Model: The Ugly Business of Beautiful Women (76 page)

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Magin, Jimmy, 90-91

Magugliani, Francesca, 306, 384, 397, 428, 449-450, 452, 454, 456, 460, 497

Malga, Sophie, 137, 138

Malignon, Jacques, 281, 290, 310, 376

Malka, Ruth, 469

Man About Town
, 167

Mandelli, Mariuccia, 380

Mannequin (agency), 197, 216, 238, 248

Marant, Claude, 286

March, Charlotte, 186

, 462

Marchiano, Bernadette, 351-354, 355

Margé, Nicole de la, 170, 204

Marie, Gérald, 7, 267, 346, 364, 365, 384-386, 399,
, 465, 466, 467, 489, 490

Bolster’s relationship with, 400-409, 428

Casablancas’s rivalry with, 310, 407-408, 435, 458-461

Elite and, 396-398, 400, 458-462, 497

emergence of, 301-307

Evangelista and, 408-409, 428, 429, 433, 435, 436

Trinity and, 434, 438-440

Marie Claire
, 137, 264, 428, 446

Marie France
, 137, 282

Marie-Sophie, 491

Marion, Jean-Marie, 406

Marky Mark, 486

Marlowe, Peter, 284

Marquand, Christian, 109

Marquit, Deborah, 423

Marshall, Cherry, 178, 179

Marshall, Esme, 351-355, 449

Martin, Fabienne, 303, 399-400, 489-491

Martinelli, Elsa, 288

Masucci, Jerry, 352, 353, 354

, 14

Maxwell, Elsa, 54

Maxwell, Muriel, 37, 51, 142

May, Terri, 353

Maysles, Albert, 443

Mazzola, Anthony, 247-248, 429, 431, 485

Mehle, Roger, 86, 109, 110, 111

Meisel, Steven, 218, 221, 376, 486, 488

background of, 421-424

Evangelista and, 433-435, 439

photographic career of, 424-426

Trinity and, 428, 434, 435, 438, 440

Turlington and, 421, 426-429

Mellen, Polly, 189, 217, 223-224, 225, 254, 312, 314, 344, 348, 417, 418, 434, 439, 482

Mellencamp, John, 482

Mengers, Sue, 250

Merv Griffin Show, The
, 370

Metropolitan Models, 475, 477

Metternich, Pauline de, 38

Michael, George, 435

Miles, Bill, 146

Mille, Gérard, 137

Mille, Hervé, 137

Miller, Beatrix, 430, 485

Miller, Lee, 42, 51

Minchin, Pamela, 164

Minier, Iris, 471-472, 474, 475

miniskirt, 166

Minty, Barbara, 310, 317, 320, 321

Mirabella, Grace, 191, 253-254, 351, 429-430, 431

Miss Rheingold campaign, 55-59, 97

Mitchell, Donna,
, 231,
, 233, 234, 293, 487

Mitchell, Kate, 336-337, 344, 346, 347

Miyake, Issey, 86

, 163

Modeling (agency), 302, 303

Model Mafia
, 460

Model Management, 456

Model of the Year contest, 244-246, 451

Model One, 176, 379, 461-462

Model Ring, 374

Models, Inc
., 482

models, modeling:

advertising and, 35

black, 235-239, 448

bookers and, 15

couturiers-manufacturers relationship and, 41

early history of, 38-42

England’s acceptance of, 138-139

first career plan for, 140

first jet set, 108

first true, 38

growth of, 10-12

hatbox fad and, 36, 65

“invention” of, 2, 31-34

outdoor photography and, 77-78

photographic technology and, 38-39

runway shows and, 380

as symbol, 36

Models Bureau, 196

Models International, 209, 264, 279, 283, 284, 285-286, 288, 300, 398

Models S.A., 385, 460, 492

“Model Wars” (Haden-Guest), 309-310

Model Workshop, 387-388

Mode Practique, La
, 38

Moffitt, Peggy, 166, 242

Moncur, Susan, 303

Monroe, Marilyn, 186, 223, 421

Montezemolo, Catherine di, 83, 130, 217

Montgomery, David, 190

Moore, Jimmy, 224, 282

Moral, Jean, 52

Moran, Mura, 55

Morand, Linda, 292-293

Morehouse, Marion, 41, 51

Morse, Gara, 309, 351

Morse, Tiger, 182

Morton, Peter, 178

Moss, Kate, 1, 5, 8, 9, 183, 441, 483,
, 486-489

Mossberg, Karin, 307, 308, 462, 467

MTV, 10, 23, 24

Mulder, Karen,
, 412

Mullen, Barbara, 88, 123-127,

Munkacsi, Martin, 77

Murdoch, Rupert, 431

Murray, Alan, 134

Murray, Sue, 172, 173, 176


Nadkani, Sue, 377

Name (agency), 492

Nars, François, 426

Nast, Condé, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 77, 103, 105, 169

