Missing Linc (10 page)

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Authors: Kori Roberts

BOOK: Missing Linc
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After they”d left the rain forest the previous evening, Linc dropped Mitch and Tomi off

at their hotel before going home, changing clothes, and returning to take them to a late

dinner at Strip House, another of his favorite restaurants. Afterward, he surprised himself by

asking them to spend the night with him at his home.

Linc couldn”t remember the last time he”d invited someone to his home or awakened to

find someone in his bed. Since moving back to Puerto Rico, he”d enjoyed plenty of sex with

countless numbers of people, but never here. This was more than just a house to Linc; this was his sanctuary, his private space, the

place where he rediscovered his sanity at a time when he was convinced he”d lost his mind.

Linc always found solitude and peace within these walls, no matter how crazy his life

became, and he”d been unwilling to share it with strangers. In fact, he couldn”t think of a

single person other than relatives who even knew where he lived.

Yet he”d only known Mitch and Tomi for a couple of days, and he”d already let them

into his personal world, welcoming them into his home and his bed, sharing the intimate

details of his life with them about things he couldn”t bring himself to discuss with his cousin

and closest friend.

As he looked down at Mitch, Linc couldn”t help but notice how right it felt to find the

other man next to him first thing in the morning, how normal it seemed to be, lying here

with him right now. In fact, the only thing better than waking up next to the sexiest man

he”d ever met would be having the most beautiful woman he”d ever seen beside him as well.

He barely finished that thought when a familiar and distinctive splash outside his

window caught his attention. Linc smiled. Tomi had obviously found the pool. Carefully, he

eased from the bed, torn between staying with Mitch and joining Tomi by the pool. As he

headed to the bathroom, Linc passed the window and caught a glimpse of Tomi, the sun

beaming on her naked body as she slowly did the backstroke through the water.

Suddenly, Linc”s decision became very simple. Ten minutes later, he was on his way to

the pool.




Linc stood near the edge of the pool and watched Tomi. She was the picture of

relaxation with her eyes closed, her arms slicing unhurriedly through the water, her legs

pumping slowly and easily as she leisurely swam the length of the pool.

He walked to the end of the pool, quietly went down the stairs, and eased into the

water. As Tomi approached him, he reached for her, provoking a startled screech from her. “Sorry.” Linc chuckled, pulling her into his arms. “I didn”t mean to scare you.”

“It”s okay.” She pushed her wet locks away from her face. “I hope you don”t mind me

using the pool.” Tomi smiled up at him. “It”s already so warm outside, and the water looked

so cool and inviting that I couldn”t resist getting in and going for a swim.”

His hands moved along her back, over her ass, holding her a little tighter, making

certain she felt his erection and understood how much he wanted her. “Don”t worry about

it.” Linc stole a quick kiss. “My pool looks better with you in it.” His head dipped lower, and

he sucked one of her nipples between his lips, tasting the chlorine mixed with the natural

flavor of her skin.

“You think so?” He loved the way she moaned. So soft and sexy. The sound always shot

through him like a bolt of lightning, striking him right in the balls, making him want to

come on the spot every time he heard it.

Reaching between her thighs, Linc lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

When his cock settled against her pussy, thoughts of coming almost became a reality, forcing

Linc to close his eyes and take a deep breath in order to regain his composure before he

embarrassed himself.

Fuck, he”d give his left arm for a condom right now. When he”d seen Tomi from the

window earlier, he”d been in such a hurry to get to her that he”d forgotten to grab one on the

way out the door. Now, here he stood with his hard dick pressed against Tomi”s soft folds,

and all he could think about was burying himself inside her as deeply as possible.

“It”s okay,” Tomi whispered, seeming to read his mind. “Mitch and I had to get blood

tests in order to be married in Puerto Rico. We”re good.”

He cupped her face, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “It”s not Mitch and you I”m

worried about. It”s me.”

