My Fair Captain (16 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Raleigh offered Trouble a hand. Raleigh had a feeling this kid could come in handy one day. Trouble was someone Raleigh had misjudged and that did not happen often.

Trouble took his hand reluctantly, his eyes watchful.

Raleigh pulled the boy’s arm up when he would have let go. He thought he saw somethi— Yes, under his right arm was a small Regelence Rose birthmark. A birthmark that was placed on only the sons of Regelence. Which explained the deadly aggression Trouble showed.

Regelens were made to be topnotch warriors. Their regency society and their rules of propriety helped to temper them, instill self-control. Trouble hadn’t had that. “What do you remember about your parents?”

“I don’t. I told you, Nate found me on a space station. I’d been there since I was a toddler. I guess my parents decided they didn’t want a kid and dumped me there.” He sat on the edge of the bed, blinking big aquamarine eyes up at Raleigh.

Raleigh stared into the pale eyes that looked like they belonged to an innocent kid once more. They also looked vaguely familiar. “We’ll talk more later.” Maybe Steven could help him remember where he’d seen eyes that color before.


My Fair Captain

Chapter Nine

He was obsessed, completely and utterly. Aiden frowned at the screen. The shading was off. He filled in the shadow by the nose and hit the save button. Drawing Nate was becoming an addiction. Watching him masturbate and say those wicked things should have nipped his fixation in the bud. Instead it had the exact opposite effect. He wanted Nate, even if only for a night. He yearned to be with Nate, discover the things Nate spoke of.

Rexley stopped in front of Aiden again. “Oof.” The screen smashed against his chest and he drew a line through his rendering.

“Aiden, put that thing away.”

Aiden growled and hit the undo button to get rid of the gigantic streak across Nate’s forehead. “If you wouldn’t just stop.”

“I stopped because we have arrived at the hatter’s.” Rexley wheeled around to glare at him, then looked past him and began shaking his head. “Muffin. Behave or we won’t go to the toy store.”

What did Aiden care about hats? Or toys for that matter? He’d already gone to the art store and bought another large sketchscreen—he was done shopping.

He turned, seeking one of their two escorts. Maybe he could persuade them to let him go sit inside the lift while everyone else finished shopping.

Christy was right behind him, tugging on Muffin’s hand as the little girl grumbled about not liking hats. Thomas was still putting purchases from the last shop in the lift. The rest of Aiden’s brothers rushed past


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him, chattering amongst themselves, and into the shop. Rexley took Muffin’s hand from Christy and walked off toward their loud siblings.

Grinning at him, Christy squeezed his arm as she went by. “Come along, love.” Christy had been his and all his brothers’ nurse before she became Muffin’s and had never stopped calling them by pet names.

Reluctantly, Aiden followed everyone inside the shop and headed toward the back where the shop owner was coming from the stockroom.

Promptly, he found a secluded spot in a back corner of the shop and turned on his screen. Leaning against the wall, he tuned his brothers out. They were all talking to the hatter at once and trying on hats. They would likely look at hats for hours or until Christy forced them to leave.

At which time they’d look for him to make sure he was among the group, thus he wasn’t overly concerned about being forgotten.

He was about to start adding color to his current portrait of Nate when someone whispered in his ear.

“That’s amazing. You’ve done it from memory?”

“Ah.” Aiden jumped, his stylus skidding across the screen again.

Nate leaned on the wall not even a foot away from him, his arms crossed over his chest, studying Aiden’s sketch.

As usual, the man’s presence had the undivided attention of Aiden’s body. He swore he could hear his heart beating harder. Why were his palms getting sweaty?

Trying to hide his embarrassment, Aiden hit the back button on the screen to erase his foul up. He didn’t bother trying to hide the sketch, Nate had already seen it. It didn’t keep him from being self-conscious, of course, but hiding it was a moot point. The man was well aware of Aiden’s interest in him. How could he not be? At least he didn’t know about Aiden spying on him. “Yes, thank you. You surprised me.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

“Can you pretend you did not see me off in my own little world?”

“Like I didn’t see you fall out of the tree?”


