Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) (9 page)

Read Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #romance menage, #BDSM, #Romance, #ex military, #ex navy seal, #mfm menage, #action adventure

BOOK: Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)
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Peter had entered the bathroom just as Fischer finished sending out his mental SOS. And listening to Lara’s story about Simon Ericson didn’t do a thing to allay his concerns for her parents, he was becoming more and more convinced they were more than simple missionaries. As a former Special Forces operative, Peter simply did not give any credence to coincidence. Ever.

Why would a man who simply wanted to pick-up a pretty coed need to pretend to be a student? And even then, most civilians wouldn’t have the resources to be that well prepared. Oh, he could answer the question easily—to make sure his young, naïve mark felt safe enough to allow him to get close to her. Hell, the guy had clearly played Lara from the beginning. Most young women had been burned by guys often enough by the time they entered college that they were more than a little skeptical. But Lara’s upbringing had been so unconventional she’d been easily duped. And while she might not be willing to admit it, he’d heard the insecurity that had subtly entered her tone as she’d spoken. She’d taken the guy’s lack of interest in her physically as rejection. Personally, Peter wondered if the bastard hadn’t been gay because it was almost impossible to imagine any straight man being able to resist the little blonde beauty. Hell, he and his brother wanted to fuck her all the time—and while he was grateful the man hadn’t taken her, it was difficult to imagine how Ericson had dated her for several months and not enjoyed her delectable little body.

Peter watched her shoulders roll in and listened as her voice dropped as she spoke, all the while fighting the urge to slam his fist against the wall in frustration. Lara Emmons was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met. She was a walking wet dream as well as being smart, funny, and sweet. Hell, if he and Fischer had designed their “perfect woman” you would have sworn they’d been describing Lara. His chief concern was the fact she hadn’t really lived her life yet—he worried that if they moved too quickly, someday she’d realize how much she’d missed and want to reclaim a part of her missed youth. He’d seen it happen in his circle of friends and the resulting heartache had sent more than one of his friends into drunken tailspins.

Once they’d all dried off and moved into the bedroom, Peter pulled Lara into his arms and simply held her for several minutes. A part of him wanted to simply hold her close, but he knew there was a part of her that needed the reassurance that she was indeed desirable. He’d never met a woman yet who didn’t suffer at least occasionally from the fear she “wasn’t enough”. If he and his brother had their way, Lara would never be plagued by that question again. Rubbing his hand in small, soothing circles over her lower back, Peter was pleased when she relaxed into his embrace.

He’d known from the beginning he would be playing catch-up in their relationship because she and Fischer already had a solid friendship. But he’d been pleasantly surprised at how quickly he and the little sub had bonded. He knew that her friendship with Tobi and Gracie probably played a large part in how easily she’d accepted the possibility of a ménage relationship. Seeing how happy her friends were in similar arrangements and knowing polyamorous marriages could work would have certainly helped calm any misgivings.

When he saw Fischer finish turning down the bed and move into position, Peter led Lara to the edge of the bed so she faced his brother. Fischer’s eyes blazed with lust and Peter felt Lara’s entire body begin to vibrate against him. Leaning down, he spoke softly against her ear, “Look at how much he wants you,
mi amõre
. We both want you more than you’ll ever know. You are pure magic and it slays me that you don’t know it.” He pressed butterfly kisses from just below her ear skimming over her quickening pulse and following a line to the top of her shoulder. When he reached the tender spot where her neck and shoulder met, he opened his mouth and let his teeth graze the area they’d discovered was particularly responsive. He felt her shudder and wanted to smile. He looked up and gave Fischer a quick nod.

“Come here, baby. I want you to ride me. I can’t wait to feel your hot little pussy wrapping my cock in your wet heat. You’re so tight, squeezing me like the softest glove in the world. There ya go, slide right on down so I’m—holy fucking mother of all things sacred, when your pussy ripples around me I think I’m going to lose my mind from the pleasure.” Peter tried to disconnect from his brother’s emotions because he felt his own control skating far too close to the edge and damn it, he’d like to at least get inside her pretty little ass before he came.

