Microsoft Word - Illicit Desires ePub.doc (2 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Illicit Desires ePub.doc
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"I'll take that if you don't want it," she smiled softly, not waiting for me to reply as she

took a sip without taking her eyes off of mine. I'm sure that the green in them was replaced

with the darkness of my anger.

I only snarled at her.

She leaned forward again, her lips just an inch away from my face. She was so close I

could feel her warm breath on my cheek. It took everything in me not to moan.

"I win,
Dear Brother,
"she whispered and then touched her soft lips to my cheek.


She thought she was going to date now that she had permission?

She thought that she'd go out with a guy and kiss and hug and fuck?

She thought I'd ever allow anyone to touch what was

No fucking way in hell!

When she was about to back off after kissing me, I gripped her forearm and whispered

back. "Over my dead body,
little sister.

It was like it all happened just yesterday, but it all started that summer about four years


My father, Dave was the Chief of Surgery at Seattle Faith Hospital. He was always so

busy with work that it was unreal. We were never able to have a proper vacation. But, a

miracle eventually happened, and he was able to carve out two weeks for us and take a break.

So, we went to our beach house —which we hardly used— to spend the break there.

Dave was a great guy, really. He always wanted for us to have the best of everything. He

wasn't our real father, though. Henry Walter is …
for the record. He and my mother,

Beth, got married young and had us at the ages of twenty-six and twenty, respectively. Henry

died when we were just two years old, killed in the line of duty as a police officer. My mother

remarried just two years later, and she said her life had never been better.

Guess my mom had a thing for men in uniform.
I rolled my eyes at the thought. I really loved

Dave—don't get me wrong—but I didn't like the way Mom had moved on so fast. Yes, two

years was fast in my book.

Henry never really died. I was too young to remember him, but I still felt his love for us.

Was that sane? I still saw him in Lily's features, her heart—shaped face, and her brown locks.

The way she smiled was a perfect copy of his smile which I'd seen over and over again in

photos. I got my tall frame from Henry. I looked more like Mom with her auburn hair and

green eyes. Lily got our green eyes from her, too.


If only I had known how that vacation would fuck up our relationship, I would have—

most certainly—just passed.

"Okay, kids. Go unpack now, and we'll get in the water in the morning, okay?" Mom


"Why can't we go swimming now?" Lily whined.

"Because it's sunset, you'll be exhausted when you get back, and I'll have to do all the

work of unpacking for the both of you!"

"But Mom—"

"Lily!" Mom warned.

"Yes, Mom." Lily left to go to her room, and I went to help her with her bag.

"It's okay, Adrian. I got it," she said in a low voice.

"Don't be silly. Let me," I replied as I carried her bag toward the stairs.

"Jesus! What do you have in here? Rocks?" I asked with a groan as I felt how heavy her

bag was.

She let out a small giggle from behind me. "Just my clothes and … um … some books."

"Books? Lily, you do realize we're going on a vacation, right?" I dropped the bag on her

bed and turned around to face her. She looked a little sad.

"I know."

"Hey, what's wrong?" I touched her cheek softly. "Why the sad face?"

"I figured that she'll end up forcing us to stay home for some reason or I'll be grounded

for something; that's why I brought the books—to keep me company," she explained,

meaning Mom.

I sighed.

"I wanted to go swimming!" she pouted.

"We will, baby sis. Please don't be upset. We have two full weeks. We'll do all the

swimming you want, okay?"

"'kay," she said, still looking disappointed.

"C'mon. Where is my sweet smile? C'mon… C'mon… Yes, that's my girl." I kissed her

cheek. "Do you want me to help you unpack?"

"Nah, it's cool. I'll do it." She smiled.

"Okay. I'll go finish mine, and if you're not done by then, I'll come back and help."

When we finished having dinner, I went straight to bed, exhausted from all of the packing

and unpacking and the three hour drive. It was really crowded on the roads. Then, of course,

I had to be the one to check if all of the lights were working on all three floors.

I was deeply asleep when I felt a warm body creeping into my bed, and I knew right

away who it was.

"Adrian?" Lily whispered beside my ear as I lay on my side, my back facing her.

I didn't reply; I was really sleepy.

"Adrian, are you awake?"

"I am now," I huffed. "What is it?"

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to sleep alone in that room. Can I sleep with you


"Lily, you're too old to be scared of the boogieman!"

"Please, Adrian? Pretty please?"

"Okay," I sighed. "You can sleep in here."

"Thank you, Adri." I heard the smile in her voice.

"Okay, call me
one more time, and I'll kick you right back out of the bed."

"Sorry," she chuckled. I was happy I’d made her happy; her happiness meant my own.



"Would you just hold me?"

"For God's sake, Lily! Would you just let me sleep?"

"Please, Adrian. I'm scared."

I sighed and then turned around to face her, turning her around along with me so my

chest was facing her back. I slid my hand under her shirt and rested my hand on her bare

stomach, making small circles. "Here, all better?"

"Yeah, thank you," she yawned.

"Go to sleep now, baby sis."

Before she could reply, I heard her soft, steady breaths, telling me that she was already


When I woke up, Lily was cuddled tightly against me, her arm and head rested over my

chest, and one of her legs was over mine. I smoothly removed myself from her, careful not

to wake her up.

I took my shower and went downstairs even though it was still too early. I filled a bowl

with some cereal and milk and started eating.

Lily came down after a few minutes and had breakfast with me. Mom and Dad were still

sleeping. From the looks of it—the empty bottle of wine and all—it seemed they had stayed

up late, and they most likely weren't going to wake up anytime soon.


"Do you want to go for a swim?" I asked.


"Okay. Go get ready."

"We'll go without Mom and Dad?"

"Lily, the shore is just two yards ahead. They'll find us as soon as they wake up and look

out the window, so don't worry about it." I went to change, grab a blanket, and wait for her.

I was sitting on the blanket I'd placed on the sand when I felt something on my ear. At

first, I thought it was a fly or something, so I shrugged it off, but it kept coming back. I

turned around after feeling something brush my ear several times and discovered that it was

Lily tickling me with the tip of her short, white bathrobe's belt.

"You're in big trouble."

Once she heard my threat, she ran away, screaming and laughing. I ran after her,

catching her easily just a moment later as both of us fell to the ground.

"You wanna fight? Huh? Huh?" I said as I pinned her to the sandy ground with my

hands on her shoulders and my legs on either side of her.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she chanted between laughs.

"Too late, baby sis! Too late." I started tickling her neck and moved down to her

collarbone, which prior tickle-fights had shown me was her most ticklish spot.

"A-Adrian, Sto-op!" she yelled, not able to hold back her laughter.

"Say uncle!"


"Say it!"


"If you say so." I moved my hands down, reaching for her stomach, and that was when

my whole world turned upside down. Her robe was wide open; I hadn't noticed that when I

had started tickling her. And there, staring at me, was the most delicious set of breasts I'd

ever seen. They were a bit small – she was only fifteen, after all. Her laughter was making

them shake a little, making my mouth water in a way I'd never thought was possible.

My hands froze on her stomach, and for the first time in my life, I noticed how soft her

pale skin was. I sat there—frozen—gaping at the beauty of her body. Her breasts were

covered by the top of her white bikini, but it did a poor job covering how hard her nipples

were. And, nothing was covering the delicate skin that led to her stomach or the very small

swell of her hip bone that led to…


I'm turned on by my sister!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Illicit Desires ePub.doc
4.69Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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