Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2) (7 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #sci fi romance

BOOK: Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2)
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A day and a half later, they were underway. The trip was relatively short, though Mike didn’t like being out of touch with Ty while he was undercover. Who knew what the crazy Risker would get up to?

They arrived with little fanfare, an unannounced inspection tour taking Smithson and her entire staff by surprise. Just the way he wanted it.

They were given the best suite the small station had to offer and Mike installed Leah in one of the two bedrooms. He knew they were under surveillance, so he kept Leah close, but not too close. He wouldn’t put Leah in even more danger should this mission go wrong by letting Smithson know just how deeply they were involved personally.

When Mike switched on the jamming devices he did it in private, smiling sinisterly at Smithson’s badly hidden cameras in the moment before killing them all with the pulse of interfering frequencies. She had to know now that he was on to her surveillance. It was a dare of a kind, but he didn’t expect her to do much about it, and Mike needed the privacy to contact Ty.

“Brother?” Michael was careful of his wording lest others somehow tap into the secure signal.

“What took you so long, Mik?” Ty’s use of the slightly different name alerted Mike to the fact that Ty thought others might be listening. It also spoke of just whom he thought could be monitoring the conversation. Jits, no doubt. The crazy Risker had gone deep undercover and was probably up to his ears in pirates.

“You know how it is. When can we meet up?”

“I’m with some friends right now. How about I comm back when I know what my schedule will be like? Say in about two standards?”

“I’ll be here. Don’t be late.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it. Take care, brother.”

Leah was with Michael two standards later when his secure comm beeped. Michael rechecked his jamming device and answered promptly.

“Can’t talk long, Mike,” Ty’s voice came urgently over the unit. “Meet me at the following coordinates in exactly three standards. Don’t be late.” A string of coordinates lit the screen of Michael’s secure wrist comp.

“I’ll be there.” He signed off and turned to face Leah’s determined expression.

“I’m coming, too. You can’t go out there without anyone to watch your back.”

“Leah, be reasonable. Most likely Ty’s infiltrated the pirate network I bet is running in the background of this station. That’s no place for a woman, even one as capable as you.”

“Thanks. I think. But the fact remains. You can’t go in there alone. What if it’s a trap?”

“What if it is? Do you think you’ll fare any better with jit pirates than I will? They’ll have you naked and spread before you can say hello.” He recognized that stubborn set to her chin. Mike sighed, knowing she would follow whether he allowed it or not. Some Dom he was turning out to be. This woman always seemed to get her way. He could deny her nothing. “Dammit, Leah! If you do this, you’ll do it by my rules. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Oh, so now you want to play obedient little soldier.” He had to chuckle at the mischief in her eyes. “I’ll remember this, sweetheart. Believe it. Now, if you go, you go as a civilian. You’ll leave behind all identification. Do you have anything sexy to wear?”




Leah had packed a few pieces for casual wear, and with a few adjustments and some quick thinking, she had a reasonably nice outfit in her carryall as they snuck out of the visiting officers’ quarters later that night. They’d stay in uniform until they hit a station hotel, then go in separately to use the facilities and stash their uniforms in the room she’d rent on her altered civilian ID chip. They would rendezvous in the hall and work their way to the more deserted parts of the station—the mechanical sections—where they would meet with Tyron.

Everything went as planned. The hotel was as nondescript as possible with no live staff. Everything was handled by computer and the rooms were incredibly small, but suitable for their purposes. No one would remark on a male human entering or exiting because no one was around to see.

It was off-shift so most of the station was either sleeping or on duty at their various posts. Few, if any, saw them in the halls as they made their way stealthily forward. When they reached the coordinates Ty had given, Mike pulled Leah close to his side. She trusted his enhanced senses to ferret out threats her regular human ears couldn’t hear. She knew Sons were gifted with superior genetics that made them smarter, faster, and sharper than regular humans.

“Long time, no see, brother.” Ty’s voice came to them from just ahead as the man stepped into the bare light of the poorly lit hall.

“Good to see you too, Ty. How goes it?” Michael was being cautious, Leah sensed, feeling the tension in the arm wrapped possessively around her waist.

