Marrying Mari (3 page)

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Authors: Elyse Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Marrying Mari
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Chapter Two

As the clock marched inexorably on toward eight p.m., Mari began to feel nervous about her upcoming meeting.

Calling Stone had been easy, given the anger and embarrassment sparked by the thousand-dollar “bonus”. Easy to jump into a face-to-face appointment for the sole purpose of giving back the cash. Throwing the cash in his face. In

But why had the two men given her so much cash in the first place? They didn’t know her. She planned to ask that, too, before walking out.

The manila envelope they’d given her to deliver was small and felt empty. She’d delivered it to the front door of the club Crave, handing it to the big guy who’d opened the door to her pounding. He was black, with two gold earrings and a shaved head that gleamed in the sunlight. He looked her up and down, said nothing, took the envelope, and slammed the door shut again.

She’d shrugged it off, but now she wondered. What was in that envelope? What was worth giving the messenger a grand for a bonus? And why had they asked specifically for her?

It was too confusing, but she planned to find out something tonight.

At first, the money clipped to the card with the private cell numbers, combined with the men’s attitude in Ethan’s office, seemed overtly sexual. A come-on. With little to no experience of such sophisticated sex games, she’d analyzed it as she rode. Her brain spun. What
their game? What did they think she would do? How did they think she’d respond?

It was the money that confused her. Too much for any kind of bonus, but what if she just kept the money without calling? What if the envelope held something illegal, like numbers for insider trading or safety deposit combinations?

She was making herself certifiably crazy.

Taking one last look in her bathroom mirror, Mari steadied herself. Closing her eyes, she took three deep, centering breaths. Opening her eyes, she stared at her reflection. No, the outfit of short black skirt, gray cashmere pullover, tights and high-heeled black motorcycle boots was nowhere near good enough for Insatiable, if the buzz was correct. She’d added big silver gypsy hoops and a silver cuff.

Too bad. They’d just have to take her as she was. Fuck ’em.

The money, all ten of the hundred dollar bills, was tucked carefully into the little satin bag hanging across her body.

She swiped a second coat of wine-dark lipstick across her mouth and grabbed the black vinyl trench hanging on the back of her apartment door. It looked like rain.

In fact, it looked like a freaking hurricane. Felt like one too, she thought as she hurried to catch the west side subway downtown. By the time she hustled down the steps at 34th Street, her hair was soaked. By the time she hurried up the steps at Canal, thunder was rumbling, but miraculously the rain held off as she nearly ran the short distance to the restaurant’s door, stopping to shake off the excess as best she could.

Inside the doors the space was stunning. And sensual. A gorgeous blonde hostess chatted with a couple about their reservation, then directed them toward what looked to be the bar.

Mariella stepped forward. “Hello. I’m meeting someone.”

“I’m sorry, we don’t have any tables open for the rest of the evening. If you’d like a drink?” The hostess barely glanced at her and indicated what was indeed the bar with a sweep of her arm, a very elegant and practiced gesture.

“Thank you, but I’m meeting Ethan Stone. And Gabriel Pryor.” She smiled when the blonde blinked at her, blankly. “They do have a reservation, right? Are they here yet? Am I early?” Mari doubted that, given the weather and the trains, but maybe. The blonde looked so surprised.

“No, no, both Ethan and Gabriel are here.” She looked around. “Eddie will take you.” She signaled Eddie, then turned back to Mariella. “Can I take your coat?”

“No, I won’t be staying.”

She followed Eddie through the restaurant, weaving in and around tables crowded with diners. The place was packed, but the thick rugs and luxurious hangings absorbed sound. The lighting, soft and focused, made each table seem like a private space.

Eddie led the way through to the rear of the dining room, then up two wide, shallow steps. On that level there were three booths, slightly angled into the corner, each with a deep banquette of oxblood leather. Ethan was seated on the outer end of the third. He stood as she came up the steps.

