Mustang Sally (9 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“Go ahead,
mi vida
.” He swallowed. “You deserve this. Take her first, make her ours.”

“Hand me a condom,” King Cobra hissed at Alanso. “Quick.”

Alanso’s face fell. “I didn’t have time to grab any from downstairs. Because of the party. We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow, Sally.”

With a curse, Eli backed away. His cock pulsed, spilling a bead of pre-come onto Alanso’s thigh.

“I’ll go get some.” Alanso started to rise when Salome stopped him with her splayed palm over his heart.

“Not necessary.” She winced. “Unless you’ve been unprotected with someone else. I’m clean and you know I get the shot. Why should we start with barriers between us? That’s not what I have in mind.”

“Me either.” The man snuggling her dropped a kiss on her nose. “We’re always safe. Even when we made dumbass decisions on who to fuck. Even the time I went to the gay hook-up spot. Never touched another person without a condom. Swear it.”

“Hang on, you went where?” She felt the mini-quake of an aftershock or a pre-shock, she couldn’t say.

“Oh.” He blushed a little. “The night Eli and I fought, I checked out Chestnut Grove.”

“No wonder he looked like…whoa…when you two came back that night.” Sally’s eyes went wide.

“I needed to know.” Alanso hugged her tight.

“I get it.” She shushed him with another kiss. “I just wish you hadn’t had to resort to strangers and experiments. From now on, you come to me. We’ll figure things out together if there’s something you need. Okay?”

“You sound like Cobra.” A grimace lined his face a moment before a colossal smile revealed his bright-white teeth and his killer grin. “I love that about you. Both of you. Thank you for giving me what I need.”

“Eli?” Sally returned her focus to the man strangling the base of his cock.

“Need a second.” He took a deep breath then another. “You came that close to having me shoot all over your sappy moment.”

“No complaints here.” Alanso licked his lips. Then he reached out. “But if you really want to be inside her before that, now’s the time.”

The sight of Alanso grabbing Eli’s cock and guiding it toward her pussy had her arching her back to meet him. The tip of his erection made contact with her opening. They both cursed, though Alanso laughed at their desperation.

Not in a mean way. Instead, with pure delight. As if he couldn’t believe anymore than she could that this was finally about to happen.

“Make it real, Eli,” he encouraged his boss, his lover, his friend. “I’ve dreamed of this forever.”

Alanso stared into her eyes as he promised her that and a whole host of other things she couldn’t understand in his husky, rapid-fire Spanish. The words didn’t matter. His intent rang clearly through his smile and his pounding heartbeat and his gentle hold on her as he presented her body to the other part of them.

Clumsy in his urgency, Eli’s cock slid off her saturated lips and prodded her clit piercing. That alone was nearly enough to throw her into climax again. Coming to the rescue, Alanso corralled Eli’s rogue hard-on and aimed it, straight and true.

Cobra pressed forward until the tip notched in the entrance of her pussy. He leaned in, blanketing her and parts of Alanso, who still held her close. He joined his mouth to hers and Alanso’s, partaking in a three-way kiss she wouldn’t have believed could be so powerful.

When he advanced, his cock tunneling inside her on one impossibly slow thrust, she forgot to breathe. He felt amazing. Long and thick and so damn hot.

“I know,” Alanso whispered in her ear. “He’s big. It burns a little, doesn’t it?”

She couldn’t answer as she considered how he’d gained that knowledge. Her heels drummed on the mattress.

“Relax, Mustang.” They both cautioned her together.

Eli stopped moving. He stared directly into her eyes and smiled. “Hi there.”

“Hi.” The single syllable stretched her abilities at the moment.

“You’re heaven around me.” He nibbled on her neck, then wandered to Alanso for a kiss of his own.

The instant their mouths collided, she lost control. She couldn’t help it. She bucked on Eli’s cock. Stroking her clit piercing against the base of his shaft set her off in seconds.

It was surreal. Listening to Eli describe for Alanso how hard she came around him as she squeezed him tight. Cobra split his attention between her and the man he kissed, inspiring waves of her pleasure. His hips ground against her as he fucked her deep and thoroughly for the duration of her orgasm.

“I can’t believe you didn’t come with her.” Alanso stared at Eli.