Using the palm of his hand, he pressed gently between Lara’s shoulder blades, lowering her down onto Fischer’s chest. The surge of sensation he got from his brother was nothing short of pure bliss, as Fischer’s mind registered the feeling of her tightly puckered nipples pressing against his chest and the soft sound of Lara’s gasp as his chest hair raked over the sensitive nubs. Oh yeah, Fischer was struggling already and Peter knew he needed to get Lara’s pretty rosette prepped and get inside her or he wasn’t even going to get to ride in this rodeo.

“Pet, I’m going to get you ready to take us both, but I need you to help me out, okay?” Lara moaned and Peter couldn’t hold back his smile. “Oh, precious girl, I do love that sound. But I need you to say the words, alright?” They hadn’t taken her together often enough that he felt either of them knew her body well enough to assess how she was handling it. And until they did, he and Fischer would both need to double check to insure she was cognizant enough to use her safe words. And making her verbalize her desire was a sure way to keep the line of communication open.

“Yes, Sir. Please. Just—just tell me what you want me to do. I’m green…oh so green.” Lara’s use of the club’s stop light system satisfied him that she was making an informed decision and he immediately dribbled a fine stream of warming lube at the top of her ass and watched it run in a slow stream over her pert little hole. Using the tip of his finger, he slowly massaged the lube into the flexing tissue surrounding her snug opening before pressing his finger just inside the tight ring of her anal sphincter.

Peter heard Lara’s sharp intake of breath and when her body tightened around his finger he nearly came just from the anticipation alone. “Oh, sweet girl, I’m going to love pushing into your tight ass. You are going to milk me dry in no time at all. Hell, right now my goal is to get inside you before my balls spontaneously combust.” And he hadn’t been exaggerating. Feeling her rippling muscles trying to suck his finger in deeper and imagining how they were going to feel around his cock was maxing out his self-control in a big hurry.

By the time he’d worked a second finger inside, Lara was pushing back against him just like they’d taught her and Peter was trying very hard to tune out Fischer’s running commentary playing out in his mind. Damn, he wished his brother would give it a rest already—he didn’t have to share
. There was no need to stack his pleasure telepathically while Peter was already trying to hold his own at bay.
‘Knock it the fuck off or I’m gonna kick your ass, little brother.’

You can try.’

Jesus, what are you five fucking years old?’
They’d been replaying this same banter, under different circumstances since they had, in fact, been five and eight years old. Fuck, it was a wonder their mother wasn’t bat-shit crazy having raised three boys who always knew what everyone was thinking. It hadn’t surprised Peter or Fischer that their mother’s response to finding out they couldn’t “hear” Lara had been riotous laughter so out of control their dad had finally taken the phone from her to find out what was going on.

Peter leaned forward, running his palm up the length of Lara’s spine from the peak of her rounded ass cheeks down into the valley shielding the small of her back and then back up the sloping incline until his hand spanned between her shoulder blades. “You are so beautiful, your pretty little hole is all soft and pink and ready for me. Hang on, pet, this is going to be a wild ride.” He watched goose bumps race over her skin in anticipation of his possession, ordinarily he’d take time to admire each and every small nuance of her response because knowing their effect on her was intoxicating. But right now, he couldn’t think past pushing into her and losing himself in her submission.

Pressing slowly inside, Peter was trying hard to shift his focus from the intoxicating feel of her ass opening for him as Lara arched her back and pushed back against him. “That’s perfect,
mi amõre
. Keep pushing back, let me in, beautiful girl, and I’ll take you on a magical ride.” His breathing hitched as the widest flair of his corona slid past the outer ring of muscles and her pretty hole closed around his shaft. “Oh fuck me, sweetheart, you feel so amazing.” He held still letting her adjust and giving himself a few seconds to reassemble his control. Hell, he wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able savor the moment before his body demanded satisfaction, but for just a few seconds he wanted to simply enjoy the small ripples as she pulled him deeper.