She studied him for several moments before she smiled softly and reached out to stroke

his face, her hand mirroring his caress against her cheek. “You don”t seem like the careless type, Linc, especially not about something as

important as this.”

“I”m not,” Linc conceded. “I had a test less than a year ago, and I was clean. I try to be

careful. I always use condoms, and I don”t take any unnecessary risks when it comes to sex.

But…what if I”m wrong? What if I slipped up somewhere along the way, and I don”t even

realize it yet? Are you sure you”re willing to take that chance?”

“With you…yes, I am.” Before he could utter a response, Tomi”s hand wrapped around

his shaft, and she guided him inside her.

“Oh, mierda!” Linc groaned, his entire body shuddering. “Dios, Tomi, we

shouldn”t…cogida.” His eyes rolled back as her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around him.

“Que no debemos hacer esto.” Even as he muttered the words, even as he tried to convince

himself that it was the right thing to do because he wasn”t wearing a condom, Linc knew he

couldn”t have stopped to save his life. He”d hit the point of no return as soon as his

unsheathed dick slipped inside her warm, wet heat.

“No preocuparte,” Tomi whispered, meeting his eyes, thrusting against him. “I trust

you. I know you wouldn”t do anything to intentionally hurt me or Mitch.”

He groaned, moved by her words in ways he”d never thought possible. Linc buried his

face against her neck, moving through the water until Tomi”s back met the side of the pool.

Gripping the globes of her ass, Linc began stroking hard and deep, the force of his thrusts

making their bodies slap together, causing waves of water to splash against them. Linc

ignored it all, his focus solely on Tomi and the pleasure he found within her arms, inside her


A second pair of hands touched him just before he heard Mitch”s husky voice in his ear.

“Is this a private party, or can I join in too?” All he could do was nod, too lost in the moment to form words. He moved backward,

giving Mitch enough space to slide in between Tomi and the pool wall. Gritting his teeth,

Linc forced himself to stand still just long enough for Mitch to work himself inside Tomi.

They both held Tomi, alternating their strokes as they pumped inside her. He felt

Mitch”s cock rubbing against his through the thin membrane of skin separating them,

causing so much friction that Linc felt overloaded by the sensation.

His body began to shake uncontrollably as his orgasm built inside him. If he was lucky,

he had about a minute left before he imploded. Linc gripped Tomi even tighter, fucking her

with everything he had. He met Mitch”s gaze over her head, and those blue eyes held the

same desperate need that drove Linc.

“Come on, baby.” Mitch”s words were tense, his voice strained. “Let us feel you come.”

It was like a chain reaction. Tomi released a strangled scream, her teeth sinking into

the place where his neck and shoulder met, her short nails digging into his back, her pussy

pulsating around his cock as she came.

She was still screaming when Linc erupted, his back arching, his cum flowing from him

as he shot hard and deep. He felt Mitch”s cock jerking inside her, heard the other man

bellowing Tomi”s name as he filled her.

They leaned against each other, breathing heavily. “I swear,” Linc said. “You two are

trying to kill me. I”m not as young as I used to be.”

“Yeah, right.” Mitch chuckled breathlessly. “Most of the guys I train are at least fifteen

years younger than you, and none of them are in nearly as good of shape as you are.”

“I”ll take your word for it.” Linc tried to downplay Mitch”s comment. Inside, he was

smiling his ass off. To receive a compliment from someone who looked as hot as Mitch was a

hell of an ego boost.

Changing the subject, he said, “We probably should get out of the pool and put some

clothes on before the cleaning crew arrives.” Mitch smiled, his guilt evident on his face. “Actually, I think we”re already too late. I

sorta ran — literally — into a woman on the stairs when I was on my way out here to meet

the two of you. From the look on her face, I obviously scared the shit out of her.”

“That was Rosa,” Linc finally managed to say. The scenario Mitch described made him

laugh so hard, he could barely speak. He didn”t doubt for a minute that Mitch”s description of

his longtime housekeeper”s reaction was completely accurate. Rosa had taken care of his

home since he”d purchased it over a decade ago. Aside from the other people responsible for

the upkeep of his property, Linc was certain that she”d never encountered anyone else here

besides him and his family.

