Mated (4 page)

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Authors: H.M. McQueen

BOOK: Mated
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Chapter Five




Salty air blew her hair back from her face.  Her entire life's savings and belongings were aboard the streamlined yacht.  Her mind raced to her plans for when she reached Puerto Rico.  Good thing she'd kept her mother's house and hired a family friend to keep it maintained.  The fully furnished small dwelling was in a nondescript neighborhood few knew about.

Although she'd told Raythe about it once and even planned to take him there, they'd not had time.  If he came to the island to look for her, which she doubted, it would be difficult to find her.

Madison's eyes misted at thinking she'd never see him again.  His piercing looks and the way he would lift the corner of his mouth in a rare smile.  Love was a precious thing, and Madison had no doubt she'd never find it again.  Not like with Raythe. In her mind, he was her mate and would remain etched in her soul for the rest of her life.

Cainon, a red wolf, neared and stood next to her.  The sunlight highlighted his beautiful auburn locks that fell past his wide shoulders.  "How you holding up?  Sea sick yet?" His bright green eyes looked at her with concern, not any kind of lust, for which she was grateful.

Although she'd heard many stories of the Sea Wolf, she was glad not to find out if the ones of his sexual prowess were true. He'd been respectful and kept his distance from her. "Do you have a home other than this boat?" she asked looking across the gleaming deck.  "Not that this isn’t beautiful."

"I do have a place.  But seldom remain there longer than a couple weeks.  I prefer life on water."  His face tightened and he stared out.  "It's easier to keep the demons at bay this way."

Madison followed his line of sight.  "I understand that.  It feels as if everything is far away out here."

"You'll like living in Puerto Rico."  He'd not asked her what she planned or why. Thankfully she'd met a rogue wolf who didn't ask questions as long as money was paid up front for a trip anywhere in the world.

She allowed her shoulders to fall and the tension to ebb away.  Her hand wrapped around the railing. She leaned forward enjoying the view of the vast blue waters.  "I hope so.  Like you, I prefer being near the ocean, so island life should be great."

He nodded.  "Let me know if you need anything.  You've got my number." Cainon walked away, his large sleek body perfect for his lifestyle.

It had been two days at sea, the next morning they would arrive in Puerto Rico. It was time to start a new life, with a new name and look.  It wouldn't be a happy life, for she would never feel happiness without Raythe, but Madison hoped for contentment at least.

Raythe was the past now, somehow she had to drill it into her distressed head. As time passed, he would diminish from her thoughts, not be the constant thought day in and day out.

Nothing could be changed now to repair the damage she'd done to their relationship. It was over and the sooner her heart got onboard the better. If only she'd not seen him, slept with him that last time.  No matter how amazing it had been, the hurt of leaving him again was raw.

At least she'd found the drugs Damiel and his partners had hidden in Raythe's house.  If they called the authorities as they'd threatened, nothing would be found. She flushed all she found down the toilet.

Raythe was free and could move on with someone else.  The constriction in her chest made it hard to breathe.  Whenever she thought about him with another woman she became physically ill.  Madison patted her stomach and waited for it to settle.  When people said love hurt, they were not kidding.

She closed her eyes and prayed when he moved on, and whoever the woman was, she would love him as much as she did.



The first week in Puerto Rico, Madison spent in bed crying and feeling sorry for herself.  Days passed before she realized her neighbors were walking past the house craning their necks in an effort to catch a glimpse of the new woman who'd yet to venture out.  Madison, now Melina Cruz, made a show of leaving to go to the market and walked to a fruit stand to purchase items, making small talk in her stilted Spanish. The streets of the small port town of Aguadilla were replete with vendors and amazing aromas.  Along with her name changed, her hair was now cropped to chin length and a bright auburn shade.

One of her new friends was an older lady named Anita, who insisted on tutoring Madison in gardening.  The gray haired woman was a no-nonsense type who didn't ask questions and took great joy spending time in the garden.  Madison understood when she found escape in sinking her hands into the rich earth.