Nast, Natica, 44

Natálie (Natálie Nickerson), 78,
, 80, 87, 133, 149

on Dovima, 133, 134-136

Ford Models and, 94-97, 130-131

Paine and, 100-101

Naylor, Genevieve, 109

NBC, 58, 134, 144

“Negro models,” 235-237

Neumann, Ruth, 126, 130, 149, 208

Newhouse, S. I., 77, 169, 429, 430

Newland, Lassie, 62, 64

New Look, 96

, 238

, 173, 182, 183, 212, 331, 333

Newton, Helmut, 169,
, 187, 224, 255, 264, 280, 281, 294, 295, 298, 303, 346,
, 368, 488

Newton, June, 294

New York
, 309, 350, 429

Casablancas profiled by, 457-458

New York
Daily News
, 332, 350, 354, 488

New Yorker
, 58, 182

New York
Herald Tribune
, 58

New York
, 142, 197

New York
, 237, 332

New York Rocker
, 422

New York
, 43

New York
, 140, 200, 237, 238, 249, 253, 293, 425, 500

New York
Times Magazine
, 235

Next, 15, 477

Nicholson, Jack, 250, 355, 356, 365

Nickerson, Natálie,

Nouvel Observateur
, 437

Nowell, Dorcas “Doe,” 110

Number One scandal, 287-288, 373

Nutter, Tommy, 164

Nutting, Anthony, 139


Oakes, Randi, 244

Obregon, Manning, 294

Odd Squad, 423-426

O’Dwyer, Paul, 120

Officiel, L’
, 196

Oja, Patti, 355

Oldham, Todd, 438

Oliver, Livia Rendessy, 248

Ormsby-Gore, Julian, 174

Otis, Carré, 400


Paine, Wingate,
, 100-101, 130-131, 133

Paley, Natasha, 51

Pallenberg, Anita, 175

Palmer, Mark, 174-176

Palumbo, Tom, 226-228

Paola, 493

Paolozzi, Christina, 250

Papadakis, Jovanna, 196, 197, 198

, 443

, 318

Paris Match
, 109, 137, 204

Paris Planning, 202-204, 207, 208, 246, 259, 266, 267, 279, 282, 283, 286, 287, 291, 292, 300, 302, 306, 384-386, 395-398, 399, 402, 407, 428, 465

Parker, Dorothy, 307, 360, 382, 461-462, 467

Parker, Elizabeth Dorian Leigh,
Leigh, Dorian

Parker, Suzy, 75, 86, 108, 114-122,
, 137, 196, 206, 332

Avedon and, 102, 107, 114, 118, 119-120, 121

in car accident, 113, 120

fees and income of, 105, 109

first name of, 114-116

Ford Models and, 101, 105-106

Georgia, daughter of, 118, 121

Leigh and, 101-102, 103, 105, 111, 119-120

as photographer, 109-110, 118

Pitou and, 109-113, 117-118, 120-121

Parkinson, Norman, 78, 91, 103,
, 153, 154, 156, 157, 165, 167,

career of, 163-164

Parsons, Louella, 112

, 279

Patcévitch, Iva, 223

Patchett, Jean, 85, 86, 87-91,
, 92, 95, 96, 107

Patitz, Tatjana,
, 412, 435

Patou, Jean, 40, 44-46, 141

Patrini, Maximiliano, 285

Paul, Sondra,

Paul Wagner, 197, 248

Peck, Cecilia, 493-494

Peck, Tony, 335, 370

Pedrini, Lorenzo, 389

Penn, Irving, 78, 86, 88-90, 102, 103, 110, 132, 153, 172, 189, 199, 223, 230, 238, 255, 294, 298, 324, 355, 421, 432

Fonssagrives and, 84-85

Leigh and, 82-83, 107

, 26, 313, 387, 437, 438

Peterson, Gösta, 235

Peterson, Pat, 235

Peterson, Sondra,

Petrie, Milton, 111

, 299

Piazzi, Giorgio, 277, 363, 373, 375, 377, 387-389

Piazzi, Giuseppe, 387, 389, 390-391, 393, 395, 396

Piazzi, Patrizia, 390, 395

Picasso, Paloma, 294

Pickering, Betsy, 128-129, 146

Piel, Dennis, 417

Pillard, Monique, 14, 17, 21, 24, 308, 309-312, 322, 323, 328-329, 351-352, 367, 370, 371, 396, 397, 408, 409, 420, 421, 441, 460-461, 497

