Mouse (32 page)

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Authors: D. M. Mitchell

Tags: #Thriller

BOOK: Mouse
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‘I did it for you, Vince. It was all for you, because I love you!’

Vince sank to his knees, reaching out and touching Kimble on the shoulder. ‘Jesus, Edith, you’ve killed him. What are we going to do?’ Then his face screwed up in thought. ‘What are you saying, you had to make all of them stop?’

She licked her lips, tried to regain control of her breathing. ‘I killed Monica,’ she said.

‘Don’t be ridiculous, Edith. You’re in shock, is all.’

‘I’m telling you the truth, Vince. I killed Monica. I did it for you, and me, for both of us.’

’Why are you talking this way?
Stop it, Edith, you’re getting hysterical and you’re starting to frighten me. Martin killed Monica. The police arrested him, they had all the evidence.’

‘I made it look like it was Caldwell who did it.’

Vince clutched his head, dazed. His vision began to swim. ‘Do you know what you’re saying? Stop it. Help me think about what we’re going to do about Leonard.’

She took hold of his arm, shook it. ‘Vince, I killed Monica!’

He stared into her watery eyes, observed how her lower lip shivered like it was cold. ‘Why? Why would you even admit to that?’

‘Because it’s true, Vince.

She shook her head slowly. ‘Monica told me she was going to get rid of you, get you kicked out of the Empire. You didn’t deserve that. Or her constant, poisonous nastiness. One day I heard her arguing with Mr Caldwell in his office, saw her storm out, telling him she’d show him just how much trouble she could be if he didn’t do right by her. She was really riled up. She stomped off and
saw me outside in the corridor. He told me she was having a bad day and to go keep an eye on her, so I did. I followed her down to the basement. When I looked inside I saw her taking some of your old films out of their cans and piling them on the floor. She had a box of matches and was about to set light to them.

‘I told her to stop it. She was steaming-mad at
, and said she’d burn the fucking Empire down if she had to. I guess she knew the films were already a fire hazard. She was in a state and maybe she didn’t know what she was doing, being so angry. I told her that the films belonged to you, but she laughed at me, told me to get the fuck out of there and mind my own business; and the fire would be enough to get you the sack if nothing else.

‘It all happened in an instant. I went down into the basement, told her to leave the films alone, and when she wouldn’t I picked up one of the cans and hit her over the head with it. She began to scream, loudly, so to stop her I hit her again, and again, on the side of the head.’ She pointed to her temple. ‘To keep her quiet.’

‘You killed her?’

‘No, she wasn’t dead at that point.’ Edith had stopped crying. Her face was now all but expressionless, her eyes blank. ‘She was barely conscious, but not dead. So I thought about things for a bit and then I went upstairs to the cleaners’ cupboard. I’d saved Mr Caldwell’s Oscar statuette from the trash can when I cleaned his office – I thought it such a shame to get rid of it, especially as Mr Caldwell’s wife had bought it - and stashed it away in one of the cupboards under a pile of junk. I took the Oscar, came back downstairs…’ She sucked in a deep breath. ‘And then I hit Monica over the head with it. That’s when she died, there and then. I told
she’d gone home. But I didn’t feel anything for her, not a single thing. She was a horrible, horrible woman.’

‘It was you that dumped her body in the well?’ said Vince. She nodded quickly. ‘And you used
’s statue so that if she were ever found people would suspect it was him that killed her, not you.’

‘That’s right. I did it for you, Vince.’

‘For me? You murdered someone for me?’ He shook his head. ‘That can’t be true, Edith. You couldn’t do something like that, not you! It’s not in you!’

‘I did it to protect you, Vince, because I love you. And because I wanted the best for you, for
both of us. That’s why I had to kill
Felix, too.’

‘What? Christ Almighty, Edith, tell me this isn’t true! Tell me you’re making all this up!’

‘I think he’d been to see Laura, and something obviously didn’t go right because he was furious. He came round to the Empire to find you. It was very late, I was on my own at the kiosk and Felix was stone-drunk. He grabbed me, told me to take him to you and that he was going to kill you for what you’d told Laura, for spoiling his plans to con her. He remembered me, you see, from the night he came and beat you up. I was afraid for you, Vince; I didn’t want him to harm you, not again. I think he would have killed you, he was so mad.

‘And that’s when it all came together in my head. How I could make things better for you and me, Vince. How I could make the Empire ours. I told him you were in the basement, brought him down here, just like I did with Leonard. I unlocked the basement door, told him you were down there, and as he went down the steps I took the fire-axe from the wall and hit him in the back with it. He fell down the steps to the bottom. He lay there. He wasn’t dead. I undid the bolts on the metal grating again and dragged him over to the well. He was heavy, but I did it eventually. I let him fall in and put the grating back on. He wouldn’t hurt you, Vince, I made sure of that.’

‘Oh my God!’ said Vince, getting to his feet and looking down at Kimble. Realisation crashed in. ‘You brought Leonard down here so you could do exactly the same to him!’