Weeks went by and Madison became comfortable. Even her Spanish improved. 

Finally she had a good schedule, set to keep busy.  Breakfast, a run, and a couple hours working online from her house for an employer that hired her to translate documents to English. Madison didn't need a job, but would go crazy without some sort of semblance of normalcy.  The translation work kept her mind engaged and stopped her from thinking of Raythe too often.

Cooking and gardening followed work.  In the evenings, she would take a walk and sometimes spend time visiting Anita. 

The nights were worse. Memories of him and wondering what he did kept her awake.  But she was determined not to attempt any kind of communication with Florida.  If anything it would set her back and once more she'd have to start over in her quest to remove Raythe from her heart.

On a sunny afternoon, pride filled her as she studied the bright flowers she'd grown from seeds in the window box. On the ground next to the front door, two planters also brimmed with plants. 

Watering can in hand, she pulled a couple of stray weeds when a truck rambled down the road. The driver honked and waved. At the man's loud whistles, Madison roll her eyes.  Puerto Rican men were flirts.  When a taxi came down the street next, she went inside not in the mood for another catcall.

Madison hesitated at the door, something felt off.  She glanced around the open space of the living room and kitchen, but didn't note anything disturbed. The air seemed too still, but nothing was amiss.  Not one to ignore her instincts, especially knowing the council would not stop looking for her, she closed the door and walked against the wall away from the windows.  The tile floor was cool under her bare feet as she went to the doorway and peered into her bedroom.  Once again nothing disturbed.

A bird flew past the window and she jumped.  "I'm being silly." Madison shook her head and went to the kitchen to pour a cold drink.

The glass crashed to the tile floor and shattered.  Outside the window stood Raythe, his eyes locked to hers.



Chapter Six




Raythe cursed at the flutter in his stomach and jump in his pulse at locking gazes with Madison.  Her mouth fell open, her eyes wide.  Shock followed by fear registered on her face.  When her shoulders rounded, he walked to the front door.  If she fled, he was prepared to catch her.

He found her and wasn't leaving her side this time until he had all the answers.  Why had she left him?  The truth of why she found it necessary to leave rather than fight alongside him against whatever caused her flight.

It surprised him when she opened the door for him and stood back.  A very different Madison stood before him.  In a light yellow strapless sundress that showed off the graceful lines of her neck thanks to the new haircut, she looked to be younger and sexy as hell.  She slid one of her bare feet to the side, the pink toenails catching his attention next.

"Are you going to run this time or talk to me?" He stalked closer and took her by the arms.  "I want answers. I'm damn tired of chasing you." He steered her to a dining room chair and she sunk into it. Something was wrong, he expected more of a fight.

"I'm not running anymore.  If you found me here, I'm not hidden well enough for the others to follow."

"Who's chasing you?"

She shrugged and stared with bleak eyes to the window.  "The Lycan council for one. The men who want the drugs I got rid of. I had no idea it was so much."

"What are you talking about?" Raythe wanted to shake her until she made sense.  To kiss her until she became the spitfire he was used to. This defeated Madison was not who he'd fallen in love with.

He tried a softer approach.  "Look, I don't know what is going on.  I want to help, but I can't if you don't talk to me.  Make me understand what is happening."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"We had something at one time." He left it at that.  No reason to tell her he couldn't stop thinking about her and how hard it had been for him once she left the second time. This was not the time to admit how bad he felt at taking her so roughly when she'd come to him for help.  How he'd wanted to punish her for leaving him, to make her feel his pain. In the end it had been him who hurt.  She'd taken all he'd given. They'd fucked and not made love. It had been dark, hard, and angry. And it was etched in his mind, equal measures of pain and guilt.

"I'll tell you everything. Are you sure no one followed you here?" Madison jumped to her feet and looked out the window. "If they come, they'll kill us both and you don't deserve to be involved."

"Fine."  He stood.  "Let's go."  If she felt safe, then perhaps she'd be prompted to tell the truth.  If she was still lying, he'd play her game.  God he hoped she wasn't.  There was no telling what his reaction would be if Madison didn't love him anymore.  If she'd truly fallen for Damiel.

