Mustang Sally (12 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“Do the same from me.”

“I will. And thanks, Devon.”

“Anytime. Go get ’em, Mustang.”



When the next weekend rolled around, everything was in place.

Sally had solidified her nerves, planned the event and bought the skimpiest string bikini she could find, surprised that it also flattered her figure. Who would have guessed the tiny triangles of neon fabric could make her boobs look pretty decent and her waist seem thinner?

Probably she should have done some more nude sunbathing. Without the protection of the crew and their woods, she didn’t think it’d fly. Too late now, in any case.

As predicted, a line of cars snaked down their country road,
than halfway to Middletown by most accounts. And that was before nine o’clock in the morning. She was nobody’s fool. Plenty of women in town would pay top dollar for the right to stare at the Hot Rods, shirtless and soapy, just inches away as they worked over the exterior of their minivan mom-mobiles.

She didn’t blame the ladies. Even if they did spend the entire seven minutes of their wash and wax lost in an overdose of sexy muscles and tattoos. Sally understood completely.

And if putting the guys on display—and herself along with them—profited the youth center, she was willing to sacrifice. Not to mention how she’d be able to steal some eye candy to nourish herself all day long.

She really should have considered the side effects of all that yummiliciousness.

Because by lunchtime, she was ready to slam Alanso onto the hood of the late model Honda she serviced and let him ride her like her namesake. Probably the ruckus they caused would draw Eli and he’d join them where all the other guys could see.

And from that moment on, she knew what she’d do once they cleared out the last of the customers for the charity event.

Fortunately, Tom gave up and went inside sometime before dinner. It was exhausting manual labor, but the thought of her reward kept Sally going strong.

Finally, the last person rolled away.

Kaige tugged the hose into the circle cast by the spotlight that illuminated the parking lot in the twilight. “How’d we do, Mustang?”

She pretended to flip through the cash she’d already counted and fudged the figure just a teensy-weensy bit. “Damn! We’re ten dollars short of three grand. That’s only one more car wash. Come on, somebody pony up.”

“I’ll pitch in a hundred and ten so long as I don’t have to pick up that sponge again.” Kaige glanced sideways at her.

“What, you have dishpan hands?” She wrinkled her nose. “Fine. I’ll do the washing. Pull your green monstrosity around front.”

He eyed her up and down, his eyes narrowing when he caught sight of her palms pressed together in front of her as if praying…or begging.

“Fine. But I’m not getting in my baby like this.” Before she realized what he meant, he’d started stripping. And she didn’t look away. His boots and saturated cargo shorts were followed by a sexy pair of sky-blue briefs.

Somebody issued a catcall and a whistle or two as he sauntered around the corner to the pile of towels they’d stocked and snagged his keys from the pegboard by the door. He did have a fine ass and the contrast of his golden dreads and his black and white tattoos had her drooling just a little.

Please let this work.

She tried not to wring her hands while she waited for the roar of his engine. The rest of the guys had collapsed on the pavement. Leaning up against the garage, they nursed the bottles of beer she’d passed out like candy on Halloween.

“You’re crazy, Mustang.” Bryce shook his head. “Let’s wrap this and order some Chinese. We could be watching a movie and resting up.”

“Or we could be helping a good cause.” She guilted them into staying, although she did believe escalating their bond was one hell of a thing to fight for.

Super Nova’s headlights turned the corner, temporarily blinding her.

Alanso whistled when her figure was limned by the glow. Maybe this would work after all. She crossed her fingers as Kaige rolled to a stop beside her. Naked inside the cab of his Chevy, Kaige flashed her a wink. His devilish smile might mean he’d scorch her as surely as the flames she’d painted down the sides of his neon green ride.

Time to put up or shut up.

She toted her bucket to the hose and bent at the waist, intentionally displaying her ass in the tiny string bikini bottom for the Hot Rods. Eli might have growled, hard to say from her outpost. But there was no missing Alanso’s Spanish curses or even Holden’s guttural utterance, “Have mercy!”

Sally grinned. She peeked up at Super Nova and Kaige smiled back. He nodded subtly and prepared for her special treatment. Both of him and his car.

