Modern Islamist Movements: History, Religion, and Politics (45 page)

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and Muslim education 12 and progress 40

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, United States)

and Iran 10

treatment of terrorists by 112 Clinton, Bill: orders attack on al-Qaida

leadership 146, 208 colonialism

in Islamic world 7, 37 Islamism as response to 7

Cole, USS see USS Cole

Congress Party (India): opposed by Jama(at-i Islami 171

Cook, David: on jihad 12 Crusades

history of 6–7

Muslim perspectives on 5–6, 73 paralleled with modern Palestinian

situation 73

Zawahiri on 73–4 Cunningham, General Alan 93


Dalai Lama 16

Dar al-Ulum (Cairo) 42, 49, 55

Daud, Prince (Afghanistan): restoration of 191

Dayan, Moshe 100: on conduct of Israel’s occupation of West Bank and Gaza 99

democracy: rejected as anti-Islamic 74–5, 167, 168

Doctorow, E. L.: on history as myth 218

Dostum, General Rashid 195, 204

dress, Islamic 21, 169


economy: Islamic-style 22

education: Islamic 21 secular values in 12


and colonialism 37

influence of 29

Islamism in 27, 110; see also Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt)

leading role of 76–7 and pan-Arabism 76

and public Islam 182–3 and al-Qaida 27

secular government in 20 torture in prisons of 58, 64, 65 United States’ support for 9


Fahd, King (Saudi Arabia) and Gulf War 138

Islamic character adopted by 137 al-Farabi: on philosopher-king 39 Faraj, Muhammad Abd al-Salam 63,


al-Fatah 27

foundation of 94 governs West Bank 110 merges with PLO 96

principles and organization of 94–5 al-Fawwaz, Khaled: on Bin Laden’s

lifestyle in Sudan 143 Five Pillars of Belief 3

and jihad 13

Five Pillars of Islam 3 and jihad 12–13

France: as colonial power 7, 37 Free Officers (Egypt) 53 fundamentalism

common characteristics of 218–19 and cosmic war 218–19

defined 2

forms of 22–3

influence of 219–20

Islamic 23; see also al-Qaida

and organizational networks 218 and religio-political justifications for

violence 218–19


gambling: Islamic ban on 22 al-Gam(iyya al-Islamiyya 66 Gaza

governed by Hamas 110 Israeli occupation of 99–100 mosques in 103

Palestinian youth militancy in 100, 101

see also Israel/Palestine Germany: and Istanbul–Kuwait rail

line 130


Giddens, Anthony: on reflexivity 23 Girard, René: on religious violence 18 Goldstein, Baruch: killings in Hebron

by 107 Great Britain

and Arabian peninsula 130, 132,


as colonial power 7, 37 and Saudi oil 134

and Zionism 89

Guantanamo Bay 112

Guinness, Walter Edward, first Baron Moyne 93

Guizot, François: civilization theory of 39

Gulf War 137–8



authority of 3

in Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s thought 124 and zina) 126–7

Haganah 92, 93

halal regulations 13

Hamas 26, 94

and democracy 75

emergence of 102 and first intifada 105 founders of 103

and future of Israel/Palestine 104–5 governs Gaza 110

Islamist principles of 104 and Jews 103–4

and Muslim Brotherhood 102 suicide attacks by 107, 108,


as United States’ enemy 113

ul-Haq, Maulana Sami: on Bin Laden’s heroic status 147

Haq, General Muhammad Zia ul- and Jama(at-i Islami 178, 179–80

policies of, during Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 188–91, 193–4

and United States military aid 190 Hardy, Thomas: influences Qutb 55 Harlow, Barbara 111

Hasan, Major Nidal Malik: and Fort Hood attack 77

Hazaras 147, 206

and Bamiyan 195, 206 expel Taliban from Mazar-i

Sharif 205

massacred by Taliban 207 women’s role among 206

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 195 contacted by Mullah Omar 197 and Hizb-i Islami 193

