My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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Reagan sweetly smiles at both of them before saying, “Thank you so much for saving us a parking space. I thought I was going to have to walk a mile in heels. You both are life savers.”

Ryan looks down nervously unable to respond, and Derek turns beat red under Reagan’s gaze. She looks at me in dismay, and I shrug at her. It’s the effect she has on all men, young or old. I watch her slowly walk towards the door before saying to the boys quietly, “Don’t worry, your time will come. I never thought I’d be dating a girl like Reagan when I was a freshman. But that shit can happen!”

The boys both laugh in response, and Ryan says, “Well, you’re Colin Rocklend, Carmen Beach’s championship winning quarterback. Of course, you’re dating the most beautiful girl at the school.” I start to follow Reagan so she doesn’t walk in to the party without me but can’t resist adding, “That’s what you see now. But I didn’t even start playing football till my sophomore year. Lots of things can change, boys.”

As I approach Reagan, she smiles at me mockingly and says, “Hey, giving the freshman a pep talk, huh? You can get a girl too if you become a big football star.” I put my hand on my chest dramatically and say, “You think I’m a big football star?” She pushes me hard on the chest and says, “Shut up!”

The door opens and Harrison shouts, “What the hell are the two of you doing standing outside. The party’s in here! Come on!” We follow him in, and the room explodes around us with people yelling, “Hell yeah! Reagan and Colin are here!”

We wave and talk to a lot of people before one of Reagan’s favorite song start to play. I see her look at me and smile before yelling loudly, “Turn the music up. Let’s dance, Co.” “Ah, hell,” I complain as she drags me out to the middle of the room.

Dancing with Reagan is a balance between the most wonderful pleasure and the longest lasting torture I’ve ever known. Her goal always seems to be to drive me crazy until I beg her to go somewhere alone, but she never gives in. She starts to rub her ass against the front of me while I groan quietly in her ear, but she just tilts her head back and gives me a kiss before continuing on with her slow torturous hips moving back and forth while my body starts to respond in a way that I know will not escape her attention.

The moment she feels me pressing against her, she laughs giddily at me in response. I nuzzle my lips on her neck and start kissing a path down to her shoulder when I feel a sharp hit on my shoulder.

I keep one hard around Reagan and turn around to see who the hell is interrupting us while we’re dancing. Harrison standing there looking uneasy before apologizing,
“Sorry, man, I hated to break up your dance, but Wallace wanted me to let you know we’ve got a little company.”

I glance across the room at Wallace, and he gestures slightly to the front of the house where I see a bunch of larger guys walking in together. A few girls are hanging onto them, and I say, “What the hell is this?”

Reagan says, “It looks like Randall High’s football team and their entourage is crashing. Wonder what the hell that’s all about?” Pissed off to hear that school’s name, I search the crowd until I spot their quarterback, Decker Stanton.

As I knew he would be, he’s already staring at me and Reagan. “Shit, why the fuck are they here?” The Randall game was the toughest of our season, and we barely beat them to move onto the state finals. They talked a lot of shit the entire game, and Decker stared at Reagan the whole time he wasn’t on the field.

I’d asked her afterwards if she knew him, and she told me that she’d met him once when Wallace and her had hung out in Randall. They’d talked at a party, and he’d kissed her before they’d left.

I could tell that for him it hadn’t been that simple, and even now, they were here cause he wanted to be. I pulled Reagan all the way into my side and started making my way to where Wallace and the other guys were talking along the wall.

Blaine was talking when were walked up. “I don’t care what you guys say. We end this shit now. Why the hell do they think they can show up here and not get their asses beat?”

Wallace answers, “Look, they want to get us riled up. We play them in a few weeks, and they want to get in our heads. Our teams are the two best in the state. We don’t give them the satisfaction of starting anything tonight. Let them party unless they make any trouble. I don’t care what Stanton or Taylor does tonight.”

Blaine looks at Wallace in disgust before protesting, “You want us to look like a bunch of pussies, Wallace? They came here to make trouble, and I’m not going to lie down and take it.” Wallace groans and asks me, “Colin, what the hell do you think about this?”

