Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (31 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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Chapter Twenty-One - Ophelia



Two days later, Fee poured four glasses of wine, handing one to Kendall, another to Bunny and the other to Zoann, keeping the last one for herself. Her sister dropped in at her apartment at least once a week, and Bunny stopped by whenever she had time, sometimes with Meggie, and sometimes without.

After seeing her guys for five days in a row,
sex, Fee spent today, Sunday, doing laundry, and preparing for both her work week and her small party.

She’d invited all the girls over for an early dinner and girl time. Bailey was studying for a test and Meggie already had plans, so Fee’s first planned party was smaller than she’d anticipated.

Setting her phone aside, Zoann accepted her wine. “Thanks, baby,” she said, sipping immediately. Another message alert came through and she glanced at her phone screen. “Val misses me.” Her knowing smile held traces of naughtiness.

“The way you two text is sweet.” Bunny tasted her wine. “I, myself, leave little notes for Mark.”

“You don’t send him sexy pictures?” Fee glanced at the timer on her rice cooker. Four minutes left. They sat in the dining area, not too far from her kitchen counter. Her apartment had an open floor plan, which made it look bigger than it really was. “That’s what makes texting so awesome.” She wiggled her brows. “What the pictures suggest.”

Hmm. That was a point to consider for later, after the ladies left.

“No one texts as much as those two,” Kendall grumbled, lifting her chin in Zoann’s direction. “If you ask me, it’s rather juvenile.”

“Luckily for you, I didn’t ask.” Zoann snatched up her phone. “When I do, and that’s when hell freezes over, offer your fucking opinion. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.”

Kendall drained her glass in two gulps, then opened her mouth.

“I’m ready to serve dinner.” To divert an argument, Fee jumped up and grabbed Kendall’s hand. “Come help me put everything out.”

“Me, help put everything out?”

Her response, the outrage and offense clear in her expression, caught Fee off-guard. Didn’t Kendall cook and serve food at her own house? “Um, well, yeah.”

Zoann sniffed. “Is there anyone else in here named Kendall?”

“Of course not. I have the most unique name out of all of us. Especially Meggie. How many
do we know?”

“I can think of one or two famous Kendalls,” Zoann pointed out.

“Meggie isn’t here,” Bunny added with an irritated sigh. “Can you leave it alone for tonight?”

“I mean no harm,” Kendall swore with a straight face. “I was merely making a point.”

Zoann gulped more wine. “According to you, you never fucking mean any harm. When your teeth are knocked out of your smart-ass head, we won’t mean you any harm either.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Take it any way you see fit,” Zoann retorted with saccharin sweetness. “
was merely making a point. Like you. However,
need to watch what you say or shut the fuck up.”

“Uh, hey, you two,” Bunny hurried to insert. “I…my wedding plans are coming along great. I was hoping we could coordinate our schedules to start looking for dresses. I want a leather wedding gown and—”

“A leather wedding gown?” Kendall got to her feet to pour herself more wine. “Your precious Meggie isn’t here but her influence still shines through.”

“Shut up, Kendall.” Kendall’s continued sniping at Meggie strained Fee’s patience. “Leave Meggie out of this. She had a gorgeous gown.”

“If you say so,” Kendall said. “But if it was my wedding, I’d have everything coordinated. Meggie had peach and blueberry or some stupid colors. I’d have a snow white gown, a tiara with a beaded veil over my face, and turquoise for the bride’s maids.” Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she returned to her seat. “I can’t believe
getting a church wedding and I didn’t, Bunny.”

“That statement is so fucked up on so many levels,” Zoann grated. “You’re out of your fucking mind. First off, Meggie’s wedding was beautiful. Secondly, I’m with Bunny. She isn’t here. I’m sick to fucking death of hearing about her, every other minute, because
have a problem with her. Thirdly,
how does Bunny marrying in church have any bearing on where you were married?”

“I’m an attorney. She’s just Meggie’s assistant. Out of the two of us, I deserve a big wedding more than she does.”

“Okay, that’s my fucking cue to leave.” Zoann got to her feet, slamming her glass on the table. The base and stem shattered from the force, tipping the glass over and cracking it, spilling wine onto the table. “You sound like a fucking fool, Kendall.”

“Wait!” Fee cried, shocked at how her dinner party was spiraling out of control. “Don’t leave, Zoann.”

“Let her go,” Kendall snapped. “We can enjoy ourselves better without her.”

Growling, Zoann iffed at Kendall, but Fee stepped in front of her.

“That’s my sister.”

“And I’m your friend.”

“Then act like it, Kendall. You’re supposed to be friends to all of us.” Fee turned to Zoann. “Stay. I grilled lettuce. I’d like to see how that tastes. I want you to try it with me.”

“Fee, I’ll stay, but you’re going to be picking your fucking friend off the ground if she says another fucking word about Meggie or Bunny or

“Oh, I get it,” Kendall called over her shoulder. “You’d prefer if I didn’t talk.”

Zoann heaved against Fee, who pushed back to contain her sister’s advance. “That would be a fucking boon to humanity.”