Sally continued to shudder when Eli tested the firmness of Alanso’s shaft. Apparently satisfied, he asked, “You’re ready to go again, huh?”

“Yeah, Cobra.”

Both men sounded like they’d eaten a gravel sandwich for dinner.

“Then you’ll have to suck me. Get ready to keep me hard.” He bit Alanso’s neck, making Sally come again, or still. The stimulation of her body, mind and heart were more than she could resist.

The last round of spasms proved too much for Eli. He rammed his hard-on into her a few times before he withdrew. A feral cry tore from his chest as he jerked his cock fast enough to make his hand a blur.

The shout he gave of their names was the only warning provided before he launched a line of come at Alanso, hitting him in the chest. Mesmerized, she watched another aimed in her direction. It splattered on her breast and caught Alanso as collateral damage. On and on, Eli pumped himself dry, alternating which lover received his seed.

It didn’t matter anyway because while Eli still massaged himself, Alanso turned into her and ground together. The slickness made their bodies glide. “Don’t go anywhere,
mami chula

Alanso left her with a kiss on the forehead and launched himself in Eli’s direction.

They tumbled to the bed in a jumble of limbs, some lighter and longer, some darker and thicker. Just like their cocks. Eli sprawled on his back, punching the mattress as Alanso sucked the hell out of his sensitive cock.

Sally scrambled to her knees to watch the two men and the force of their attraction.

This time it was her who initiated a kiss. With Eli. She contributed to Alanso’s heroic efforts by seducing their King Cobra’s mouth. It appeared to work. Eli’s cock stayed steely. For the most part. And when Alanso appeared a little unpleased, he drew off with a sloppy pop that had her peeking at what he intended next.

The butterflies in her stomach kicked up into flight when he fisted both their cocks in one of his hands and began to stroke them in unison.

Eli groaned. “Do that thing—”

Apparently he didn’t have to elaborate for Alanso to understand.

Spanish rained over them as he held his cock around the base and began to swordfight with Eli. The bounce of their flesh against each other seemed to please them both as shockwaves travelled down to their balls, which jiggled and bounced before her eyes.

The bald man cursed and moaned as he rubbed the crown of his cock against Eli’s. He smeared them together, coated in a combination of come from all three of them. And seeing their erections standing proudly together, Sally knew exactly what she wanted to make this night perfect.

“I need to have you both.” She stalked the place where they intersected.

“You have us,” Eli barked.

“Forever,” Alanso added.

“Inside me.” She looked to one then the other.

They paused.

“You’re not ready. Anal isn’t as easy as some of the girls we’ve been with made it look. I’m not rushing you on this. Especially not if one of us is in your pussy.” Eli surprised her with the organization of his thoughts.

“I didn’t say anything about my ass.” She crossed her arms, pushing her boobs up. The motion distracted Alanso long enough for her to shove him backward. When he landed with a bounce, his flank pressed near Eli’s and their legs wove together.

Balls met balls and shaft met shaft. When she collared the thick double-headed spear they made together, she had a few doubts as to whether this had been a good idea after all. Until she caught sight of Alanso’s hopeful gaze, and Eli’s.

“You’re sure you’re ready for this? No need to rush into the complicated stuff, Sally.” Eli peered up at her.

“I’ve waited long enough.” She refused to be deterred.

“Go ahead, then,” he murmured. “Take us both if you can. Make us yours.”

Salome knew that even if all the other Hot Rods were here with them now, sharing the event as the crew sometimes did, these two would have a special place in her life. They were hers. And she belonged to them. Completely.

She straddled them, sitting up tall as she hovered over their joined erections. Someday she’d have them like Devon with Neil and James, but it would feel right to hold them equally within her. Both of them surrounded by her, keeping them together.

Alanso wrapped his hands around her waist easily, helping her to control her motion and stay upright despite the spell they put on her, liquefying her insides and all her bones. Eli stroked her hair, which draped over her shoulders. He followed the strands to her breasts, cupping them in his hands as she lowered herself over them.

Pressure built on her pussy. She wasn’t sure they would fit.

A needle of discomfort had her retreating for a second. “Alanso, let me borrow your lube.”

“That’s enough,” Eli tried to stop her. “We can work up to this, Salome.”

