Read Merediths Awakening Online

Authors: Violet Summers

Merediths Awakening (19 page)

BOOK: Merediths Awakening
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The sensory overload, the bar, the mask, the nipple clamps, sent her flying. It wasn’t orgasm, it was something other, something more. Every inch of her skin, every atom of her being, was electrified. The feel of her breath over her lips was almost painfully arousing. His eyes on her were a physical touch.

“What’s your safe word?” She heard his voice, but couldn’t make sense of the words. All that existed was a pleasure bordering on pain.

“Meredith,” his voice was sharper now, and he took her chin firmly between thumb and forefinger to direct her glazed eyes to his. “Come back to me, Princess. It’s not time to go flying yet.”

Slowly she blinked back to reality, only to drown in his eyes. The coolness and distance she’d seen there all night had finally melted, and she thought she could just float there forever.

“Your safe word,” he repeated. “Say it for me.”

“Frost,” her voice was distant, husky.

“If anything hurts,” his luscious mouth kicked up at one corner, “I mean hurts in a bad way, you say frost. If you get scared and need to talk something out, you say frost. I want you to use it if you need it, Princess, but don’t abuse it.” He stroked his thumb over her mouth, grunting in reaction as she instinctively drew it between her teeth to wash over it with her tongue. “Don’t abuse it, baby, because tonight I’m on the edge, and if you use it tonight, everything stops.” He drew a deep, shaky breath and withdrew his thumb from her sucking lips. “Acknowledge.”

“If I say frost, everything stops,” she repeated back and received his satisfied nod in return.


“Excellent, Princess.” He dropped a tender kiss on her lips, and turned her to face the curtained wall. Carefully he guided her to her knees before dropping to his own to adjust her position. With deft movements, he twisted the lace of her panties, making almost a rope of it. He spread the split where the crotch should have been, and pulled it tight to frame her clit. When he was done he had, in effect, bound her pussy with the lace of her panties, squeezing her clit and running it up to press the tender bud of her anus.

He left her gasping, and walked to the side of the wall where the cord for the drape hung. Fingering the rope, he just looked at her. The bulge between his legs was huge and throbbing. The pulsing in her pussy kept time with his heartbeat. She was a breath away from that other place again, the place where there was only sweet, free sensation.

“I’m going to open the curtain now, Princess. The people in the next room will be able to see you, just as you can see them. Don’t close your eyes,” he instructed. “I want you to see them, to see them wanting you.” She felt like she was about to hyperventilate.

Her breath jerked in her chest, and she let out sharp whimpers with each exhale.

Utterly attuned to her, Tony paused and came to kneel before her. Looking into those melting brown eyes, she felt her breathing even out and her anxiety recede.

“Is it too much,” he asked softly. “Do you need to say something to me?” And because he gave her the out, she was able to slowly shake her head and whisper,

“I want to do what pleases you, Anthony.”


Tony wanted to roar out his triumph, or come on the spot at her words. He was angry, so angry, and hurt, and he knew he was pushing her far beyond where she thought she was ready to go.

But she’d surprised him, surprised, he thought, them both. She’d gone flying, hitting nirvana, the place where the body was pure sensation, pure fire. And she’d done it with nothing more than the force of his words. It was a heady thing, the most powerful aphrodisiac he’d ever experienced.

Now he posed her carefully in the center of the two-way mirror, and moved again to pull the curtain. He knew what to expect, so he didn’t bother to look at the tableau in the other room. He was more interested in Meredith’s reaction.

He wasn’t disappointed.

Her eyes locked immediately on the slave who knelt facing her on the other side of the glass. The young man, for the slave was indeed male, was bound in a classic hog-tie position which left him deliciously exposed. Meredith’s gasp was audible as she took in the man’s helplessness, the leather straps binding him, the cock-and-balls harness holding him under control.

With a dark smile, Tony hit a switch and suddenly the ragged cadence of the slave’s breathing filled the room. To his amusement, it wasn’t long before Meredith was breathing in time with the other man.

“Patrick,” the voice was rich and feminine. The other slaved tensed at the sound.

“Patrick, I don’t think your cock is hard for me.” The Domme sauntered into view, wrapped from head to toe in red latex. “Don’t you desire me, Patrick?” Patrick shuddered as she flicked the tip of a riding crop over the tip of his erection. “Answer me,” the command was sharp and obvious.

