Masters of Death (56 page)

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Authors: Richard Rhodes

Tags: #History, #Holocaust, #Nonfiction

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“I saw SD personnel”:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 129.
Barth testimony:
“the civilizing process”:
cf. Elias (1994); Rhodes (1999), p. 214ff, reviews these issues more fully.

“The body now [comes to serve]”:
Michel Foucault,
Discipline and
(Pantheon, 1977), p. 11.
“There was an overall objection”:
Hilberg (1985), pp. 326–27.

Ohlendorf testimony:
EG Trial Tr., p. 524.
“the shooters were rewarded”:
Browning (2000), p. 122.
“When these breakdowns happened”:
Klee et al. (1988), pp. 81–82.
“where SS men are cared for”:
Helmuth von Moltke, quoted in Cesarani (1994), p. 116, n. 27.

Becker testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), pp. 68–69.
“Our assigned duty”:
HH an alle Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer, 12.12.1941, Latvian State Archives P-83/80. My translation.

“Despite the mental anguish”:
Kwiet (1998), p. 20.

“Members of the [border police]”:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 76.
“chase them into the swamp”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 96.
“There was, for example”:
Poliakov (1954), p. 131.
“the Gestapo man”:
Sabrin (1991), p. 219. “A man is the lord”: quoted in MacLean (1999), p. 7.


“Hold it at all costs”:
quoted in Clark (1965), p. 136.
“The whole horizon”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 21.

“The Germans cordoned off”:
Anatoli (1970). Blobel movements: EG Trial Tr. 1; OSR USSR No. 106, NA RG 895, roll 11.
“The ensuing fire”:
OSR USSR No. 97, Arad et al. (1989), p. 164. Arad gives “8000, pounds,” but OSR USSR No. 106, NA RG 895, roll 11, has “about one thousand pounds.” Eight thousand pounds of explosives would be difficult to conceal.

“there exists in Kiev”:
OSR USSR No. 106, NA RG 895, roll 11.
“As has been proved”:
OSR USSR No. 97, Arad et al. (1989), p. 164; IMT NO-3145 evidence summary.
“Jews and Communists”:
OSR USSR No. 101, Arad et al. (1989), p. 168.
“printed on cheap gray,” notice text:
Anatoli (1970), pp. 90–91. “This summons”: OSR USSR No. 106, Arad et al. (1989), p. 173 (translation modified).
“They started arriving”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 93.
“There were no such streets”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 92.

“Families baked bread”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), pp. 6–7.
“There were plenty”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 100.
“The ravine was enormous”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 15.

“The police regiments”:
Blobel testimony, EG Trial Tr., p. 1569.
Coming up Melnikov Street:
this reconstruction is based on information in Anatoli (1970), p. 99ff; Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 3ff; Gitelman (1997), pp. 275–78; Klee et al. (1988), pp. 63–68; and interviews with members of the Kyiv Jewish Council, Kyiv, June 2000.
“At that point”:
Anatoli (1970), p. 101.
“an entire office operation”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 7.
“The documents were”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 7.

Höfer testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 63ff.

Werner testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), pp. 66–67.

“As a result of”:
OSR USSR No. 128, quoted in Klee et al. (1988), p. 68, and in Noakes and Pridham (1988), p. 1095.
Heidborn testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), pp. 67–68.
Clothing donations:
OSR USSR No. 106, NA RG 895, roll 11.
2 October 1941 report:
IMT NO-3137.
Executions every Tuesday and Friday:
interview with Kyiv Jewish Council, June 2000.
Friedlander (1995), p. 142.

“The executioners used to boast”:
quoted in Padfield (1990), p. 345.


“In late September”:
Knappe and Brusaw (1992), p. 198.
“the health of men and horses”:
quoted in Bartov (1992), p. 18.
“In these two pockets”:
Clark (1965), p. 155.
“he looks at his best”:
quoted in Browning (2000), p. 38.

“an immediate and unified”:
Walter Labs, paraphrasing an oral report from Werner Feldscher, quoted in Gerlach (1998), p. 779.

Transfer of ninety-two men:
see Arad (1987), p. 17.
Belzec and Chelmno planning:
Arad (1987), pp. 23–25.
Stahlecker visit:
Hilberg (1985), p. 351.
Four trainloads to Lodz:
Burrin (1989), p. 127.
“there is no evidence”:
Gerlach (1998), p. 766.
Loss of citizenship and property:
Friedlander (1995), p. 288.
“moved farther east”:
quoted in Friedlander (1995), p. 288.
“overseas emigration”:
RSHA memo: Burrin (1989), p. 129.
Twenty-two trainloads:
Friedlander (1995), p. 289.