“Stop talking and let me love you.” She ignored him as Al made quick work of slicking their shafts and her waiting flesh. Sally leaned forward to press her palm over Cobra’s lips, stifling his objections. And when she did, the angle allowed him to slide in first with the bulge of Alanso’s tip following after an inch or two. The gradual widening worked for her. And for them, if their moans were any indication.

And still Eli fought her. Until he could pant, “Do you? Love us?”

“With all my heart, King Cobra.” She couldn’t stop the silent tears tracking down her cheeks as she enveloped them jointly in her body. Glancing over her shoulder ensured Alanso was on the same page. He blinked rapidly when she held on to one of his hands at her waist. The other one she used to reach out to Eli.

Both men entwined their fingers with hers as she bonded them completely.

Their cocks stretched her so tight as they rubbed together within her that it tugged at the piercings in her labia and clit. Any additional pressure was more than she could bear.

“Don’t hold back.” Alanso let go of her waist to smack her ass. “Give us everything.”

Eli used his free hand to pinch her nipple and tease the hoop there.

The duet they played on her body was accompanied by the love in their eyes and voices. It ensured she couldn’t resist his order. Didn’t want to either.

She relaxed her thighs consciously, allowing her men to impale her to the max.

The instant her clit piercing hit the pad of muscle above Eli’s cock, she exploded.

Both of the guys joined her, flooding what little space remained around their shafts.

Colors and light danced in her vision as the most powerful orgasm of her life stole her consciousness. At least she heard both her partners proclaim their love one more time before a comfortable numbness encroached.

Her mind surrendered along with her body and she toppled forward, pitching onto Eli’s chest.

Of course he caught her.

He always would.

always would.



Alanso woke them both. The bed shook beneath the force of his bouncing shoulders.

Was he crying?

“Hey.” Salome pushed onto her elbow, missing the heat of Eli’s chest on her cheek. She dropped a light kiss over his heart then reached for their bald lover. “Are you all right?”

“Don’t go feeling sorry for that fucker.” Eli’s sleep-roughened growl coiled desire within her. Damn, how could she still be horny after last night? “He’s laughing. At me.”

“What? Why?” She blinked to clear her eyes and shoved a lock of hair into place. And that’s when she saw it.

Eli sported a shiner. Courtesy of her fist. “Oopsy.”

“How bad is it?” He winced as he prodded the puffiness with the tips of his fingers.

“I bet no one notices.” She tried to sound believable.

Alanso laughed harder.

“Don’t make me spank you,” King Cobra hissed. “Both of you could go over my knee at any moment, you know?”

“Really?” Sally hated that she sounded so hopeful.

A string of Spanish curses floated from Alanso. She wondered how long it would be before he drummed up some intentional misbehavior.

“Enough. Or we’ll never get to work.” Eli whipped the sheet off his lower body and escaped from bed in a hurry. As if that kept them from noticing his state of arousal.

“I could take care of that for you, boss.” Sally licked her lips. “Bet it wouldn’t take more than a few minutes.”

“No deal, ’cause you’re right.” He grimaced. “But I want better for you. So get that ass up and in the shower. If we clear some of the backlog out, maybe we can take a long lunch.”

“Shit.” For the first time ever, work had been the farthest thing from her mind. Especially as she considered what she’d done, and what she hadn’t told them. Maybe they should have known before… “Sorry, I lost track of my jobs. What’s late?”

“Holden and Carver covered for you on the easy shit.” Eli shrugged. “But the three custom designs need some attention. Our clients were understanding. Still, I’d like to churn them out this week.”

“I’m on it.” She hugged him as she passed, her heart trying to float and sink at the same time. “I have the art proofs set and ready to go. I’ll stay until I’m finished. But, um, would you mind if I went to talk to Tom first?”

“Of course not.” He smiled softly at her.

“Don’t kill yourself. You’ll need some energy tonight.” Alanso winked at her. From the way he stretched as he rose, he felt the same delicious aches she did as she waddled into the bathroom with him trailing a bit behind.

“I can’t believe Eli didn’t open today. That must be a first. Did you set that up last night?” She raised her voice to carry over the shower spray she stepped into. It felt weird to use their bathroom, their soap and their razor. Smelling like them had advantages though. She liked the idea of being marked as theirs in some way.

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