My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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              “Reagan, are we together then? Cause I can’t handle the thought of you being with other guys.” She stops and turns to me before replying, “Yeah, I feel the same. Pretty damn scary, right? I know I couldn’t handle seeing you with another girl. I’m scared though because my world can get pretty crazy. And I don’t see us being this calm boring couple through it. Do you think you can handle my crazy?” Her voice has a nervous tone to it that I haven’t heard before.

I smile and nod at her. Happy that I’ll have the opportunity to have her without worrying about who else she’s with. Making sure she gives me a definite answer that I want, I press her, “We are exclusive, right? That means no one else touches you or me.” She gives me a look and says, “Yes, that’s what it means. But that’s meant no one touches in a sexual way. You are still going to have to deal with Blaine adjusting since he’s family. And he’s going to be a huge pain in the ass about it, but again, he’s family.”

Groaning, I know she’s right. But I don’t like it that he thinks he has any rights to her. Now that Reagan’s agreed to be mine, I want every guy, except her brother, to keep an appropriate distance from her. Never thought I’d be a caveman, but it’s already happened and with her around me, I know that there’s no stopping it.







































Chapter 4

(2 years later)


Football practice is grueling, and I wonder for the hundredth time when it’s going to be over so I can see my girl. Normally, I love football and anything about it. Especially now that I’m the varsity quarterback, I love the high that comes from making the calls and things happen on the field.

But not today, Reagan’s been at cheerleading camp for two weeks, and I need to get my hands and other parts of myself on her or in her before I lose my mind. I try to bring my focus back to the play I’m in. And know that if we land this new offensive, our coach will happily call practice for today.

I look towards Harrison and know that he understands where my mind is. He and Wallace have had to listen to me bitch for the last two weeks about missing my girl, and I know that if I pass the ball to him he’ll do his best to make sure he catches it. Right before I run the play, I shoot Wallace a pleading glance too. He never shows any mercy with my offense but just this once I’m praying that he’ll let his competitiveness go and ease up on us.

Daniel hikes me the ball, and I turn and slide right through the middle of my blockers. Harrison had headed out to the farthest length I can possibly throw when I make the pass. Tensely, I watch the football spiral through the air and think I’ve thrown it too high when Harrison jumps and plucks it smoothly out of the air. “Thank fuck!” I say loudly as Harrison makes it to the end zone.

After that, Coach quickly calls practices, and we start heading to our cars. Wallace walks beside me and punches me hard in the arm before saying, “Don’t get used to that. I took it easy on you tonight cause I knew my sister would want to see your pretty face. But I won’t do it again. You don’t get better by not working for it.”

I punch him back before responding, “I know, I know, man. But your defense is as tough as shit, and I didn’t see us finishing that play anytime soon with you on my ass. Thank you though for taking it easy on me for once.”

We reach our cars, and I get into my black Camaro. My stepdad realized that I was hanging out with all the rich popular kids and making a name for myself as a quarterback. He could be proud and rave to his friends about me so he bought me a car. I don’t think he’d want anyone to think that he didn’t have enough money for me not to have my own.

It was an amazing present from someone that barely acknowledged my existence, and I was happy with it. But I hadn’t minded riding with Wallace or Reagan. Now, I missed seeing her before school. But I did like being able to pick her up for a date in my car.

Blaine strolled up to get into Wallace’s car with him. I know they’re heading to a party and bonfire down on the beach, but Reagan and I wouldn’t be joining them anytime soon. I needed my hands on my girl, and I didn’t need us in a rush. I wanted to take my time with her.

My friendship with Wallace and a lot of the other guys on the team has gotten tight, but Blaine and I have only tolerated each other for years. I know he loves Reagan, and I can’t do anything about it. But she tries to be careful about getting to close to him physically cause she knows it pisses me off.

I wave to the rest of the team that’s loading up in their cars and drive quickly to the front of the school where the cheerleading bus is supposed to be unloading. I see her immediately as I pull up. She’s wearing her bright pink shorts with a black tank top and as soon as she spots me she’s running my way in excitement.

I can hardly get out of the car before she’s on me. Her lips are hard on mine, and I’m eagerly kissing her back as I clutch her to me. She starts to get naughty and bite my lip, and I growl in response. A turn on for her is to see how far she can push me in public, and normally, I love this little game she plays.

But today, I don’t have the patience to wait as she teases me, and I try to not let anybody get a glimpse of how my body’s responding to her. Murmuring to her, “Baby, I need to get you alone right now, or we’re going to be doing things right here that I don’t think you want at least the freshman to witness.” Teasingly, she runs her fingers lightly across my hardness over top of my shorts. I hiss in response to that dirty move, and she gives me a challenging look.

I know she blocked what she did with her body, but as I look up, I realize that we’ve drawn a crowd with our heavy make out session. I pick her up and carry her to the other side of my car and place her in the passenger seat. I wave to her friends, Brittany, Laurel, and Eva before climbing into the car and speeding out of the parking lot.

I drive to her house where no one except Wallace or Reagan are ever home, and my body throbs eagerly knowing what is to come in minutes. I stroke her bare leg as I need to touch some part of her, and she reaches over to stroke me. Shaking my head and putting her hand in mine, I rush to explain as I see her hurt face, “Sweetheart, I can’t have you touch me right now. I’m seconds from exploding from the sight of you and the slight touch of your hand. Let me at least get you to your house before I embarrass myself.”

She giggles and teases, “I know your response time, Colin. Yeah, you might explode on my hand, but that won’t be it. You’d recover before we even made it to the house. Why can’t I touch you?”

