Missing Linc (15 page)

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Authors: Kori Roberts

BOOK: Missing Linc
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island so far?” Linc”s aunt, the family matriarch, asked Tomi.

She was the oldest living member of his family, but it was hard to tell by simply

looking at her. Still healthy and active, her tanned skin minimally marred by wrinkles, her

silver hair more of an asset than a hindrance, his aunt”s physical appearance easily belied her

eighty-seven years.

“I think a better question to ask them, Tía, is what they haven”t seen yet,” Linc joked to

his aunt. “I”m sure it”s a much shorter list.”

Mitch laughed. “Linc is probably right about that.”

“Well, let”s see.” Tomi paused. “So far, we”ve seen the Jardin Botánico at the University

of Puerto Rico, the Catedral de San Juan Bautista, El Morro, the Coamo thermal springs, and

the Bacardi rum tour” — she chuckled, holding up two fingers — “twice.”

“Don”t forget about El Yunque rain forest.” Mitch”s hands rested on Tomi”s shoulders,

his eyes meeting Linc”s over her head. The heat in those blue eyes was evident even in the


“And soon you get married.” Linc”s aunt smiled happily. “Yes, in four days, on Saturday.” Tomi”s hands covered Linc”s on her shoulders. Mitch

leaned down and kissed her cheek. “And all of you are invited,” Mitch added, his invitation

drawing cheers and whistles from the group.

“Has the rest of your family arrived yet?” Marissa asked. Linc saw Tomi and Mitch

exchange a look, their expressions a conflicting and uncomfortable mixture of emotions. He

opened his mouth to intervene when Mitch spoke.

“No, it”s just us,” Mitch spoke quietly. “Our families won”t be joining us.”

There was a moment of surprised silence, and Linc watched the disapproving looks

flicker across the faces of his family members, especially his aunt.

Finally, she reached out and grasped their hands, her smile bright. “In that case, we”ll

be your family,” she declared, as others in their group nodded their heads in agreement.

“And after your wedding, we”ll have a big reception to celebrate. Come” — she stood, taking

Tomi with her — “we should move to the water, so we can be ready at midnight.”

“What happens at midnight?” Tomi asked.

“We get in the water,” Marissa explained, standing as well. “It”s an old tradition to walk

into the water exactly at midnight on La Noche de San Juan. It”s supposed to bring good


Tomi and Marissa stripped down to their swimsuits along with several others in the

group before they all headed toward the water. He and Mitch opted to stay behind and keep

an eye on everyone”s belongings.

“You have a great family,” Mitch told him.

“Yes, I do.” Linc watched Tomi and Marissa splashing around in the water with other

members of his family. “I”m very lucky.” He paused for a moment before glancing at Mitch.

“Can I ask you something?”

Mitch looked at him. “Anything.” “What”s the deal with your family? I mean, I”ve never been married before, but if I did,

I know they would be there.” Linc chuckled. “You saw how excited they were about your

wedding.” He sobered. “I just can”t understand why your parents wouldn”t want to share this

special moment with you.”

“My parents don”t agree with my lifestyle.” Bitterness tinged Mitch”s voice.

Linc nodded. “I take it they have a problem with you being bisexual.”

“Actually, they don”t.” Mitch released a humorless laugh. “They couldn”t care less how

many men and women I fuck, as long as Tomi isn”t one of them.” Mitch grew quiet, his gaze

focused on the water. Linc remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

“Did you know that Tomi has two doctorate degrees?” Mitch suddenly asked. When

Linc shook his head, he continued. “She doesn”t like to talk about it, but the truth of the

matter is that she”s an extremely intelligent woman, smarter than my parents and I

combined. She”s more generous and loving than any person I”ve ever known, including my

parents, but as far as they”re concerned, she”ll never be good enough for me because of the

color of her skin.”

Linc thought about the myriad of people he”d dated over the years of all races, colors,

and genders. Considering the varied hues of the people in his own family, he knew that

something as trivial and unimportant as skin color would never be an issue for any of his


To Mitch, he said, “Do Tomi”s parents have the same issue?”

