Missing Linc (9 page)

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Authors: Kori Roberts

BOOK: Missing Linc
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an instant. Three sets of tongues played together, three sets of lips slipped, slid, and pressed

against each other.

Linc was the first to pull away, his eyes filled with regret. “If we”re going to make it to

El Yunque anytime today, I think we need to stop now or we”ll never leave this room. And

we still need to stop by my house so I can change clothes, and then by the garage so I can

pick up a car.”

Linc was right. However, as much as Mitch wanted to see the rain forest, the urge to

climb between the sheets with Linc and Tomi again was almost too strong to ignore.

With a sigh, Mitch reluctantly stood. “Linc”s right.” He reached for Tomi”s hand and

pulled her to her feet. “We need to go now.” He was talking to himself as much as he was to

them. They needed to put as much space between them and this bed as possible. Otherwise,

he was going to start taking off clothes.

“You”re both right,” Tomi agreed. “But first, I need nourishment.” As if on cue, her

stomach rumbled loudly. “After the workout you two gave me, I could eat a small animal.”

She picked up her wallet and camera off the dresser and headed toward the door. Laughing,

they followed her out the room.




“Oh, look at that!” Linc chuckled, following behind Tomi”s rapidly moving form as she

jogged down a trail. They”d started their tour of the rain forest nearly two hours ago with

Tomi leading the way most of the time, her excitement infectious, increasing with every

unique plant she discovered, every new animal she encountered. For the moment, her focus

was on a tree with several small, colorful birds clustered together on a branch.

“That”s a San Pedrito,” Linc told her when Mitch and he finally caught up to her.

“Little Saint Peter.” Linc nodded at Tomi”s translation as he stared at the tiny parrots in the tree. “They”re

very common in El Yunque.”

“They”re beautiful.” She pulled out her camera and added another picture to the dozens

she”d already taken for the afternoon. Something new caught her attention, and just that

quickly, her interest shifted from the birds, and she was moving down the trail again toward

a new target, her long, thick hair bouncing as she went.

Linc glanced at Mitch. “I take it she”s having a good time,” he told the other man as

they followed behind Tomi at a slower pace.

Mitch snorted with laughter. “What gave it away: the constant shrieks of excitement,

the mad dashes through the forest, or the nonstop picture taking?”

“I”d say it”s a combination of all three,” Linc said, laughing along with Mitch.

“In her defense, this place is pretty spectacular,” Mitch admitted. “It”s kinda hard to be

surrounded by all this natural beauty and not have the same sort of reactions.” He looked at

Linc. “You truly live in paradise, man.”

Linc slowed down and took a moment to look at his surroundings. He”d been to this

place more times than he could remember, and after a while, it became easy to take it for

granted. Sometimes it took a fresh pair of eyes or a new perspective to help him appreciate

how fortunate he was.

“Yeah,” he said to Mitch. “I think you”re right about that.” They continued down the

path in search of Tomi, finding her just as she reached out toward a bush filled with bright,

waxy-looking flowers in various shades of pink and rose.

“Wait!” Linc called out before her hand touched the plant. “Trust me; you don”t want

to touch that.”

Tomi”s hand paused in midair. “Why?” She looked over her shoulder at him with a

confused expression on her face. “That”s an alelí alhelí plant. It”s beautiful to look at, but don”t let the pretty flowers fool

you,” he warned. “They”re poisonous.”

Tomi recoiled as if something had bit her, her eyes going wide with fear.

“Don”t worry.” Linc put a steadying hand on Tomi”s shoulder when he reached her, and

Mitch wrapped his arms around her midsection, pulling her against him. “They won”t kill

you if you touch them, but they”re very toxic. They can cause some pretty nasty stomach


“It”s a good thing you were here with us.” Tomi smiled up at him. “Otherwise, I

probably would have spent the rest of my vacation on my knees, praying to the porcelain


Before Linc had a chance to respond, the sudden sound of thunder filled the air. It was

the only warning they got before the skies opened up, and rain poured down on them.