“Hello.” He held out his hand and without thinking about it, she put hers into it. Ethan smiled as she did, and then raised it to his lips to kiss the back of it.

She caught her breath, then let it out in a gasp when he turned her hand over and pressed another kiss to her inner wrist. His lips were firm and warm, and her skin burned where they touched.

He gestured toward the booth. “Sit down, won’t you?”

Pulling her hand away from him, she turned to the banquette. The leather was perfect, and she bit her lip, knowing her wet coat would mark the seat. A quick glance at Ethan and she saw that he was watching her, waiting patiently, smiling that annoying smile. She wiped off her bum, quick, and sat, perched almost on the edge of the booth, one foot reaching down toward the floor outside the booth. Without comment, Ethan reseated himself in the farther end.

“Do you want some wine?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Where’s Mr. Pryor?”

“Around somewhere. He’ll be here in a minute.” Ethan signaled one of the waiters. “And it’s Gabriel. I’m Ethan.”

“What’s that?” She frowned.

“A glass of wine for you. Take away the chill.” He sipped the red wine in his own glass.

“I distinctly heard myself say no.” Mariella shook her head. “Maybe I wanted a beer. Or a shot of tequila.”

Ethan shrugged. “Would you?” He smiled at her.

A glass appeared before her. “Thank you,” she said politely to the waiter. After glancing at Ethan, the young man left.

She fidgeted with the glass. Sliding her hand into her purse she pulled out the wad of bills, laid it on the table, pushed it toward him. She looked up and started to speak, but Ethan forestalled her.

“Wait. Gabe will be here in just a moment, and you can tell us both.” He smiled again when she frowned at him, fiercer than ever. She raised her glass and took a huge mouthful, then froze.

“I know. It’s an excellent Chilean cabernet. You shouldn’t gulp it.”

She swallowed. “Wow, that might be better than sex!” She immediately threw a glance at him and away, and blushed. She took another, smaller sip.

Ethan was charmed. Blushing? Delightful.

While they waited for Gabriel, he studied Mari. Her skin was a pale olive, and the remnants of bright color hung on her cheeks, highlighting the exquisite curve of the bones under her skin. Tonight she had more makeup on, but still far less than most women in the restaurant. She’d unbelted and unbuttoned the trench, even if she wouldn’t remove it, and he could see the soft gray sweater lying against her chest and the upper curves of her breasts. He was glad for the curtaining effect of the linen over his lap, because looking at her, smelling her light fragrance, seeing her reaction to the wine had immediately made his cock harden to the point of discomfort.

Part of him was reeling from his immediate reaction to everything about this woman. Without talking to her for more than ten minutes, he was convinced she was the mate he and Gabriel had been waiting for—or at least that he had been waiting for. And since he and Gabriel were determined to find a woman to mate them both, he was eager for his partner and friend to join them, to witness Gabriel’s reaction.

The other part of him simply wanted to get her in private, naked and flat under him, so he could show her that nothing, not even this marvelous wine, was better than the sex would be between the two of them. Or the three of them.

The thought crossed his mind that once they were alone, he might lose complete control with Mariella Amorini.

Impossibly, his cock hardened even more.

Where the
was Gabriel?


Mari suddenly shot to her feet. “Look, Mr. Stone, I only came here to return your
—” she thrust the money at him, “—and to tell you what I think about getting one thousand dollars from a man I don’t even know.”

“What’d I miss?” Gabriel’s amused tone came from behind and above her. She turned and faced the wall of the man’s broad chest. She looked up and drew a deep breath. Immediately his scent filled her nose. Spicy, with a hint of green.

Gabriel had changed from casual clothing into a formal suit, cut perfectly across his massive shoulders. The color was dark, like melted chocolate, while the silken T-shirt under the jacket was only slightly lighter in tone. Something gold glinted under the thin material, matching the gleam of his wavy, slightly messy hair.

Damn, he was tall too. She was on the short side, but both men made her feel ridiculously tiny. And it was as much their personalities as their actual height in inches.

