Moving Target

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Witnesses - Protection, #Mafia - Russia, #Romantic Suspense Fiction, #Espionage

BOOK: Moving Target
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Moving Target




352 pages

New york



All rights reserved.

St. Martin's Paperbacks

Moving Target

Cheyenne McCray

Praise for Bestselling Author Cheyenne McCray

Chosen Prey

"Electrifying and suspenseful."

Romantic Times BOOK reviews

"[An] action-packed and smartly written novel. It will take the reader on a roller-coaster ride of emotional highs and lows.

With dynamic characters, intensely erotic action, and an extremely solid storyline, it makes for a resoundingly good read.

Chosen Prey
will keep the readers's eyes glued to its pages until the very end!"

Road to Romance

"One of the rare and special books for which a five-heart rating seems inadequate . . . characters are so well-developed they seem to come alive."

The Romance Studio

Chosen Prey
Cheyenne McCray has moved to suspense with flair and savvy, and readers will certainly hope that move is permanent. Readers will stay on the edge of their seat as they follow her characters on their wild race for their lives."

"A riveting tale of danger and passion . . . one of those books where evil lingers but good has one bad-ass hero who will do whatever it takes to protect the woman he has grown to love."

Romance Junkies

Seduced by Magic

"Blistering passion and erotic sensuality are major McCray hallmarks, in addition to a deft and exciting storyline. This magical series continues to develop its increasing cast of characters and complex plotline; the result is erotic paranormal romance liberally laced with adventure and thrills."

Romantic Times BOOKreviews
(4 ½ stars, Top Pick)

"The slices of humor, the glimpses of the characters' world through fantastic descriptions, not to mention fascinating characters, landed this book on . . . the keeper shelf."

Romance Divas

Forbidden Magic

"A yummy hot-fudge sundae of a book!"

—MaryJanice Davidson,
New York Times
bestselling author

MORE . . .

meets Kim Harrison's witch series, but with a heavy dose of erotica on top!"

—Lindsay Sands,
New York Times
bestselling author

"Wildly erotic and dangerously sensual, this explosive paranormal thriller sizzles. McCray erupts on the scene with one of the sexiest stories of the year. Her darkly dramatic world is one readers won't mind visiting again . . . McCray knows how to make a reader sweat—either from spine-tingling suspense or soul-singeing sex."

Romantic Times BOOKreviews
(4½ stars, Top Pick)

"McCray's paranormal masterpiece is not for the fainthearted. The battle between good and evil is brought to the reader in vivid and riveting detail to the point where the reader is drawn into the pages of this bewitching and seductive fantasy that delivers plenty of action-packed sequences and arousing love scenes."


Forbidden Magic
is a spellbinding, sexy, superbly written dark fantasy. I couldn't put it down, and you won't want to either . . . [a] fabulous plot . . . Longtime fans and newbies alike will be enchanted and swept away by this enduring tale of courage, love, passion, and magic."

A Romance Review

"If one were going to make a comparison to Cheyenne McCray with another writer of the supernatural/sensuality genre, it would have to be Laurell K. Hamilton . . .
Forbidden Magic
definitely puts McCray in the same league as Hamilton. The book is a very sexy work . . .
Forbidden Magic
is dark and filled with danger at almost every turn."

Shelf Life

"Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
is an intoxicating blend of luscious eroticism and spine-tingling action that will have you squirming on the edge of your seat."

—Angela Knight,
USA Today
bestselling author

"Cheyenne McCray has written a sexy adventure spiced with adventurous sex."

—Charlaine Harris,
New York Times
bestselling author

"McCray does a remarkable job of blending the familiar and the fantastical, creating a rich paranormal world with sexy and engaging characters."

—Kelley Armstrong,
New York Times
bestselling author

"Erotic with a great big capital E. Cheyenne McCray is my new favorite author!"

—Bertrice Small,
New York Times
bestselling author

Forbidden Magic
is a fabulous faery tale. The writing is sharp; the story hot!"

—Virginia Henley,
New York Times
bestselling author

"Cheyenne McCray has crafted a novel that takes the imagination on an exciting flight. Full of fantasy, with a touch of darkness, a great read for anyone who loves to get lost in a book that stretches the boundaries!"

—Heather Graham,
New York Times
bestselling author

"McCray's magical tale will thrill and entrance you!"

—Sabrina Jeffries,
New York Times
bestselling author

"Explosive, erotic, and un-put-downable. Cheyenne McCray more than delivers!"

