Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2) (8 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #sci fi romance

BOOK: Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2)
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Mike fucked in and out of her tight pussy, reveling in the feel of her, the little sounds she made as she rose higher in passion once more. She was so responsive to him. Even playing the role of slave. She was like a dream. The perfect woman to match his Dominant nature.

He’d never dared push her this far when they were together. He’d tempered his dominance so as not to scare her off, but circumstances had played right into this. Michael had to act the role of master here, fulfilling some of his baser—and very real—needs at the same time. He thrilled inside every time Leah called him master.

He’d heard the word from many other women, but never one he admired this much. Never one he knew whose will was as strong, if not stronger, than his own. Never had it felt so damn good to know the woman he fucked surrendered to him utterly, and by surrendering, captured him completely.

Michael shoved into her a few more times, pushing her, sensing her nearing a peak. This time, he went over with her, shooting his load within her hot depths. She cried out, but he captured her words with his mouth, kissing her deeply as he groaned his own completion.

Damn, the woman made him hot. Each time with her was better than the last.

He withdrew, gazing down at her with a feeling of satisfaction. Her eyes were dazed, her body covered with a fine sheen of perspiration that made her sultry skin sparkle. She was magnificent.

He hadn’t been able to fuck her on their trip out, and going without was difficult for him. Michael stood from the bed, holding his cock to hide the instant hardening as much as he could. Let the watchers think he had to work to get himself hard again—as they probably would have to do. He needed more of Leah, but he also needed to keep his head. They were no doubt being observed. He had to behave as a jit would. Not as a Son of Amber, who had recuperative powers greater than any other humanoid male.

“Come here, woman, and suck my cock.”

Leah’s eyes widened, but she moved to comply, playing her role to the hilt. Michael knew her well enough to see the little spark of excitement in her eyes as she sat on the edge of the bed before him. But it wasn’t a submissive enough pose for the cameras. Michael stopped her, grabbing a pillow from the bed and tossing it at his feet.


She blinked up at him only once before complying beautifully. If he wasn’t much mistaken, she was enjoying this every bit as much as he was. She actually liked following his orders—even when they were issued roughly. Perhaps even more so.

Michael watched her reactions carefully, cataloging her likes and dislike for future reference. So far, she was with him. More than with him. She seemed eager to know what he’d order her to do next. Hell, she’d even liked it when Ty was palming her ass at his suggestion. He wondered idly if she’d have enjoyed Ty’s attentions even if he wasn’t around, but decided against it.

For one thing, Ty had tried his moves on her a few times over the years when he’d come to see Michael and been shot down every time. Leah was nobody’s fool. She liked Ty as a friend, but not as a potential lover. It was Michael’s sperm she’d chosen, after all, to make her baby, and Michael’s bed she’d been sleeping in for the past weeks.

Her little hand took over from his as she licked the head of his cock. She was very good at giving head and Mike planned to enjoy every moment of it—audience or no. Still, his thoughts raced.

“Did you like my brother, little one? Did you enjoy his touch?”

Wide eyes stared up at him as her movements slowed. He heard a smacking sound as she drew away.

“He’s nice, Master,” she said softly, “but he isn’t you.”

Mike’s cock twitched in her hands. How did the woman know exactly what to say to send his temperature soaring even higher? She was a mind reader of some kind. Had to be.

“Did I say you could stop?”

“Sorry, Master.” She smiled at him before resuming her duties, taking him deep into her throat the way she knew he loved. She was very talented and it wasn’t long before he came down her throat, some of his cum spilling out to drip down her flushed cheeks.

When he could stand without swaying, he cupped her cheeks with his palms, wiping away the excess. There was so much he wanted to say but couldn’t. Not with the jits watching their every move. He hoped she knew how much she meant to him.

If he’d known they’d be in the thick of things, he never would have taken her with him on this mission. He knew she was a skilled officer who could more than take care of herself, but he hated to see her in danger. It went against his grain to put her in peril, especially now that they were lovers. Even before they’d become intimate, Leah had held a special place in his life. He would send himself and others into the field, keeping her in relative safety on the station, unwilling to risk her more than necessary. She was his anchor and he didn’t know what he’d do if anything happened to her.