She made sure to overdo the soap.

Foam cast bubbles into the air. An
mishap had her dropping the sponge and splashing suds all over herself. She giggled as they dripped down her body. They really did tickle her breasts and her stomach.

“Son of a bitch,” someone muttered.

She made sure to duck her head. The black strands of her hair that had come free of her ponytail cascaded over her cheeks, hiding her smirk. She sauntered to Kaige’s studmobile and laid herself out over the hood, reaching as far as she could, to start her scrubbing.

Her ass wiggled as she made sure to swing her arm far and wide.

When she bent to the bucket to rinse her sponge, several comments were exchanged low enough that she couldn’t catch them. Rising tension made the night even more balmy.

Sally moved on to Kaige’s windshield, pressing her wet breasts to the glass.

The cool surface soothed her even as it hardened her nipples.

Super Nova must have had his fill. He rolled down his window and called to Eli. “King Cobra, you should check out the view from in here. You’re a lucky bastard.”

Salome didn’t turn around. She didn’t need to. Sensing Alanso and Eli had become second nature and the raised hairs on her arms ensured they were stalking her.

“What game is this, Mustang?” Eli fisted his hand in her hair, keeping her bent over Kaige’s car.

Alanso’s fingers glided up the back of her thigh and over her slick, soapy ass. The crack his wet palm made on her clenched cheek had her yelping. “Are you trying to tease us to death? As if today wasn’t enough,
mami chula

“And what about the rest of the Hot Rods?” Eli shrugged. “You’re not planning on leaving them exhausted
horny are you, cruel girl?”

She followed the direction of his hand as he pointed at the rest of the guys.

Bryce, Holden, Carver and Roman looked as if their tongues might slip out of their mouths at any second.

“I don’t want to.” She shook her head. “It’s nice to see they’re not completely grossed out by me, though.”

“What?” Kaige tore from his car, slamming the door. “Does this look like I’m repulsed? You damn near killed us today.”

She followed his gaze down his chiseled chest to the thick length of his erect cock. “Oh.”

“Damn straight.” He stomped off, making her heart fall again.

“I may not have a fancy college degree, but I’m no dummy.” She propped her hands on her hips, loving the way Alanso’s gaze fell to her accentuated breasts. “I’ve been putting myself on display for all of you. And no one’s made a move. That’s usually not a sign guys want you.”

.” Alanso scrubbed his hands over his head. “Cobra, I told you. We’re not doing this right.”

Eli stood really still.

Sally’s heart galloped a million miles an hour. What if he didn’t appreciate her promiscuous side? What if he thought their equilateral triangle was perfect the way it was? What if he didn’t approve of her wanton behavior lately, and definitely not today?

“You want to be shown off, Mustang?” He stalked so close they were pressed together from head to toe. His ripped abdomen warmed her breasts and the hardness she hadn’t seen in the shadows nudged her belly.

“Yes.” She didn’t plan to deny it now.

“And you want to see what you do to guys? These guys?” Alanso chimed in.

“Hell yeah.” She shivered.

“Fine.” Eli wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her from the ground. “But not out here. Enough of Middletown has gawked at what’s ours today.”

He marched into the garage and the guys filed behind him through the single open bay. The last one through hit the red button to close the door.

“Don’t be mad, Eli.” She clung to his frame. “I just want to show them how it is.”

“I think they already know.” He paused, dipping down to kiss her. Firm yet cautious.

“I’d like to see,” Roman interjected.

“Same here.” The rest of the guys agreed, with Kaige as their spokesman. “God knows we hear enough of your fucking. I think we deserve a visual to go with the racket.”

“I’m curious.” Carver didn’t let them turn the serious exchange into a joke or something crude. He had the courage to be honest, and Sally loved him even more for it. “I wonder what it could be like with…more than one person.”

Hope radiated through Sally. Maybe all of them would edge from inquisitive onlookers to something more in time. For now, she thought they should have the same informative experience Eli and Alanso had gained when they’d visited the crew and walked in on their sharing. Or the firsthand knowledge she’d gleaned when Devon, James and Neil had offered her their little demonstration.

