Meeting Destiny; Lachlan’s Story (Annalese and the Immortals) (6 page)

BOOK: Meeting Destiny; Lachlan’s Story (Annalese and the Immortals)
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The Ceremony

nnalese was torn from the arms of her soon-to-be-mate by Sophia who was babbling about getting her ready for their guests. Vlad had asked Sophia to just throw a party. The guests would be told after their arrival of the mating. He wanted Lachlan and Lese’s night to be perfect, and if news got out, it would give Percy cause to use this night to wreak havoc. Vlad was having none of it.

The grand ballroom looked spectacular, transformed into something McCain and Lese could look back on and love. He had one more bit of business to attend to tonight, then he could just enjoy the celebration with his friend, child. Lachlan McCain was his son in almost every sense. Tonight, before the ceremony, Vlad would lay out his proposition to Lachlan and hope.

Sophia curled Lese’s hair with some crazy iron she had. She had to admit, her hair looked fabulous. She’d already applied makeup before hair. Sophia had a talent. Lese felt like a million bucks.

“OK girl, let’s see what you picked and let’s get you dressed.” Sophia opened the box Lese’s dress was in. “Oh holy shit Annalese, Lachlan is going to fall over when he sees you in this! Does he know what you chose?”

“No, I decided to surprise him. He’ll like it right?” Lese was a little concerned.

“Oh holy hell yes! He’s gonna love it!” She pulled out the red satin ball gown. Strapless with a mermaid flare just under the bum. She’d gotten red elbow-length gloves and red and silver stilettos.

“Oh crap, where’s the jewelry I asked for?”

Both women sorted through the boxes and did not find jewels.

“This is bad, Sophia. I needed that stuff. This is so bad!”

“Oh girl, Vlad loves buying jewelry. I have a thousand things. You need something borrowed anyway. Go dress, I got you.”

And she did have her. Sophia knew she was getting a friend forever and she wouldn’t let her down.

Vlad found Lachlan on the balcony doing his best to kill a pack of cigarettes. “Ah, I see you’re not calm yet,” he quipped.

“Nay, you would think after ten, it would calm me down, but nay. I’m a wreck. What if she changes her mind? I think I take me own head then.”

He was a mess. Vlad knew what to do. “Well McCain, that girl thinks the sun rises because of you. Don’t worry, she will be down. In the meantime, I have a proposition for you.”

“Ye do? What is it, T.?”

“Well, you know how you want Lese to have your name?”

“Yeah T., keep going,” Lachlan lit another, and Vlad took one of his own.

“You’re my fledgling, my child so to speak. The only one. I’d like it, it would honor me, a huge honor bestowed onto me, if you took Tepes and shared it with Annalese. You already bear the Dracul crest.” He patted his chest. “And it would please both myself and Sophia if we were bound in that way. Mehmet could make it so.”

Lachlan stood facing his sire. He kept trying to form a sentence, even one word, but he needed a minute. He put up a finger to indicate it. He held a breath until he could finally speak. “Vlad, I don’t know what to say. Just having you give me your mother’s ring was such an honor. Then the crest.” Lachlan had tears. “This is so unexpected.”

“So say you’ll do it. Take Tepes after McCain. Be my heir, my family.”

“I need to speak with Annalese, but I think she will tell me yes. So unless something crazy happens, yes Vlad, I will take it. It will be an honor and a privilege to be Tepes.”

“Thank you, Lachlan.”

The two Vampires hugged.

“Now let’s go find your girl and announce to the guests the mating and naming.”

And off they went. Lachlan stepped on to the patio Lachlan Michael McCain. He left it Lachlan Michael McCain Tepes. Honored was such an understatement.

Mehmet approached the two Vampires at the bottom of the grand staircase. “I see your mate approved of the man skirt.” Mehmet caught humor in Lachlan’s formal Highland attire. He was dressed in his black and red kilt, formal jacket, sporran, sgian drabh on his right hip and his ghillies. Ghillies were traditional black thick solid shoes. Any proud Scot wouldn’t dress without them.

And on this day, Lachlan was the proudest man in the world. All he was missing was the claymore strapped to his back. He almost donned it, but thought better of it. He was not going into battle, not on this day.

Vlad spoke with Mehmet about the naming and Mehmet agreed to make it official. He had taken the life of Vlad’s only living blood. He had Sophia, and now Lachlan and Annalese. It was only right.

