Missing Linc

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Authors: Kori Roberts

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Kori Roberts






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Missing Linc

Kori Roberts


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or

existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the

author”s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Published by

Loose Id LLC

870 Market St, Suite 1201

San Francisco CA 94102-2907



Copyright © January 2009 by Kori Roberts

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of

this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,

photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.


ISBN 978-1-59632-296-7

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader


Printed in the United States of America


Editor: Ann M. Curtis

Cover Artist: Anne Cain



Chapter One

Some days, Lincoln Castillo wondered why he even bothered to get out of bed. As he

slammed on his brakes, he knew without a doubt that this was one of them. The sea of traffic

on the expressway engulfed his limousine and made movement of any kind virtually


As the traffic came to a halt, Linc felt his irritation escalate. He cursed the name of his

employee and cousin Miguel, who called off from work at the last minute for the third time

in as many weeks. His other drivers were all booked solid, which forced him to scramble and

rearrange his schedule once again in order to fill in as chauffeur for the day.

“Fuck!” Linc slammed his hand against the steering wheel in frustration. He didn”t have

time for this shit right now. When he”d moved to Puerto Rico from New York several years

ago, Linc figured he”d left this kind of headache behind as well.

He snorted in disgust. Apparently not. Rush-hour traffic in Puerto Rico — particularly

on a Friday evening — was a real bitch. It didn”t help matters that it was the height of tourist

season, and there were even more vehicles on the road than normal. Linc was certain that

the traffic jams here rivaled any he”d experienced during his entire thirty-two years growing up in New York City, and they made traveling around the island a complete fucking

nightmare at times.

A glance at the clock on the dashboard made him swear again. His passengers” flight

had arrived from New York more than thirty minutes ago. At the rate he was going, it would

still be at least another twenty minutes before he reached the airport.

Linc hated being late, and everybody who worked for him knew it. Since he”d started

his limousine company seven years ago, his drivers had always arrived on time for a

scheduled pickup. And that was exactly how he liked it. Thanks to that little pendejo Miguel,

his perfect track record was over.

Linc shook his head in disgust. Who needed enemies when you had family to make

your life miserable?

His cell phone rang, and Linc glanced in the direction where he”d mounted it to the

dashboard. He groaned when he saw the familiar number on the display. He reached out and

pressed the Speaker button.

“Hola, baby. You miss me?” His secretary, Lorna, practically purred over the phone.

“What is it, Lorna?” Linc tried not to sound annoyed. He”d known Lorna for years.

Extremely bold and outrageously flirtatious, she”d been trying to get him to fuck her since

her first day on the job. That she was married and had three kids never deterred her from

offering herself to him on a regular basis. Luckily for her, Lorna also happened to be the best

assistant he”d ever had; otherwise, he would have let her ass go a long time ago.

“Your passengers called. Where are you?”

In hell. “I”m almost there,” Linc lied. He stared out the window at the parking lot of

vehicles around him. “I got caught in traffic. Call them back and tell them not to leave. I”ll be

there in a few minutes, okay?”

“Sí, baby, anything for you. I”ll call them now.” Linc disconnected the call and fought the urge to yell. This was the last thing he

needed. Not only was it bad for business, it had a tendency to really piss people off, especially

when they were trying to enjoy their vacation.

With his luck, his passengers were some rich, old couple who would give him hell all

the way to the hotel and demand a full refund once they got there. Shit.

Linc didn”t give a damn if Miguel was family or not. Whenever he caught up with him,

he was so fucking fired.

Convinced that he would have an episode of road rage if he sat in the same spot for

another second, Linc released a small sigh of relief when traffic finally started to move,

inching forward slowly for several minutes before progressing more rapidly. After a few

miles, vehicles began to flow at a normal pace, and Linc allowed himself to feel a small

glimmer of hope that he would get to the airport sometime before nightfall.

Fifteen minutes later, Linc arrived at his destination. He quickly navigated his limo

into an available parking space alongside the curb, ignoring the honking of several angry

motorists he cut off in the process.

Picking up the sign off the seat next to him, Linc read the names of his passengers. MR.


That”s just great. Even their names sounded uptight. With a sigh, he opened the

driver”s door and climbed out of the limo. Linc paused long enough to straighten his hat and

adjust his uniform before he joined the throng of people standing outside the terminal.

Holding up the sign in front of him, Linc searched through the crowd for his

passengers, hoping they hadn”t gotten too tired of waiting for him and taken a cab instead.

“Are you here for Elliott?”

Linc turned at the sound of the voice behind him. “Yes, ma”am, I…” His voice died in

his throat at the sight in front of him. Whoa. This definitely was not what he”d anticipated. Calling her beautiful seemed so

inadequate. She was much more than that. Nevertheless, Linc couldn”t think of a single word

that was powerful enough, perfect enough, to describe her.

She wasn”t tall; even with wedge-heeled sandals on, she only reached his shoulder. A

strapless, baby-doll sundress with a colorful tie-dyed print covered her petite frame and

provided the perfect contrast to her smooth brown skin.

