More With You (12 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

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Sure enough, as we get closer to the beach, the girls are sitting on lounger chairs surrounded by Seth, Scott, Brian, and Craig.  Did these fuckers not get the message yesterday?  I clinch my fists tight to my sides, and hear Liam growl next to me.  We step up behind the girls’ chairs.  Liam slides in behind Allison and pulls her to his chest.  Without giving it another thought, I do the same with Hales.  I kiss her temple once I have her close to me.  “I missed you, angel,” I whisper in her ear, loud enough that Seth, the fucker who is kneeling beside her, can hear me.  I don’t even acknowledge him. If I do, I’ll have to hit him, and that will make Hales mad.  I don’t want her mad at me on her birthday of all days.  

Hailey scoots her ass back, right against my crotch. This tells me that she’s not interested in Seth. Did he try something? Did he do something to make her uncomfortable? I move my face so I can whisper in her other ear, in hopes that Seth can’t hear me.

“Are you okay, angel?  Did he hurt you?  Hurt Allison?” I whisper softly.  Trying to keep myself calm, I pray that she tells me no. Otherwise, Seth is about to be worked over, and I’m about to be benched with the NFL before I even take the field.  I know this because I won’t stop if he did something to either of them.  It’s gonna take an army to get me off him. 

Don’t. Fuck. With. My. Girls.

She shakes her head no and I can feel myself relax. She turns to look at me over her shoulder and her eyes find mine. I lean my ear down to her lips.

“I’m just not interested and he doesn’t seem to get it,” she whispers.

I relax even more, knowing she doesn’t want him.  I pull her back to rest flat against my chest and rest my head on her shoulder.  I feel her shiver at the contact of my breath on her neck.  I’m glad to know that she’s affected too.  If she only knew how she affects me.  Well, she probably does by now.  I’m hard as a rock, with her ass resting right on top of me.  The lines keep getting blurred from what I want and what I know needs to happen.  I can’t think of a time in my life when I have wanted anything as bad as I want Hailey. 

After several lame attempts at small talk, Seth and his posse say their goodbyes and head back down the beach.  Even though I don’t want them around either of the girls, I’m sad to see them go.  This means I have to let Hailey go.  I won’t be able to hold her in my arms and nuzzle her neck. 
Fuck my life! 

I again find myself in the position of having to let her go.  I hate letting her go.  As if she is in my head, Hailey moves away from me, scooting to sit on the edge of the lounger.

“We can’t leave you two alone for all the damn vultures,” Liam says.

Allison laughs.  “Babe, we were fine.  They were just being friendly.  We knew you were going to be home soon.  We actually told the guys you were in the house.  They didn’t even know we were here alone,” she tells him.

“Fuck, and they were still all up on you,” he says.

“I’m hungry, what did you bring for the birthday girl’s dinner?” Allison asks, changing the subject.

“Steak, baked potato, and salad.” Liam stands and pulls Allison up with him.  “I’ll start the grill.”

I watch as they walk away.  Reaching over, I grab Hailey’s hand, and lace our fingers together.  Gently, I rub my thumb across her knuckles, just needing to touch her.  I look up to find her gaze locked on our hands.  Pulling her hand to my lips, her eyes following me, and I place a soft kiss on her palm.  I lace my fingers back through hers and stand up, pulling her with me.  After gathering her things, and we head back to the house with our hands still laced, still connected.

We reach the steps that lead to the deck and I gently squeeze her hand before releasing it. She offers me a shy smile and I want to taste those lips. I hate that I have to let her go. She seems to understand because she bumps her shoulder with mine and starts up the stairs. I watch her go, my body aching with desire for her.

Liam mans the grill, Allison makes the salads, and I mix the girls their first drink.  Hailey is sitting on the deck. We all three have instructed her to not lift a finger.  She didn’t protest.

I bring Hales and Allison their first drink of the night, Strawberry daiquiris, on the weak side of course. Dinner is great. Nothing beats a good grilled steak with baked potato. Allison suggests we play spoons.  She loves that damn game. 

Hailey, of course, is on board.  She jets off to the kitchen to gather three spoons and a deck of cards to set up the game. 

The beach house has outdoor speakers that are connected to the entertainment center in the living room.  Liam goes in and sets his iPod to shuffle.  He and Hailey return at the same time, both wearing huge smiles.  Who am I kidding?  We all love this damn game.

We play the first round and Allison gets a letter.  The girls announce that they need a refill so I head to the kitchen and make them another drink.  I grab two bottles of water out of the fridge.  I deliver the drinks, handing Liam the second bottle of water.  He nods his head and that’s all the confirmation that I need to know that he and I are on the same page. 
Must stay sober! 

We continue on with the game, and as always, we are all enjoying ourselves.  Allison and Hailey have had a few more refills and both are relaxed.  So relaxed, that everything is suddenly funny to them.  I lost the last round bringing to the tally of S-P-O-O.  This the girls find hilarious.

“Ace is a SPOO.” Allison laughs. 

“I’m a SPO!” Hailey cheers. “You’re going down, Emerson,” she says, pointing her finger at me.

“Bring it, angel,” I say. If she only knew what else I want her to bring.

The next few rounds go quickly.  Allison and Hailey are the dealers, and it appears that the cards didn’t get shuffled as well as they should have.  Alcohol does that.  Allison ends up being the first one out.

Hailey pouts.  “I can’t play without my bestie. New game,” she tells us.

“Let’s dance,” Allison shouts. “Baby, I need a refill,” she tells Liam as she tilts her cup up and finishes off her last drink.