Sophia came down the staircase into Vlad’s arms. “Ah pixie, you look delicious as usual.”

“Aye, she looks ravishing. But aren’t ye missing someone? Like me mate to be?”

His first thought was, Shit,
she’s not coming. Fuck, she’s changed her mind.

Sophie giggled. “She just wanted to make a grand entrance Lach. In three, two, one, there’s your bride, Lachlan.”

His head shot up. At the top of the stairs she stood. Lachlan couldn’t speak, couldn’t draw a breath. His legs were shaking and his palms were sweating. He thought for a moment he was going to faint.

Vlad had his arm and quietly said, “Go, meet her at the bottom.”

He got the twenty feet to the bottom stair as Annalese descended. He stopped, held out his hand and waited. She was a vision. The red gown brought out her green eyes. He hoped that strapless number was on properly or she’d be spilling out the top. She made it to the bottom stop and took his hand.

“Oh my God, Lachlan. You look amazing. Your hair is so beautiful not tied back.”

“Oh goddess almighty, I’mma have heart failure with you in that dress, lass. No woman has ever looked more beautiful. There is something I need ye for, a proposition from me sire.”

Lachlan quietly explained and she wholeheartedly agreed. She kissed Lachlan’s cheek, walked over to Vlad and threw her arms around him. He returned the embrace, knowing no words needed to be said.

They all entered the grand ballroom. Annalese and Lachlan were floored by the beauty of everything. Yup, Sophie was definitely a genius. Vlad poured for everyone, then went to the middle of the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming tonight. I had ulterior motives for this little get-together.” He motioned for Lachlan to join him. “Lachlan McCain, my fledgling. My only sired Vampire will officially by Vampire law become part of the Tepes family tonight. He will don Tepes and it will be permanent, like the dragons on his chest. He will command the same respect as if he were me. Consider him my son.”

The guests cheered and one from the back held up his glass. “To Lachlan!” The crowd followed suit.

“Ah,” Vlad continued. “What’s a party without a mating?” That drew everyone’s attention. “Annalese, please.” Vlad held out his hand. “She has blessed this house by agreeing to this mating. More so by loving Lachlan and becoming part of this family.” Vlad finished with, “My dear friend Mehmet will officially do the mating and the naming at midnight. Please enjoy until then.”

“Hey, fang boy.” Annalese was quiet.


“Are you completely traditional Highland Scot tonight?”

Lachlan looked at himself thinking the booze may have already gotten the best of her. He was dressed properly for a formal ceremony. So he gave her a look and said, “Aye lass, am I missing something?”

She was giggling. “Oh I do love a man in a kilt. I could reach under and cop a feel.” She continued to giggle.

“No lass, I thought it best for undershorts this time. Didna want me man parts freezing off in the cold, but yer welcome to—how did ye put it—cop a feel anytime.”

The evening progressed and before long, midnight was upon them. Mehmet stood at the hearth of the grand fireplace, the aisle lined with standing red candles. The couple stood before him.

We have been brought together on this night to bear witness to Lachlan Michael and Annalese Demetra.They’ve chosen this blessed night to complete their mating and vow to one another under the moon, stars and the spirit of the Goddess.”

Mehmet took their hands and tied them to each other with a red ribbon.

“Lachlan and Annalese, know now before you go further, since your lives have crossed, you have formed an eternal bond. As you seek your mating in this circle, you are declaring your eternal love. Vows made this night are the ties that bind. Your union will only strengthen over the years and you’re bound from this moment forward. Lachlan, will you honor his woman, equal in this union?”

“Oh aye, I willa definitely do that.”

“Annalese, will you honor this man, equal in this union?”

“Yes, I will,” Lese said, her eyes full of tears.

“And so the binding is made. You’re joined completely in this life and the next.” Mehmet picked up the athame and cut the ribbon, then took Lachlan’s wrist and cut it.

Motioning to Annalese, Lachlan spoke, “Angel, take me blood, me life, and me soul. I give it freely, with all the love in me heart.”

She took his wrist to her mouth. It was only for a moment when Mehmet had her wrist and she looked into Lachlan’s perfect blue eyes. “Lachlan, take my blood, my life, my soul. I give it to you freely with all the love in my heart.” He took just a sip and sealed the cut with his saliva and smiled that gorgeous vampire smile.

