Mustang Sally (5 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“Okay.” He swallowed hard, trying to determine if it was excitement or jealousy that would win out. Exhilaration by a mile. If Sally had witnessed the connection he and Alanso had been lucky enough to see between the crew, she wasn’t going to settle for less.

She shouldn’t have to.

But would the rest of the Hot Rods be able to handle what their King Cobra had in mind?

“What if Alanso and I claim her? We’re not just talking about sex, guys. We want her. Forever. Like Mike and Kate. Or Joe and Morgan. Or Dave with Kayla. Well, actually, I guess mostly like Neil, James and Devon. If there’s anyone that can’t handle that, maybe we should have a going away party. Because you’re right about one thing—we caused enough collateral damage. I won’t stand for anyone to repeat my mistake. And believe me, if I could take it back, I would. God, I

Carver rose and eliminated the gap between them. His hand landed on Eli’s shoulder and squeezed. The guy usually stuck close to Roman’s side, his humor a counterweight to Barracuda’s darkness. Today, he acted as insulation between them, dampening the hostility still radiating from the older guy. “We know it wasn’t on purpose, Cobra. And I don’t have a problem with the three of you getting it on. Permanently. I don’t know what the hell you call it or how the rest of Middletown is going to treat you guys, but in my opinion, the more the merrier. At least when it comes to positive energy. We’ve all had too much shit in our life to begrudge someone finding happiness wherever they can. However they can.”

Joining them, Holden added his palm to Eli’s back. “And if some of that spills over to us, we’re willing and ready to fill in. If not, we’ll respect Sally’s decision.”

Bryce strolled over to lend his support. His huge fingers wrapped around Eli’s biceps. Meanwhile, he stared at Alanso as he spoke. “Either way, we’re here for you guys. Damn proud that you’ve come this far. Your moms would be happy tonight.”

Eli didn’t realize he’d squeezed his eyes shut until Roman slapped his cheek a bit. “I’m still claiming the right to kick your ass if you fuck this up. But yeah, I agree. Give Mustang what she wants. It’s pretty obvious that’s the two of you pricks for some fucking reason. I thought she had better taste.”

Spinning out of the executive seat, Kaige wandered closer, his dreads bobbing. “Just don’t make me wear a fucking tux for the wedding. I look ridiculous in those things.”

When his hand slapped Eli’s ass, they all laughed.

Alanso hopped down and came closer until they stood toe to toe. He placed his palms on Eli’s chest. Cobra wondered if the engine tuner could detect the ticking of his heart. When he rested his forehead on Eli’s sternum, nothing could have kept him from bracing the guy’s shoulder in return.

Locked together, they made an unbreakable unit.

For the first time in a while, hope and pure adrenaline raced through Eli’s veins.

“Let’s do this, Cobra,” Alanso whispered as he lifted his head to stare directly into Eli’s eyes with his melted-chocolate gaze.

“Then it’s settled.” Eli started to grin as a crushing weight lifted from his guts. “Alanso and I will fix what we’ve done. We’ll tell Mustang Sally how we feel and that we mean for it to be a forever thing. If she doesn’t rip our balls off and stuff ’em down our throats by the time we get that far, we’ll work on rebuilding her trust. When the time is right, we’ll bring you guys into the mix. If she’s ready, we’ll let her make the call. Slow. We’re not going to blow a gasket. We’ll keep this whole thing in first gear. Agreed?”

“We’re counting on you, Cobra.” Roman nodded his head. “I don’t know if you’re the right guy for this job. I’m not trying to start anything. It’s just, we all know how you are. The more you care, the more freaked out you get. So Alanso, don’t let him ruin this for us all.”

The bald man angled his body until he stood shoulder to shoulder with Eli. Them against the world. “Together we’ve got this. We won’t let you down again.”

“I’m more worried about Salome.” Kaige tied his dreadlocks in a bunch. “So I’m going to do what I can for now. I’m going to raid the snacks in the service station ’cause we don’t have time for a cake and she always hides a box under her bed for when she’s watching chick flicks. Can the rest of you start on the balloons?”

“I’ll go tell my dad.” Eli nodded. “He’ll want to be here. Hell, I think he missed her more than we did.”

