Moving a Little Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Moving a Little Heart
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"Nothing. I'm not hungry."

"Okay, I've heard enough," Jake said, pushing his chair back from the table. "Into the living room."


"Because I said so."

Baylor stood slowly and walked by him, yelping as he planted a hard smack across her shorts. "Hey! What was that for?"

"You're being a brat. Brats get spanked."

"Just because I'm not hungry? Terry said to push liquids, not food!"

Terry also said that you need to eat to control the hypoglycemia. He was very specific about no more missing meals," Jake said, grabbing Baylor's wrist and pulling her behind him. "Sit."

"Why are you being so mean?" She looked up at him.

"Feet off the couch. Now, listen to me. Part of this accountability means you putting in the effort to keep your promises. That means doing things like eating and checking your blood sugars without being told."

"I can't help it if I'm not hungry."

"No, but you can make yourself eat something. So, here's the deal. First, the one-bite rule. You are to taste everything before you say you don't like it. Second; every time you say you aren't hungry, you're going to be spanked."

"What? That's not fair! What if I'm allergic?"

"Are you allergic to anything?" Hayden asked.

"No, but what if—"

"You heard me. Hayden," Jake acknowledged his brother who sat on a stool to listen into the conversation, "is very generous in his patience and is willing to cater to you, but I am less so."

"I can't eat something I don't like!"

"I said I would make you Mac and Cheese, a burger, or anything else you want if what we are serving is something you don't care for," Hayden said, popping the cap off a soda and taking a deep drink. "Just tell me what you want."

"But I'm really not hungry."

"That's my cue," Jake sighed, sitting next to Baylor. He patted his thigh. "Put your backside over my lap so I can introduce you to what is going to be happening every time I hear that statement."


"Baylor, love," Hayden spoke, "Daddy told you to do something. You don't have to like it, just do as you're told."

"But he wants to spank me!"

"He doesn't want to spank you." Hayden leaned forward. "It's part of his job to discipline you. Consider yourself fortunate that Uncle Terry isn't here. He would be using a wooden spoon on your bottom and not his hand. He's into the leather scene and used to dealing with men, so I doubt his swing is something to laugh at."

"I don't want a spanking."

"You could have avoided it had you cooperated. Over my knee, Baylor. If I have to tell you again, those shorts will be coming down."


"Remember, you agreed to this. You need daddies to be here for you, to love on you and to guide you. Part of that," Jake pulled her reluctant body over his thighs and positioned her bottom under his hand, "means disciplining a naughty bottom if needed. And today, it is needed."

Jake's hand fell in a weighty splat across the span of Baylor's shorts. She squealed and dug her fingers into his leg, looking over her shoulder. "That fuckin' hurt!"

"One thing you need to learn right here and now," Jake scolded, landing six hard and heavy swats over her bottom in quick repetition, "is that the use of profanity while your backside is across my knee is not beneficial to your ability to sit. Say you're sorry."

"Ow! I'm sorry!"

"That didn't sound very sincere. Let's try this again," Jake said, smacking his hand sharply over the seat of her pants.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she called out, squirming and kicking to escape. "I'm sorry!"

"But are you really sorry?" Jake asked, pausing to rest his hand on her bottom.

Baylor nodded, close to tears. "Yes, I'm really sorry."

"Are you going to be a good girl and do what you promised?"

"Yes, sir," she whimpered, straining her neck to look at him. "I'll be good. I'll even try that Thai stuff again."

"You don't need to eat anything you don't like," Jake said, pulling her up to stand between his knees. "You just need to eat something. Now go sit your butt down at the table and show me that you can keep a promise. The last thing you want is to be 'knee deep in rotten kimchee' with me, okay?"

Hayden winked as he placed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of her. He had trimmed off the crust and cut it into diamond-shaped pieces, then surrounded it with pieces of honeydew melon.

"How did you make the melon look like flowers?" Baylor asked, staring at the plate. "It's so pretty."

"Cookie cutters. In the middle is a Maraschino cherry held with a toothpick. Do you like pretty things?"

"I've never had pretty things," she said quietly, nibbling on a piece of melon and avoiding Jake's watchful eye.

"You haven't? Why not?"