“Under the covers with you, girl.” He couldn’t help the affectionate tone in his voice anymore than he could help the gentle way he touched her. He only hoped it didn’t look or sound too suspicious to their watchers.

She scrambled into the bed, holding up the corner of the spread for him as he followed. When he tugged her into his arms, she went willingly, snuggling into him as if she belonged there.

They slept for a while, but Michael kept alert for any possible threat. Sons didn’t require as much sleep as regular humans, but he put up the pretense of sleep to fit in. Leah slept deeply, secure in his arms. He loved the way she felt there and he spent much of his energy trying to stop thinking about her and focus on the mission. It was difficult, to say the least.

But when the hatch unlocked and slid open, Michael was instantly alert. He didn’t move until he recognized Ty’s grinning face in the doorway.

“Come on, Mik. You’ve been invited to dinner.” Ty stepped in and threw his pants at him. Michael caught them reflexively as Leah stirred and woke next to him.

Ty looked at the sheet she clutched to her chest and then up to Michael, winking. Son of a bitch, the man was going to get a show, and he knew it. Michael’s gut clenched, knowing there was no way to protect Leah’s modesty in such a situation. The false expression on Ty’s face was enough to tell him they were still being monitored closely.

“Up, girl. We’re going to dinner.” Michael ripped the covers away and slapped Leah’s pretty ass.

Ty whistled between his teeth as he stared at Leah’s bouncing tits. She had bigger breasts than anyone had guessed hidden under that uniform, and Michael well knew his brother’s preferences. Ty got an eyeful as Michael dressed, then threw Leah’s clothing at her. She squirmed into it, Ty watching all the while and enjoying the show, judging by the tightening fit of his pants.

But Michael couldn’t object. Neither could Leah, but one look at her flushed face told Michael she enjoyed this a little more than he’d expected. Rather than shame, he read titillation in her eyes—and her perky nipples. They were pushing against the soft fabric of her dress as she smoothed it down. The thin material did nothing to hide her rather obvious excitement.

Michael did his best not to notice the way Ty looked at Leah. It was all part of the act, after all, though Michael knew his brother was duly impressed with Leah’s…attributes. They exited the room and Ty led them down several small corridors to a much larger room. Men’s voices could be heard and as they entered, Michael counted about fourteen pirates, already seated, eating. There were three tables—one large one in the center and two smaller, flanking it. At the largest table sat what Mike assumed to be the leader of this ragtag group. He had a girl on each knee and one on the floor between his legs.

Ty brought Michael to the chair opposite the leader and introduced them. There were a few tense moments before the jit man nodded and motioned them all to sit and then dinner was served.

A group of women brought the food out and then stayed with the men, to serve it and eat themselves. Some were treated as equals, most as slaves. Michael took his cue from those around him, issuing instructions for Leah as the food was placed before him. She sat on his knee and cut up the meat, serving him first, then herself at his direction.

So far so good.

Everything rolled along fine until the food was gone. Then some of the pirates began desert, but it wasn’t sweet rolls they were after.

“So, Mik,” the pirate leader leered at Leah, “you want more like her?”

“If at all possible,” Michael answered neutrally. He didn’t like the look in the man’s eyes as he watched Leah.

“Well, let’s have a look at her.” Some of the other pirates cheered at their leader’s words. “Got to know what we’re aiming for, don’t we?”

Michael felt Leah tense on his knee and her eyes widened with just a hint of fright. Michael tried to sooth her, running his hand over her thigh and squeezing gently where no one could see.

With a little shove, he pushed her off his knee to a standing position between himself and Ty. He could use his brother’s help here and knew Leah trusted them both to see to her safety. The next few minutes could get interesting, depending on how these heathen pirates reacted to what he had in mind. Mike had a plan. It was daring, but it might just work to protect Leah and their cover all at the same time.

“Take off your dress, Lil, and show them your tits.”

Her eyes widened, but he couldn’t back down. This was too important.






“Drop the dress, Lilla.”

Michael’s voice sounded loud to her in the room full of watching pirates. She couldn’t believe what he’d just ordered her to do. Yet, she didn’t see any way out of this situation. They were badly outnumbered. She had to trust him and hope he had a workable plan.