Herat: conquered by Taliban 200–1 Herzl, Theodor 87, 88

The Jewish State 87–8

Hezbollah: as enemy of United States 113 hijra 60, 145

Bin Laden and 18, 145 Hiltermann, Joost: on Israel’s

occupation of West Bank and Gaza 99

history, Islamic: Islamist interpretations of 145–6, 166–7, 169–70, 200,


Hizb al-Istiqlal al-Arabiyya fi Suriya al-Janubiyya 92

Hizb-i Islami 193

Hizb-i Wahadat 206

Huntingdon, Samuel: on Afghanistan after Soviet withdrawal 211

Husayn, Taha 55

Hussain, King (Jordan) 98, 99


Ibn Abd al-Aziz, Saud 129

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad 20, 26, 28, 122–8

Hadith in thought of 124 influence of, on Saud family 128 opposition to 127

propagates message 124–5

tawhid central to thought of 122–4 teachers of 124

travels of 124–5

Ibn Ibrahim ibn Sayf, Abd Allah 124 Ibn Muammar, Uthman ibn Hamid: as

protector of Ibn Abd

al-Wahhab 125, 127–8 Ibn Muhammad, Abd al-Aziz

conquests of 128

murdered 129


Ibn Muhammad, Sulayman 127–8 Ibn Saud (Abd al-Aziz ibn al-Rahman

ibn Faisal al-Saud) 130–4 founds third Saudi state 130–1 and ikhwan 131–2

as Imam 133

and mutawwa(a 131–2

Ibn Saud, Muhammad 125, 128 Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din Ahmad

and Bin Laden 152 on Mongols 59

Ibn Turki, Faisal 129

ikhwan (in the Arabian Peninsula) 131–2


and Afghanistan 26–7, 28 democratic system in 168

as potential threat to Pakistan 212 International Solidarity Movement 111 Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan) see



first 101–5

second 108–9

United National Leadership (UNL) of 101–2

Iqbal, Muhammad 28 Iran

and Afghani 37–8

and Israel 9

and India 26–7, 28

and Pakistan 26–7, 28, 211

and Saudi Arabia 137, 153

Sharia in 26

and Soviet expansion into Afghanistan 189

and the Taliban 200–1, 202, 203,

207, 208

and Tobacco Protest in Iran 38 and United States’ Middle East

policy 113

United States’ involvement in 10 Iraq

humanitarian disaster in 11 “no-fly zones” in 11

as United States’ enemy 113

United States’ involvement in 10–11

Irgun 92, 93

ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan) 27, 190

in Afghanistan 193, 197–8, 210 and Mullah Omar 197


antithetical to Western secular values 1

beliefs of see Five Pillars of Belief change and tradition in 1 etymology of 3

fundamentalism in see under

fundamentalism, Islamic gender roles in 168–9 ideological diversity within 3–5

ideological enemies of 169; see also

democracy issues in 3

liberal 4–5

monotheism of 123 and the personal 1 and progress 40

sacred cities of 11, 25

secular 5

and sexual relations see sexual relations

and social justice 22 truth of 1

violence as means of spreading 14–15

as way of life 3, 13

Islambuli, Khalid 63, 64

Islamic Jihad (Egypt) 63, 68, 69, 149 attacks by, on Egyptian officials 68–9


advancement of, in Afghanistan 210 as cosmic warfare 218–19

defined 1

and government 20, 21 as fundamentalism see


global reach of 77–8 ideology of 24

as ideology 1, 2

intellectual progenitors of 20 military base needed for 72, 73

mosques in service of 103, 218


Islamism (cont’d) and Nazism 52

and Palestine problem 26 principles of 1

and reflexivity 23–4

in society 24

strengthened by Afghanistan wars 210

and the West 1, 2, 24, 220

see also Hamas; Jama(at-i Islami; Muslim Brotherhood; al-Qaida; Taliban; Wahhabism