“I don’t fucking like it. This was our party, and they think they can just bust in and take it over without us saying anything. That looks pretty weak to me, man.” Wallace throw up his hands and responds, “Alright, fine, fine, I didn’t want any trouble tonight. It’s been a long damn week of practices, and I’d wanted some fucking down time, but fine. Let’s tell them that they aren’t welcome, and they need to leave.”

Reagan chimes in, “Wait, wait, wait, Wall, why don’t I deliver the news. I think it’ll go over a little easier coming from me and maybe we’ll avoid unnecessary bloodshed.” Immediately, I say harshly, “No, damn way are you going over there to talk to Stanton without me.”

Not intimidated, Reagan leans up and tells me, “No problem, Co, let’s go over together then, and I can deliver the news to our little friends.” I give her a dirty look, and she stands on her tippy toes to put her lips on mine softly. Instinctually, I open my mouth and start stroking my tongue with hers until I hear a bunch of groaning and complaining around us.

Reluctantly, I pull away and look at a disgruntled Wallace, “Could you not put that on hold till after you kick out our unwanted guests and are far away from me.” Nodding, I grin and tell him, “Sure, man, sorry, can’t seem to help myself.”

As I grab Reagan’s hand to walk over, I complain to her, “You did that on purpose.” She grins unrepentantly back before saying, “Of course, I did. You needed to know how much I need you before we go talk to Decker. You’re more jealous of him than any other guy around.”

She says it with a question in her eye, but I ignore it for now since we’ve reached at least half of Randall High’s football team. Reagan starts in with her beautiful smile and sexy voice, “Hey fellas, we were all wondering what you’re doing in Brittany’s house? If this party gets too big or rowdy, the cops are going to get called on all of us. And I don’t care for me, but all you athletes might have a problem if you’re hoping to play in some games this year.”

Decker Stanton moves to the front of the crowd and addresses only Reagan. “Hey beautiful, I’ve not seen you since the game at Carmen Beach last year. All I wanted was to stop by and see how you’re doing?” I bristle at his words, and Reagan puts a warning hand on my chest before answering, “I’m doing great, Decker, thank you. But as you can see my boyfriend and brother are a little confused that their biggest football rivals stopped by at their party to hang out.”

Decker shakes his head slowly before saying, “Oh, I didn’t come for anything to with them, sweetheart. I decided to stop being a coward and just tell you that I want you. I don’t care that I don’t have as much money or look like a model. I’ve liked you ever since I saw you when I was in ninth. And I want you to know that if you ever break up with Abercrombie here, I’m available anytime day or night.”

He’s hitting on my girl right in front of me, damn asshole. “What the fuck, Stanton? You don’t get to talk to my girl like this ever.” With that I swung hard with my right hand into the side of his face, he took the hit and tried to swing around and give me the same in return. I ducked and swung another hard hit into his side. He groaned but retaliated with a hard hit to my face before I felt hands pulling me back.

I struggled against them, the fight wasn’t even close to finished. He wanted what was mine and is trying to take it. We weren’t done till he was begging for mercy on the damn ground.

Fighting against the hands holding me back, I heard Reagan plead, “Baby, please stop fighting Harrison and Matthews. I know Decker pissed you off, but I don’t want you to hurt your friends, please.” Trying to calm down, I take a few breaths and the guys start to relax their hold on me.

Wallace is standing in front of all our guys, and he says, “You need to get the fuck out of here, Stanton. You came to cause fucking trouble, and you have. But you’re outnumbered, and the only place where you have something to prove is on the field. We don’t want to see you before then.”

Stanton shakes his head slowly at Wallace before laughing, “You rich dudes don’t get it. I only came to talk to your sister. She’s beautiful and sweet, but your boy there can’t even recognize that. He just wants her for his trophy cause she’s the hottest girl in school. I just wanted her to know that I’ve liked her for forever. That’s all, man. We got nothing against the rest of you.”