“I think she wants to give back her bonus.” Ethan’s voice was dry behind her.

She whirled to confront him. “Yes, I do. One grand? For delivering one little envelope? I’m not an idiot. Either there was something hinky about that envelope or you’re trying to buy something that isn’t for sale.” She dropped the cash on the table as if it burned her hand.

“Hinky?” Gabriel chuckled.

“I find myself desperate to know what ‘hinky’ might include. Please sit, Miss Amorini.” Ethan stared at her, intent.

Gabriel’s big hands clasped her arms from behind and pushed her, gently but firmly, back into the booth.

“Wait a minute!”

Before she knew what was what, she was seated in the center curve of the booth, flanked by both men. Who were now staring at her.

Gabriel turned and, seeing a waiter, flicked a finger. The man jumped toward the booth.

“Yes, Mr. Pryor?”

“Tell Etienne we’re ready for the first course.”

“Yes, sir.” The waiter bounded away, obviously eager to follow Gabriel’s orders.

Mariella made a disgusted noise. “Does everyone leap when you speak?”

Gabriel grinned. “Here, yes. It’s my place.”

“You run Insatiable?”

“Yes. I run it. Ethan and I own it. He’s the silent partner.”

While she digested this, five staff members hustled to the table, bringing china, silver, napkins and a wineglass for Gabriel. One of them carried an opened bottle of wine sweating in a silver cooler. He poured Gabriel a glass. Other staff members set down small plates of mixed olives, cornichons, bite-sized croissants, three silver saucers of what looked like soft cheese or dip and fresh curls of butter. All of them ignored the wadded money, keeping blank looks on their faces.

She wondered what they’d say once they were back in the kitchen.

Ethan sighed. He scooped up the crumpled bills and smoothed them, then folded them together. He picked up her purse from where it sat next to her wineglass and opened it.

Mari gaped at him.

He smiled at her like a wolf and inserted the neatly folded bills inside. He closed it and laid it back, next to her hand. “Now,” he drawled, “explain hinky.”

She shook her head. “I can’t stay for dinner. I only came to return the money—”

“Do you have a date?” Gabriel asked on her right.

“Maybe,” she said.

Ethan smiled as he bit into an olive. “No, she doesn’t.”

She flashed back to him on her left. “How do you know?”

“Too late for a date on a work night.”

“Have you had dinner already?” Gabriel asked.


“And you came to Insatiable not intending to eat, despite all the buzz?” Gabriel’s voice was mocking. He clicked his tongue. “Ridiculous. You must at least try these.” He buttered one of the tiny croissants and held it to her lips.

“I—” When she opened her mouth, he ruthlessly shoved it in.
Oh. My. God.
She nearly swooned. She
moan in delight.

“What was that?”

Gabriel smiled. “Blue cheese and rosemary. Good, isn’t it?”

“Back to hinky,” Ethan said smoothly.

She turned to him—and stopped. His eyes glittered with arousal. The dark blue was molten. She dropped her eyes to his mouth. He had firm, masculine lips that tightened now as she watched. “Mariella.” Her name came out in a growl, a warning. His hands were fisted on the tablecloth.

“Mmm?” She stared at his lips.

“Don’t move too quickly, beauty, or you won’t get your dinner.” His voice was thick. “You might just be dinner.”

Her eyes shot to his and she couldn’t breathe. He dropped his eyelids for a moment, and she gasped, only to freeze when his lids lifted again and Ethan stared at her body. She made as if to scoot back, only to find Gabriel’s hands on her shoulders again. His warmth burned against her back as he smoothed her raincoat down her arms.

Gabriel’s touch sparked fine tremors throughout her body. With the coat gone and both men’s eyes on her, she felt almost naked in the conventional V-necked sweater. Her nipples tightened. She hoped Ethan couldn’t see it, but she knew he did when he drew in a sudden, sharp breath of his own.

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