“I see you’ve got a new toy.” Ty nodded in her direction. She wanted to be appalled by the phrasing, but she sensed more was being said here than met the eye. Ty knew full well who and what she was. She didn’t look
different in civilian clothing. He had to recognize her, yet he was acting as if she were a stranger. That meant they were being watched. She played along, knowing the men were posing as jit’suku pirates.

They could do it, too. Where regular human males didn’t usually grow to the size of jit’suku males, Sons of Amber were as large, hard muscled, and every bit as fierce as the alien warriors. Sons could easily pass as jits and it was rumored some jit DNA was actually used in their design, which was probably a big part of what made them immune to the jit virus.

But if they were posing as jits, what was she? Girlfriend? Not likely. She would probably be relegated to the role of sex slave. She would have objected, but being Michael’s sex slave held a certain amount of forbidden appeal, and they really needed to get more information in order to break up this smuggling ring.

“I’m still training her.” Michael let her go. “Turn around, Lilla. Show my brother your pretty ass.”

She gasped at his command, something inside her squirming to heated life. Slowly, she turned, uncertain at first, following the silent direction of his spinning finger, indicating he wanted her to twirl slowly. He stopped her the same way, shocking her when he reached out and grabbed her ass with a firm hand, squeezing snuggly as she rose on her toes.

“Take a look at that.” Michael’s voice was admiring as he acted out a very frank and tactile appraisal of her posterior. Warmth flooded her womb as his fingers caressed down her crack.

“Nice piece,” Ty said, patting her other cheek familiarly as she gasped. When she looked over her shoulder at him, he winked with that devilish smile he was famous for. Women sighed over Tyron’s smile. Little did Leah ever imagine he’d be fondling her tush in a public corridor in front of Michael and whoever else might be watching, and even more, that she’d like it. “So what brings you here, brother?”

Just that easily, she was dismissed. She kept silent, walking behind Michael as he’d instructed her to do when he’d gone over the exhaustive list of possible scenarios before they’d ever left his quarters. He’d prepared her for all contingencies, and though this was one of the less likely occurrences, she was ready to act the slave. As long as that’s all it was—an act.

“I’m looking for a few more like her. I’ve got a buyer lined up who can take at least fifty if I can get my hands on them.”

“Fifty?” Ty whistled as they walked. “That’s more than you’ve ever handled on your own before.”

“I know. That’s why I came looking for you, Ty. I’ll cut you in for half if you’ll help me.”

Ty made a show of considering his offer. “I don’t know, Mik. I’m working for someone else now and he’s got a sweet deal here.”

Michael made a show of looking around. “Yeah, I was kind of surprised when your coordinates led me to a human military station. You’ve got brass balls, brother, or friends in very high places.”

Ty held up his hands, palms outward though he smiled craftily. “Not my friends, Mik. Like I said, I’m working for someone else now. He’s the one with the connections.”

Michael tilted his head, as if considering. “You think he might be up for the job then? I still need to come up with fifty women pretty quick.”

“I’m not sure, but I’ll introduce you. You can ask him yourself.”

They’d stopped in front of a small hatch and Ty motioned them inside as he opened the door. It was a small bedroom, undoubtedly with surveillance.
, she thought,
the jit leader wants to see if we’re on the level
. They’d have to put on a bit of a show, but she was willing to trust Michael to know her boundaries. Though she was fast discovering where Michael Amber was concerned, she seemed to have precious few.

“What’s this? Can’t we talk to him now? I’m in a hurry to get this job done,” Michael insisted, staying in character.

Ty smiled and stepped back. “It’s off-shift. Nothing goes on here during these hours. Rest, sleep, whatever you like. I’ll see if I can arrange a meeting for early next shift. Until then, stay here. I’m going to lock you in, Mik. It’s for your own safety. As you said, we are on a human military station, after all.”

“I don’t like this, brother.” A hint of steel entered Michael’s voice and he held the door open with one hand as Ty stepped through, back into the hall.

“Trust me, Mik. This is the way it has to be.”

