Mustang Sally (3 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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A small bottle of clear gel flew across the space separating the loungers. Neil caught the lube out of the air with one hand. James groaned as he lifted Devon away from his body, stealing the friction of her skin from his cock. Reaching between them, Neil did something to Devon’s ass that made her yelp, likely coating her with the cool gel. Her back arched. Then she shivered, relaxing.

James hissed next when Neil slathered more lube on his palm before pumping his fist up and down his partner’s modest yet ultra-stiff shaft. Ensuring they were ready, he aligned James’s cock and Devon’s ass before sinking between their thighs. The slight weight of the crew’s smallest member pressed her downward until she and James were united completely.

Both of them moaned in unison.

Their cries escalated when Neil applied his mouth to their exposed genitalia. He alternated licks across Devon’s pussy with kisses and sucking on James’s balls. Yet the man being tortured by the sight of his lovers fucking didn’t move.

Instead, Neil stewed in the pleasure surrounding him.

Devon tipped her head to the side and he rose to trace a finger along her jaw. He murmured something to her that Sally couldn’t hear, but she understood the complete adoration in his tone. The kiss they exchanged was the most romantic, beautiful, sweet expression she’d ever witnessed. Following it, Neil turned her back over to James, who continued the gentle melding of mouths.

Despite the fact that James was buried in his wife’s ass while their husband made a meal of every electrified nerve ending he could find, neither Devon nor the man she rode were in a hurry. They enhanced the glide of their lips with tiny grinds and flexes of their abdomens. The passion in their eyes seemed to prod their mounting ecstasy more than their physical interactions.

Long minutes passed, filled with endless pleasure and pure love. Neil caved first. He monitored his lovers with hungry eyes as he continued to eat Devon in earnest. His clever fingers sought James’s sac and rolled his partner’s testicles in an apparently maddening pattern.

Devon gasped. Her hand flew to Neil’s hair, stroking. She didn’t force him closer. Didn’t have to. He chased her when she rocked backward into James. Wherever she went, he followed.

“I’m on the edge,” James growled. “Make her come. Quick.”

Neil didn’t hesitate. He swirled his tongue around Devon’s clit with amazing accuracy and dexterity. Clearly the man had practiced this a few times. As he pushed his long fingers into his wife’s pussy, the wetness overflowing her was obvious.

Sally squirmed in her chair. What would it be like to have Alanso hold her while Eli subjected them to such sweet torture? She’d have gone off like a rocket the instant they touched her with such respect and awe. Picturing the warm, smooth skin of Alanso’s bald head or Eli’s tousled crop of spikes beneath her palm nearly had her embarrassing herself in front of her new friends.

“Feel free to take care of yourself.” Joe lifted a brow as he glanced in her direction. “Unless you’d like Morgan and me to help. It’s only fair, you know. Katiebug did the same for your guys. They nearly put her eye out when they shot. So hard. And I guarantee they were thinking of you.”

“I’m g-good.” Sally had to wet her lips three times before she could utter the lie. As tempting as the offer was, she only wanted one man to touch her these days. Well, two. Okay, fine, seven. But those garage guys were a couple states away when she really needed a hand. Or a cock.
Damn it.

Morgan laughed, not unkindly. “You’re not fooling anyone. But you
be okay. Soon.”

Devon drew their attention to the show once more when she froze, then screamed. James held her steady while she came apart. Secure in his hold, she kept nothing back. The uninhibited release impressed Sally, who guaranteed she’d never had an orgasm as thorough or satisfying as the one pulsing through the woman in front of her.

So it shocked her when Devon’s eyes sprang open and she demanded, “More. Both of you. In me. Now.”

“You didn’t really think I was going to lounge around all day without fucking you, did you?” Neil’s wicked grin proved impossible for his spouses to resist. They reached out as one to draw him up higher on their pile of limbs.

“In that position, she’ll be able to feel both of their cocks rubbing against each other through her. When they trap that thin barrier between them, it’s like nothing you’ve ever imagined.” Morgan sounded breathless. How many times had she experienced a similar sensation?

“We’ll see if Mike or Dave wants to play when we get back to the house, cupcake.” Joe reached around Sally to stroke his wife’s long hair.

