezing just a tiny bit.

“You’re wet,” he said, and traced his fingers up the center of her.

She pushed up into his touch, murmuring something that was cut off by Gabriel’s mouth on hers. Gabriel pushed his fingers beneath the lace of her bra and cupped her left breast fully, thumbing her nipple and squeezing her soft flesh.

Sparks flew throughout her body, from the nipple under Gabriel’s thumb to the throbbing button of flesh so close to Ethan’s hand. She arched and whimpered, twisting restlessly, needing more.

“That’s right. Let us know what you like. What you want.” Ethan licked her skin where her hipbone met her belly. He petted her mound. “Your sweet pussy is so wet, your skin is so hot. You like this, don’t you? Tell me, do you like this, the two of us here with you, making love to you?” He squeezed again, pulsing rhythmically, and nipped her thigh.

Gabriel lifted his head. “Tell us, sugar, or we’ll stop.” He pushed the lace cup down, baring her breast. “And that would be a shame before I tasted this pretty nipple.”

Mariella panted helplessly. Where each man touched her she felt flushed with fever. She broke out in a sweat. Gabriel’s pupils were dilated, making his eyes dark with deep gold edges. He was sweating, too, she saw. Her head was fuzzy. What did Gabriel want again?

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