“No, their issue is strictly Tomi”s lifestyle,” Mitch told him. “Tomi comes from a deeply

religious family. On top of that, her father is a career military man. For him, „don”t ask, don”t

tell” isn”t just a military rule; it”s a way of life. Tomi has openly dated men and women since

she was a teenager, but her parents chose to pretend it wasn”t happening. Their moral and

military values just won”t let them accept the idea that their baby isn”t in the traditional heterosexual relationship with a man who only fucks her in the missionary position once a


Mitch shook his head. “I remember the one and only time they came to visit us in New

York, when Alec still lived with us. It was easy to act as if they didn”t know what type of

relationship the three of us had together, but once they saw the bedroom with the one bed

that we all slept in, they couldn”t pretend that they didn”t know anymore. They gave Tomi

an ultimatum. They told her that she could either leave with them at that moment or stay

with us and continue to” — Mitch made quotation marks with his hands — “live in sin.” His

eyes drifted back to the beachfront. “Luckily for me, she chose to stay.”

Their conversation halted as Pedro approached. “Your lady is asking for you.” He spoke

to Mitch. “I think some of my male cousins may be taking more of a liking to her than she

can handle.”

“That”s not surprising.” Mitch laughed as he stood. “Tomi has that effect on people.”

Mitch made his way through the crowds of people toward Tomi. Linc”s eyes remained glued

to him every step of the way.

“Oh, mi Dios,” Pedro murmured. “You got it bad, don”t you?”

“Look,” Linc began, knowing exactly what his cousin meant, “I already told you —”

“Yeah, I know.” Pedro cut him off. “You just enjoy being with them.” He sighed. “Take

some advice from your primo and try not to get in too deep, okay?” He patted Linc on the

shoulder and headed back toward the water.

Linc watched Pedro go, thinking his cousin”s words of advice had come much too late.

Chapter Twelve

Linc smiled when Mitch answered the phone. His morning voice was deep and rough,

the sound so sexy, it made Linc”s dick hard.

“My clients had to reschedule their appointment, so I”m free for the morning,” Linc

told him, trying to focus on driving and not the image of Mitch spread out in his bed, which

was where he”d left him and Tomi earlier that morning. “I thought I”d take you and Tomi out

to celebrate your big day tomorrow.”

“That sounds good, but you already missed Tomi. Tracee picked her up, and they went

back to the hotel for an appointment at the Spa. Tracee hooked her up with a bunch of

complimentary services, so she”ll be there most of the day. I”m still available, if you”re


“Trust me, when it comes to you and Tomi, I”m always interested.” Linc swore he

heard Mitch groan.

“Let me get in a quick workout and after that, I”m all yours.” His voice was more a

growl than actual speech; the sound vibrated through Linc and made his cock throb.

His mouth went dry. “Uh, yeah…” He pictured Mitch, his body sweaty, his muscles

straining as he worked out in Linc”s exercise room, and suddenly any thought he had of leaving the house again to celebrate went right out the window. “That”s fine. I think I could

use a good workout myself.”

“In that case, I”ll wait for you.” Mitch”s voice dropped to a whisper. “I”ll work you out

as well as myself.”

Jesus. Linc disconnected the call without responding. His foot slammed on the

accelerator as he raced toward home.




Linc got home in record time, ran up the stairs three at a time, and removed his clothes

as he went. He changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt before he grabbed the lube from

the dresser and shoved it into the pocket of his shorts as he left the room. He went in search

of Mitch.

He finally found Mitch in the exercise room, running on the treadmill. Actually, that

wasn”t quite accurate. Mitch”s pace more resembled a sprint than a run. His flushed skin

glistened with sweat, his hair looked plastered to his head, and his wet clothes clung to his


Mitch turned down the power when he saw Linc, slowing down until the treadmill

finally stopped before grabbing a towel and wiping his face.

“Hey.” He barely sounded winded, despite the evidence of his strenuous workout. “You

made it.”

“Uh-huh.” There was no way in hell that he would miss the chance to be with this


“Good.” Mitch moved toward him. “I was waiting for you.” Obviously, he wasn”t

waiting for Linc in order to exercise — at least, not in the traditional sense.

