Read Missy's Gentle Giant Online

Authors: P D Miller

Missy's Gentle Giant (13 page)

BOOK: Missy's Gentle Giant
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Ben leaned over Missy and grabbed
her other hand.  “She’s not cheap, Melissa.  She was dressed this way
for a job she had to do.”

Missy tried to jerk her hand away
and move, but Ben held her too tightly.

“She was dressed like a
whore.”  He spelled it in Missy’s hand.


“She was supposed to be.  She
had to pick up a guy and tell him something.”  Missy stopped trying to
pull away for a moment.  Ben’s warm body near her took her breath away.

“Does she work for you?”

“No the agency I work for.” 
He could hardly breathe with Missy’s closeness and the message of arousal
shooting to his groin.

“Which is?”

Ben pulled his hand away, groaned
and sat up.  Missy rolled to her side, raised herself to an elbow and
frowned.  “You’re not a truck driver are you?”

“No.”  He faced her. 
“It’s a cover.”

“A cover for what?”

“I’m with the DEA—drug enfo—”

“I know what the DEA is.  Are
you trying to catch my brother?”

“No, I’m trying to clear him,

“Don’t call me Missy; you said you
wouldn’t call—”  Tears came to her eyes.  Ben was with the DEA? 
The idea sliced through her.  She’d read in the papers where agents were
sometimes killed.  Had he kidnapped her because of his job?  And as
soon as he solved the case, he’d go merrily on his way to another job?

“I’m sorry Melissa; it’s a
habit.  I’ll work on it.”  He saw the tear rolling down her cheek,
reached up and wiped it away with his thumb.  “Don’t cry.  I don’t
ever want to hurt you.”

Tears really started in a
torrent.  Not hurt her?  He’d just told her he worked like a spy with
criminals?  He worked with women who dressed and acted like whores? 
He probably just had this house temporarily for a cover.  He’d leave here
as soon as the case was over and go on to some other dangerous job?  Not,
hurt her?

Ben couldn’t stand her tears. 
Quickly he reached down and pulled her into his arms.  At first kissing
her hair, he forgot she couldn’t hear and kept repeating.  “Missy, don’t
cry.  The girl means nothing to me.”  As he rolled toward her, he
groaned, and his hand snaked down trying to touch hers.  “The girl means
nothing to me.  You’re all I care about; please don’t cry.”

“Ben I—oh, Ben—”

Slowly, nearly overcome by her
closeness he pulled back, kissed her forehead, her nose, wet his lips with her
tears and then open mouthed tasted her lips with his tongue.  His touch
was gentle at first, unconsciously testing, but crashed against her lips when
she didn’t pull back.  Totally lost in the sensations waving through his
body, he tasted her sweetness, smelled her freshness and burned where she
touched him.  His hand left hers, slid across her back and down toward her
hips where he tried to pull her closer to his.

His touch frightened her, and she
began to shake and whimper.  Instantly Ben pulled away from her and sat
up.  Gasping for air and control, he put his elbows on his knees and his
face in his hands.  “Damn!  I’m such a fool, such a stupid ass!”

Missy flipped over to her stomach
and tried to calm herself.  Even though she shook uncontrollably, her
breath came in short quick gasps.  Never had she dreamed of being kissed
like that.  Her whole body felt tingly and on fire.  When she finally
calmed down, she turned her head and stared at Ben.  What she saw brought
tears to her eyes.  Ben was crying?  Ben, the giant who had taken on
her nine brothers, the giant who worked for the DEA?  “Ben what’s
wrong?”  She reached out to touch his arm.

His whole body stiffened as he
looked away in shame.  Missy reached farther for his hand.  “Ben
what’s wrong?”  She talked to his hand.

Slowly Ben turned and stared at
her.  “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“Are you going to hurt me?” 
Blinking, she swallowed hard.  Was he going to tell her about leaving
her?  She knew he’d leave her forever, and already it hurt!  Was he
going to tell her something happened to one of her brothers?

“No, I won’t hurt you.”  He
forced a smile and reached up to brush back her hair.  “No one’s going to
hurt you.”

She reached up and took his hand in
hers.  “Is something wrong with my brothers?”

“No, everyone in your family’s okay,
and no one will get hurt.’”

“Then I don’t understand Ben. 
Why are you so worried about my being—”

“Want to play some cards?”


“Oh.”  He bit his lip.

“When are you leaving?”