Michael sighed and stepped back, allowing Tyron to close and lock the door from the outside.

Then he turned to her.







Mike liked the way her eyes flared at his order. She was playing the submissive now, and he loved the rush of power he felt at her willing acquiescence. She’d been with him every step of the way on their journey of sexual discovery so far, but now he’d have to push her farther than he’d ever pushed her before. Their very lives depended on it.

Ty had gotten them into something much more dangerous than Mike had bargained for when he’d let Leah to follow him into the bowels of the station. If he’d known they’d end up going undercover with jit pirates right here, Mike would never have let Leah out of the cabin. He’d have tied her up, if necessary, but he wouldn’t have allowed her within a light year of this kind of danger.

There was no law in this part of the station. He knew Smithson—or someone equally high ranking—had to be in on this in order for a population of male pirates to have taken over this much of the predominantly female-run station. Something very strange was going on here and Mike vowed to get to the bottom of it. One way or another.

But right now he had a little show to put on for the cameras undoubtedly watching his every move. He hoped Leah realized it too, but judging from the way she followed his lead, she understood something was up. Good. That would make this easier.

“I said, strip, slave.” He moved around her, waiting just a moment before reaching up and ripping off her tunic, reducing it to shreds. She cried out and he smacked her ass once as a reminder. She quieted beautifully. “You disappoint me, woman. When I give a command, I expect you to obey immediately. Is that clear?”


“Yes, what?” She hesitated and he tugged her head back, yanking her hair gently. “Who is your master, little one?”

“You are.” Her voice washed over his senses, sending him into orbit with an arousal the likes of which even he had never before experienced. Having Leah at his full command was a new and very exciting experience.

“Very good. Now what do you call me?”

“Master.” Her whisper floated to his ear, pleasing him greatly.

“Good girl.” He patted her ass, caressing the soft skin almost absently, though he would never forget anything about this moment if he lived forever. “Now get on the bed and spread your legs. Show me your pussy.”

He stood at the foot of the bed as she scrambled onto the platform, obeying him with grace and speed. She seemed eager to please him, causing his cock to jerk under his clothing. Quickly, he stripped out of his nondescript flight suit and grasped his cock in one hand. It was fairly screaming for release.

“Rub yourself, kitten. Make yourself wet and ready for me.” From what he could see, she was already quite wet, which worked to his advantage. He didn’t think he could hold back much on the first go round. He wanted her too badly.

No, this first time would be hard and fast. He’d waited too long. He needed her now. In the back of his mind he also knew the watchers would expect little in the way of care be shown to a slave girl. They expected him to be just like them—taking what he wanted brutally with little regard for the human woman the jits probably considered inferior.

It might look brutal to those who watched, but Mike would make sure Leah enjoyed every minute of his domination, his desire…his loving. Because that’s what it felt like, though he’d never really experienced such a thing before. He felt things deep in his soul for this woman. If it wasn’t love, it was something very close.

Mike knelt on the bed, throwing the rest of his clothing to the floor negligently as he crawled between Leah’s spread thighs. She was wet and glistening, her abdomen palpitating as she neared a peak. And he hadn’t even touched her yet. She was eager for him…for his dominance.

“Hands up, woman. Above your head and don’t move them. This is going to be hard and fast. Just the way I like it.”

He winked at her as he came over her body, leaning on his hands as he bent down to kiss her nipples, sucking them deep, one at a time. She moaned and writhed enticingly beneath him as he seated his cock at her dripping entrance. He rubbed his length against her, up and down her slot as she moaned again.

“Please,” she begged. It was music to his ears. “Please, Master!”

Unable to hold back another minute, Mike reared back and plunged his cock home within her tight sheath. She cried out at the sudden entrance, but he could feel her with him every step of the way. She climaxed as he pumped just once, deep inside.

“Hang on, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear as he gathered her hips in his hands, preparing for the ride yet to come. When her contractions slowed, he began thrusting. Slow at first, he built his strokes, angling this way and that, loving the feel of her gloving him in warmth. She was built for him. For this. He’d never had any other woman feel so right.

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