Large, dark sunglasses held ink black hair away from a face that was an exotic blend of

African and Asian ancestry. The long tresses hung in thick waves well past her shoulders.

Almond-shaped eyes the color of cognac stared back at him from underneath the longest

lashes Linc had ever seen. Her only makeup was a thin coating of gloss on full, sensuous lips

that many women paid a fortune to emulate.

Linc stood there, frozen in place, staring at her with his mouth open, incapable of

speaking a coherent word or having a logical thought. He watched in silence as the look of

confusion on her face turned into one of understanding, and her mouth curved into a sexy


It took a moment for Linc to realize that she”d spoken again. He”d been captivated by

the sight of her; he hadn”t heard a single word she said.

“Sorry, I didn”t…what…” Linc paused and closed his eyes. Jesus, he sounded like a

fucking idiot.

His eyes flew open at the sound of her soft chuckle. Linc didn”t know if he felt relieved

or horrified when he saw the amused look on her face.

“Elliott.” She pointed to the sign that he still held in front of him. “That”s us.” She

motioned between herself and the man next to her.

How in the hell did I overlook him? Linc found men to be just as attractive as women.

He always enjoyed the unique types of pleasure he found in both sexes. And if someone asked him to describe the ideal man, Linc was certain that his description would match the

one standing in front of him.

Only slightly shorter than Linc”s own height of six feet, he had the physique of a man

well acquainted with the inside of a gym. Strong and hard, he made a simple gray T-shirt and

tan shorts look spectacular on his ripped and well-defined frame.

Sunglasses prevented Linc from seeing his eyes, but he felt certain that they were as

amazing as the rest of him. His short, sandy brown hair and lightly tanned skin were the

perfect complement to her darker coloring.

Physically, he was as handsome as she was beautiful, as masculine as she was feminine.

Together, they made a stunning and gorgeous pair. He”d never met a woman or man who

attracted him as much — or as quickly — as them.

With effort, Linc forced himself to focus on his job. “Hi, I”m Lincoln.” He reached out

to shake the woman”s hand. “I”m very sorry for the delay.” Her small hand was soft inside of

his larger one. Linc felt his groin tighten as a sudden image of it wrapped around his hard

dick came to mind.

“Hi, Lincoln. I”m Tomi.” The smile she gave him was warm and genuine. “Don”t worry

about it. The secretary at your company called and explained that you would pick us up

because the original driver had a death in his family.”

Linc wanted to tell her that nobody was dead, but that would all change as soon as he

got his hands on Miguel. In the meantime, he”d have to thank Lorna for her ability to think

fast and lie well.

“Besides,” she continued, “we”ve been enjoying the warm air and beautiful view.” Their

gazes locked for a long heartbeat before her hand eased from his.

Linc cleared his throat. “Well, thanks again for being so understanding and patient.” He

smiled. “I wish I had more customers like you.” He turned his attention to the man. His sunglasses no longer covered his eyes and now

hung casually from the neckline of his T-shirt. As Linc predicted, his eyes were as impressive

as the rest of the man.

Eyes the color of the clearest blue sky stared back at him as Linc reached for the man”s

outstretched hand. His strong, firm grip was in complete contrast to Tomi”s gentler touch,

but it was no less appealing.

“I”m Mitch.” Damn, even his voice was sexy.

“It”s nice to meet you both.” Linc returned his smile. “And please, call me Linc.”

Reluctantly, he released Mitch”s hand. “Is this your first time in Puerto Rico?” At their nods,

his smile broadened. “Well, welcome to San Juan, the most beautiful city on the island.”

He opened the door and helped Tomi into the limo. Linc tried not to stare at her toned

legs and the sexy silhouette of her shapely ass when she climbed inside, but he failed


Linc glanced in Mitch”s direction. He frowned when he saw the other man loading the

luggage into the trunk.

“You don”t need to do that. I”ll take care of it.” He reached for the bag in Mitch”s hand.

“Why don”t you relax with Tomi in the limo? There”s some cold champagne on ice waiting

for you.”

“It”s cool, man. I don”t mind.” Mitch smiled and winked. “Besides, I”ve always liked two

sets of hands better than one anyway.”

Linc paused. He”d made — and received — far too many suggestive comments and

sexual innuendos over the years for him not to be able to recognize a flirtatious remark when

it came his way. And, that was definitely flirting.

Not that Linc was complaining. Mitch was a fine-ass man, and Tomi was the sexiest

woman he”d ever met. So many responses came to mind, and normally, Linc would share

each and every one of them in vivid detail. Instead, he kept them to himself. As tempting and alluring as he found Tomi and Mitch, they were still his customers, and the thoughts he

had for them were slipping further and further away from being anywhere near appropriate.

Slowly, he removed the hand covering Mitch”s on the suitcase handle.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He reached for one of the two remaining bags sitting by the

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