“Honored guests, our mating is complete.” Mehmet embraced each of them. “I wish you both many centuries and a house full of babies.”

The rest of the night including the naming went perfectly. The newly mated couple danced the traditional first dance to John Legend’s “All of Me.” They made such a beautiful couple. Even a few of the older vampires were a bit teary-eyed.

“Annalese,” Lachlan whispered in her ear.


God, she was radiant. “Lass, let’s go make a baby.”

Her head snapped in his direction. He was grinning from ear to ear. He placed his hand on her middle. “I wanna give you a child me love, to make beautiful children with ye. To see ye swell with me son or daughter. What say ye, love, wanna go make babies with this old vampire?”

Now it was her turn for the grin. They left the ballroom hand in hand until they reached the bottom of the staircase. He scooped her up, taking the steps two at a time until they reached their suite. He kicked open the door with one foot and closed it with the other. “Time to make me a daddy, angel.”

Oh, that grin. And they did.

Vlad glanced around, noticing the couple had gone. He grinned. Life was as perfect as he’d ever known in six hundred-plus years. He pulled his mate in for a kiss, a very passionate one. “I think the kids have the right idea, my pixie. Wanna go make your Vampire very happy?”

Just as he would never refuse her, she could never refuse him. “I’ll race you,” Sophie said, knowing she’d never beat Vlad and his Vampire speed.

The next evening found both couples in the kitchen heating leftover party food. Vlad had dismissed Marcus, telling him to take a couple days to himself.

Lachlan was humming a tune Lese knew that she knew but could not place it. Then it hit her. “Really fang boy? ‘Highway to Hell’?” She shook her head.

“Aye, angel, with all the sinning we done last night, I thought it was verra appropriate.”

“Are they always this bad, Sophie?”

Sophie swallowed her coffee. “Oh no, Lese, this is good behavior. Wait until the three try to get drunk. That will be fun times.”

Because of their metabolisms they burned off the alcohol fairly quickly. So it took a lot of booze to get a Vampire drunk. Throat clearing came from the doorway.

“Gary,” Annalese ran across Vlad’s massive kitchen to jump into the arms of her friend. Lachlan was growling, but Vlad had hold of his arm. “They’re friends Lach, let it go.”

“Oh my God, are you OK? How do you feel? I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No, Lese, it’s not.” Gary spoke. “The only one at fault here is that SOB that did it. They,” he motioned to Vlad and Lachlan, “saved my life. I know I’ll never be the same, and I have a lot to learn, but I didn’t want to die.” He addressed Lachlan. “Thank you, sire. I’ll try to do you proud. Now is solid food OK ‘cuz I’m starving.”

Sophie handed him a plate. Lach looked to Vlad. “Sire?” Vlad just shrugged his shoulders and tried to look innocent. No dice.

“Lese, I guess you and my sire are married. Congrats.”

“Um, mated and married. I swear all of it will get explained. I’m still learning too. Wanna see a cool trick?”

“Sure, go for it.” Gary was curious.

Lese closed her eyes and imagined Lachlan’s plate in front of her, and
across the breakfast bar it came.

“Holy shit!”

She just smiled.

“Aye, angel. Canna I have me breakfast back please?”

She concentrated and back it went. Lese looked at Vlad. “See no scaring! Speaking of scary, where’s Mehmet?”

“Oh he’s hunting.”

Everyone turned.

Vlad grinned. But he spoke no more. Lese tried to touch his arm and he just gave her a look. “Fine, keep your secrets, Pops.” And she stalked from the kitchen.

Vlad had a fit of laughter.

“Pops! She’s got you Vlad,” Sophie giggled.

Gary was lost but at home all at the same time. “Sire, would you have time for some Q and A?”

“Aye, but it’s Lachlan, Lach or McCain. Sire is way too formal, got it?”

Gary nodded and the questions flew.


ercy was here. Mehmet could feel it. He was his sire after all. He had a blood bond which was weak after all the years, but it was still there. Mehmet knew he could find him. That wouldn’t be a problem. The problem would come when he would have to return him to Vlad instead of having the pleasure of destroying Percy himself. He had warned him over 100 years ago to let it drop. That whatever he had in his mind was to be dropped. It was over; enough blood had been shed. Obviously, from everything he’d heard, Percy had not heeded his sire’s commands. Mehmet felt he was responsible, as he had sired him.