‘He was trying to come between us, Vince. He wanted to harm us. He was saying things…’

‘You planned it, didn’t you?’ said Vince incredulously. ‘You planned it so that
would take the blame for all this. Why, so that I could become manager? Is that it? And if the storm hadn’t happened and the bodies hadn’t been accidentally discovered…’

‘I’d have found some way of notifying the police,’ she said evenly. She went up to him, put her arm around his waist and drew him close. ‘They all got what they deserved, Vince. Nothing can come between us now. No one can hurt us anymore. It doesn’t matter if
takes the blame, does it? Who cares about him? He’s a nasty man, Vince. I mean, you’re manager now, aren’t you? He’s out of the way and paying for doing all the horrid things he’s ever done in his life. They’re all out of the way now. Just like in the films, the bad cowboys in the black hats get what’s coming to them…’

Vince put a shaking hand to his dry mouth. ‘Cowboys? Are you mad? Think about this seriously; we have to go to the police, Edith, because what you did, that was premeditated murder. And you’ve gone and killed Leonard, too! If I go along with that I’m an accessory, or something; I’ve aided and abetted and tons of other stuff they’ll lock me away for and then throw away the fucking key! Jesus, what kind of a woman

‘I’m a woman in love.’

‘That’s no excuse! We’ve got to go to the police…’

‘I’d go to prison,’ she said flatly. ‘But I don’t have to.’

The thought of Edith being taken away from him ate at his brain. But he didn’t know what he should do. ‘We haven’t got a choice; we have to tell them,’ he said. ‘We should tell them what you’ve done, tell them about Leonard. Oh Christ - what are we going to do about Leonard?’ he exclaimed, stepping smartly away from the bloodied corpse.

‘We don’t have to admit anything and we don’t have to say anything about Leonard either.’

‘He’s dead, Edith! He’s dead and he’s here, if you hadn’t noticed! He’s not going to go away, is he? None of this mess is!’

She opened the door to the basement. ‘It can all go away,’ she said. ‘We put his body in the well, like I did with the others. Tomorrow the builders are coming in to cap the well and lay the entire floor with concrete.’ She squeezed him tight. ‘Look at what we’ve got now, Vince. We’ve got each other and we have the Empire all to ourselves. Do you really want to give all that up?’

He couldn’t bear looking at Kimble’s leaking skull. ‘No, of course I don’t, but…’

‘We put him in the well,’ she said calmly, ‘weigh him down so that he sinks. No one will ever know he is there. You saw what he was doing to me, Vince; he was going to rape me. He was a bad man. Did you want that to happen to me? Did you want him to rape me?’

‘No, you know I didn’t.’ He stared at her quietly-composed face. She smiled at him. It was no longer the smile of the young woman he’d first met. There was more depth to it now, like it was a smile that came from a life long-lived. It spoke volumes. ‘You planned it…’ was all he could say.

‘For you. For us. They’ve had their turn as pretty little butterflies, and now it’s our time, Vince. You and me together. No one can stand in our way. Our love is far too strong.’

He thought about it. He didn’t want to give up his managership before it had even started. In a few years he could be area manager, then who knew? Maybe national director one day. Nor did he want to give Edith up. He’d only just discovered love – real, physical, all-encompassing, soft-lipped, soft-bosomed, emotionally invigorating love. His life had changed almost overnight and it could all be taken away from him just as quickly. ‘Yes,’ he said, his voice hushed, his breathing more relaxed, ‘you’re right; they deserved it, all of them.’ Edith kissed him deeply, meaningfully. He felt her probing warm tongue wet on his lips. ‘You do love me, don’t you?’ he said, holding her by the shoulders and staring into her eyes. ‘You’re not just saying it?’

‘Truly, madly, forever,’ she said. ‘Why do you think I did this? I did it for us. That’s love. That’s
love, like in
Annie’s Song
. I want to drown in your laughter, and die in your arms, Vince!’

‘I would hate anything bad to happen to you, Edith,’ he said. ‘You mean more to me than anything in the world.’ He looked about him. ‘And this place really is ours now, like you say. This is our chance to change things. Together we’re stronger, aren’t we? We’re a team. And, damn it, you’re right; nothing should stand in our way. We’d lose everything we’ve only just found, and that’s not right, is it?’

‘You know it makes sense, Vince,’ she said.

‘I love you, Edith,’ he said. ‘And I don’t aim to let you go.’ He bent down to Kimble’s dead body. ‘Give me a hand down the stairs with him. Then I’ll fetch my spanners and take off the grating over the well.’ He looked at the lake of dark, sticky blood spreading across the stone slabs and running in rivulets down the walls. ‘And maybe you ought to fetch a mop and bucket,’ he said.


*  *  *  *


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Daniel M. Mitchell



Other novels by D. M. Mitchell and available on Kindle:


a psychological thriller

The House of the Wicked:
a Victorian psychological thriller

The King of Terrors:
a thriller

Pressure Cooker
: a novel of friendship and redemption



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