Morgan shivered despite the sun.

When Sally’s attention shifted to the trio once more, Neil had levered himself over his pair of soul mates. He kissed each of them before rubbing his nose against Devon’s. As they smiled into each other’s eyes, he advanced. Linked together, they all groaned.

Devon called out her undying love for the entire mountain to bear witness.

Neil and James echoed the sentiment.

Again, they didn’t hurry or fuck in rushed lunges that would threaten to snap their poor chair into kindling. Subtle motion and focus on the full connection of their bodies and souls was all it took to gratify them.

The three people undulated, their torsos moving sinuously against each other. Each of them reached out, touching both of their partners. James had one hand on Neil’s ass, encouraging his penetration of Devon, while he linked fingers with her.

Sally wondered if they could keep this up for eternity. No one seemed eager to end their session or complete the ultimate joining they were part of. She couldn’t say she blamed them.

Every second became a testament to their love. Selflessness allowed them to hold on and prolong the gift they gave each other. It reminded her of what she didn’t have.

The part of her that reared its jealous head ashamed her.

Looking away would have been impossible, though.

Like a solar eclipse, the rare phenomenon in front of her tempted her to stare despite the danger to her retinas or her tender parts buried deep inside.

“I can’t,” Devon gasped.

“No need.” Neil smiled as he rested his forehead on his wife’s.

“We’re with you,” James promised.

“Always.” All three of them swore the oath before Devon’s spine arched impossibly. She clung to her men, counting on them to ground her when she shattered. If their grunts, curses, pledges and moans were any indication, they depended on her for the same.

Sally cried as they shuddered then went still in each other’s arms.

It was the most striking thing she’d ever seen.

Envy clawed at her throat.

She didn’t realize she was trembling until Joe and Morgan put their arms around her. The contrast of their rock-solid embrace and her mushy guts left her reeling. Inside, she expected to hear rattling from the broken bits clanging around in her core.

As much as she appreciated the comfort they intended to bestow, Sally craved the touch of two different people. Homesick, she couldn’t stop the rising urge to return to Hot Rods.

The garage and her men.

. What had she done by staying away? Why hadn’t they come after her? So what if she’d thought she wanted space? Couldn’t they tell she needed them more? Or didn’t they care? Worse, did they suspect—? No, they couldn’t. No one knew about that.

Even if she could drum up some miracle to fix things with Eli and Alanso, how the hell was she going to tell them she dreamed of even more? The whole gang.

“Now you see?” James’s rasp broke her from her cycle of thoughts.

Making a sound without sobbing would have proved impossible. So she nodded instead.

“We could show you again if you need another demonstration.” Devon stretched, then snuggled into James’s chest. She looked like the broadest mechanic—Bryce, AKA Rebel—after Thanksgiving dinner. Stuffed and like she might not move for a century.

“Speak for yourself, Dev.” Neil kissed the exposed line of her neck. “I’m gonna need a minute.”

“That’s what you always say.” She winked at him.

Sally glanced away from their casual intimacy. It hurt too much to see what she was missing out on. With her eyes averted, she accidentally scoped out Joe’s crotch. How had he stayed so calm when he was that hard?

“Holy crap,” she muttered.

“Ah, yeah.” Morgan chuckled. “I’m a lucky lady.”

“Am I in the way?” Sally started to rise.

Joe held her in place with two fingers on her shoulder. “A boner never killed me before. Hell, it’s kind of a constant thing around here.”

And that had her thinking. Alanso had recounted stories of all the crew together, not just the couples she’d come to know and adore. “How—?”

A lump in her throat kept her from probing about what she was dying to know.

“Go ahead,” Joe knocked his knee into hers when she stalled out. “You’ve come this far. Finish it. Ask your questions.”

“I can see they have something…special. But then I feel this sense of belonging to your whole group. How is it different? When you play with the rest of the crew, how does that work?” He was right. Why stop now? She might as well go for broke.

“Sometimes we stay in our pairs or trio and just share the energy of our attachment with each other,” Morgan considered carefully as she replied. “Other times it’s more than that. A bonding. It started with the guys. They needed something beyond what we could give. When they take each other, it’s…mesmerizing to watch. The way they touch is so different.”