Percy was rogue now. Out of control. This needed to end. He would not let anyone inside Castle Dracula become a victim to this vindictive SOB. That wasn’t going to happen. Mehmet had made a call immediately after leaving the castle to the one other being he knew would not fail his orders—Nico.

Nico Angelov was a werewolf. He was
werewolf in the eastern part of Europe. He was the Alpha of Romania, and he owed Mehmet a favor. Today was the day he would cash in.

As Mehmet stepped off the cobblestone road of the small village he’d been wandering in and into the pub, he immediately knew they had been there. He smelled the stench of him and it pissed him off even more. He spotted Nico in the far corner table, Mehmet approached carefully, Nico was never alone. Mehmet knew he would have guards in the pub.

“Hello, Nico, my old friend.” He extended his hand and the werewolf graciously accepted.

“Ah Mehmet, you old son of a bitch, what brings you to my neck of the world? Well, besides a very unexpected mating and even more shocking, the naming.”

“Well, I see word travels fast. Yes, Lachlan took a mate. She’s lovely. I told him I wanted her, but no. He wouldn’t give her up.” The old Turk grinned.

“I bet not. I hear she’s stunning. I’ll have to drop in and see for myself. So, you came for help with a certain vampire, did you?”

Mehmet should have known. Nico would never miss a trick. He knew when any paranormal came into his territory. “Yes. Since you know, no need to go into the details.”

Nico had such an evil grin. It rivaled Vlad’s.

“Come, see what I have for you old friend.” Nico stood, and Mehmet followed him through a doorway concealed behind a curtain, down a dark corridor, and then down a set of stairs Mehmet was sure would give out under his weight. They stopped at a steel-reinforced door. Nico grinned like the cat that swallowed the canary. He swung open the door. There, chained to the wall, was a very bloody Percy.

“What happened?” Mehmet needed an explanation for Vlad.

“He tripped,” was all Nico would give him.

“How are those holding him? They’re just steel.”

“Oh, that’s the best part.” Nico reached for a syringe. “Liquid silver.”

“Shit, Nico, you’re as sadistic as Vlad.”

Nico just kept grinning.

“Now we’re even. He’s all yours. Should we transport him to the castle?”

“Yes, at once. I will notify the Prince.”

And with that, Mehmet left and made his way back to his friends.

Mehmet arrived before dawn and was greeted by Vlad and Lachlan.

“Aye, Mehmet, did ye find anathing?”

“Yes, dear friend. Did you come up with any leads for us?”

Mehmet put up a hand to stop the barrage of questions coming from the two men. “When I left earlier, I put in a call to Nico.”

Lachlan beat Vlad. “Nico Angelov? He’s such a sadistic fucker!”

“Well yes, that’s true, but he’s also the best tracker in eastern Europe, so I thought we needed the help. He will arrive shortly to congratulate you… and for another piece of business.”

A knock came a moment later: Nico.

“Hello all! Miss me?” Nico was still grinning. Geez, did he ever not do that? He motioned to the van outside. “I came bearing gifts.” His two goons dragged Percy, still bleeding, from the cargo van.

“Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch! How?” Vlad needed to know. “And why is he bloody?”

“Oh that. He tripped.” Nico just kept grinning. “He was caught trying to drain a very close friend of mine not in my territory! Oh, this may come in very handy.” He handed Vlad a satchel. Inside were a dozen syringes filled with liquid silver.

“Damn, Nico. I think I love you.” Vlad was doing his evil grin.

“Oh Lach, I hear you took a mate. Congrats, man!”

Lachlan nodded. “Aye, thank ye, but she took me, made me a verra happy man. Would ye like to meet her?”

“Hell yes, I’ve got to see. Mehmet told me she’s gorgeous!”

“Aye, she is.” Lachlan closed his eyes “Angel, can ye come to the library? Someone wants to meet ye.”

She appeared in less than a minute. “Hey, fang boy,” she said as she nuzzled his neck while he wrapped her in an enormous hug.

“What were ye doing, angel? I missed ye!”

“Oh, helping Gary figure things out. Nothing that can’t wait. Did you want me for something?”

This time it was her turn for a grin—a very naughty one.

