Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2) (3 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #sci fi romance

BOOK: Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2)
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That evening, Leah wrote out her letter of resignation the old fashioned way, as such things deserved, and left it on Michael’s desk with a pang of regret for what could never be. She would miss him—his rare smiles, his determination, his quick mind…and so much more, but she’d soon have his son to coddle and raise. He’d never know it, of course, but she’d cherish the child for his father’s sake, and for his own. It was her fondest wish to have a baby, and there was no doubt in her mind she wanted Michael Amber to be the father. She’d made her decision.

The only thing that could possibly have made it better was if she had the guts to actually ask Michael to do the deed himself. She knew she couldn’t keep him, but spending even one night in his embrace would be a memory to last a lifetime.

But she didn’t have that kind of courage.

For one thing, she didn’t know how to ask for such an intimate favor. For another, she didn’t want to ruin their friendship—which she hoped might continue from afar even after she left the service—with messy emotional entanglements. Michael had a strict rule about not having sex with any of his subordinates and she guessed it was because the man she’d come to know had more of a heart than even he realized. He genuinely liked the women who worked for him and he didn’t want to hurt any of them. He was too astute not to realize the women he bedded often wished he could fall in love with them and stay forever.

But such was not his life and probably never would be. He was a Son. He had a job to do. He knew his duty and it was a vast one. He and the rest of the Sons had to spread their seed far and wide to save humanity from extinction. It was what he’d been created to do. He hadn’t been engineered to settle with just one woman. It just wasn’t in the cards he’d been dealt.

With a sigh of regret for what could never be, Leah left the letter on his desk and returned to her own office. She had to start setting the wheels in motion for her replacement. There were files to get in order and her belongings to remove. Her resignation wouldn’t take effect for another few weeks, but this interim period had to be used to prepare for a seamless transition to a new XO for Michael—or, at least, as seamless as possible.

He’d probably never even notice the difference.






Michael couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the old fashioned slip of paper on his desk the next morning. He read it twice before swearing a blue streak and jumping up from behind his desk. He stalked into Leah’s office without even the courtesy of knocking.

“What the hell is this?” Michael waved the paper in front of her face as she sat calmly behind her desk.

“It’s my resignation.”

“I can see that.” He threw the paper down in exasperation. “What I want to know is why? I thought you were happy here. Dammit, Leah, I can’t do this job without you.” Sighing, he sank into the guest chair in front of her efficient desk, slouching in an uncustomary pose of defeat. “I can’t accept this.”

“Sir,” she began, but he stopped her words.

“Don’t you think you’ve known me long enough to use my name—at least when we’re alone?”

Leah folded her hands in front of her, a pained expression on her face. “All right. Michael.” She sighed. “Look, I really do enjoy working with you, but with recent developments, you don’t need me as much as you used to. I’m getting older and, to be perfectly honest, I want to have a child before I’m too old to enjoy it. That’s why I want to leave the military. I want to have a family.”

Her words stunned him. And angered him.

“And just who did you want to father your child, Leah?” His voice was deadly and low. Leah seemed lost in her daydream, though, her lovely eyes clouded over as she thought of something only she could see. She didn’t realize the danger that had crept into the room with her words.

“I made an appointment at the fertility clinic for as soon as my final paperwork goes through.”

That made him sit back. At least she hadn’t scheduled time with one of his brothers. She was highly-ranked enough she could request time with a Son of Amber on pretty short notice, though she wouldn’t be guaranteed which of the Sons she might get.

“But why quit? We still need you here, Leah, and many women work right up ‘til their eighth or ninth month.”

She cleared her throat, seeming a little uncomfortable, shuffling items unnecessarily on her desk. “I wanted to avoid any possible conflict of interest.”

Mike sensed a victory, but he didn’t quite understand it yet—at least, he didn’t dare hope the odd thought he had might be true. “And just why would your being pregnant create a conflict of interest?”