“He loves her.” Carver looked up. “We all do.”

“Enough to hang back and wait until the time is right to show her,” Holden added. “
it ever is.”

“Hell, it’s been ten fucking years already.” Roman sighed. “What’s another one to wait for you kids to find your assholes? Don’t fuck this up.”

“We won’t.” Alanso and Eli answered together.

Chapter Four

Where the hell was everybody?

Maybe the crew had it all wrong. Her Hot Rods hadn’t called her directly or even texted in two whole weeks. Sure, she’d asked for space. But when had those jerks ever listened to a request before if it wasn’t what they wanted too?

On top of their radio silence, they didn’t come down to meet her or help her carry her nonexistent suitcase upstairs as they usually would have. In fact, there wasn’t a single light on to warm the windows of their massive apartment, even though she knew Mike would have ratted her out during her return trip.

What the hell made her bold enough to assume they’d be onboard to fuck her when they wouldn’t even say hello? Instead of waiting to see her, they probably had gone out to some trashy bar to scout women despite having been apart from her for two whole weeks. All her insides went numb. Maybe they were angry at her for taking off? Even that would be preferable to…nothing.

Because she certainly felt

The time away had eaten at her. She hated being separated from the Hot Rods.

Dreams of warm male shouts and warmer hugs as she burst through the door evaporated. She considered getting right back in the car and driving with the top down and the wind in her hair until the fresh air made it easier to breathe again. And dried her endless tears.

Shit, she hated crying. Somehow she figured she should have bought the double pack of tissues this time. But she’d had enough of running. It wasn’t her style anymore. She’d done it once, abandoning the life she’d known her entire childhood.

Reinventing herself again would be impossible.

Instead, she forced herself to evacuate the white leather interior of her baby. When she leaned against the door, psyching herself up for the eventual confrontation that would either make or break her future, she noticed even the main house was dark. Eli’s dad still lived on the same property as the Hot Rods garage and the mechanics’ apartment above it.

Tom. She gulped. What would he think of what she intended?

Would he still love her like the daughter he’d never had?

It was a lot to risk.

Everything important.

The stainless steel skeletal butterfly on her fob rattled against her car and house keys as she ascended the open-backed stairs at the rear of the industrial building. The two slivers of metal reminded her of all the stakes. Her home. Her car. Her Hot Rods, who’d given her the trinket, binding them together on the first Christmas she’d spent with them a decade ago.

The badass butterfly had been her signature logo ever since, painted on each piece she created. That included her own Mustang and every other vehicle the Hot Rods obsessed over. Why did they mean so much to her if she didn’t matter a bit to them? Their sexy bodies and friendship had obviously warped her judgment.

When she went to fit her key in the lock, the door at the top of the stairs swung open. Had they forgotten to pull it closed? A bunch of them had grown up on the streets or in places a hell of a lot less protected. Security wasn’t something they slacked off on despite the relative safety of Middletown.

“Um, hello?” A shiver ran down her spine. Something wasn’t right. When a skitter of motion flickered through her unadjusted peripheral vision, she didn’t hesitate.

Using the self-defense instruction Roman had often given her, she balled her fist and swung at the shadow rapidly encroaching on her. Her knuckles connected with flesh.
Holy fuck.

It hurt, but not enough to keep her from landing a second punch to someplace softer. Who the hell was in their house? In the dark? Had they hurt her Hot Rods?

She’d rip them apart with her bare hands if they had.

.” The grunt sounded somewhat familiar. But Sally wasn’t sure the person she’d decked was Eli until he hollered, “Guys! Turn the lights on.”

Brightness flashed into existence, blinding Sally.

“Welcome home!” a chorus of male voices shouted, mostly together.

She nearly toppled onto her ass when fight or flight instincts propelled her headlong into the bizarre scene in front of her. Eli bent in half, clutching his abdomen with one hand and his face with the other. Alanso stood slightly behind him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

After them, a mass of guys milled around with beers, ridiculous party hats, oversized balloons from the shop and an impressive assortment of snack cakes that looked like they might have come from the convenience section of the gas station.

“Uh-oh.” She dropped her keys.

Holden cracked up first. He adored mischief. This one might go down in the history books as the most awkward greeting of all time. “Well, he had it coming.”