"Where?" She pressed her lips together and glanced at his face.

"I have a place rented." Raythe took her arm and guided her to the doorway.

She darted to a table and grabbed her bag and slipped her feet into sandals.  "All right, I'm ready." Taking one last look around the small home, she lifted her chin and walked outside the door.

Raythe followed and locked the door behind them.


Madison's mind was awhirl.  Thoughts darting from one scenario to another.  She'd noticed a swift look of longing from Raythe, but then wondered if she'd imagined it by how fast it was gone.  No, he didn't care any longer, he was a scorned lover seeking revenge for the humiliation she'd caused him.  He ambled down the sidewalk, looking out of place in his black jeans and biker boots.  She glanced toward him from under her lashes to see if he was armed.  From what she could tell, he wasn't. 

They walked about half a block and Raythe motioned toward a motorcycle.  "It's mine." Without anther word, he climbed on the bike and waited for her to mount behind him.

Damn it, the last thing she needed was to touch him. To feel his hard body against hers had the potential of reducing her to a blubbering mess.  "I'm not sure this is a good idea." She hesitated looking down the road as if a car would materialize.  "I don't..."

"Get on the fucking bike, Madison." He glared at her, his brows drawn together.  "Now."

One thing she'd learned from living with him is that Raythe never raised his voice.  When he was angry, furious even, the only indicators were his eyes.  And right now from the gleam in them, he was mad as hell.

She held her messenger bag tight against her stomach. In it were always cash and her electronic tablet.  It had become a habit to always keep the purse where she could grab it and run.  The bike rumbled down the uneven road as she held onto Raythe's slender waist. His familiar scent filled her senses to overflowing. Tears brimmed her eyes.  Finally she'd convinced herself that it was possible to let him go, to forget and now back to square one.

He shifted a bit to the side and the motorcycle leaned around a corner stirring her out of her revelry. Several miles later they arrived at a house atop a hill overlooking Aguanillas harbor.

Sometimes she forgot how well-off Raythe was and how easy material things came to him.  The gates slid open silently and he motored slowly to the front of the stucco building.  Madison eyed the tall fencing and electronic iron gates. It was possible to escape from here, but it would be a challenge.

"That's why I rented the place.  Figured I could keep you from running for at least a couple days." As always, he could read her thoughts.

Madison huffed, but didn't reply.  Instead she dismounted and focused on any possible means of escape, her eyes roving to take in the area.

His long leg lifted over the bike and she watched him straighten to his full height and walk to the front door.  The way he moved with such predatory grace never ceased to enthrall her.

The inside of the house was airy and fully furnished, the tile floors gleamed from the sunlight that streamed through the huge windows.  Every room was cheerful with bright paintings and vases brimming with flowers.

Madison took in the airy space.  "Doesn't scream you to me. Not unless you've turned a new, more colorful leaf."

He didn't look around, but kept his gaze on her.  "Come, let's sit."

It was hard to swallow past her suddenly dry throat. Straight to the business at hand did not bode well.  It seemed Raythe would not relent until she told him the truth. 

Madison took a deep breath.  God the fact that he was able to find and came after her meant if the other wolves followed, he would be marked for death.  She had to tell him why she left and ensure his safety, once again.  This time he'd be so angry, she was sure he'd turn her in to the council.

"I left because Damiel had set you up to be the fall guy for a huge drug shipment.  There was no other option, Raythe.  It was always you who defended me, who kept me safe.  This time it was my turn.  They didn't give me time or opportunity to warn you. He dictated the note I left you."


"Don't you think I could have defended us?" Half an hour later, Raythe shouted once again while pacing in front of the infuriating woman. "You left me without a second thought because that fucker threatened to turn me in for selling drugs?  Do you know how ridiculous that is?  No one would believe I'd do such a thing."

"They would if they found it hidden in the house.  Especially when they had videos of you conducting transactions."