“In the morning.”  He relaxed
a little.

“And will all of this be over by
tomorrow then?”

“I hope so.”  Ben
smiled.  “Maybe by day after tomorrow I can take you back home.”

“Will you be gone until then?”

“No, I should be in tomorrow night,
but I want to be sure everything’s over before I take you home.”

And then he’d move on to another
job and leave her.  But what could she expect?  She was deaf and had
been ruined.  How could he want someone who looked like her?

“I think there are some games
downstairs.  I’ll just—”


“Okay.”  He turned away and
rubbed his hands together.

Just then, Missy saw him as the
loneliest man in the world.  His eyes, his whole face showed tiredness and
worry.  Was he worried about tomorrow?  Something was bothering him.

“Ben will you stay with me

He turned to her.  “If you
want me to.”  He gently touched her cheek.

“And will you let me sleep close to
you again?”

“Yes.”  He stood up, reached
for her and pulled her to the floor.  “Go get your nightgown on while I
tell Mrs. Diaz what time to wake me.”  Ben mashed his forehead against
Missy’s and smiled.  He let her go and went downstairs.  “Susan I’ll
need you to stay with us again tonight.”

“Oh?”  Her eyebrows shot up.

“You’re going to sleep in there

“Yeah, Missy asked me to.” 
Ben grinned.  “Last night I just stayed because I was worried about her

“Like hell, we know why you

“Yeah.”  Ben’s smile faded.

“Why does my wife have to
stay?”  John chuckled.

“Chaperone.”  Ben grinned.

“Oh.”  Ron shook his
head.  Ben had gone bonkers.  He wanted a chaperone?

“She’s got nine brothers, and I
already had to fight them once.

“Oh?”  Susan’s eyes opened wide.

“Yeah, they’ve got some crazy
customs.”  Ben laughed.  He felt like a kid he was so happy Missy had
asked him to stay with her.  “Anyway, I’m not anxious to take them on
again any time soon.”

“Oh.”  John shook his head
confused.  Susan looked just as confused.  Who was Ben talking to on
the phone a little while ago?  He was telling them he was going to marry
Missy.  They watched as Ben sailed upstairs.

“John, my dear heart, Ben has had
it and we need to get busy.”

“Oh, we do?”  He smiled.

“Yes, I can’t think of anything
more wonderful for Ben than the sweet little thing he’s got hostage upstairs,
but she has a serious problem.  Worse, you should see what it’s doing to

“Oh I just saw what it’s doing to
him.”  John laughed.

“I’m serious John.  She’s
scared to death, and Ben is dying inside.”


Ben held the covers up while Missy
climbed into bed.  As she scooted down, he pulled the covers up to just
under her shoulders and pulled away a pillow to plump against the
headboard.  This was going to be one damn long night.  He’d have to
stay awake and force himself to behave.  Damn, he didn’t dare fall asleep
and end up holding her like this morning.  What would he do after this
bust?  At least she’d be home after tomorrow night.  With all her
brothers around, he wouldn’t be able to stay with her.  Damn her
brothers.  He might not live to get past them the next time. 
Nervously, he sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard.  Glancing
down at Missy’s tiny body, he shook his head and reached for her hand.

“Do you want me like this, or do
you want me to hold you like before?”  His fingers flew.

Missy smiled.  “Would you mind
holding me close for a while?”

“No.”  Instantly Ben grabbed
her shoulders and pulled her up until she rested her head against his chest. 
His heart pounded, thumping so hard he felt as if his chest might burst. 
Missy shifted a little and put her tiny hand over his thumping heart.  Ben
closed his eyes, groaned inwardly and drew up his leg to hide his obvious
arousal.  Damn, she was so little, so soft and delicious.  Beads of
sweat broke out on his forehead.  When Susan walked in he groaned audibly.

“May I come in?”

“Don’t even ask.”  Ben waved,
and Missy felt the vibrations of him speaking.  She shifted, saw Susan and
felt a rush of tears well behind her eyes.  She wanted—thought she and Ben
could be alone this last night before he left forever.  Angrily she closed
her eyes.

Unnoticed by either, John poked his
head in the doorway and stood stunned in shock.  Ben was fully clothed and
holding Melissa in his arms like she was ten?  Ben fighting arousal with
longing and pain on his face?  Shaking his head with disbelief, John
smiled at his wife and left just as silently.