“given the present state”:
Dr. Erhard Wetzel to Heinrich Lohse, quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 71.
“I was reproached”:
EG Trial Tr., p. 526.

“It is clear”:
quoted in Manvell and Fraenkel (1965), pp. 125–26.
“The law of existence”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 27.
“The Jewish question”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 31.
“When we finally stamp out”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 2. “From the rostrum”: Hitler (1953), p. 72. Translation revised.
see Klee et al. (1988), pp. 196–207.

Schumann testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 204.
Göbel testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 197.

Hesse testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 199, p. 201.

“executions for purely political”:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 205.
“It is amazing”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 70n.
Sarra Gleykh diary:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), pp. 70–76.

Romanian forces occupied Odessa:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 78.
“On 23 and 24 October”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), pp. 79–80.
“144,000 peaceful citizens”:
quoted in Tenenbaum (1955), p. 55. Dnepropetrovsk: Orbach (1976), p. 37; Hilberg (1985), p. 372; OSR USSR No. 135, Arad et al. (1989), p. 242.

Sandberger report to Berlin:
OSR USSR No. 111, Arad et al. (1989), p. 184. Stahlecker Report: L-180, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, v. 6, p. 992.
“The Arajs commando”:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 185.
“Early that morning”:
quoted in Ephraim Oshry,
Τhe Annihilation of
Lithuanian Jewry
(Judaica Press, 1995), p. 49.

“the Germans wanted to see”:
Tory (1990), p. 41.
“The Germans then started”:
Tory (1990), p. 41.
Columns of one hundred, Ninth Fort:
Mishell (1988), p. 84.
“A terrible human drama”:
Mishell (1988), p. 84.

Jäger Report:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 385.
“Opposite the hospital building”:
Tory (1990), p. 42.
Reports of pits at Ninth Fort:
Tory (1990), p. 46.

Optimists speculated:
Littman (1998), p. 88.

“No one in the ghetto”:
Tory (1990), p. 48.
“very chilly”:
Mishell (1988), p. 90.
“a procession of mourners”:
Tory (1990), p. 49.
“the ghetto fence”:
Tory (1990), p. 50.

“smiling sarcastically”:
Tory (1990), p. 51.
“From time to time”:
Tory (1990), p. 52.
Mishell’s family saved:
Mishell (1988), p. 91.
“hungry, thirsty, crushed”:
Tory (1990), p. 55.
“The procession, numbering”:
Tory (1990), p. 58.

Jäger 29 October 1941 listing:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 385.
Shooting party at Schönhof:
Kersten (1957), p. 112ff.


Erren report:
Klee et al. (1988), pp. 178–79.

Metzner testimony:
Klee et al. (1988), p. 179.
“The meeting was the occasion”:
Hilberg (1985), pp. 380–81.

“A clean, handsome little town”:
Richmond (1995), p. 3.
Deposition of Polish veterinarian:
Richmond (1995), p. 478ff; Central Commission (1982), p. 60ff. I have merged these two variant translations.

Eight thousand Konin Jews:
Richmond (1995), p. 530, n. 70.1, citing Polish sources.
“Gallows were thrown up”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 152.

“men, women and children”:
Smolar (1989), p. 41.
“ordered to put on”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), p. 152.
quoted in Smolar (1989), p. 41.
“People began pushing”:
Smolar (1989), p. 41.
6,624 Jews in Minsk:
OSR USSR No. 140, Arad et al. (1989), p. 246.
“information available”:
Smolar (1989), p. 42.
“German Jews began”:
Ehrenburg and Grossman (1981), pp. 154–55.

“about 15,000 Jews”:
OSR USSR No. 142, Arad et al. (1989), p. 252.
Kiev numbers:
OSR USSR No. 142, Arad et al. (1989), p. 252.
This discussion, dates, etc., generally follows Ezergailis (1996), p. 239ff.
Lohse’s orders:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 239.
Jeckeln in Riga:
This account follows Ezergailis’s thorough investigation; see Ezergailis (1996), p. 239ff.
“Tell Lohse”:
quoted in Fleming (1984), p. 76.

“I have thought”:
quoted by Heinz Jost, EG Trial Tr., p. 1162.
“Jeckeln assigned”:
Ezergailis (1996), pp. 241–42.
Bodyguard and motor pool:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 242.

“perhaps half”:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 243.
“battalion police”:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 246.
Ezergailis estimates:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 242ff.

“The relocation of the Jews”:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 247.
“We made and remade”:
Ezergailis (1996), p. 248.

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