Moving Target (7 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Witnesses - Protection, #Mafia - Russia, #Romantic Suspense Fiction, #Espionage

BOOK: Moving Target
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He'd bet a year's salary that what they wouldn't expect was for Daniel and Ani to head through Albuquerque or El Paso.

Both were around six-plus hours away, with El Paso having a good hundred thousand more residents than Albuquerque.

"Everything will turn out fine," Daniel said as he put the Explorer into gear. "Just hang in there and we'll make it."

A look of determination crossed her features. "More than anything, I want to put away the man who killed Mom, Dad, and Jenn."

At the mention of Ani's sister's name, Daniel's jaw tensed. He'd always hated the fact he hadn't been allowed to tell her . .

. Should he tell Ani now?

Fuck. Not possible. It would put his job on the line and possibly put Ani in more danger. After the trial—then he could tell her before she went back into the program.

He drove the SUV out of the lot.

"Aren't we taking I-10 to Phoenix?" she asked as she glanced at him.

"We're taking I-10," he said, "but we're heading east to El Paso."

When she stared at him, he added, "I think it will be safer this way."

She nodded. "The Russians won't expect that, will they," she said as a statement, not as a question.

Daniel guided the Explorer through traffic and headed for the freeway. "That's what I'm counting on."

It was almost seven at night when they reached El Paso. Daniel was beat, and his back ached between his shoulder blades where his vest had taken a bullet.

Ani looked like she felt as exhausted as he was even though she had dozed off several times on the way. The scratch on her cheek that she'd gotten from broken glass during the shooting was dark against her fair skin.

The entire time he drove toward El Paso, Daniel kept glancing at that scratch.

He couldn't allow another person in his care to die. One mistake was all it had taken back in D.C. to get Judge Moore dead.

The judge had been receiving death threats and the Marshals Service took threats to judiciary officials more than seriously.

Daniel had been assigned to guard Judge Moore within the courtroom and had kept constant surveillance on those assembled inside, and he thought, at the time, that he was doing a damned good job.

But he didn't see it coming.

That one mistake.

Heat burned in Daniel's gut at the memory. Somehow the killer had procured a visitor's pass and had a functioning plastic gun strapped to his ankle. And he'd had someone on the inside who smuggled in a couple of bullets.

That was all the sonofabitch had needed.

Daniel clenched his hands around the steering wheel.

After declaring a recess, Judge Moore had stood at her bench, prepared to step down. Daniel had turned to look behind him at two men who were arguing.

He took his attention off his principal for just a brief moment.

Then a movement had caught his eye. The moment Daniel spotted the gun, he'd shouted and dove to take the bullet—

But the bullet got to Judge Moore first.

Blood had splattered through her robe. She fell back, her eyes wide and sightless.

Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

If only he'd been more vigilant. If only he hadn't let the two men arguing behind the barrier distract him even for a second.

If only he'd spotted that gun, the judge would still be alive.

He glanced over at Ani, at the scratch on her face.

No more mistakes

As they drove, Daniel had constantly stayed alert for anybody following them, but he was positive they weren't being tailed.

He'd called his regional office and explained what they were doing. Jameson didn't sound pleased, but Daniel figured it was because Jameson hadn't thought of it first. The man liked to make the plans and have them followed to the letter.

One of the administrative support staff was arranging a flight out of Fort Bliss for the following morning. They'd have one of the U.S. Marshals private jets fly in from Dallas, and then head straight for a hangar in New Jersey.

Daniel and Ani would have to hole up in a hotel for another night. The assistant made reservations for them at a decent hotel—with room service as Daniel insisted. They didn't need to take the chance of being seen while going out to eat. The way Ani's picture had been plastered on the Internet, she might be recognized despite the fact she was thinner.

It was dark by the time they reached the hotel in El Paso and he was starving. They'd made a stop for food and a couple of bathroom breaks along the way, but Daniel was ready for a good meal.

The fact that he'd be sharing a room with Ani again set him on edge. He'd make sure they'd have double beds this time.

