My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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              Walking around the corner, what I saw was nothing new, but I still hated it. A big guy with a dark buzz cut and a ton of defined muscles was pounding a much smaller younger boy that was groaning in pain. I stepped in between them and got in the bully’s face. “What the hell is your problem, man? You’ve hurt him enough already. Stop!”

              I glanced over at the boy that was holding his stomach and already had a black eye forming. The bigger guy had worked him over hard, but buzz cut was pissed that I’d interrupted and got in my face. “Mind your own damn business, shithead. You’ve no idea who you’re fucking crossing right now. I can make your life a living hell.”

              He was pulling his fist back about to take a hard swing at me, and I knew that I was going to get in my first official fight when another voice stopped him. “You’re a fucking ass, Mitchell. Just because Chelsea’s sleeping around doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the rest of the male population of this school, especially the guys that haven’t slept with her.”

              Mitchell forced himself to calm right before my eyes, and I glanced over at the male voice that was able to get this situation under control. This guy was so huge that I couldn’t believe he was still in high school. He was towering over me, and I was tall. And from the way his T-shirt fit him, he was a wall of solid muscle. 

              I met his eyes, and his very presence made the room feel a bit smaller. He studied me for a moment before turning to the boy that had taken the beating. “You, okay?” The boy looked completely intimidated and gave him a shrug before walking around all of us with his head down and hopefully heading to get some medical attention.

              When he left, the huge guy turned back towards Mitchell, the bully, and started lecturing him. “Mitchell, what the hell are you doing? You had no business hitting that boy. She’s cheating on you, and I know that fucking sucks, but you need to get a handle on yourself. You physically hurt another person, and you’re off the damn team.”

              Mitchell seems to gain a little of his fight back at those words and starts yelling back, “What do you mean, I’m off the damn team, Wallace? I’m the fucking quarterback and a senior. You’re a sophomore and on the defensive line.” Wallace looked big enough to be the defensive line himself alone. “How are you going to get me off the team? Huh?”

              Wallace leans in close and says in a quiet but threatening manner, “You know I’ll do it. You’re an asshole and everybody already knows it. But you beat up anymore defenseless kids that had nothing to do with Chelsea on other people’s dicks and I’ll give you a real fight.”

              I could tell that Wallace meant every word, and even though we were both sophomores, I could tell that he banked a lot more real life experience behind his eyes. He hadn’t been playing computer games in his friend’s basement during middle school and freshman year. This guy had lived and fought people before. I could tell.

              Mitchell must have come to the same conclusion cause he stomped off without another word. Wallace turned back to me, and I realized that this guy wasn’t only huge but extremely good looking. He looked like a male model in the face with high cheekbones and dramatic features. I bet he was at the top of the food chain at this school, but he seemed to be a decent guy if a little intense.

              “Thanks for stepping in there, man. I’d hate to see that kid beat up because Mitchell needed a punching bag. I’m Wallace.” He stretched out his hand, and I shook it trying to maintain a strong grip. This was the type of guy that I wanted to respect me. I didn’t think we’d be mixing a lot, but it was good to make a decent first impression. “Colin.”

              “You heading to lunch?” he asks me as we start walking. “Nah, I needed to stop by my locker and got a little mixed up in the hall since it was my first day.” He laughs and says, “Yeah, this school is huge. My sister always complains that getting to all her classes is a good workout in itself.” I chuckle and say, “I can see her point.” He laughs and replies, “Most guys can.”

              He claps me on the back as we reach the entrance to the cafeteria and says, “Well, nice to meet you, man, and sorry again about Mitchell. He’s a dick.” “Yeah, nice to meet you too.” I head to my locker and drop my books and grab everything I need for my next class before lunch since it’s already half over now.

              I stroll into the cafeteria and stop in surprise. It looks like a restaurant with different buffet selections and hot food stations. I hope I have enough money on me to eat here, and I select a sandwich and chips to make sure to keep the cost low this first time until I know how much everything is. I reach the cafeteria, and she waves me off before telling me, “Your bill's already taken care of. Grab a chair and eat before lunch is over.”

              I look at her in confusion for a minute but shrug it off. Somebody paid for my food. That’s strange, but it’s been a weird day. I spot Stanson waving at me from the back of the room. I head in that direction but spot Wallace sitting at a table filled up by all the most attractive people in the room on my way. He gives me a head nod and continues to talk to a hot blond on his right.

              I reach Stanson and before I can even sit down, he asks, “How the hell are you and Wallace already friends?” Confused, I say, “We ran into each other in the hallway before lunch. Why?” “Because he and his sister run this school, and you’ve already got his respect. That’s awesome, man.” I can see the excitement shining in Stanson’s eyes, and I can’t understand why it’s there. There’s not going to be anything that comes about knowing Wallace. I saw his group of friends, and they are the very rich. I wouldn’t fit in that group in a million years.

              I didn’t come close to the popular crowd at my old school. Much less this one that made the old group look like a bunch of homeless people. I change the subject and ask Stanson to introduce me to his friends. He obliges me but goes around the table quickly sand says, “Ethan, Mark, Carver, and Stephen.” Then he addresses them and says, “This is the new guy that has always rode the bus, Colin. He somehow already met Wallace who normally talks to no one outside his circle.”