“Somebody hand me some paper towels.” Alanso rushed to Eli’s side. A trickle of blood spattered onto the floor.

“I’m fine. It’s fine.” Eli tried to shake it off. He lifted his head and ignored any discomfort he might be in. Peeking at her from the slivers of his eyes not scrunched in pain, he said, “Hey, there.”

“Oh my God.” Sally’s shoulders drooped. “I’m so sorry. I thought… It was dark. I didn’t think you were home. The door was unlocked.”

“And you still came inside. By yourself?” Roman practically growled at her.

“She can hold her own.” Eli surprised her by taking her side. He pressed the napkin, which Carver had offered, to his face and tipped his head back as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

And just like that, Sally couldn’t handle any more. She didn’t give a fuck if they thought less of her. She’d always made a point of showing no weakness around the gang of mechanics. Or at least she’d tried. But tonight there was no stopping the flood of tears that swept over her.

“Shh.” Alanso was there in an instant. He smelled nice, like grease and the cinnamon gum he liked. Breathing deep, she didn’t resist as he wrapped her in his stocky arms and fitted her to his chest. “It’ll take a hell of a lot more than a bop on the nose to put King Cobra in his place. It’s okay. We shouldn’t have startled you like that.
Hijo de puta
, why do we keep screwing things up?”

“No, no.” She squirmed in his hold, wanting to peek over his shoulder to verify she hadn’t imagined the effort they’d gone to. They cared. They’d missed her. Maybe even a fraction as much as she’d pined for them. “It’s perfect. Amazing. I ruined things. Again.”

“I wouldn’t say that, Sally.” Kaige raised his beer in her direction. “I’m having a wicked good time. Nice hook, by the way.”

A weak smile began to turn her frown upside down. Her eyes skipped over his bold tattoos and his golden dreads to the older man standing quietly at the rear of the gang.

King Cobra’s dad, Tom, nodded in her direction, then held his hands up so that his curled fingers made the top of a heart and his thumbs pointed together, completing the shape. The gesture alone brought fresh tears to her eyes.

Damn, this wasn’t going to be pretty.

She let go of Alanso just long enough to flash the sign in return.

Together she and the engine tuner faced Eli.

“It’s stopping. All cool. No worries.” He crumpled the paper towel and jammed it in the back pocket of his jeans. “I missed you, Sally.”

“I missed you too.” She held out her arms. Both Eli and Alanso stepped into them. She hugged each of them with one arm and they mimicked her until the triangle was complete.

With the three of them bonded in their own private assembly, Eli whispered into her ear, “We have a lot to talk about. After the party. You. Me. Alanso. Please let me explain?”

She froze. The plan had been to charge in and hit them with her demands, both barrels. Would she still have the nerve to be so bold after an hour or two of hanging out, pretending all was normal when everything inside her had disintegrated and rearranged? And what about her unfinished business? She wouldn’t have time to dive into it before the three of them hashed things out.

Is this how Alanso had felt when he’d returned from the guys’ visit to the crew after Dave’s accident? If so, she had no clue how he’d held it all together so long. His strength awed her. Just like it had when he’d burst inside that night a few weeks ago and announced he wanted to experiment with guys. She had to take a page from his book and be brave enough to share her desires. Otherwise, there was no hope of getting what she needed.

Sally kissed the bald guy’s cheek as she rubbed his head. He nearly purred when she found the spot he loved so much. Then she turned to Eli to bestow the same peace offering on him. Though she’d kissed his cheek a million times in their lives, this time was different.

At the last instant, he turned his head.

They met lips on lips for the first time.

Sally’s heart sputtered in her chest like the engine on one of their fresh finds. To finally touch him, like this, with
to do more—it amazed her. He was gentle, more than she would have expected. His thumbs brushed her cheeks as his fingers buried in the long strands of her hair.

When her knees turned to motor oil, Alanso held her up, tucked tight to his frame.

He lifted her toward his best friend, allowed the man to feast at her mouth.

Eli’s tongue traced her smile. He nibbled on her bottom lip while she tried to shake herself from the stunned trance his touch induced. She purred, then kissed him back, clutching both him and Alanso as they made out in front of all the witnesses that mattered.

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