After they checked in, they headed up to their room. They were standing in the elevator when Ani clapped her hand over her mouth.

He raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Ani dropped her hand away her mouth. "I left my underwear at the hotel."

Daniel went hard in a hurry at the thought of Ani being naked beneath her slacks and body armor. He shifted his duffel bag to hide his erection, which made his jeans so tight he ground his teeth.

Bad idea, Parker. Should have had another Inspector take her to New York

Was it just an excuse that he didn't trust her safety to anyone but himself?

When they went into the hotel room, shut the door behind them, and flipped on the lights, both relief and disappointment flooded Daniel as he saw there were two beds this time, just like he'd requested.

The way he'd felt waking up with her in his arms this morning—it had been heaven.

Trying to get his mind off being in bed with Ani, he tossed his duffel and Stetson on one of the beds and searched for a room service menu.

"I've got to get out of this thing." Ani pulled the T-shirt over her head, revealing the body armor.

His muscles tensed as he looked at her. He remembered the silk shirt she wore under the armor—with no bra. His cock hardened even more but he tried to ignore the pressure against his jeans.

"Let me help," he found himself saying and moving closer to her.

Ani looked up at him and audibly caught her breath.

Those lips . . . he wanted to kiss her more than anything.

He forced himself to act impartial as he helped her take off the body armor. She stood so still, like she was afraid to move.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked as he finished unfastening the Velcro on one side.

She licked her lips and continued to look up at him. "Nothing," she whispered.

As he removed her armor, he brushed one of her silk-covered nipples with his knuckles.

Ani gasped. Her lips parted and her beautiful eyes widened. He tossed the armor aside and heard its soft thump on the carpet. Mesmerized, his gaze landed on her full breasts. Her dark nipples and areolas showed clearly through the white silk. Her nipples were hard and raising the soft fabric.

Daniel tried to breathe, but it was nearly impossible.

His muscles strained, wanting to touch her, taste her. His cock was primed to be inside her.

He raised his gaze to meet hers and saw the same desire reflected in her eyes.

The muscles of his throat worked as he stared at her, unable to break the connection. It seemed like everything around them, the world, life, had come to a grinding halt.

Goddamnit. He was a U.S. Deputy Marshal assigned to protect Ani. Not have sex with her.

It was the hardest thing he'd ever done, but Daniel clenched his fists and turned away.


Yegor narrowed his eyes as Piterskij approached him. His second in command's footsteps made no sound as he walked across the lush burgundy carpeting of Yegor's office.

Piterskij cleared his throat as he reached the enormous mahogany desk. "Our associates were unsuccessful in eliminating Anistana King in Arizona."

Yegor roared as he pushed his considerable bulk from his leather chair. The chair flew back and hit the wall behind him with a muted thump. He braced his palms on the papers scattered across his desk.

"Lev was unable to take out the target before the police arrived." Piterskij's features were hard and cold. "Lev followed the target with her police escort to the police department. The King woman was then taken to Tucson by a man he believes to be a U.S. Deputy Marshal."

Piterskij's body was clearly tense but he remained still, his hands behind his back, as he continued. "Lev and another associate staked out the hotel. This morning they tried to take out the woman, but failed again. Our associates attempted to follow the target, but were impeded by an auto accident."

Yegor picked up a brass bull paperweight and considered heaving it at Piterskij. "Tell me, what about the terrorist threats on Arizona air traffic? What happened to our stakeouts of every possible avenue to Phoenix and every military base?" He clenched the paperweight tighter. "Tell me!"

Piterskij's Adam's apple bobbed as he spoke, but he exhibited no fear. "The target and her escort never showed. We believe they may have headed in the opposite direction. Perhaps El Paso or Albuquerque, the next two towns with large airports. El Paso has Fort Bliss."

The bull weighed heavier in Yegor's hand and a vein pulsed at his forehead as he let out a string of curses. Putting his weight behind the throw, he flung the bull across the room. With a loud crack the bull buried its head in the wall and hung there.