“Are you whining, baby. That’s so unlike you. Is it because you missed me as much as I missed you?” She leans her head close to mine and whispers, “More.” Then she starts kissing my neck and licking it in circles with her tongue, and I barely get out, “I doubt that.”

As we reach the house, I feel peace for the first time in two weeks. This girl has become my life, and I don’t want to live a day of it without her. I study her as we walk into the house, and if I thought she was beautiful when we first met, she is now even more so. The only bad thing about that is every other guy that sees her thinks the same thing.

After being with Reagan for two years, I don’t even feel like the same guy that I was before. I’ve gotten into a lot of fights over guys being disrespectful or making a move on her that I don’t like. But Reagan gets it because she’s done the same thing too. Her backhand has become well known around school, and she is fearless with challenging girls that she thinks have over stepped.

We both don’t tolerate the opposite sex touching each other, and we don’t give a warning before we start fighting about it. Wallace calls us “Crazy in love.” But it works for us. Ever since we committed to each other on the beach, we’ve been together and never regretted it.

Reagan made me take a lot of cold showers since she wanted to wait to have sex until she was seventeen. I jacked off to fantasies of her for forever, but finally, this May, she knew she was ready. When I got inside of her and felt how good it was between us, I knew that nothing could ever be better.

As we reach her bedroom, all I want to do is get her up against the wall and slide into her again and again. But she might want me to go slower since we haven’t been together in two weeks. She starts stripping her clothes off and all I can do is stare like a pervert.

When she’s completely naked, she throws her hands up at me and says, “Well, aren’t you going to put me up against the wall.” I need no other invitation, and I strip off my shirt and shorts as I walk towards her. I lift her into my arms and slide into her slowly as I walk.

Worshipfully, I say, “You’re so wet for me already, baby. I thought I might need to give you some time and not rush you.” “I was wet as soon as I saw you, Colin. I missed you so much.” I feel her body grip me like it doesn’t want to let me go, and I look into her flawless face surrounded by her shiny dark hair. And I’m overwhelmed with how much I want and love this girl in my arms.

The love and desire overwhelm me to the point I have to share it with her, “I love you so fucking much, Reagan. Every second you were gone, I missed you.” As I pump into her, I whisper, “I need you so much, baby. Do you feel how much I need you?” She’s moaning sexily, and I start to go harder and harder. I’m so much bigger than her that I know not to go too hard, but right now, I want to feel her as deep as I can.

“Do I make you feel good, baby?” I start to slow down. “Or am I going too hard for you?” Reagan gets desperate before her orgasms and begs, “Please, Co, don’t slow down. Go harder, I need you deep.” I can feel her muscles clench and pulse, and I know she’s going to let go soon.

Forcefully, I tell her, “Baby, I love you so much, and I’ve missed the hell out of you.” She gasps in response to me. And I can feel her grip me hard as she climaxes, and I let myself go inside of her. Afterwards, I pick her up and carry her to the shower with me. I grab a soft washcloth and clean her up under the water.

Touching her makes me hard again quickly, and before I even realize it, she’s on her knees touching my dick and stroking it. Before looking up at me and giving me her sexy smile, I love that she enjoys doing this. She is a tease at the beginning and sometimes makes me beg, but I love it. Reagan isn’t innocent, but we discovered what we like and enjoy together. I love her for exactly who she is. She isn’t ashamed of loving sex with me, and she doesn’t hide it from others.

She’s wild, beautiful, and amazing, and she’s all mine. As she looks up at me with her violet eyes shining with desire, I watch her take me in her mouth, and I can’t hold myself back from groaning. As she works and strokes me with her tongue and throat, I can barely hold myself back. I know she’s enjoying this and is sad when I end it too soon, but I can’t hold it back long. As I cum for the second time in less than an hour, I pick Reagan up and kiss the hell out of her as I stand us under the stream of water.

Another thirty minutes later, the post sex bliss has left cause I can’t convince Reagan to just stay at home. As I look at her with my best sad face, she says unsympathetically, “We’re going to go socialize with our friends. It’s the summer before your senior year, and we need to have fun.” I argue, “We can have, much more fun, here, with the two of us, our own private party.”

Reagan gives me a dirty look and says, “We’ve already had our own private party. I haven’t had you inside of me for two weeks, and I love it and have missed you. But you need to break me in slowly which means giving me a short break for a few hours.” She gives me wink and a promise that finally makes me agree to this party, “If we go, I promise I’ll make it worth your while later. Please, Colin.”

All she had to say was please, and I was whipped into doing whatever she wanted. But she added a promise to make it worth my while, and Reagan never says something she doesn’t mean. So I will be social and have two beers to make my girl happy. Reagan gets dressed in a short gold colored dress with no back. It’s way too sexy for me to want her to wear it out, but we’ve fought often enough on her dress code. And I’ve never won that argument.

Anymore, I just try to stay close to her whenever we’re out, and if it means, I get in a fight, so be it. We climb into my Camaro, and I keep my hand on her leg when I’m not shifting gears. I can’t believe how much I missed her, and I don’t want to stop touching her now that she’s back.

We get to the party and start looking for a parking space until two freshman football players wave us to the front of the house. I pull up close to them, and they both smile shyly and point to a space right beside Wallace’s fancy car.

“We were told to save you a space, Colin. I hope this one’s okay?” The taller one, Ryan, had spoken while the other freshman, Derek, just stood there grinning at me. But when Reagan exited the car in her barely there gold dress, both the boys jaws dropped open, and I think I heard Derek whisper, “Holy Hell.”

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