“I desire nothing but you, Mistress.” The slave’s voice was rough, as though he’d been screaming. “I desire nothing but your pleasure.”


“That’s good, Patrick,” her voice stayed silky as she flicked the crop over his nipples. She smiled when he jerked in reaction. “Right now it pleases me for you to show Master A’s possession how a true submissive behaves.” She ran fingers sheathed in red latex through his hair and he grunted when the material caught in the silky strands.

Tony looked at Meredith and wished he could see her expression. She kept her eyes fixed on the window, her breath jerked raggedly in her chest, and her lips had taken on a full, sultry cast.

Letting his eyes meet those of the Domme, Tony gave a small smile, and motioned for her to proceed.


It was just as well Anthony had ordered her not to speak, because Meredith didn’t think she could force a sound past the lump in her throat if she tried. The scene before her was out of her nightmares, out of her darkest fantasies.

The slave, she couldn’t think of him as anything else, was beautiful and young. His muscles rippled from chest to groin, and his hairless skin gleamed with a sheen of oil.

In spite of his Mistress’ complaint, his cock was swollen and angry, thrusting out demandingly from his silky smooth groin. His desire and distress were obvious; she could feel them stealing through the glass separating them.

“Show me your devotion, Patrick.” The Domme had stooped to do something to the young man’s bindings, and now she moved to stand with her back to the window, giving Meredith a clear view of round, firm buttocks in red latex. Standing with her legs spread and hands on her hips, the woman looked powerful, strong. When she spoke, her slave slowly lowered himself, leaning a bit to the side to keep from overbalancing, and pressed trembling lips to her thigh, knee, and then the top of her shoe.

Sliding the crop under his chin, she guided him back to his kneeling position, and then used the device to pat his cheek. Meredith could all but feel the sting on her own face. The slave looked dazed, grateful, aroused beyond endurance. Even harnessed as it was, his cock slowly drizzled pre-cum.

The Domme refastened his bindings and guided Patrick around, so he was in profile to the window. Pulling up a chair, she sat with her legs spread wide to reveal a slit in her bodysuit. Meredith could see the glossy folds of her pussy, and so could Patrick, who let loose an agonized moan and swayed forward involuntarily.

“Oh, Patrick. You know better .” The Domme shook her head, seemingly disappointed. “Not until I command you.” She tapped his chin firmly, snapping his mouth closed with a click.

She stood, and Meredith moaned along with the slave when she rubbed her juicy pussy over his chin before stepping to the side and around behind him.

“We must give Master A’s pretty little toy a pretty show, mustn’t we, my love?” As she spoke, she plucked an enormous dildo from the bed on the far side of the room.

Holding it up so both Patrick and Meredith could see it clearly, she murmured, “Solid marble. It will warm with your body temperature.”

Sauntering back to kneel behind her slave, the Domme very theatrically drizzled lube up and down the length of the dildo. Then, leaning forward to rest her forehead between Patrick’ sweaty shoulder blades, she squeezed a trail of lube over her fingers.

He jerked when she slid two fingers roughly into his anus, and Meredith jerked, too, because Tony had slid up behind her while she was captivated with the scene in the other room, and as the Domme slid her fingers into her slave’s tight opening, Tony pulled her panties roughly against her clit and pressed one broad finger to her own dark bud.

Her head fell back, and a raw cry was torn out of her. Distantly she was aware of the slave, his attention flickering to her as he seemed to drink in her pleasure.

“Shhh,” Tony whispered against the tingling skin where her neck met her shoulder.

“Imagine what he’s feeling.” His invading finger pressed deeper, and Meredith whimpered at the burn.

In the meantime, the Domme had removed her fingers and began working the dildo into her slave’s slick hole. He moaned and groaned and rocked back into the large tool, and she fastened one hand in his hair to hold him steady. When the marble cock was fully seated, the slave swayed, a keening cry trembling from his throat.

“My poor, disobedient love.” The Domme’s words were tender, but her hands were rough. “You know you are supposed to be still and silent. You are an example, the model of a perfect slave. Now you will have to be punished.” She wrapped his bound hands around the base of the dildo. “Hold this in. Do not let it slide out. Do not move it.” She pulled at his hair, stretching his head back so she could meet his eyes. “No one fucks you but me, love.”