Because the truth was…she sought them all. Not in the soul-searing way she needed to bond with Alanso and Eli, inseparably, but in the spirit of the honest sharing she’d witnessed from the crew. It was so hard to define. Impossible to put into words.

But once her guys had witnessed it—and her too, later—there’d been no going back.

It worked for the crew and it would work for them.

She knew it to the depths of her soul.

They were meant for this. If only she could show them what they were missing. Artificial boundaries kept them apart. No more.

“Please,” she whispered against Eli’s lips. “My King Cobra. Show them.”

Chapter Nine

He stared into her eyes for endless seconds, then crushed his mouth over hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked her to the hood of his car. It surprised her when he laid her out over the rich blue paint. Did he prize her more than the Shelby, to risk scratching her finish?

“Alanso,” he barked.

“Yeah.” The other man was never more than a step behind their Cobra.

“Get that ridiculous bathing suit off her.” He ravished her neck as he issued commands. “That thing should be illegal. You flashed your ass and tits at everyone today. Hell, I think John McCormick came through the line four times. Do you want us to have to beat guys off with a stick?”

“No.” She gasped when Alanso ripped the skimpy bottoms down her legs, past her sneakers, then attacked the barely-there bra. “The show was for you. All the Hot Rods.”

“Brava,” Bryce muttered.

“I swear my cock is aching from how hard it’s been all day.” Holden unbuttoned his shorts, seeking relief. Several of the others followed suit.

“See what you do to them, Sally?” Eli nipped her collarbone.

“Not quite.” She struggled to keep alert. To fight for what she really wanted. Getting close and burning out now would be like Icarus, crashing when he flew in a drive-by too close to the sun. “They still have their pants on, mostly.”

“I could fix that in a second.” Roman slid his hands in his waistband and tilted his head while staring at Eli.

King Cobra looked to Alanso, then to Sally. He swallowed hard and returned his gaze to Alanso. “You ready for this?”

“Hell yeah, Eli.” The bald man groaned. “You’re killing me with this we-have-to-wait bullshit. I can’t go any slower.”

Suspicions confirmed.

Sally wanted to be pissed that Eli had dictated the snail’s pace of their evolution. But she couldn’t find the energy for anger when all of her fizzed and bubbled in anticipation.

“Rebel, go grab the lube out of my desk drawer.” Eli looked over his shoulder at Bryce. “The rest of you strip. If you’re going to have a ticket to this peep show, it’s only fair we see you too.”

A purr ripped from Sally’s throat as the Hot Rods revealed themselves one by one. Loud tattoos, sexy piercings to rival her own and enough six packs to have her drunk on their forms. It was like visual Christmas. For an artist, that was nearly enough to have her coming on the spot.

She took a mental picture and filed it away for show and tell later.

Bryce jogged back, shucked his shorts, sneakers and socks. He joined the rest of the guys resting against stacks of tires. With one hand he snicked open the cap of his prize, poured a drop of gel in his palm and began to stroke his cock before handing the bottle to his neighbor, Kaige.

They all followed suit before Roman tossed the tube to Alanso. “Enjoy, kids.”

“You know we will,
” The bald man didn’t bother to apply any to his shaft. That wasn’t Eli’s intent. They all knew it.

Sally shivered.

“Cold, Mustang?” Eli’s wicked smile curved up on one side. He was so devilishly handsome she could hardly stand it. His short blond hair and luminous blue eyes offset the darkness encroaching outside.

With these men, her future was bright.

She reached for each of her guys with one arm, tugging them close. Alanso greeted her with long, languid kisses until Eli cut in. His lips were a little rougher, a little bolder, a little more direct. She savored both flavors of lovemaking they seasoned her life with.

“Damn.” Roman appreciated their connection, at least.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Eli shot over his shoulder. “Wait until they fuck. They’re gorgeous. Both of them. Together.”

He sat on the bumper and gave them free rein to play as he temporarily donned a spectator hat, like his friends. They performed for their King.

Sally opened her arms and Alanso went into them. He felt so solid in her grasp. She adored his honest passion and the loyalty he’d always shown to her and his garage rat brothers.

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