              That throws me, and I ask, “Damn, is he that much of a snob?” Stanson shakes his head at that and explains, “Nah, I think he’s used to people wanting to use him and his sister, Reagan, cause they’re so popular and have a lot of money. He keeps to his teammates and his circle cause he know them. I don’t think it’s anything snobby. Just the rest of us would love to get an invitation to one of his parties, and all the guys, including me, would like to use him to get close to his sister. He’s careful, that’s all.”

              That made more sense, and I tried to focus on getting to know the guys in Stanson’s group. They still knew all about the video games I played, and I felt myself getting comfortable and feeling better about the move. They might dress better than my old friends that had worn T-shirts with stupid comments on them, but they still seemed intimidated by girls and more comfortable talking about gaming. I could handle this crowd.

              I had one class with Stanson after lunch and another with his friend Ethan who talked about World of Warcraft every chance he got. As I was packing up at the end of the day, I felt the same as I had at my old school. It wasn’t enjoyable but I could do this. I didn’t absolutely hate my first day, and a lot of people seemed decent with a few dicks and bitches spread in the mix. I could deal with that.

              As I’m walking to my bus stop, a black 458 Italia Ferrari pulls up next to me. I can’t believe this car is beside me when I spot who’s inside it. It’s Wallace, and he leans out his window. “Hey, Colin, I wanted to ask you a question. You ever play football before?” I shake my head at him and reply, “Up until the last year, I was pretty skinny. I played baseball when I was younger until my mom refused to take me to practice anymore. Why?”

              He gives me his silent stare before explaining, “We need a backup quarterback for this year. Mitchell is our starting, and he’s a dick as you’ve seen but still has the size we need for the teams we play. But we’ve got no one to replace him. I thought you could practice up and see if you could do it next year. I know you’d have a lot to learn, but I’d help you. I think you’re size could be an asset to the team, and I heard you were smart which always helps as a quarterback.”

              Stunned, I stand there for a minute looking at the car and Wallace. I’d been content to keep letting my life go the same way it had for forever. But I did want to play sports and get to know other guys on the team. I wanted that life, and Wallace was offering me a chance at it.

              I started to tell him yes before I remembered. I didn’t have another way home, and my house was too far to make that walk every day after practice. I had to tell him, “Man, I want to, but the bus is my ride home.” He waves me off and says, “No, problem, I’ll give you a ride home after practice. You can borrow my extra workout stuff today, but you need to bring stuff for yourself tomorrow. Let’s go talk to the coach.”

              He waves for me to get in, and I look at him in doubt. “You think the coach is going to let me on the team as easy as that?” He nods and says, “If I ask him to he will.”

And he was right, the coach looks at me, listens to what Wallace says, and nods in agreement. Coach Randall tells me, “Listen, son, you’re going to have to work your ass off this year to get caught up, but with your size, if you have good hand eye coordination, you should be a huge asset to this team.”

              Already, I started to think of the possibilities. I’d never had a dad that worked with me on sports and never thought I’d have a chance to be a part of a team, but now that was all happening. I looked over at Wallace, and he looked back at me and said, “You’re welcome. Now don’t fuck it up.”

              Mitchell was the quarterback on the field, and I watched everything he did. I tried to remember how he moved and where he moved. I logged everything I could in my brain for when it was my turn to show the coach what I could do. At the end, Coach Randall asked me if I’d seen enough to want to try to run a play. I nodded and ran one that I’d heard them call out that seemed relatively simple. I got tackled before I could even pass the ball, and I knew that I’d have to work on my quickness and handling of the ball in my own time. But after being out on that field, I wanted to do it and with practice; I knew I could.

              Wallace drove me home, and I ask him, “Hey, why’d you stop and ask me to join the team.” He runs his hand through his dark hair and admits, “We need some more decent guys playing football. The football guys run the school, and I don’t want everybody to have to deal with dicks because they’re good at football. I want some guys around that I can want to hang out with and trust off the field too.”

              I nodded in understanding and was pleased that he thought of me as a good guy. I’d never given it much thought before, but I guess I was one, if that meant not letting a guy get beat up when I could stop it. I climbed out and before I could even say thanks; Wallace drove off in his car that cost more than the house my mom and I had lived in for most of our lives. Shaking my head, I walked into the house where my stepfather stopped me.

              “Whose car is that? Who dropped you off?” Whoa, my stepdad barely notices or acknowledges me. What the hell happened today? “Rick, calm down, I got dropped off by a guy on the football team. I joined it today.”

Rick nods before actually smiling at me. It feels like an alternate universe. “Who was he?” “His name is Wallace, and he’s a sophomore.” Rick frowns at my answers and asks, “You don’t know his last name?” I shook my head, and he told me impatiently, “Well, find out.” I nod in agreement to get him to stop asking questions, and he stalks off.

              Shaking my head, I head to the pool house to change and then see what was left over from dinner. My stepdad is a dick, and I knew my mom wouldn’t be considerate enough to wait to eat for me. After my shower, I was so exhausted from my first day that I collapse into bed without even scrounging for food. I was asleep before I could get over and flip off my light.








































Chapter 2

Trudging to the locker room to change before practice on Friday was hard, I was so damn tired. I’d been working out with the team all week and been catching onto the plays. I could throw the ball pretty damn far too, but I was still having to work on my quickness. I didn’t know the plays well enough to move through them with any confidence yet. Wallace and the coach kept telling me that would come.

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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