For several minutes neither
moved.  Missy opened her eyes and saw Susan still sitting in the room, so
she pretended sleep and slowly pushed away from Ben.  Thinking she might
be getting more comfortable, Ben sadly allowed her to roll away.  He felt
lonely with the coldness but reached up and pulled the sheet over Missy’s
shoulders and pushed back her hair.  After several more minutes Missy
rolled back toward Ben, and she reached for his hand.  Her fingers
flew.  “Is Susan going to spend the night with us?”



Ben was stunned by the
question.  “So you’ll feel better.”

“How will she make me feel better?”

Ben stared at her a moment, then
slid down on the bed and turned on his side to face her. “I didn’t want you to
worry I might hurt you.”

“Oh.”  There was a long pause
with their fingers.  “Shouldn’t she be with her husband?”  Missy
stared at the second button on his shirt.

Ben took a deep breath and
swallowed hard.  “Missy I might be tempted to kiss you.”

“Oh.”  Their fingers stopped
again.  Missy chewed her bottom lip.  She wanted him to kiss
her.  Slowly her fingers moved.  “I’ll bet her husband hates me being

“No.  No one hates you being
here.”  Longingly he kissed her hair.

Missy bit her lip with renewed
determination.  “Ben, I trust you not to hurt me.”

Ben rolled his eyes away.  “I
don’t know if I can trust myself.”

“Oh.”  Missy yanked her hand
from his and turned away from him.

Ben raised himself to an elbow and
reached for Missy’s hand, but she pulled it away.  “Damn!”  Ben slid
his hand behind his neck.

“Something wrong?”  Susan
cocked an eyebrow.

“How the hell should I know. 
She just quit talking to me.”  Totally frustrated, he rolled to his back.

“You were talking?”  Susan

“Hand talking.  Now she won’t
let me touch her hand.”

“Oh, a quiet fight.”  Susan

“It’s not funny, dammit.”  Ben

“Sorry.”  Susan instantly
sobered.  “May I ask what the fight was about?”

“You.”  Ben threw an arm over
his eyes.

“Oh?”  Susan fought to hide
her grin and was thankful for the subdued light.  “Maybe you should ask
her if she wants me to leave.”

“And what if I get carried away and
kiss her like I did earlier?”  Ben chewed his lip.

“Maybe she wants you to kiss her.”

Ben appeared not to hear, but his
breath caught.  Slowly he uncovered his eyes and raised himself to his
elbow trying to see Susan’s expression in the darkness.  His damn heart
nearly lurched out of his chest.  “And if I got carried away—if I didn’t
stop and she wanted me to?”

“She’ll let you know.”  Susan
rose with a smile.  “Besides, it seems to me you’re more afraid than she

“But Susan wait—she said she trusts
me—I—don’t go—Susan dammit, I—”  He dropped back on his back and covered
his eyes again.  What the hell was he going to do now?

Another fifteen minutes passed
while neither Missy nor Ben moved.  Missy thought Ben had fallen asleep and
relaxed the hold she’d put on her emotions.  He’d just as much as told her
how he felt about her—he didn’t want to touch her.  She saw how nervous he
was because she’d asked him to stay with her.  Was he afraid she’d go home
and tell her brothers he’d done something wrong?  All she wanted was to
feel close to him for this one night, to smell his freshness, to feel his tight
muscles, feel his heart thumping and his breathing.  All she wanted was
one more little taste.  He was going away, and before he left she wanted
this night to store for memories.  He probably thought lots of boys kissed
her.  Tears started again, and she sniffled.

Instantly Ben rolled toward her,
pulled her around by the shoulders and held her within the circle of his
arm.  Worried, he fought with his hand to get hers which was crushed
between his rock hard chest and her soft breasts.  He pulled her hand
free.  “Melissa don’t cry, please, don’t cry.  I care about you, and
it hurts me when you cry.  Please, don’t cry.”

Missy pulled her hand away from his
and held her breath.

Confused, Ben loosened his hold on
her, and Missy pulled away.

“Please turn on the light
Ben.”  She sat up in the middle of the bed and waited while he rolled away
and turned on the lamp.  He was almost afraid to look at her once the
light was on.  Swallowing hard, he slowly turned to face her and saw she
was sitting on the calves of her legs.  She didn’t know the light made the
cotton nightgown she wore nearly transparent.  A wave of instant heat flashed
through him.  Ben swallowed hard again.

BOOK: Missy's Gentle Giant
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