Shaking off Harrison and Matthews, I walk to stand beside Wallace before saying, “You’ve no idea what you’re talking about. You think I just want Reagan cause she’s pretty and popular. If you really saw us together or hung out with us, you’d know that I worship the damn ground she walks on. I don’t like to even spend a night away from her. And I’m not embarrassed to say that to anyone. You don’t need to think you know us. I’m not some rich prick that doesn’t care about her at all. She’s my fucking life. You’re the one that only wants her cause of how she looks. And don’t think I haven’t heard about how you treat the girls at Randall. I’ve heard from multiple people that you treat that school like your own personal harem. So don’t come over here telling my girl that you care about her. I can proudly say that I’ve never slept with anyone else nor do I want to. She’s fucking it for me.”

I glare at him now, and mentally beg him to speak just one more word so I can beat the shit out of him. I know if he does now, that Wallace will let me go at him, and all the guys will back me up. But Stanton doesn’t say another word. He sends a longing glance at Reagan that she politely ignores and heads out the door with all his guys following behind him.

Wallace shakes his head and says to Reagan, “What the hell are we going to do with you, little sis? Causing problems with a town fifteen minutes away now. You’re nothing but trouble.” Reagan punches Wallace in the chest with her dainty hand before saying, “I talked and kissed him once when I was in the eighth grade, Wall. How the hell could I’ve known that he’d hold some kind of torch for me for this long?”

She shrugs her shoulder before putting both her hands on me and pulling herself up to wrap her long legs around my waist. “Baby, what the hell are you doing now?” I ask as I try to force my temper under control from the fight with Stanton.

“I was trying to get your attention to see if you wanted to try to find somewhere a little more private.” Feeling suddenly a lot happier, I ask, “What did you have in mind, baby? Were you going to help nurse my wounds and comfort me? Or am I getting a lecture on fighting?”

She laughs wickedly before replying, “Oh, I was definitely thinking comfort and reward for even coming tonight. So we need as private as possible, don’t we?” Eagerly, I start heading towards the stairs where all the private rooms are in Brittany’s house. We’ve had a few parties here before, and I know of quite a few possible places that will give Reagan and I the privacy that right now I desperately want.

I was raging mad a little while ago from Stanton even daring to tell my girl he cares about her, but now, thinking about being alone with Reagan, nothing else feels important. Time with her always takes precedence.

Checking two rooms that have people in them that we know, the third one is the charm. And I lay Reagan down on the bed and start kissing her softly while caressing her body. She slowly shakes her head at me, and I stop grudgingly and ask, “Baby, doesn’t this feel good?”

Confidently, she smiles and tells me, “Oh, it feels very good, Co, but I want to make you feel good.” Slowly she slides off the bed and onto her knees, and my body immediately gets harder in response knowing what’s coming next. I protest, “Sweetheart, I wanted to make you feel good right now. Don’t feel you have to do this.”

She gives me a dirty look before saying, “I never feel like I have to do this, but I definitely want to.” She slides down my zipper and caresses my stomach before moving lower. “I love to touch you, Colin. I need to feel close to you and having my mouth on you is one of the times I feel the closest. I love when you look at me while I do it.”

Having a hard time even breathing, I tell her, “Do whatever you want then, baby.” Delighted, she smiles at me and starts caressing me until I beg her, “Please, sweetheart, I need you to take me in your mouth now.” With a long pause, she looks up at me, and I see all the love and need I feel in my heart echoed in her eye before she takes me in her mouth.

I groan with pleasure and need as she uses her tongue to caress me while her mouth moves up and down in a rhythm that has me on the edge in seconds. “Sweetheart, you can pull back. I can’t hold back any longer.” But she continues with what she doing, and I groan as she takes everything that I have to give.

A little while later, I’m holding her to me, and nervous, I ask her, “Did you like Decker at one time, sweetheart? Cause normally you have no patience with guys that hit on you.”

She sighs, and I can tell that I’m not going to love the answer on this one. “Before I met you, I thought I did like him, Colin. He was a foster kid with no parents to care, and an attitude that was similar to mine and Wallace’s. I felt like I had some stuff in common with him even though he wouldn’t know it.

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