“Oh, angel,” Lachlan nipped her ear. “Always. But we have a guest. Nico Angelov, meet me mate, Annalese McCain Tepes.”

Annalese reached out to shake his hand, and she was hit so hard, she stumbled back. “Um, nice to meet you.”

“Angel?” Lachlan had a worried look.

“Oh Annalese,” Vlad spoke. “I should have warned you, I didn’t think it would happen unless you were trying. Forgive me.”

“It’s fine, I just wasn’t expecting all that.”

Nico was lost. “OK guys, I’m lost here. What the fuck just happened?”

“Me angel, she’s an empath. And when she touched ye—”

Lachlan was cut off by Nico. “She saw things she shouldn’t have, right?”

“Aye, and it was unexpected.” Lachlan still held tight to his mate.

“Well, Ms. Annalese, I am truly sorry for what happened. My world can be, uh, challenging and one must adapt or be overrun. But I must say, damn! McCain, how did you ever manage to get such a stunning woman to mate your ugly ass?” Nico chuckled.

Mehmet stepped in. “Lach, maybe you should take your mate upstairs. We have a package to handle, remember?”

“Aye,” Lach scooped her up with a very naughty grin of his own. Two by two, he took the stairs, Lese wrapped in his arms.

The men headed down with Percy in tow.

“Lachlan, don’t you have a guest?”

“Aye, Vlad will handle Nico, I’m hungry angel.”

“Oh,” she bared her neck, and he wrapped his arms back around her, his tongue tracing her ear. “Aye, angel, me hunger ‘tis not blood. I want ye. Canna ye feel it, Lese? I’m so hard, I may hurt myself. Didna want to share me hard-on with them, only you, angel. What you did the other night when ye were touching me, please do that again.”

She complied. She slowly pulled the belt from his jeans with a smile, then the opened the button. She deliberately went slowly. She knew exactly what her mate wanted, and she gave it to him. But it was fun to watch him try to breathe while she slowly, almost painfully, undressed him. Her fingers found his zipper. As she lowered it, he hissed.

“Oh fuck, angel, please.”

She peeled his jeans off. He had already kicked out of his shoes. One thumb on each side of him, she carefully relieved him of his boxers, the giant erection jutting out begging to be touched. She slowly went to her knees. Lips just an inch from the glistening head, she just breathed on it.

“Aye. Christ on toast, angel, touch me.” He choked out the words. Her tongue gently lapped his slit where a drop of his seed had formed, then swirling all around the head she grabbed his throbbing shaft and took him in her mouth. Lachlan spoke in some sort of Scottish Gaelic. She didn’t know the words, but she didn’t need to. Annalese was doing exactly what he loved. His words ran together. His knees were shaking, and he was struggling to find breath. She continued to stoke him from tip to sac and suckle and lick. His right hand buried in her hair like he was trying to hold on for dear life.

“Ye need,” he took a big breath, “to stop. Ah, Gods, that,” more breathing, “I’mma gonna come, angel.” He gasped. “Please stop before,” he panted heavy breaths. “I lose it.”

She looked up. “No, Lach. I want to taste you.” And she began again. This time she gripped his sack so tight he almost blew. Her tongue and lips were everywhere. Gaelic curses and prayers to the goddess came from Lachlan.

“Angel, please,” he gasped. “Are ye sure, I canna hold it much longer.”

She didn’t stop. Her mouth took him in and out.

“Oh, goddess, yes.” Lachlan screamed as he spilled.

She took all he had to give. He tasted sweet and salty and all man. Legs still shaking he pulled her up and his mouth met hers, his taste still on her lips. So much passion. His shirt came over his head. “Gods, woman, you’re gonna be the death of me, but aye, that was incredible. Now it’s my turn.”

He had her naked and on the bed in a flash. Lachlan started at her toes, kissing and sucking each one, then began to move up her legs, passing the place she wanted his tongue most. He kissed her mound of strawberry curls on his way up. He trailed kisses up her stomach, then stopping at her breasts, hand on one, massaging and tweaking her nipple, his mouth went to work on the other. Biting and sucking, fangs out, scraping the skin, Lachlan gave Lese a reason to pant now. He changed sides and gave the same attention to the other. His hand slid down and she spread her legs.

“Oh God, Lachlan,” she moaned as he parted her feminine flaps and his thumb gently rubbed her tiny bundle of nerves. She whimpered and moaned.