Piroddi, Beppe, 374, 392

Pitou (Pierre De La Salle), 109-113

Planit, Jan Kaplan, 477

, 10, 23, 25, 192, 360, 421, 475

Plaza Five, 128, 131, 136, 149, 197, 217, 276

Poiret, Denise, 39

Poiret, Paul, 39

Poitier, Suki, 175

Polanski, Roman, 287, 365

Pollack, Alice, 176

Pommier, Michele, 415

Porizkova, Paulina, 12, 346, 412, 418-421,
, 458

Portago, Carroll de,
McDaniel, Carroll

Portago, Marquis de “Fon,” 111-112

, 107

Power, Tyrone, 37, 112

Power of Myth, The
(Campbell), 443

Powers, John Robert, 2, 10,
, 38, 54, 59, 62, 95, 97, 103, 123, 128, 132

agency of,
John Robert Powers

death of, 61

Dorso and, 35-36

head book issued by, 34

modeling “invented” by, 31-34, 36

radio show of, 60

Powers Girls, The
(Power), 60

Pradwilov, Jean Michel, 480, 504

Prebble, Dorothy, 242

Premier (agency), 462

Prestige (agency), 463

Pribble, Vickie, 249, 250, 356, 358, 381-382

Prigent, Roger, 105, 228, 282

, 172

Prouvost, Jean, 139

Prue, Edwina, 40

Pucci, Emilio, 109, 233

Pugh, Bronwen, 138-139

Punderford, James C., Jr., 123, 126, 127

Puzzle of a Downfall Child
, 230

Pyes, Craig, 462, 468-469, 471


Quant, Mary, 166, 173

, 153, 156, 167, 179

Qui Êtes-Vous, Polly Magoo
, 29, 151


Radkai, Karen, 228

Radziwill, Lee, 333

Rainey, Charles, 34-35, 59, 60, 61

Ramella, Elisabetta, 494

Ramos, Juan, 293-294, 297, 300

Randolph, Gwen, 231

Rappetti, Franco, 373

Rau, André, 407, 428

Ravenstein, Apollonia van, 256,
, 261, 264, 267-268, 314, 360, 382

Rawlings, John,
, 78, 82, 87, 102, 163

Ray, Man, 39, 41, 42, 77

Raymond, Edith, 128

Raynes, Martin, 346

“Rayographs,” 39

ready-to-wear clothing, 96, 376

Rees, Tom, 123

Reinhardt, Mike, 255, 265, 279, 281-282, 283, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 328, 329, 367

Reinhardt, Tammi, 317

Rendessy, Zoltan,

Rendlesham, Clare, 170

Reno, Hunter, 452-453

Repossi, Giorgio, 373, 374-375, 377, 378, 386, 389, 391

Reutlinger, Charles, 38

Revson, Charles, 121, 220

Reynolds, Quentin, 49, 70

Rich, Matthew, 343-344, 348

Richard, Keith, 175, 347

Richardson, Bob, 230-231,
, 233, 234

Ritts, Herb, 25, 26, 376, 421

Rizzi, Gigi, 373

Roberti, Paolo, 389

Robie, Richard, 61, 241

Robinson, Andrea, 425

Rogers, Jackie, 356

Rogerson, Wenda, 164

Rose, Axl, 456

Rosenstein, Nettie, 129

Rosenzweig, David, 250-252

Rossellini, Isabella, 493

Rossi, Luca, 7

Rotello, Gabriel, 423, 424

Rothschild, Fran, 199, 338, 340-341, 358, 477, 478

Rotti, Giorgio, 391-392, 393

Roundtree, Richard, 250

Rourke, Mickey, 400, 410

Roussel, Thierry, 17

Royko, Laura, 392-393

Rubartelli, Franco, 189-190

Rubell, Steve, 313, 330, 332, 344

Rumbough, Stanley, Jr., 37

runway shows, 380-381

RuPaul, 5

Russell, Edward, 108

Russell, Mary Jane,
, 83, 107-108

Russell, Rosalind, 37

Russell, Wendy, 97

Ruthven, Mary, 38

Rutledge, Lisa, 365, 399, 400, 403, 408


Sahag, John, 346

Saint Laurent, Yves, 295

Saint Marie, Anne, 226, 227-228,
, 229, 230, 293

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