More With You (16 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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Today is my first day of nursing assisting class. The program consists of two weeks of class work and two weeks of an externship.  At the end of the extern, I take a final exam to pass my certification.  It’s either pass or fail.  Lucky for me, I have no distractions, nothing but time to focus on passing.

I walk into class and take a seat near the back; I am the first one to arrive. My nursing advisor already told me that the class is small, only twelve students. They only take a few select students into the nursing program each year, so they get more individualized attention from the instructors. Our nursing class has twenty-six students; the others have already completed this course.

I’m barely seated when a girl my age strolls in and sits down beside me. I look over and smile at her.

“Hey! I’m Macie,” she says, thrusting her hand out for me to shake.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Hailey,” I say. 

“So are you nervous about this?” she questions.

“Yes, you?” I reply.

“Holy shit!  You have no idea.  I’ve worried myself to death.  I have busted my ass to get into this program on scholarship and this is my last piece of the puzzle.  If I screw this up, I’m out,” she says in a rush.

“Well, what do you say we partner up, study together?” I ask. I’m not sure where the invitation came from, but I can tell already that Macie is nice, and having a study partner would be beneficial.  Besides, it’s not like I have anyone waiting on me at home.

“Really?  That would be awesome.  We are so going to nail this,” she says with confidence.

Wow, she is a lot like me. “So are you from around here?” I ask.

“Yep, born and raised. You?”

“I live in Chapel Hill, so basically yes.  I’m a UNC transfer.  I really want to be a nurse.  They offer a Bachelor’s program but I want it now.  I’m an instant gratification kinda girl.” I laugh.

“You and me both.  My mom and dad work hard, but still couldn’t afford to send both my brother and I to college.  We are both here on scholarships.  I don’t know if it’s a twin thing or what, but we both wanted to get a two year degree so we could get out into the work force.  Take some of the burden off our parents, you know?” she tells me.

“Wow, you’re a twin?” I ask.

“Seriously, that’s all you got out of the conversation?”


“Relax, I’m just kidding. Yes, I’m a twin. My brother Miles is a student here also. He’s a computer programming major,” she chirps.  “Any siblings?”

I hesitate. Do I tell her about Liam and the NFL? I decide to wait a while before I divulge that piece of information. “Yeah, I have a brother, Liam. He just graduated from UNC and moved to Charlotte with my best friend, who also happens to be his fiancée, and his best friend Aiden.” There, that’s all true I just didn’t mention that both Liam and Aiden just got drafted to the Panthers.

“Cool.” Is all she can reply before the instructor of the class clears her throat and begins going over the syllabus. 

Class is long, five hours each day for two weeks.  My head is spinning from all of the information that she just gave us.  I got this, at least I keep telling myself that.

“So, Hailey, do you have any plans for tonight?” Macie asks me. 

“Uh, no, not really.  Why?” I ask her.

“My brother and I are having a small get together at the house tonight.  My dad’s an over the road truck driver and he had to go to Charleston.  My mom went with him so she could visit with my Aunt Sarah who lives there. Miles and I have the house to ourselves,” she says.

“Yeah, okay. What time should I be there?” 

“Come at six, that way I can introduce you to everyone as they show up.”

“Sounds good.  Thanks, Macie.”

She hands me her phone. “Add your number and I’ll text you the address.”

I quickly program my number and hand it back to her. Her thumbs fly across the keyboard as she sends me the address. Two second later, my phone pings with a message.  I add Macie to my contacts list. 

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in a few hours,” I say.

“Sounds great, see you then.  Call if you get lost or anything,” she calls over her shoulder.

When I get home, the emptiness of the condo surrounds me once again.  It’s really going to take some time to get used to this.  I make my way down the hall towards my bedroom.  Now that Liam and Aiden have moved out, I have an actual room.  I chose Aiden’s room to be mine.  I just want to feel closer to him.  I know it’s a bit stalkerish, but I still couldn’t resist.

I stand in front of my closet and begin to tear through the hangers looking for something to wear tonight. I decide on short blue jean shorts, light and dark pink layer tanks, and my pink flip flops.  Casual. Macie said it was just a few friends, and I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying too hard to impress them. 

I hop in the shower and rinse off the day, not washing my hair.  I decide to leave it down tonight. I dress quickly in my outfit, slip into my flip flops, add some lip gloss and mascara, and I’m good to go.

I find Macie’s house with no trouble.  Pulling into the driveway, I’m suddenly nervous.  I decide someone needs to know where I am, so I call the main number to the condo.

Allison picks up on the first ring. “Hello?”

“Hey!” I say, excited to hear her voice.  It’s only been a couple days since they left, but God, I miss them.

“Hales, how are you? How was class today?” she asks, genuinely interested in how it went.

I spend a few minutes discussing the class and how excited I am for everything to start. Allie tells me that they are settling in and are almost unpacked.

“Listen, I don’t have a lot of time to talk, but I met a girl in class today that invited me to her house tonight for what she referred to as a small get together.  I just pulled into the drive, but I wanted to let someone know where I was, you know, just in case,” I tell her.

“I’m glad to hear you’re going out. Can you just text me the address and make sure you call me as soon as you get home,” she says sternly.

I laugh. “Yes, mother. Anyway, I need to go. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can catch up.”

“Sounds good.  Be safe,” she tells me.

I shove my phone in my pocket, along with my keys, and lock my car.  I walk up to the front door and ring the bell.  I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves.

I’m startled when the door flies open and I am met with a muscular, tattooed, shirtless chest.  My eyes move up and meet dark chocolate ones.  “Hey, beautiful.  What can I do for ya?” the sexy stranger asks me. 