“I bet.” Salome recalled the intensity on Eli’s face as he guided his cock through the valley of Alanso’s ass. And they’d only been simulating the real deal. What would it be like to see him bury himself in his best friend?

Linking them in pleasure.

“And after a while, we kind of branched out. Things evolved. It seemed silly to all be there and sharing but then to keep to ourselves. So we didn’t. If it feels good to the person doing it and the person receiving it, any action is acceptable.” She sounded smug.

“Don’t forget about the birthday special.” Joe hummed. “Birthdays are the best. Not just because of Morgan’s cakes, either. There are two hundred and seventy-three days left until my next one. Damn it.”

Sally tilted her head and scanned the five people lounging around her.

Morgan came to the rescue again. “Well. See. Kate had the crew all to herself at first. And once I came into the picture, before we’d worked things out, I would play with the four guys beside Mike sometimes. Kay got three when Dave found her and poor Devon settled for just her pair. After a bit, we decided that wasn’t exactly fair. And the guys had only ever had one of us at a time so they were at a serious disadvantage.”

“Holy shit. Are you saying that the birthday boy or girl gets everyone?” Sally couldn’t imagine the logistics needed to pull that off. But she sure would like to give it a whirl.

“Mmm-hmm.” Morgan practically drooled.

“Put your tongue back in your face, bitch.” Sally nudged the other woman’s foot with her pink-painted toes. She’d crafted elaborate designs on her own as well as the crew ladies’ to distract herself from the ache of missing her artwork. Her studio. Her muses.

“Well, if you’d quit screwing around here and go home, you could have a chance at
guys to yourself. We’ve only ever had five. Well…Devon’s had five guys and a girl on occasion.” Morgan giggled.

“Who’s the smart one around these parts?” Devon buffed her nails on her collarbone, then pointed at herself.

“Seven. Jesus.” Sally croaked, “Where do you put them all?”

The crew members cracked up.

“Uh. No. Seriously.” She couldn’t bear the heat flooding her cheeks.

“Damn, you’re pretty when you’re shy.” James smiled at her kindly. “We take turns. Plus, you’d never guess the number of places a guy can rub himself if he’s motivated enough. It’s more about the attention, though. When it’s all heaped on you…”

He shivered.

“It’s addictive,” Joe finished for his friend.

“Don’t be intimidated, Mustang Sally.” Neil offered his advice. “Start slow. You have two guys who want to make things right. You might have left the room each time they called, but we had to listen to them whine about missing you. Wanting to know every detail about your day and if you’d mentioned them at all. Put them out of their misery. Start with them. If you trust them enough to want this with them, they’ll help you figure out the rest.”

“Wow. Way to make me feel like a threesome is a piece of cake.” Sally laughed. “Okay. Okay. You’re right.
is what I want. And…I’m willing to fight for it.”

“Now we’re talking.” Joe ruffled her hair. “Look, I know he doesn’t talk about it a lot, but I was there when Eli’s mom died. It almost destroyed him to lose her. I don’t know if he could handle it if you walked. He loves you. Don’t allow him to get away with letting you think otherwise simply because he’s too scared to admit how he feels.”

“He loves
.” Hesitating, she wondered if she was about to make a big mistake.

“He loves you both. All of you, really.” Joe hugged her. “Put him on the spot. Ask him pointblank. I can’t imagine he’d lie about his emotions even if he’s freaked out. He’d never hurt you like that. Not when he knows, deep down, that everything you say to someone could be the last words they hear from you.”

“I might do just that.” She had to be sure once and for all. Even if the answer to
do you love me
. Then she could move on. Or maybe move East a few states. Somehow, though, she knew the crew was complete. Their unit didn’t have room for an outcast.

Her place was with the misfit mechanics.

“My poor cousin won’t know what hit him when you barrel into that driveway in the morning.” The crew members around her chuckled and nodded.

“Maybe I shouldn’t wait another minute. I’m ready now.” She stood and kissed each of her friends on the cheek. “I don’t want to lose my nerve. Again. Thank you. For everything.”

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