"What videos?  I've never sold drugs..." He realized what she spoke of.  The job in Canada for a pack leader they'd not heard of. The errands they'd requested of him where he dropped off packages to supposed wolves needing assistance. It was all a set up.  But why?

"Why would Damiel go to such lengths to set me up?"

Her eyes met his and she looked away.  "He said it was your fault I never mated with him."

"Mated?  I don't understand. Was there something between you?" Raythe resumed pacing, his mind racing over what would drive Damiel to want him executed.  "If he had a grudge with me. He could have just confronted me."

"I wasn't aware of his interest.  He never approached me. Damiel said the worst way to hurt you was to take me and your honor." Madison slumped forward and ran her hands over her face.  "I wasn't about to let him get away with both.  I went with him. They kept me locked up in a house somewhere on the panhandle.  Finally I was prepared to escape.  He attacked me, I killed him." She swallowed at the memory of slashing Damiel's throat. "Then I rushed to your house to get rid of the drugs after overhearing where they were hidden."

"Why didn't he call and turn me in right after leaving?" He watched her closely.  No longer trusting her blindly like he'd done before when they lived together.

"I suppose because I told him you were going to do a follow up assignment after Canada. Maybe he wanted you arrested at a specific time.  I don't know. They had plans to sneak in and take some of the drugs before turning you in.  Hell, I don't know if they ever really planned to do it.  I don't know if he even had a thing for me.  I'm probably just stupid and left believing I was doing what was right.

“The Panama City pack is on a rampage.  They plan to grow their territory take as much of the northern portion of Florida as they can to expand the drug business."

"Do you realize how ridiculous this all sounds?" He took her by the arms and yanked her to her feet.  "Tell me the fucking truth!"

She cringed in pain and he almost backed down.  But he was tired of her lies. She held something back.

"I was mad at you, okay!" Madison shook and wrapped her arms around her waist.  "Tired of waiting for you to mate with me.  Every other pair who got together after we did mated, but you never took me." She let the tears of shame fall without bothering to wipe them.

Raythe couldn't believe his ears.  Did she really leave him because he didn't commit?  Maybe he was the idiot.

"That night we'd gone out to a romantic dinner and you said you had a special surprise for me.  When we got home and the surprise was tickets for me and Baby to go to a spa while you were gone, I was devastated.  I thought you were finally going to commit." She slumped and shuddered.  "Damiel came to the house right after you left.  I was easy prey, so full of self-pity I figured maybe if I did something to keep you safe, you'd change your mind about me. See me as someone you wanted in your life forever."

"I'm sorry." Raythe wasn't sure what else to say. He'd planned to mate with her, she was his one and only. Truthfully he wasn't sure why he kept putting it off, mainly because he wanted it to be special and preplan for it, he supposed.

"It doesn't matter now.  It's too late, I'm done."

The air around him turned ice cold; his entire body went frigid.  Did she not love him anymore?  Different questions formed and he discarded them one by one, not sure if he'd sound like an idiot.  He watched her move away, walk to the archway that let out to a balcony overlooking the harbor.  Her head bent, she looked into the distance, her stance still proud.  She expected him to continue to demand answers, shout, and be enraged for her foolishness.

"Madison." Raythe came up behind her and touched her shoulder.  "I'm sorry."

She whirled to face him, her eyes wide.  Her bottom lip trembled and she bit it.  It was all he needed.  Raythe wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.  When she relaxed against him and wrapped her arms around him, he rested his chin on her head.  "You don't have explain why you killed him.  I understand. I also see now why you found it necessary to leave.  You really did think to protect me."

She grabbed the front of his shirt and sobbed.  The sounds gut wrenching, tearing him inside out. Pain fell off of her in waves.

Raythe's cheeks were wet and the realization that he shared in her pain gripped him.  The bastard had gotten his revenge. But for what?

With the tip of his finger, he lifted her face to him.  "Mate with me.  I love you."

Her eyes rounded.  "Why would you do that?" Now she was angry, pushed him away.  "Raythe, why would you mate with someone who’s hunted? Going to bring danger to your life. My answer is no!"

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