"Don't be insensitive, you jerk," Hayden said. "She told us about how she was raised, and we know her ex was a selfish, self-indulgent wuss."

"Have you ever gotten your nails done or done any of that stuff that girls do?"

"Never. I neither had the money or the interest," Baylor said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "It wasn't important."

"Well, Ladybug, that's going to change. You're going to find some interest, and Daddy Jake and I are going to get you some pretty things. We're also going to take you to some places where you can laugh and play. How does that sound?" Hayden asked, sitting across from her and wiping jelly off her cheek with a napkin.


"Scary?" Jake questioned. "Why scary?"

"I, well," Baylor bit her lip and looked at them, her eyes still glazed from the introductory spanking. "I don't know how."

"You don't know how to do what?" Jake asked, picking up a piece of fruit from her plate and bringing it to her lips. "Eat."

She chewed on the melon, allowing him to wipe her chin. "I don't know how to laugh and play. Not really."

"Just be spontaneous. If you are in your Little mode, you don't worry about the outcome. It's a time where you can just react. Within reason, of course."

"I don't know if I can do that. Something always stops me. Like just now."

"What happened just now?" Jake asked, holding up another piece of melon for her.

"I wanted to do this," Baylor said, nipping his fingers with her teeth.

"Ow!" Jake pulled back.

"That's my girl!" Hayden laughed loudly. "You're going to do just fine!"


Chapter Five


"You have got to be kidding," Baylor said.

"Not a bit. Come on, try them on," Hayden urged.

She looked at Terry. "Are you going to help me here?"

"Nope. If it was up to me, you'd be wearing a onesie."

Baylor held the pink dress in the air and held it to her chest. "It's so small. And
. I never wear pink. Ever."

"No more wearing black for you, either. You need bright, pretty colors in your life," Hayden declared. "Doctor's orders."

"A PhD in life experience doesn't make you a doctor," she answered saucily.

"No more black. Hear me?"

Baylor rolled her eyes at his 'Mr. Serious' face. "I hear you. Give me a break, guys, I can't go anywhere in this. My ass will hang out."

"We have these ruffled panties for you." Terry laughed loudly. "Oh my! Look at that face!"

"Why the hell are you making me do this?"

"Did you just swear?" Jake asked.

"The word hell is in the bible, so technically, no."

"So technically, the five whacks of the hairbrush on your backside won't hurt a bit. Go get it."

"Ah, Jake—"

"Hurry now. You know what happens if you fight me. And stop rolling your eyes at me."

She rolled her eyes anyway and stomped upstairs to his bedroom. Jake had been breathing down her neck for the last three days about 'cleaning up her act', starting with swearing. He promised that she would still be able to maintain her 'dignity'—i.e. keep her pants up—if she retrieved the hairbrush without argument. She was wearing jeans and the brush was plastic, so she was not concerned about it hurting.

"Here. Happy?"

"I am. Bend over the arm of the couch."

"In front of everyone? Jake…"

"Mind Daddy, little one. We have things to do before Matt comes home," Terry said.

"This is ridiculous," Baylor mumbled, leaning forward over the overstuffed arm rest.

"Five strokes for cussing is what we agreed on, right?"


She hopped to her feet and gripped her bottom with both hands after the first stroke.

"Problem?" Jake asked.

"That frickin hurts like Hades!"

"Much better selection of words. Bend over. Four more."

"You're going to bruise my ass with that thing. No!"

"Sounds like you have another five coming, and need to drop those britches."

"What? No way!"

"Yes, way. We made a deal and you, my sweet darling, just broke your end."

"And now he's gonna break your end, too." Terry chuckled.

"No, please. Jake… Daddy…"

"Now I get a 'Daddy' out of you?" Jake shook his head.

"How about you let go of the brush this time and just use your hand, since it's her first bare-bottomed spanking?" Hayden suggested, hopping on the recliner and turning on the TV.

"Don't you even care?" Baylor asked, staring at the three men and covering the back of her jeans with her hands.

"Of course I care, Ladybug. Why do you think I made that suggestion?" he said, ignoring her look of distress while he flipped through the channels.

Her attention shifted to Jake and Terry. "This isn't working. I thought that this daddy/little girl thing would be different."