“Look, Michael, I’ll come clean here. I respect you enough to give you the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes my last few days here.” She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze with resignation, a becoming flush highlighting her high cheekbones. “When I made the clinic appointment, I requested…” She looked away, clearly flustered. “Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be, but you have a right to know.”

“Tell me.” His voice was low, commanding. He was all Dom in that moment, and she responded.

“When I made that appointment, I specifically requested your…um…semen be used for the implantation. I want you to father my baby. I admire your intellect, your decisive nature—all your abilities and attributes, really—and I couldn’t think of a better candidate to father my little boy.”

Mike just watched her. She grew nervous under his stare, but he needed time to regroup. She’d just pulled the rug out from under him—in the best possible way. He took a moment to consider his options.

“I’m flattered,” he said finally. “And honored.” He lifted the resignation in his hands and quite deliberately tore it to shreds, placing them neatly on her desk. “I don’t accept this.” He enjoyed the dismay on her face as he stood and leaned over the desk, so close he could smell her unique perfume.


“Cancel the appointment.” His tone was soft, but the order in his words was clear. “If you want to have my child, I’ll give him to you personally. No other way, Leah. I’ve wanted you for the past two years. I’m not going to wait any longer.” As he spoke the words, he realized their absolute truth.

“Now just a minute!” She stood, outrage in her eyes, but he wouldn’t allow it. He rounded the desk and caught her by the arms, dragging her against his body. His lips came down on hers and time ceased to exist. He had wanted to kiss her from the moment he’d first laid eyes on her, but she never indicated even the remotest interest.

Now, however, all bets were off. He could see the very real desire as she spoke, and taste the heated excitement in her kiss. She wanted him. Probably as much as he’d always wanted her.

“You’re mine, Leah.” He pulled away enough to whisper. “You have been since the moment I first saw you.”


He covered her lips with a light, chastising kiss. Everything had clicked into place when his lips first touched hers. All was right with the universe—at least, the microcosm that contained the two of them together.

Now that he’d tasted her, he would never go back to the old, arms-length relationship. She was his. The sooner she came to terms with that—and with him—the better.

“You know I’m a Dom, Leah, but I’ve never dominated you in our working relationship, and I never will. I’ll freely admit, though, I’ve wanted to dominate you in pleasure for as long as I’ve known you. I want to feel you come around me and I want to give you the greatest climaxes of your life. I want to imprint myself on you so you’ll never, ever forget me.”

She sighed, a small, defeated sound. “That’s what I’m afraid of, Michael. I like you too much. I’m afraid…”

“Afraid of what, Leah? You’re the bravest woman I know.” His hand cupped her chin, raising her beautiful eyes to his.

She smiled softly and his heart clenched. “I don’t want to fall in love with you, Michael. I want your baby, but I don’t want a broken heart.”

“Would it help you to know that by resigning, you’re already breaking my heart? I honestly don’t think I can continue without you at my side, Leah. We’re a team.” He rubbed circles on her back as she relaxed in his arms. She felt like heaven against him. “There’s no reason you can’t stay with me for a while yet. We can work together during the day and work on the baby at night.”

He winked, making her smile. He took her response as a good sign.

“When you get pregnant, you can continue to work as long as you like and even after the baby is born, I have no objection to your bringing him to work. In fact,” his head quirked to the side as he thought of it, “I think I’d like that. I don’t know any of my children. The chance to see one as it grows would be welcome, if you don’t mind my taking an interest.”

“Are you kidding?” She seemed surprised by his candor. “You’re the father. Of course you can take an interest in him.”

“That’s not the way it’s been ‘til now.”

She shocked him by reaching up to stroke his cheek. No woman had ever offered to comfort him before and he found the very idea of it intriguing, the feel of her soft hand, more special than anything he’d ever felt before. Leah was such a miracle to him.

“I’ve never said anything, but I think it’s wrong the way they expect you to father all these babies, but never have a chance to raise any of them. I mean, I know it would be impossible for you to know all your children, but why not at least a few? You could be such a good influence on a young boy.”