Israel, state of establishment of 93 historic context of 25

Muslims’ critiques against 9–10 name of 85

and 1948 War 93 relations with Britain 8–9 survival of 10

United States’ identification with 113 United States’ support for 7–8, 9, 113 and West Bank settlements 8

see also Palestinians Israel/Palestine

Hamas’s vision of future of 104–5 Jewish settlement of 91–2 Muslim claims to 85–6, 103–4

promised in Old Testament to Jews 85, 107–8

as Palestine Mandate 91 partitioned 93

see also Israel, state of Italy: as colonial power 37



Hamas on 105

Qutb on 58


Abd al-Rahman on 66 Hamas on 140

the mujahideen on 192 Qutb on 58–62

Sirriya and Zawahiri on 71 Zawahiri on 63–4, 70, 72


Bin Laden on 152

Mawdudi on 166

Qutb on 58–9

societies manifesting 59–61, 72

al-Jama(a al-Islamiyya 62

Jama(at-i Islami (Pakistan) 164, 171

and Afghanistan 193 imprisonment of members of 175 influence of 180–1

and Kashmir 174–5

leaders of 180

as political party 173, 177, 180 similarities to Muslim

Brotherhood 181–3

social services offered by 172–3 Jama(at al-Ulema-i Pakistan 149 Jerusalem

accorded international status 93 as Muslim and Jewish sacred

city 86

Jewish agency: facilitates Jewish settlement of Israel/Palestine 92


American 89

British 89

diasporas of 86

Israel promised to, in Old Testament 85


defined 12

internal (greater) and external (lesser) 12–13

physical 60

Quranic injunctions concerning 14 as self-defense 13, 15, 60

Jihad Movement (Bangladesh) 149 Jihad Organization (Egypt) 62 Jinnah, Fatimah: Jama(at-i Islami

support for, as presidential candidate 176–7

Jordan: Palestinians in 98, 99 Juergensmeyer, Mark: on religious

violence 18

June War (1967) 96, 98



besieged by Taliban 201–2 captured by Taliban 203



during civil war 195 Taliban capture of 198 Taliban conference at 201–2


Jama(at-i Islami and 174–5 jihadis in 174

Khan, Ismael

contacted by Mullah Omar 197 controls Herat 195

Khan, Sayyid Ahmed 28

al-Khattab, Zayd ibn: Ibn Abd

al-Wahhab destroys tomb of 126 al-Khazindar Bey, Ahmad: assassination

of 52

King, Martin Luther 15, 17

Kuwait: Iraqi invasion of 10, 67, 138


Lashkar-i Taiba: Pakistani support for 191

League of Nations 91 Lebanon

Islamist attack on United States Marines in 145, 149

PLO in 99

Lovers of Zion 87


madrasahs: Islamism fostered in 4, 29,

192–3, 210

al-Majmu)i, Muhammad 124

Malcolm X 15, 17

martyrdom operations 9–10

and Hamas 107–8

Islamist justification for 109–10 Mawdudi, Sayyid Abdu)l-A(la 20, 28

background of 164

and democracy 167–8

on gender roles and dress 168–9 and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab 166 imprisoned 175, 176

on Islamic history 166–7, 169–70

on Islamic state 167–8, 169

founds Jama(at-i Islami 164, 165–6,

171, 181

on jihad 171, 174

and Kashmir question 174–5 on mujaddids 167

on Quran 165

on revolution 169–71 on role of Sharia 167 writings of 165

Mazar-i Sharif importance of 204

Taliban attack on 204–5 Mecca

and Bin Laden 139, 143, 145

and early Islamic battles 98, 106 and early Islamic community 18

in the early nineteenth century 129 and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab 124

and Ibn Saud 133

and Islamist opposition 136 and Mawdudi 165, 169

and Muhammad’s night journey 85 and Pakistan’s support of Islamists


pilgrimage to 3, 11

polytheism in 123

and Saudi Arabian government 25 and Umar ibn al-Khattab 86


in Afghani’s discourse 39 in Arafat’s discourse 98

and Bin Laden 139, 143, 145

in the early nineteenth century 129 as a holy city for Muslims 86

and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab 124 and Ibn Saud 133

and martyrdom operations 109 and Mawdudi 170

and the mujahideen 193

and al-Qaida’s discourse 14, 15, 18, 19 in Qutb’s discourse 60

and Saudi Arabian government 25 and significance for Muslims 11

Michaud, Joseph-François: Histoire des croisades 6

Military Academy Group (Egypt) 70 Military Technical College Organization

(Egypt) 62

Mohammed, Hamza 141

mosques: Islamism fostered in 1–3, 218 Moyne, Lord see Guinness, Walter

Edward, first Baron Moyne

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