"Now doesn't that take the cake?" Terry laughed, his voice booming through the room. "You sure didn't complain too much when we went to that asinine pizza place."

"I lost a bet. Nothing more."

"Baylor Anne, I'm not playing games. Unzip those jeans and put that naughty little bottom back across the couch. You have until the count of three. One…"

"Can't we go to my house for some privacy?"


"This isn't right!" Baylor stomped her foot.

"Three. I warned you, young lady," Jake said.

"Let go of meee!" she called out, as he easily snatched her in his arms. He held her in place, his left arm wrapped around her waist and her back pressed against him as he unbuttoned her jeans with his right hand. With one arm, he carried her kicking body to the straight backed dining room chair, sat down, and easily plopped her across his lap. Ignoring her protests, he tugged her pants to mid-thigh, exposing her high cut cotton panties.

"These hideous things have got to go," he commented, snapping the waistband. "Terry? Take this girl to Victoria's Secret once the swelling of her bottom goes down."

"Gotcha, Boss."

"No!" Baylor struggled, bringing her hand back to grab her underwear as he slid it down past her backside.

Jake captured her wrist and held it down against the small of her back. "I already told you, the word is '
. Yes," he smacked the pale curves once, leaving a hot, red handprint in his wake. "I will be spanking you for swearing. Yes," he smacked her twice more, this time on the under-curves of the quivering flesh, "I will be baring this little bottom from now on when I have to spank you. And, yes," he added, landing six more very exact swats, alternating between the left and right cheeks, "I intend to turn this behind every color of the rainbow if you keep fighting me. Understand? Now, you have nine more spanks for cussing. Count them out."

The spanking succeeded in bringing tears to her eyes. Baylor cried into the top of her left arm, her head hanging close to the floor while calling out the number of smacks to her bottom. Jake released her right hand, but held her in place over his lap with his hand still resting menacingly on her rear end.

"I will warn you," he said firmly. "I like to spank. In fact, I love to spank. However, I would prefer to do so in play rather than punishment."

"He lies," Hayden said from the other room. "He's a sadistic bastard."

"Shut up," Jake yelled back. He pulled Baylor's panties back up over her reddened bottom and helped her stand. "But, he's right. I can be sadistic and sometimes marks are left, but nothing permanent or harmful. Just trust me when I tell you that that side of me won't be seen when I'm dealing with my little girl." He adjusted Baylor's jeans over her hips and snapped them shut. Then he placed his hands on the outsides of her thighs and looked up at her. "Play spanking only happens when I'm with my Big Girl. We have not established that type of relationship yet, so everything you get from me right now is going to be serious. I'm not messing around here, Baylor."

"I don't like bruises."

"Is that all you heard? You're going to have a little bruising simply because you aren't used to this yet, and because of your medicines. The bruises won't cause you any harm. I promise," Jake assured her.

"Okay. I'm sorry for being bad." She sniffed, looking at the floor.

"You're forgiven. Just so you know, most submissives like having badges of honor on their bottoms. It's a pride thing." He smiled, pulling her against him in a hug. Baylor slowly wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his chest. Despite the sting annoying her posterior, the embrace felt warm and comforting.

"Daddy?" she tried the word in her mouth. It felt different. Not bad, not good. But then, she'd never had anyone to call 'daddy' before.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Jake wrapped his arms around her head and kissed her temple.

"What do you mean when you say Big Girl?"

"Don't worry about that right now. Let's just enjoy being little for a while, okay?"


"Are you done with this boloney?" Terry asked, handing Baylor a bottle of water and frowning until she drank from it. "I want to go back to the costume."

"Of course you do," Jake said and laughed, patting Terry on the shoulder. "Baylor? Will you please entertain Uncle Terry and just try the silly thing on?"

"Yes, Daddy," she said, gathering the clothing in her arms. The words came out easier this time, almost as though the spanking had helped break down part of her wall.

"I want to see, too," Hayden announced. "Come down here when you're done. Use my room. It has a better mirror."

Baylor simply nodded and turned to go upstairs. She tossed the clothes on Hayden's bed and slowly undressed. Hesitating, she glanced at her bottom in the mirrored closet door. Trembling, she traced the vivid outline of Jake's hand that had been seared into her butt. No wonder it smarted so badly!