“You’re such a bitch.” Ignoring Zoann, Kendall glared at Bunny. “This is your fault. No, your precious
. She told you about my innocent
about Ryder. You opened your fucking mouth to Zoann, who took it upon herself to call me.”

“Back up,” Bunny ordered. “I didn’t tell Zoann anything.”

“That’s right, Kendall.
didn’t tell me. Val told me. Remember him? My husband? The one you almost got killed.”

“Oh, so that little bitch lied to me.” Still focused on Meggie, Kendall ignored Zoann’s jabs. “She told Christopher.”

“Ha! My brother would’ve fucked you up for even suggesting Meggie and Johnnie slept together. Move, Fee.” Zoann shoved her. “I’m not going to beat her ass. Just let me get something to clean my mess.”

“You and that asshole are barbarians alike,” Kendall snarled.

“Shut up!” Fee cried. “You two are giving me a headache.”

Kendall tracked Zoann stomping her way to the kitchen, grabbing a dishtowel, broom, and dust pan, before stomping her way back. “If Saint Megan didn’t tell Christopher, then how the fuck did Val tell you?”

“Meggie didn’t tell Christopher.” Bunny drank from her glass, a thoughtful frown crossing her face, followed by annoyance. “I’m going to kill him. Mark! I told him. He must’ve opened his mouth.”

“Meggie still betrayed me.” Folding her arms, Kendall lifted her chin. “She wasn’t supposed to tell anyone.”

Zoann threw a large piece of glass into the dust pan and smashed it into smaller fragments. “If I were you, I’d stop smiling in her face every week over your ridiculous brunches and pretending all is right between you and her. One of these days, she’s going to punch the fuck out of you.”

Kendall snorted. “Posers and posturing fill this club. All I ever hear are threats. Meggie won’t touch me. She’s too busy jumping to Christopher’s orders and sacrificing herself for the sake of the club. Besides, if she ever touched me, I’d annihilate her.”

“Oh, please do,” Zoann begged. “Christopher would finally put you out of your fucking misery and kill you.”

“You all know I’m right. She probably couldn’t come because Christopher decided to eat her pussy.” Kendall blew out a breath. “Little bitch.”

Hands on hips, Fee glared at Kendall. “What’s your problem? You’re making the situation worse. Drop this entire conversation. Bunny can get back to discussing her wedding and
shut up. Zoann can text Val. You and I can serve.”

“I do
serve anyone.” Kendall nodded to Bunny. “There’s your server. She learned from the best. Meg—”

“I swear to Christ, Kendall, if you say her name I’m punching you out,” Zoann yelled, pouring herself another glass of wine.

“You won’t have to punch her out, Zoann,” Bunny fumed. “Let her belittle me one more time and you’ll have to get in line behind me.”

“No one’s knocking anyone out!” Fee huffed out a breath. “What’s the matter with you people? Remember, what you learned in class, Kendall? Breathe in and out. Relax. That’s one of the points of yoga.”

“Let’s not discuss that class tonight,” Kendall said quickly.

“You’re into yoga, baby?” Zoann said to Fee as she finished cleaning the mess she’d made. “That’s great. I should try it.”

Fee grinned. “Are you sure you could do naked yoga, big sis?”

“Oh, fuck,” Kendall groaned into the sudden silence.

“Naked yoga?” Zoann echoed, smirking at Kendall. “Johnnie know about that?”

“Well, yeah,” Fee answered. “Kendall said she told him after the first night. It’s co-ed and she wanted him to know. They share everything.”

?” Zoann’s skepticism deepened. “Please share what my cousin said when he discovered his wife was showing her pussy to a roomful of people.”

“Fuck you.”

Zoann indicated Kendall. “Welcome to the real Kendall, Fee. A lying, manipulative, shallow bitch. I’ll make a deal with you. How about you shut the fuck up about you-know-who and I won’t tell Johnnie about your little pastime?”

Remembering Kendall’s claim that Johnnie had cancelled a dinner just so Kendall could accompany Fee, she looked at Kendall in surpise. “Johnnie doesn’t know?”

“Fuck no,” Zoann answered. “He’d fucking kill your instructor.”

“I can’t believe you, Kendall,” Fee stormed. “Why would you lie to me?”

lie about
marriage doesn’t affect
, so get over it.”

Having no response, Fee marched to the kitchen and picked up Kendall’s and Zoann’s plates to bring to the table.

“My husband would kill my instructor, huh, Zoann?” Kendall grinned evilly, not looking at the steamed vegetables, grilled romaine lettuce, barbeque riblets, and brown rice on the plate. “Well, in case you’ve forgotten, Johnnie’s not the only killer. This is a biker club, filled with assassins, including Meggie. She shot a man to death. “Your mother? Patricia? Would still be alive if Christopher hadn’t brought
to visit.”

Those words stopped time and the world around Fee revolved in slow, painful motion. Meggie was responsible for Patricia’s murder? That couldn’t be. Supposedly her death had been rooted in Christopher’s beef with club members.

“Her crazy fucking mother? Dinah?” Kendall continued. “
the reason your sisters and nieces are dead. Meggie was the key to it all. All the bullshit. The
thing she wasn’t in some way responsible, just because she’s fucking alive, is your sister’s rape.”

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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