“Me too,” Hailey says loudly.

Liam shakes his head and smiles as he walks away.  He comes back with two bottles of Smirnoff and two more bottles of water.

Allison and Hailey click their bottles together as they grind to the music. Liam sits down next to me and we watch them. They are both well past their way to “tying one on” as Allison called it.

“It’s good to see them like this. Happy and carefree,” he says.

“Listen, man, I know I give you shit, but Allie has changed since she met you.  She’s open to life and new possibilities.  I’ve never seen her this happy.  I have you to thank for that.”

“Don’t thank me for loving her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Loving her is easy.”

We both sit quietly for what seems like forever, just watching the girls dance and laugh.

“I still can’t believe she’s going to be my wife,” Liam says out of the blue.

I laugh.  “Yeah, I never thought I would see the day that Liam MacCoy settled down,” I chide him.

“Just wait, dude, when you find it, you’ll understand.”

I don’t say anything to that, because well…I have a feeling I may have found the one that could get me to change my way of thinking, but I won’t let myself have her. My eyes find Hailey as they always do, and I take in her movements, her laughter.  I love to hear her laugh.

The next song is a slow one, “Can’t Fight This Feeling” by REO Speedwagon. Liam jumps up and makes his way to Allison, pulling her into his arms.  I watch them, wishing it was Hales and me.

“Don’t leave me hanging, Emerson,” I hear her say. 

I look up to find her standing there with her hand held out, waiting for me. 

I reach out and take her hand, tugging her close. She wraps her hands around my neck and begins running her fingers through my hair. I place my arms around her waist and pull her as tight as I can get her. I glance over her shoulder and see that Liam and Allison are in there own little world. Good, that means there is less of a chance of them witnessing this. I told myself that I would keep my distance, but I can’t. I will never be able to turn her away, tell her no.

Hailey brings her arms down and places them around my waist, hugging me close as she rests her head against my chest. I lean down and kiss the top of her head, and try like hell to memorize every minute, every single fucking second, of what it feels like to have her in my arms. 

This song, fuck me, it’s perfect for us, for me.  I sing softly in her ear, hoping she understands what I’m trying to say.

The song ends and Hailey slowly lifts her head from my chest. “Thanks for the dance,” she whispers as she leans up and kisses my cheek. I release her from my hold and she stumbles a bit. I would love to think that it’s my effect on her, but I’m pretty sure it’s the alcohol.

I reach out and catch her with my arms, helping her regain her balance.

“Looks like she’s had enough too,” Liam says as he steps up beside us. 

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” My voice is thick with emotion. I pray that he doesn’t notice.

“I’m taking Allie to bed. Can you make sure Hales gets settled in?”

“Sure, man. I’ll see you guys in the morning,” I tell him.

Liam scoops Allison up in his arms and carries her into the house.

Hailey falls against my chest, losing her balance once again. I wrap my arms around her. I can’t seem to control myself where she’s concerned.

“I can’t feel my legs,” she mumbles against my chest.

I kiss the top of her head. “I got you, angel,” I say, bending down and scooping her up in my arms.  I carry her in the house and set her on the couch.  I run back to the door, closing and locking it. 

I find Hailey where I left her, eyes closed breathing softly. She looks peaceful. I gently pick her up and carry her upstairs. Once I reach her room, I place her down on the bed, careful not to wake her.  Her eyes pop open as I am pulling my arms out from underneath of her.  My face is so close to hers, all I would have to do is lean in just a little and I could taste those sweet lips.

Hailey loops her arms around my neck. “Don’t go,” she whispers.

I can’t stay in here with her. What if Liam finds us?  What if I’m unable to resist temptation, resist her?

“Just until I fall asleep,” she mumbles. “Please.”

“Anything you want, angel.” Like I said, I can’t tell her no. 

She moves over to allow me space to join her. I climb in next to her, and she immediately attaches herself to my side and rests her head on my chest.  My chest is rising rapidly as I struggle to pull deep even breaths into my lungs.  After several minutes, she is still and I assume she has fallen asleep.  I’m not ready to leave her, leave this moment with her.  I gently stroke her hair and drop a kiss to her forehead. 

I lie there holding her, lost in thought, trying to decipher these feelings and what I’m going to do about them.  I glance over at the clock and realize it’s four a.m. I have been holding her for three hours! As gently as I can, I remove my arm from underneath of her and get out of bed.  I pull the covers up over her and drop a kiss to her forehead.  “Sleep tight, angel,” I whisper.

“I love you, Aiden,” she says softly. So softly I almost don’t hear her. I stop dead still, waiting for her to say more.  Waiting for her to sit up, but she’s still sleeping soundly.  I drop to my knees beside the bed and gently brush the hair from her eyes.  This girl, she wrecks me. 

Those words, three little words, have brought me to my knees.  I continue to watch her.  I want to crawl back up in this bed and hold her tight.  Fuck, I want to be inside of her.  I just want her.  I don’t know how much longer I can fight this.  I place a feather soft kiss on her lips and whisper, “I love you too, angel.” And drag my tired ass to my room.  I know she won’t remember tonight.  She won’t remember that we both said “I love you” for the first time.  I will though.  I will never forget tonight as long as I live.  I strip down to my boxer briefs and climb into bed.  My bed and my arms feel empty.  Life without Hailey would be empty.



I wake up with a pounding headache. I roll over to look at the clock, and see a bottle of water and two Advil sitting on the nightstand.  At closer glance, I notice there is a note under the Advil.

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