“Come on!” Linc yelled to them over the rain. “I know a place where we can stay until

the rain stops.” Linc veered off the trail, jogging through the forest with Tomi and Mitch

behind him, trying to recall from memory where a small cave was that his cousins and he

used to play in as kids, hoping that it was in the same spot as he remembered.

When the small entrance came into view a few minutes later, Linc released a sigh of

relief, hoping that their luck would continue and they wouldn”t find any other two-or four-legged occupants already residing inside the cave.

The interior of the cave seemed a lot smaller than Linc remembered. It was more of a

small space really, with just enough room for them to walk around a few feet in any one

direction. However, it would do for now.

“The rain should be over soon,” Linc assured them, watching as Tomi squeezed water

from her dripping hair. “Summer storms never last too long.” The light filtering in brightened the space just enough for Linc to make out Tomi”s

drenched form and the way her tank top clung to her body and emphasized the outline of

her breasts.

Mitch pulled his T-shirt over his head and wiped his face before wringing the excess

water from the material and laying it over a nearby rock.

Linc”s mouth went dry, and his eyes alternated between the sight of Tomi”s hardened

nipples and Mitch”s bare skin. God, there was just something about them that kept him as

hot and horny as a fifteen-year-old virgin trying to get his first piece of ass. It didn”t matter

that they”d just finished a fucking frenzy only a few hours ago. The weight of Linc”s cock,

hard and heavy against his leg, told him that he was ready for them once again.

“So,” Mitch said, his voice suddenly husky, his eyes trained on Tomi, his thoughts

obviously headed in the same direction as Linc”s. “Whatever shall we do while we wait for

the storm to pass?” Pressing his chest against her back, Mitch slid his hands down to her hips

and held her there as he gently thrust against her ass.

“Mmm,” Tomi moaned softly, and her head fell against his chest. “I”m certain we”ll

come up with a thing” — her gaze shifted to Linc — “or two to keep us occupied while we


As Mitch nuzzled along her neck from behind, Linc moved in front of her and kissed

her lips. The temperature in the cave rose quickly, their mouths generating more heat than

the weather outside.

Within minutes their damp clothes seemed to dissolve from their bodies, and Linc”s

attention immediately focused on Tomi”s breasts. Unable to resist, he cupped the soft flesh.

His thumb brushed over a nipple, and it went hard, growing so dark, so lovely. Leaning

down, he sucked the tip into his mouth.

His cock was so hard, and he wanted to be inside Tomi so badly. Linc slipped one hand

down her body, stroking her stomach and then her mound. Tomi spread her legs, and she wrapped one leg around his hip. Her pussy was wet and slick against his fingers, and his

mouth covered hers again as he slipped two fingers inside, her body seeming to suck them

right in. She cried out against his lips as one of Mitch”s fingers slipped in with his. Together,

they brought more cries from her until her body trembled and pleas fell from her lips.

“Please. I can”t wait.” Tomi panted, her voice shaking. “I need…”

“I didn”t bring anything with me.” Even as Linc said the words and heard the apology

in his voice, he knew he was being ridiculous. Hell, how were they supposed to know that

they would end up housed inside this cave instead of outside enjoying the rain forest as they

had planned? Who could have guessed that the attraction between them would prove so

strong, it would prevent them from keeping their hands off each other for longer than a

couple of hours at a time?

Still, it didn”t stop him from feeling guilty, especially at this moment, when he felt as if

he”d spontaneously combust if he couldn”t have them right now.

“Don”t sweat it; none of us did.” Mitch seemed to read his mind. He leaned over Tomi”s

head and kissed Linc. “We”ll just have to improvise.”

One moment they were standing, and the next Linc found himself lying on his back,

his clothes a cushion between him and the hard ground. Tomi straddled him, her knees

positioned on either side of his head, and her pussy poised over his face. Mitch stood above

them with his dick in Tomi”s mouth.