“Aye, angel, yer so beautiful.” He slipped a finger in and slowly started pumping in and out. His tongue found her core. Gods she tasted so good. When he withdrew the finger and inserted his tongue, she moaned even louder. “That’s it angel, let me know ye like it.”

And she did. She was in heaven—or at least she thought she was, until he wrapped his lips around her bundle and started sucking. Once he reinserted the finger, two that time. She was pulling on the sheets, thrashing. He bit, licked and sucked on her as his fingers pumped in and out. Her breathing was so heavy, that he knew she was close. While he worked his fingers, he sunk his fangs into her thigh and began to drink, just a little. That was it. She lost it. The biggest organsm she’d ever had crashed through her like a tidal wave. Lachlan continued pumping in and out just more slowly as she rode it out. He was over her. “Gods Annalese, that was the most beautiful thing me ever saw. Yer amazing, my love.”

He was poised at her core, knowing she wanted to be filled. “Lass, tell me, I wanna hear it, tell me ye want me.”

“Ah God, Lachlan, yes. I want you.”

She was so slick that he entered her in one stroke. Lese gasped.

“Ah, shit lass, did I hurt ye?” He tried to pull away.

“Oh, no!” She took a breath. “That is the most incredible feeling.”

He smiled.

God, he was perfect. She reached up and untied his hair. It fell around his face and she immediately put her hands in it. “Lach, I love your hair like this. So beautiful.”

Their bodies started to move in perfect rhythm. Faster and faster they came together, hair around his face. “Ah lass, I love ye unto me soul, I love ye.” He put his lips on her neck and she bared it for him. As his fangs pierced her skin, they both reached euphoria, and within a few more strokes, both were over the mountain calling out one another’s name.

He held her tight, rolling to the side their bodies still joined. “Gods, I love ye, angel. Thank ye, my love.”

“Hmm, what for, Lach?” She was feeling so good.

“Aye lass, fer everathing. Lovin me, mating me. All of it.”

They drifted off to sleep connected in every way.

Sunset brought the newly mated couple out of their slumber. Lese shot out of bed, running across their room and violently vomiting in the toilet. Lachlan was behind her in a flash, holding her hair and rubbing her back.

“God, Lach I’m sorry.” Lese spoke before she flushed. Then she grabbed her toothbrush. She finished brushing her teeth alongside her mate. Annalese thought to herself how happy she was. What a difference a couple of weeks had made.

“Hey, fang boy, I guess I’m not taking enough of your blood, You said I wouldn’t get sick and that,” pointing to the toilet, ”was definitely sick.”

“Aye angel, can ye do it now? Do you feel OK to try?”

“Yes, can I please? I love taking from you.”

Lachlan grabbed the knife and cut just above his nipple, on the opposite side of his dragons. She latched on quickly and he was instantly hard. The more she drew, the harder he got. Lese pushed his hand to his erection and kept drawing his blood. He grasped himself and began to stroke, while her hand found his sac. She squeezed. Lachlan continued to stroke himself and she grabbed his sack tighter, massaging him. Her lips left his chest and met his. He was breathing so hard and the Gaelic words were flying.

“Lach, I want you in me

He had her up against the wall. “Wrap your legs around me waist, angel. I need ye now. Gods, I need ye.”

They went fast and hard, orgasming almost simultaneously. He held her pinned to the wall. “Holy shite, lass, what ye do to me.”

They showered and went down to the kitchen, hand in hand.

“Sire, I mean Lachlan. Good evening. Lese, hey!”

Gary would make a very good vampire.

“Vlad, how’s the package?” Lach was curious.

“Oh still in one piece, but for how long I cannot say.” Vlad was the king of evil grins.

“Aye, question for me, sire?” Lachlan was laying it on thick.

“Sire, really? Fine, smart ass, what’s the question?”

“OK, how much of me blood does she need to stay healthy? We have been doing blood almost every day and this evening, when we woke, my angel got sick to her stomach.”

Vlad sat in silence for a moment. “Annalese, I’m going to ask you a question, and it’s very personal, OK?”

“Yeah, Pops, go ahead.” Lese was smiling.

“OK, first, knock the Pops shit off.” He was grinning. “Second, where do you take from on him and for how long?” She told him where and that it was usually at least five minutes, about his feeding length.

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