He stopped directly in front of Linc, their bodies nearly touching, their lips barely an

inch apart. “You ready for me to work you out?” “Oh, yeah.” Linc leaned forward, closing the slight gap between them. He covered

Mitch”s mouth with his, pouring as much heat and hunger as he could into the kiss.

Mitch pulled back first, slowly sinking to his knees, taking Linc”s shorts and underwear

with him. His mouth wrapped around Linc”s cock, sucking hard, those lips an intoxicating

mixture of soft and firm. Linc rocked into his mouth, feeling Mitch swallow around him

before he began to suck harder, faster, his throat closing convulsively around the head.

As Linc pulled his T-shirt up and over his head, he felt a hand on his balls, a thick

finger at his perineum, circling his hole before the tip pushed slightly inside. Linc glanced

down and saw Mitch”s hand pumping his own cock, his muffled groan buzzing around Linc”s

dick. God, just the thought of Mitch coming from sucking him off was enough to push Linc

over the edge, and it took all of his focus not to give into the urge to blow in Mitch”s mouth.

No, he wanted to save that load for another part of Mitch”s anatomy.

He eased Mitch off his cock, helped him to his feet, and gripped him by the back of the

head, pressing their lips together and sweeping his tongue deep inside. As they kissed, his

hands slid under Mitch”s shirt, lifting it up, briefly forcing their mouths apart as he pulled it

off and threw it to the side. Linc”s lips covered his again, guiding Mitch backward until his

legs pressed against the weight bench. He placed a hand in the center of Mitch”s chest,

encouraging him to lie down on the bench before removing his shorts.

After he finished undressing Mitch, Linc stepped away just long enough to grab his

own shorts from the floor and remove the lube from the pocket before he tossed them to the

side and returned to the bench where Mitch lay waiting for him. Linc straddled the bench

facing him, placing Mitch”s legs over his thighs. He took a moment to admire that body, from

the sculpted pecs to the rippling planes of Mitch”s tight abdomen. Damn, he was a fine

specimen of a man.

Leaning down, Linc kissed a path from Mitch”s throat, across his chest, and down his

stomach, enjoying the way Mitch”s skin quivered beneath his lips. When he reached Mitch”s hard, thick cock, Linc took it into his mouth, working the shaft, refusing to stop until the

tremors in Mitch”s body signaled he was on the verge of losing control.

He sat back, pausing just long enough to open the lube and squeeze enough into his

hand to prepare Mitch as well as himself. Linc dropped the lube to the floor before he

gripped his cock and pushed in, moving closer and closer, until Mitch”s ass rested against his

thighs, his cock buried deep. Mitch”s hands gripped the weight bar above his head, his legs

wrapped around Linc, holding him tight. He started to move, slowly pulling out halfway

before pushing in hard, his hips slapping against Mitch”s ass. He increased his thrusts, his

cock bumping against Mitch”s prostate every time. Mitch”s body rippled around his cock,

squeezing and clenching.

When he looked down, the look in Mitch”s gaze ate him alive. It said, I belong to you,

and I”m giving you everything I have and then some.

“Come on,” Linc spoke through clenched teeth, sweat pouring down his face. “Give it

up for me.”

Mitch nodded and shot, his body going tight around him. Linc held back long enough

to watch Mitch”s face, watch his features transform from need to pleasure to satisfaction,

before he groaned, everything in him shaking, building in his thighs, spreading throughout

his frame, overwhelming him. Then he was lost, pushing in one last time before he blew,

drowning and yelling out Mitch”s name like a fool.

For several seconds, neither of them moved, both caught in the moment, in each other.

Slowly, he lowered himself, his gaze still holding Mitch”s, unable to look away.

“Damn,” Mitch whispered. “That was…” His words trailed off, his expression filled

with awe.

“I know.” It wasn”t much of a response, but it was all Linc had. He eased out of Mitch

and stood, pulling Mitch along with him.

“Man.” Mitch stretched. “I”m going to feel you all day.” “Good.” Linc growled against his lips, kissing him hard. “I want you and Tomi thinking

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