Her gaze shot to Ty, seated next to Michael at the table. Ty watched her with amused speculation. Only she saw the little nod of reassurance. These two men would look after her as much as possible in this crazy situation. She knew Michael would protect her with his life, but having Ty there as backup—and to stabilize Michael’s volatile temper—made her feel just the tiniest bit better, and somewhat disloyal at the same time.

Michael was a Dom. He couldn’t help the temper, but Ty didn’t suffer from the same affliction. As a Risker, he was always aware of the odds of any given situation and his judgment would be invaluable in this amazingly tense situation.

Still, she hesitated. She was completely naked beneath the dress. She clutched the edges of the neckline as the pirates laughed uproariously.

“Can’t control your woman yet, eh, Mik?” One of the jits leered at her. “Give her time. She’ll learn who is master. Of course, I’d be more than happy to help you teach her that lesson.”

“Thank you, friend,” Michael’s voice was smooth, but held recognizable threat. “This wench is mine to teach and I will do so.” He snapped at her. “Lilla, come here.”

Hesitantly, she shuffled her bare feet to stand even closer to his side. His face was so hard, she barely recognized him under the facade he had to put on in front of these hard alien men. All but his eyes. She could see his desire when he turned his eyes to hers.

His hands moved up to hers, grasping the dress and tearing it down the middle with one powerful tug as the jit pirates cheered lewdly. As she gasped, he slid the remnants down her arms, leaving her completely bare in front of all those men.

“When I give an order, I expect it to be followed without question or demur, Lilla.” Michael’s eyes bore into hers, lighting a fire in the pit of her womb that shouldn’t be. Not here. Not in front of all these people. “You have earned punishment for your failure to comply. Don’t make it any worse. Do as I say now and I will wait to punish you until we are in private. Any further disobedience and I will punish you right here and now. Do you understand?”

Slowly she nodded.

“Speak when I ask you a question, Lilla. Do you understand?”

“Yes…Master.” Her pussy grew warm as she felt the multitude of eyes on her bare body, but most of all, the expression in Michael’s eyes made her want to submit in a way she’d never felt before.

“Good girl.” Michael caressed one nipple, tugging at the point and raising a flush of heat to her skin. “Now go sit on the table in front of Ty and show him your pussy.”

She jumped, her gaze shooting to the other Son of Amber as he grinned back at her lasciviously. She trusted Michael implicitly, but this…this was a bit much. Michael’s hand smacked her ass, bringing her attention back to him sharply.

“I gave an order, missy. Do you wish to disobey?”

“No, Master, but—”

Michael sat back, shaking his head. Disappointment shown on his features, but she could also see something like satisfaction sparkling in his eyes. The men in the room watched too, eager to see how the newcomer would handle his woman.

“Without demur, I said. You’ve disobeyed me again, woman.” Faster than she could blink, Michael had her over his knee. Her bare ass faced Ty and the rest of the men on that side of the room as Michael ran his palm over her cheeks. “You’ve earned punishment and I warned you it would be public this time, Lilla. Do you understand me, woman?”

“Yes, Master.” Her breath came in short pants as her head hung down over Michael’s thickly muscled legs.

He smacked her hard, soothing between the open-palmed slaps with circular rubbing motions. He alternated cheeks, hard hits with softer ones, then when she thought this couldn’t get any more embarrassing—or arousing—he cavalierly spread her thighs apart and delved into the wetness gathered there with strong, knowing fingers.

“Look at this brother,” he talked over her head to Ty and a moment later she felt other fingers probing her cunt. Ty stuck two fingers right up her pussy, stroking deep and rubbing that secret place within her channel that brought her the greatest pleasure. She tried to bite back a moan, but wasn’t entirely successful.

“The wench likes her discipline, Mik. You’re a lucky bastard. And her pussy’s tight as a drum.”

“These human wenches don’t see a lot of action with all their males gone. I’ve had quite a few cute little virgins in the past weeks,” one of the pirates boasted from behind Michael. Leah looked up through her hair to see the man’s face. When this was all over, she’d personally like to kick him in the balls. She’d remember what he looked like and if she got her chance later, she’d take it.

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