Before I get a chance to speak, Macie appears behind him, smacking his shoulder.  “This is the girl I was telling you about that I met in class today. She’s off limits to you,” she tells him.

I stand there starting at the two of them and I can now see the resemblance. They both have sandy blonde hair and dark chocolate eyes. This must be Miles.

“Hailey, this is my brother, Miles. Miles, this is Hailey,” she introduces us.

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart,” Miles says, grinning. 

I can’t help but blush at his attention. I’ve spent so much time with Aiden and Liam, that getting hit on is rare for me. Even if the guy tries, they have him scared off in no time. Not anymore. It’s just me. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

“Right. Okay, well, I’m just setting up in the kitchen, care to help?” Macie asks.

“Sure, lead the way,” I tell her in a voice that sounds way more confident than what I really am.

“Just ignore my idiot brother. He’s a total flirt,” Macie says, handing me a jar of salsa and a bowl.  I don’t reply, because really, what do I say?  I’m flattered that your twin brother was flirting with me?  I don’t have a lot of experience with it because my older brother and his best friend, who by the way I’m in love with, scare guys away before we even get that far?  Yeah, I’ll just kept quiet on this one.

By the time Macie and I are finished with the snacks, the house is starting to fill.  There are at least thirty people here.  Macie pulls me to the living room and starts introducing me to people; her best friend Holly is one of them.  I hope she doesn’t expect me to remember all these names.

Macie excuses herself to go to the restroom, and I find myself standing alone in the living room.  I lean against the wall and pull out my phone.  I’m scrolling through Facebook when a shadow falls over me.  I raise my head and see Miles, in all of his bad boy sexiness, standing over me. 

“Hey, sweetheart, why are you all alone?” he asks me.

“Macie just went to the restroom and I really don’t know anyone else,” I tell him honestly.

“Come with me,” he says, placing his tattooed arm around my shoulders and guiding me to the other side of the room.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” A tall guy with more tattoos than Miles asks with a friendly smile.

“This is Hailey.  Hailey this is my best friend Kaden,” Miles introduces us.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say to Kaden.

“You too,” Kaden says with a wink.  He, too, is all kinds of sexy. 

The music changes to Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” and I can’t help but sway to the beat. 
This song rocks!

Miles smiles at me as he hands his beer to Kaden and pulls me onto the makeshift dance floor.  We begin to dance separately at first, but as we get into it, we move closer together.  I turn and my back is against his chest.  He places his hands on my hips and I bring my arms up over my head and drape them behind me around his neck.  Miles pulls me closer and I grind into him.  By the time the song is over, we are facing each other, his hands still on my hips, my hands still around his neck, his leg between mine, and we are grinding.  He’s smiling and laughing, and so am I.

The song ends and we walk back to Kaden. “Holy fucking shit! That was fucking hot!  Please tell me I’m next,” he begs.

Miles and I just laugh at him.  Miles goes to get me a water and him another beer.  I don’t want to drink and drive; and I don’t know anyone well enough to stay the night.  Allison would so kick my ass for that one.

“Damn, girl, you got moves,” Macie says as she greets me.

I blush, I can’t help it. “Thanks.”

“Here you go, sweetheart,” Miles says, handing me a bottle of water. 

I twist open the cap and down half of it.  I barely have the cap back on before Macie is pulling me back out to dance.  The four of us dance most of the night.  Kaden got his turn, of which he bragged about.  He can kid all he wants, but I know he has a thing for Macie.  She even admitted that they’ve hooked up a few times. 

As patrons start to pass out, I take that as my cue to leave.  I hug Miles and Kaden and tell Macie I will see her at school the next day.  The three of them walk me to my car and we agree to get together again soon. 

The drive home is quick. I let myself in the condo, lock the door, and send a quick text to Allie.

Just got home, hitting the shower then bed. Love you, guys!

I don’t wait for her reply. I need a shower and my bed. My ass is beat, but I had fun tonight. I’m glad I went.



I break down the last box to take it out to the garage.  Two days and I’m finally unpacked.  It would have been sooner, but we spent the majority of the day yesterday at the store.  We needed everything.  Food, dishes, all that shit.  We left everything back in Chapel Hill for Hales.  Hales…I miss her.  It’s weird to be here knowing that she’s not with us, that she’s not going to just pop around the corner.  She and Allison made plans for her to come down in a month. Four fucking weeks before I see her again. 
Fuck my life!

I finish putting my empty boxes in the garage and join Liam and Allison in the living room. I get there just in time to hear Allie tell someone to have a good time and be safe. 
Is she talking to Hales?

“What’s she up to?” Liam asks.

“Not much. She met a girl in her assisting class today that invited her over to her house for a small get together. She just wanted someone to know where she was, you know, just in case.”

“What the fuck! Does she not feel safe there? Why is she going then?” I blurt before Liam can even respond.

“Yeah, what he said,” Liam replies.

“Yes, she feels safe. It’s a new place and new people. Hales and I made a pact when we started college that we would never go to a party alone. I left her,” she says quietly. “I’m really proud of her for being responsible.”

“Text her and tell her that we need to know that she makes it home safe,” Liam says.

“Already done, papa bear,” Allison says, patting his cheeks.  “She promised to text me as soon as she’s home.”

Liam grumbles, but I’m not sure what he’s saying.  My mind is racing with the thought of Hales not being safe.  I stalk off towards my room.  I can’t let them see me lose my shit.

Once in my room, I begin to pace.  My every instinct is telling me that I need to go to her now.  I need to go to that damn party and make sure she’s okay, make sure all those fuckers know that she’s mine. 

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