Piterskij flinched.

Yegor's breathing grew heavy and he placed both palms on his desk again. His arms shook with the force of his anger.

"What do you intend to do now to rectify this situation?"

"We will find associates to stake out the airports in both cities and as near as possible to the military base." Piterskij extended one hand from behind his back, holding out a photograph. "Lev hired a photographer to witness the executions and provide the evidence to you. Before the attempts were made, the photographer captured the target and the Deputy Marshal with his camera."

Yegor reached for the photograph, which was clear enough to see her features. "This is the bitch? I remember her as quite fat."

"Lev is certain it is her," Piterskij said. "Apparently her appearance has changed considerably."

"Get this picture on the news and in the papers in Albuquerque and El Paso." Yegor thrust the photograph back at Piterskij. "Find our 'missing heiress' and offer a million-dollar reward for her return to her 'family.' The moment she is brought to the meeting place, kill her. No ties to

Piterskij bowed. "As you wish," he said, before turning and striding out the door.

As Piterskij walked out, two little girls ran in, giggling. The five-year-old twins had their blond hair in ringlets, wore matching pink dresses and shiny black patent leather shoes, and each carried her favorite doll.
they shouted, calling him grandfather in Russian.

Everything else evaporated for the moment as he laughed, crouched, and hugged his granddaughters. Dmitry followed the girls into the room, and Yegor spared his son a glance.

A moment of blackness clouded Yegor's mind at the thought that the girls' father, Dmitry, could be put behind bars because of that King bitch.

Still giggling, the girls released him and he stood to stroke their silky curls. His beautiful girls, Natasha and Alyona, were the pride of Yegor's life.

He would take care of business so that his granddaughters would never be separated from their father.


When Daniel turned away, Ani's heart clenched. He wanted her—that much was obvious. Currents of electricity still crackled in the air around them.

With his back to her, he gripped the doorframe to the bathroom to either side of him. His knuckles were white, his shoulders tensed, and his voice hoarse when he said, "I don't know if I can do this, Ani."

She couldn't get a word out to save her life. All she could do was look at the man she wanted more than anything, knowing that he was right, they couldn't take their relationship any further than they already had.

Daniel slammed one of his fists against the wall, startling her into taking a step back. Without looking at her, he leaned over and grabbed his duffel bag from off the floor, headed into the bathroom, and shut the door behind him. Hard enough to rattle the lamp on the desk.

The hurt burning in Ani's chest didn't make any sense as she sank onto the bed. She stared at the console where the TV

perched, not really seeing it. "If we go any further I'll lose him," she whispered aloud.

She shook her head. No. she wasn't about to lose Daniel. She'd do her best not to get too close to him, to keep her distance. It was better for them both.

While the shower ran, she kicked off her high heels and peeled off the clothes she'd been wearing for two days now. They felt sticky and dirty, and her feet hurt from wearing those damned heels for so long. She'd wash her clothing as best as she could with shampoo and use the hair dryer to get most of the wetness out, then let them hang dry. At least she wouldn't forget her blouse and pants like she did her underwear.

By the time Daniel came out of the bathroom, she was in one of the hotel robes that she'd put on until it was her turn to shower. He was wearing jogging shorts and a T-shirt, and looked so good she couldn't hold back a sigh. There was so much raw power in the way he moved.

"I'll order room service." Daniel avoided her gaze for a moment as he picked up the menu by the telephone on the table next to the TV. He looked up and met her eyes. "What are you hungry for?"

The first thing that popped into her mind was "you," and she almost slapped herself upside the head. She gave him a strained smile. "Medium-well cheeseburger with fries. A Pepsi would be great, too."

With a nod, he turned away as soon as she gave him the order and picked up the phone. Ani put on the façade that she'd always worn when she'd lived in the kind of elite circles where faking her true feelings was the norm, and she walked into the bathroom.

Daniel's grip on the telephone receiver was so hard it was a wonder he didn't crush it in his fist. He gave the order to whoever was on the other end of the room service line then slammed down the receiver.

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