—L.A. Banks, bestselling author of the Vampire Huntress Legend series

"Magical mayhem, sexy shapeshifters, wondrous witches and warlocks . . . in
Forbidden Magic
, Cheyenne McCray has created a fabulous new world. You won't be able to get enough!"

—Lori Handeland,
USA Today
bestselling author

"Fans of dark paranormal fantasy will enjoy the fast-paced, spine-tingling twists and turns of Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic

—Toni Blake, author of
In Your Wildest Dreams

"Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
is a rich mix of witches, demons, and fae in an epic tapestry full of conflict and desire."

—Robin Owens, author of
Heart Choice

"Chock-full of emotion and action, Cheyenne McCray's
Forbidden Magic
will find a spot on the keeper shelf of every reader who enjoys a touch of the paranormal along with her erotic romance. I highly recommend it!"

—Ann Jacobs, author of
A Mutual Favor

"McCray has written a tempting, exciting novel rich in magic and pleasure."

—Lora Leigh, author of
The Breed Next Door

"McCray's knowledge of Fae, Fomorii, elves and ancient Irish magics shines in this book of witches, warriors and

dangerous desires."

—Linnea Sinclair, author of
Gabriel's Ghost

"McCray delivers a scorching tale of modern witches and ancient Fae, a winner rich with lore, fantasy, gritty action, and heart-gripping romance."

—Annie Windsor, award-winning author of
Sailmaster's Woman

"This modern-day tale meets ancient world paranormal isn't just a book, it's an event. The elements all come together in this paranormal romance. You start reading for the story and end up reading for the characters. You're left at the edge of your seat needing more until the very last satisfying word. You won't be able to put it down once you start reading!"

—Sheila English, CEO of Circle of Seven Productions

St. Martin's Paperbacks Titles by


Wicked Magic

Seduced by Magic

Forbidden Magic

Chosen Prey




This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2008 by Cheyenne McCray.Excerpt from
Shadow Magic
copyright © 2008 by Cheyenne McCray.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

ISBN-10: 1-4299-2746-1ISBN-13: 978-1-4299-2746-8

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To the wonderful critique partners who stood by me, supported me, and held my hand when I needed it. Here's to you, Annie Windsor, who encourages me to blow things up; Mackenzie McKade, along with her husband, Bill, and daughter, Ashley, for setting me on the right path; Tara Donn for invaluable feedback and great apple martinis; and Patrice Michelle, who brings me back to reality. This book wouldn't have happened without you. Lots of love and hugs!


I had fabulous assistance with WITSEC, the Witness Security Program, from Nikki Credic of the United States Marshals Service Office of Public Affairs. A huge thank-you to Nikki for finding the answers to my many, many questions.

Charge Nurse Tom McAdams of the Oregon Burn Center provided me with invaluable information regarding burn victims that is used in
Moving Target
. Much appreciation for all of your help.

Thank you, thank you to Special Agent Tara Donn, who helped me tremendously with many aspects of law enforcement among other important details used in this book. She also graciously led me on a tour of Federal Plaza and locations in New Jersey and New York City that are used in
Moving Target
. I owe her more chocolate than money can buy.

I can never forget Dr. Susan Vaught for her help with psychological trauma and answering a zillion questions, and for being there whenever I needed her.

Thanks to Lev Krystal for his help with Russian words, even though he wouldn't give me any Russian curse words. (So I had to find them on my own!) And thank you, Lev, for allowing me to make you a hit man.

In addition, thank you to my hometown councilman for patiently putting up with all of my off-the-wall questions.

And I can never forget my editor, Monique Patterson!

I used a great deal of creative license. Any mistakes, perversions, twisting of reality—you get the picture—are mine and mine alone.


For over two hundred years, since 1789, U.S. Marshals and their Deputies have served as the instruments of civil authority by all three branches of the U.S. government.

The U.S. Marshals Service provides protection for the federal judiciary, transports federal prisoners, protects endangered federal witnesses, and manages assets seized from criminal enterprises.

The Marshals Service is responsible for over 50 percent of arrests of federal fugitives. In 2006, the U.S. Marshals arrested more than 38,000 federal fugitive felons, clearing 41,300 federal felony warrants—more than all other law enforcement agencies combined. Working with authorities at the federal, state, and local levels, U.S. Marshals–led fugitive task forces arrested more than 46,800 state and local fugitives, clearing 54,300 state and local felony warrants.

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