He covered her hand with his own, loving the feel of her soft skin against his. “I’m glad you think so.”

“I wouldn’t have chosen you to be my baby’s father if I didn’t admire you, Michael. I just don’t know if I—”

“What?” He had to coax her. She was blushing again and it charmed him.

“I don’t know if I can be submissive. I’m not exactly a shrinking violet. Or hadn’t you noticed?” She laughed at herself, charming him even more.

“You’re a strong-willed, capable woman, but being sexually submissive doesn’t require a weakling personality. In fact, I gain very little satisfaction from a meek woman’s obedience. I can all too easily trample over a weaker personality. I know that much about myself, at least.” He shrugged. “Which is why I’ve enjoyed your company for so long. You’re the first woman who hasn’t bored me to tears after a week or two, Leah. That’s something unique in my experience.” He pulled her closer, pressing his hardness against the soft V of her thighs. “I know I can make you want to follow my orders in the bedroom—or wherever we take our pleasure—and it
will be
pleasure, Leah. The greatest you’ve ever known, or will ever know. I can guarantee that.”

Her breathless sigh thrilled him. He was getting to her. He knew it.

“I don’t know, Michael.” He loved the sound of his name on her lips. “I’m still concerned I won’t be able to do what you want and I don’t want to fight you.”

He hugged her close. “I’ll never force you, Leah. There’s no satisfaction in overpowering a woman. What I want from you is your willing compliance with my desires.” He pulled back to look into her eyes. “I know you want me. I can make you want my dominance, too. Give it a try, Leah. Have dinner with me tonight. Let’s see where it leads.”


“Come on, Leah. We’ve shared a thousand meals together.”

“But this is different.”

Mike cupped her ass audaciously with one hand as he grinned down at her. “Very different. I dare you, Leah. Take a chance.”


Michael always could talk her into doing things against her better judgment. Well, to be fair, he never wanted her to do anything that was dangerous or could be harmful. He just had a way of getting what he wanted. She guessed it was part of his Dominant personality, and to be truthful, it didn’t bother her much. In a way, it was sort of endearing.

That was the truly dangerous thing. This man was all too appealing. She knew it wouldn’t take much to turn her admiration for him into something much more intimate. Everyone knew it was impossible to keep a Son of Amber for longer than it took to get pregnant, but so many women still tried and failed.

Although there were a few stories making the rounds of gossip lately, and she knew for a fact that Ezekiel had been reassigned permanently to the newly discovered uninfected colony of Espians. It was rumored that he had married and was living monogamously with one of the colony women. Oh, he still made the required sperm deposits so his DNA could go further in repopulating the human race, but he didn’t make personal calls anymore and had been taken off the reservation lists permanently.

“I don’t know, Michael.” She’d never dared call him by name to his face, though it had crept into her mind more and more often.

His lips nipped at hers playfully. This side of him was new, and very exciting. She’d seen him in full Dom mode as he ruled most of the human fighting forces in this sector. She’d seen him weighted down by the burdens of his position and role. Her heart had gone out to him as time and again he sacrificed his own desires for the greater good of humanity, and she’d admired him for his steadfast determination to defeat their enemies.

This coaxing, cajoling, teasing hunk was something altogether new. His lips teased hers, his breath hot and sweet, mingling with her own. This man was born a Dom, but he was patient and kind in ways she never expected.

“Do it, Leah. You know you want to.” He cuddled into her his chest, his cheek seeking her neck as he rubbed against her in the most delicious way. “Dinner. With me. What happens after that is wide open.”

“But what about your rule? No fraternizing, remember?”

“Rules are made to be broken. Besides, you’re the only woman under my command I’ve ever wanted to break that little unofficial rule with. No one else, Leah. Just you.” He punctuated his words with small kisses to her face, teasing her until she smiled.


“All right,” she answered, finally. He wanted to pound the air with his fist in triumph, but refrained. “I’ll have dinner with you tonight, Michael, but we’ll discuss this. I won’t be rushed into anything.”

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