He’d kept his palm flat against Lara’s back, it was important to maintain the connection because that small demonstration of his dominance would reassure her that he was in control. It would also allow him to anticipate any movement, he was worried she might become so lost in her desire she’d suddenly surge back against him and injure the delicate tissues he was trying to gently stretch. “Just lie still and let us do all the work, precious girl. We don’t want you to make any sudden movements and hurt yourself, do you understand? Give me a color,
mi amõre

Lara’s soft groan was satisfying but not enough, the sharp slap to her already tender ass caused her to gasp before answering, “I’m green, Sir. Very, very green. And—oh crap on a coconut I know there was another question, but I really don’t remember what it was. I just need for you to move—PLEASE.” Peter knew he should make her answer, but his body was also demanding that he move.

“Hang on. Don’t move or you’ll get another spanking, and I’m not sure your beautiful red ass can take another punishment just yet.” He felt her relax beneath his hand and when his eyes met his brother’s over Lara’s shoulder, he didn’t need their telepathic link to know it was time.

Peter wasn’t sure how they managed to keep their pace slow and measured as long as they did—alternating their withdrawals and thrusts so one of them was buried deep inside Lara at all times. He could feel her desire swamping him as if he was mainlining it, and his control finally snapped.
‘Let’s go. I can’t wait any longer and I want you both to go with me.’

I’m right there with you and we’ll take her over with us—she is close.’

They stayed in perfect sync even as the pace increased. Peter leaned down when he felt her ass tighten around his cock like a fist and growled against her ear, “Come now,
mi amõre
.” Lara’s response was immediate and cataclysmic. He felt the wave of muscle tension move up her spine beneath his hand a split second before she screamed. The muscles of her ass tightening rhythmically around his cock, the constriction was just this side of painful, and the bliss that followed sent his mind into a total whiteout. Hell, Peter didn’t know how long his mind was off-line—his release had stolen everything—even his ability to breathe. Sucking in a big gulp of air, he hoped the infusion of oxygen would kick-start his brain back into gear. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, he should probably be grateful his heart hadn’t stopped beating.

Chapter Seven



Lara stared at the box sitting on Fischer’s desk as if it were a snake coiled to strike. Her mind had shut down after hearing him tell her that the box had been delivered by a private courier who had claimed he had been paid in cash to bring the box to the club. Everything around her had become little more than muffled sounds the moment she’d registered the distinctive handwriting. As long as Lara could remember, she had envied her father’s handwriting but had never been able to recreate the fluid artistry of his pen strokes. But now, staring at her name written across the top of the sealed box, she felt like she’d fallen into another realm. She could see everything was the same in her peripheral vision, but the sounds around her were muted as if they were traveling through water. Nothing existed but the box.

“Lara? Are you alright? Do you know who this is from?” Fischer’s words finally broke through the fog, but only because he’d turned her so she was facing him, his large hands cupped over her shoulders and he’d given her just enough of a shake to startle her back to the present. She hated seeing the concern in his piercing green eyes and she wasn’t sure her answers were going to do anything to allay his fears.

“Yes…well, yes the second question. I know who the box is from—or at least I know who addressed it.” Well, it wasn’t exactly addressed. Her name was written on the top and that was all, which seemed odd to her for some reason, but her mind didn’t seem to be able to focus enough to worry about that just yet. “But in answer to your other question, I don’t know if I’m alright yet.” Fischer looked at her for several long seconds before pulling her against his chest and simply holding her close. She knew he couldn’t hear her thoughts, but he was probably picking up the waves of uncertainty she knew must be surrounding her.

Lara had always hated making others worry about her and she sure seemed to be doing a bang up job of it since finding out her parents were missing. And now, here she stood staring at a brown cardboard box as if she expected aliens to pop out of it and whisk her off to some far-flung galaxy. When Fischer snorted a laugh, Lara looked up at him almost in a panic. She was going to melt into a puddle if he’d finally managed to hear her thoughts because they were usually focused on ways to get either him or Peter into bed.
Yep, all those years of being a good girl turned you into a nympho, Lara. I’m so sure your family will be thrilled with your fallen ways.

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