Still disbelieving that she had allowed herself to be treated in this way, Baylor shook her head. She studied the marks, watching in fascination how they began to fade and leave only a glowing red reminder of what had occurred.

"Baylor?" Hayden's voice called through the door. "Are you all right? You've been up here fora while. Do you need some help?"

Had she? Baylor blushed, realizing that she had been so absorbed in watching the marks fade from her backside that she'd lost track of time. She quickly threw the dress over her head, yanked on a pair of panties, and opened the door.

"Look how cute you are!" Hayden exclaimed, twirling her around. "Those panties don't hide much."

"You noticed?"

"Duh. Your little red cheeks are sticking out from under that dress. It makes it hard not to notice."

"Hayden?" Baylor hesitated for a moment. "Could you, well, hold me for a minute? I think I'm about to have a rough time of things."

"What's wrong, honey? Come here." He scooped her into his arms as she burst into a torrent of uncontrolled tears. "Talk to me."

She could not find the words and simply sobbed into his shoulder. With a sigh, he pulled her onto his lap as he sat cross-legged on his bed, rocking her gently and covering the top of her head with tiny kisses.

His unshaven cheek brushed against her nose and she lifted her red eyes to look at him. "Why do you like me?" Her voice was timid and shy.

"Why do I like you?" Hayden repeated. He lifted her chin with his hand and, without warning, crushed his mouth to hers.

Baylor sank under the embrace. She could not escape his mouth, nor did she want to. His breath was sweet, his lips were warm, and his tongue teased the edge of her teeth. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tentatively kissed him back with a shyness that made her feel like a teenager again.

"Did you find them?" she heard Jake call from downstairs.

"Yeah," Terry yelled back. "They're up here making out."

Baylor pulled away in embarrassment. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry." She stood up quickly and distanced herself from Hayden. Jake joined Terry in the doorway and Baylor looked at them in panic. She placed her hand over her swollen mouth. "I'm so sorry! Excuse me!"

She raced past them and through the front door, running as quickly as she could to her own house. She locked the door behind her and leaned against it, catching her breath. Slowly, she sank to the floor, the cool tiles soothing the remaining sting from her backside. Lifting her hands to her face, Baylor exploded in another round of tears.

She ignored the knocking at her door.

"Bay? Sweetheart, please open up. We can hear you crying," Hayden said through the slit under the door. "Oh, look! I can see your panties from under here."

"Lemme see," Jake's voice joined his brother's. "I see a little red cheek."

"Go away," she wept.

"Why are you so upset? You need to talk to us," Jake said, poking her with a slender stick that he'd slid under the door.

"Stop that!" she yelled, grabbing the stick and pulling it through the slit.

"Hey, give me back my stick. We really should weather proof this for her," Jake commented, poking at her with another slim branch.

"Was my kiss that horrible that you have to hide from me?" Hayden asked.

"What are you two doing?" a new, different voice questioned.

"Hey, Matt!" Jake said. "Did you have a good vacation?"

"I was working," the man answered in return. "I missed you guys."

"We missed you, too. T-Bear has been a Grizzly." Hayden laughed. "Did you already say hello to him?"

"I did and he sent me over here. What are the two of you doing on the ground with your noses under the door? You look ridiculous. What are you trying to get from in there?"

"You have a new baby sister who just went postal because Hayden kissed her. Her name is Baylor." Jake's voice grew distant as he stood up.

"A new baby sister? Okay, you two get the heck out of here so I can meet her properly. And give me that stick. Last time you went poking at something, you got bitten by a rattler, you idiot," Matt ordered.

"I was a kid," Jake argued. "And I thought it was a mouse hiding under a rock."

"And you're still stupid. Get lost. You too, Hayden."

"Hey! No kicking!"

Baylor listened to the interaction, fighting back a tiny smile at their bickering. She heard grumbling and a few swear words, a moment of silence, and then a knock at the door.

"Baylor? Can you let me in and tell me what these morons did to scare you?"

Matt was easy to instantly like. He grinned, walked into the house and gave her a giant hug right after closing the door. His laid-back and casual demeanor left her feeling like she had known him a lifetime.

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