Linc didn”t wait for an invitation. Instead, he jumped right in, his tongue flicking back

and forth over Tomi”s clit before delving inside and tasting her juices. Tomi began to moan,

her gyrating body moving over him. Linc used one hand to hold her steady and the other

wrapped around his cock, stroking up and down the shaft, using the fluid leaking from the

tip to ease the friction.

Looking up, Linc watched Tomi suck Mitch”s cock, watched the way those lips

repeatedly slid over Mitch”s thick length, leaving a glistening trail of her saliva. “Damn, baby. Feels good.” Mitch buried his fingers in Tomi”s thick hair, holding her

head as he slowly thrust in her mouth.

Tomi moaned in response. Her lips moved faster on Mitch”s dick, drawing a hissing

sound from him as his cock pumped faster between her lips.

She was close. Linc felt it in the way her body shook, the way her thighs trembled next

to his head. He”d barely finished his thought when Tomi cried out around Mitch”s cock, and

her liquid heat flowed into Linc”s mouth.

Mitch was right behind her, his bellow of pleasure echoing loudly off the cavern walls,

his body jerking convulsively as he exploded, filling her mouth with his seed until it

overflowed and dripped out, landing on Linc”s cheek.

Mitch eased his dick from Tomi”s mouth, and he leaned against a nearby rock, panting

heavily. Linc continued to work his cock frantically, his own satisfaction only a few strokes

away, when Tomi bent and licked the side of his face before she covered his lips with her

own, the taste of Mitch still evident in her mouth. That was all it took to make Linc go off

like a rocket, shooting jets of cum to splatter on his stomach and against Tomi”s ass.

“Damn,” Tomi spoke against his lips. “That was a hell of an improvisation.”

Smiling, Linc said, “Yeah, it was.” He took another long kiss, savoring the combined

flavors of Tomi and Mitch on his tongue.

“It looks like we finished right on time.” Mitch helped Tomi to her feet. “It stopped

raining.” He held out a hand to Linc, pulling him into his arms for a kiss as soon as Linc was


Linc felt the spark of lust trying to reignite in his groin, felt his cock trying to lift its

head again, and he reluctantly pulled away from Mitch before his body betrayed him.

Linc picked up his damp clothes off the ground. He searched through his pockets until

he found a slightly wet handkerchief in the back pocket of his pants. It wasn”t the ideal thing

to use, but it was the best he could find under the circumstances. After quickly wiping himself off, he passed the handkerchief to Tomi and Mitch, who did the same thing before

they began to put on their own clothes.

Linc busied himself with the simple task of getting dressed while desperately trying to

ignore the sight of Tomi”s soft curves and silky brown skin, frantically trying to concentrate

on something other than Mitch”s hard, chiseled body and big dick.

“Ready?” he asked once they were fully dressed.

“Yep.” The darkened interior of the space did nothing to hide Tomi”s bright smile.

Linc couldn”t help but smile in return at the happiness in her tone. “Well, let”s hit the

trail, so you can get some more pictures.” Linc paused, and his voice became teasing. “That is,

if your camera can hold any more pictures.”

“Trust me.” Mitch laughed. “I don”t think that”s going to be a problem. She brought

plenty of memory cards with her.”

Linc”s laughter joined theirs as he followed them outside. Inside, he tried to figure out

how he would finish showing them the rain forest when all he really wanted to do was turn

around and spend the rest of the day hidden inside this little cave with them, fucking until

they all passed out from exhaustion.

God, it was going to be a long day.

Chapter Seven

Linc woke abruptly, swearing to himself as he shielded his eyes against the morning

sunlight shining brightly through the open windows in his bedroom.

Movement drew his attention to the sleeping form next to him, and Linc smiled,

suddenly remembering the reason why he”d been too preoccupied to remember to close the

windows and lower the blinds the previous night.

Mitch lay next to him, his nude body spread out on display, his sun-kissed skin smooth

and inviting, tempting Linc to explore every inch with his tongue. He quickly decided that a

little irritating sunlight was a small price to pay in exchange for the immeasurable amounts

of pleasure he”d indulged in the previous night.

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