It was getting harder and harder for Meredith to focus. Tony had slid his wide, thick finger deep into her resistant anus, and was slowly twisting it, sending showers of burning sparks over her nerve endings.

“Have you ever seen a man get fucked?” He continued to whisper, not breaking the spell of the Domme over her slave. “Oh,” he breathed into her neck. “I remember you have.” Meredith shuddered at the reminder of the scene at the construction site. “But have you ever seen a man get fucked by a woman?” His finger continued to rotate. His free hand slid around to tug at the nipple clamps. Her sharp moan made an oddly compelling harmony with the cries of the slave. “Mistress Anne is going to fuck her slave so good, so hard.” Meredith cried out again as Tony slid his hand down to chafe the lace of her panties over her swollen clit.

Indeed, Mistress Anne was making a good show of it. As Patrick clutched the dildo, straining to stay perfectly still, his Mistress stepped around in front of him. Sliding her gloved fingers through the juices of her pussy, she held them up to Patrick’ lips. He obediently, eagerly took them into his mouth, sucking the cream greedily from her fingers.

“Tell me how I taste, Patrick,” his Mistress purred.

“Like honey,” he gasped, twitching against the pressure of the dildo. “Like sweet cream and sugar.”

“Very good, love.” His mistress raised one foot to the chair she’d previously occupied and swiveled her leg to the side, exposing her pussy, which was just as bare and flushed as her slave’s cock. Flicking the crop over his cock again, she conceded, “You may lick me, Patrick,” and the young man lunged at her, slurping into her cunt as if she were sweet fruit and he’d been fasting for weeks.

“Mmmmm,” her moan was luxurious, and Meredith felt like joining her as Tony slid two fingers into her clenching sheath. She could feel them run over the length of the finger still up her rear entrance, and the sensation was indescribable.

Slowly the finger in her ass withdrew, and she whimpered in distress at the loss.

Tony gave a low chuckle and rasped, “Don’t worry, Princess. We’re nowhere near through,” and then the finger returned, coated with slick lube. First one finger, then a second, and finally a third burrowed into her clutching anus. The Mistress moaned low and long, the slave devoured her with wet, hungry noises, Anthony delved into her, front and back, and Meredith flew.

She didn’t come. There wasn’t enough direct stimulation to her clit or her g-spot to come. But she slid back into that space of total sensation. Her skin was a sex organ, every millimeter on fire. Tony let her go for a few minutes, but then relentlessly brought her back to earth.

“Oh no, Princess. The show’s not over.” He raised the fingers that had been in her pussy to her mouth, and while the Mistress watched he painted her lips with her own honey. “Not over for you, or for them.” The smile on the other woman’s face sent a shard of panic down her spine.


Tony held back a feral smile. Anne was putting on quite a show. His Princess was so wet they could drown, and so hot she might just spontaneously combust. And poor Patrick was going to be raw for a good week.

He’d wanted Anne and Patrick for several reasons. First, because Anne was a superior Domme. She had a talent for pushing her slaves to the absolute edge of what they could endure, and then sending them into a climax almost painful in its intensity.

He’d also chosen Anne because she didn’t have an exclusive slave. She always came to Velvet Ice with a different submissive, and her lack of emotional attachment showed.

Tony wanted Meredith to see the difference between what was between them and what was between Anne and whichever slave she was working tonight.

Finally, he’d wanted Meredith to see a female Dom, a Domme. He knew Meredith had a difficult time picturing herself as a submissive, and it was one of the stumbling blocks to her giving over her trust. Tony thought if she saw a Domme at work, she might discover there was no Domme in her, and it would help her to accept the submissive in her nature.

Anne pushed Patrick back roughly and without coming. The motion jostled the marble cock in him and he gave a sharp, distressed cry. Placing the crop under his chin to tip his head back, Anne dragged one finger through the moisture glistening on his cheeks and chin from his feast, and asked “Pain, or pleasure?”

“It’s both, Mistress. If it pleases you, it’s both.”

“It doesn’t please me to damage you,” she snapped, and Tony knew she’d stop in an instant if her slave was in real pain, the bad kind.

BOOK: Merediths Awakening
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