“Well, I probably scarred the poor woman for life.” Mitch laughed, shaking his head.

“I”m sure the last thing she expected when she got to work today was to be nearly run down

by some strange, butt-naked man.”

They were still laughing when the sound of a throat clearing drew their attention

toward the house.

“Lo siento interrumpirte, Señor Castillo.” Rosa seemed to look everywhere but at the

pool, as if she knew exactly what they”d been doing and couldn”t bring herself to look in that

direction. “Hice el desayuno para ti y tus huéspedes. Está en el comedor.”

She”d made breakfast. Linc”s mouth began to water. Rosa was an excellent cook.

“Gracias, Rosa,” he called out. “Estaremos adentro pronto.”

When Rosa walked back inside the house, Tomi asked, “Did I hear something about


Linc nodded. “Although calling it breakfast is probably an understatement. Knowing

Rosa, it”s more like a feast. She”s a damn good cook. Come on.” He kissed Tomi, then Mitch.

“Let”s get some clothes on, so we can eat before the food gets cold.”




Linc stared at the spread of food waiting for them when they walked into the dining

room. This was way over the top, even by Rosa”s standards. Three plates overflowed with

fried amarillos, scrambled eggs, tortilla de guineitos, and thickly sliced bacon. A platter of

freshly cut papaya, mango, and passion fruit sat in the center of the table alongside a basket

filled with guava and cheese muffins. Steaming hot mugs of café con leche sat next to each of

their plates.

“Wow, you weren”t kidding when you said Rosa would make a feast,” Tomi

commented as she walked by Linc and had a seat. She”d already started eating and was

moaning in approval with every bite of food she took in the short time it took for Mitch and

him to find a chair and join her at the table

As he ate, Linc watched in amusement as Tomi steadily worked through the heaping

pile of food on her plate, amazed that someone so small could put away so much food and not

be twice her size.

Mitch and he were still eating when Tomi sat back with a sigh, the majority of the food

gone from her plate.

“That was an amazing meal.” She smiled at Linc. “I hope I get a chance to see Rosa

before I leave, so I can tell her how much I enjoyed my breakfast.”

“I told you Rosa”s a great cook,” Linc said, staring at Tomi”s lips as she slid a piece of

mango into her mouth. As he watched her suck the sweet, sticky juice from her fingers,

Linc”s groin tightened, and he wondered if she had any idea just how sexy she looked at that

moment. He glanced in Mitch”s direction and saw that he”d stopped eating, and his focus was

on Tomi as well.

Looking at Mitch as she reached for another piece of fruit, Tomi said, “If I keep eating

like this, we”re going to have to do extra exercises just so I don”t get as big as a house before

we go home.” “You go ahead and enjoy your food, baby.” Mitch”s voice dropped a few octaves. “I got

a special workout in mind just for you that”s guaranteed to burn up all those extra calories.”

“Don”t think I won”t hold you to it.” Tomi chuckled softly. “That”s one workout I”m

definitely looking forward to.”

Linc smiled, ignoring the twinge of envy he felt as he watched their easy flirting and

gentle, back-and-forth bantering. It was obvious they were best friends. Their love for each

other was so apparent. Despite living with two people for several years, he”d never

experienced the kind of closeness in a relationship that he saw between Tomi and Mitch. He

never imagined that he”d want the sort of connection they obviously shared. Yet as he

watched them, Linc couldn”t deny the yearning he felt to be a part of the link that bonded

them together.

Tomi turned her attention to him. “You”re lucky to have someone like Rosa around,”

she told him as she snatched another piece of fruit.

“I know,” Linc murmured, picking up his coffee and taking a sip of the sweet, hot

liquid. “Rosa has taken good care of me and my home for years. Occasionally, she even takes

pity on me and cooks enough meals to last me all week, just so I don”t starve to death.”

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