My Fair Captain


Nate pretended to think about it for a few seconds. “I might be persuaded to.” He winked. “Why do you want to keep it quiet? Everyone knows you’re an artist.”

Aiden got the distinct impression he was being flirted with. Turning off the screen, he put his stylus in its holder and gave Nate his full attention. “When I get into my work, I sort of forget everything else. It’s been backfiring on me lately and Father and Cony have given me an ultimatum.”

Nodding, Nate took the screen from him and turned it on. “What’s the ultimatum?”

Aiden watched as Nate examined his sketches. Normally he’d have already made a grab for it. He didn’t like people seeing his work before it was done, but it didn’t bother him this time. He wasn’t sure if it was the look of awe on Nate’s face or what, but he let the man look through the three sketches he’d done this afternoon since getting the new screen.

“They said if I get into one more tight spot they will find me a consort and have me married off, whether I like the man or not.”

Eyebrow raised, Nate grinned slowly, almost sensually. “Maybe I should go make certain the consort they find is likable. You do enjoy my company, don’t you?”

Aiden could only gape. He started to ask if Nate were serious, but all that came out was a sputter. What if Nate did offer for him? He hadn’t planned on a consort, but the idea was anything but unpleasant. It made him practically giddy, thinking about it. “I—I do.” Oh Galaxy, that sounded like a vow.
Okay, relax, Aiden, he was teasing. He wants to go
back to his ship.
Nate had made that clear the other night.
“It’s an empty threat. They wouldn’t force me to marry someone I didn’t choose. And they offered me an incentive. They said if I can get through the season, they’ll hire Contenetti to teach me.”

Nate stared at him for several seconds, the expression practically scorching, before looking back at the sketchscreen. “I don’t know that


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Contenetti could teach you anything. He’s good, but then so are you.

Maybe I could find a thing or two to teach you.”

Aiden shivered. Nate had already admitted to not being able to draw.

There was no doubt in Aiden’s mind that Nate could instruct him in any number of things and none of them had anything to do with art. “What would you teach me?” Aiden’s gaze narrowed on Nate’s lips.

“What would you want me to teach you, boy?”

The low, gravelly voice resonated through Aiden, making his cock harden. A tingly feeling started where his shoulders met his neck, like his body was begging for Nate to kiss him, run his beard over Aiden. He closed his eyes, feeling Nate’s breath on his face. When had they moved closer? Remembering Nate’s lips on his, his tongue in Aiden’s mouth—

Aiden opened his eyes, staring at the full, practiced lips inches from his.

“Damn,” Nate whispered. “You make me forget myself.” Groaning, Nate pulled away and held the screen up again. After several seconds, his breathing seemed to even out.

Aiden’s eventually did as well, but not without an inner struggle. The connection between them just got stronger and stronger. Aiden had only meant to flirt back and instead he’d nearly kissed Nate in public.

Nate ran a hand through his hair. “Seriously, these are very good.

You have a lot of talent.”

“Those are nothing. That’s from this afternoon. Those were all done in less than thirty minutes. It’s a new screen—my other large one got stolen.”

“Maybe I should commission you to paint a portrait of Jeremy.”

Nate’s voice was still a little rough.

“Jeremy?” Aiden mentally patted himself on the back for being able to sound normal. Now, if he could get his body to comply…

“My son.”

Aiden’s eyes widened. “Your son?” His heart climbed up into his throat, then fell to his feet.

“He’s adopted, but yes. My son.”


My Fair Captain

“Then you aren’t married?”
Oh please let him say no.
Aiden had no idea why it mattered so much but…

Nate frowned and shook his head. “No. An IN destroyer is no place for a family. I shouldn’t even have Jeremy living on the ship, but I don’t really have much of a choice.”

The fact that Nate didn’t want a family aboard ship didn’t make Aiden feel any better but he wasn’t sure why he cared. He hadn’t harbored any hopes that Nate would offer for him.

“Did you say someone stole your sketchscreen from the castle?”

Nate’s brows drew together.

“Okay, maybe not stolen, but definitely misplaced. Jeffers couldn’t locate it in the castle. I’m not sure what happened to it. I brought it back with me the day I went to the docks by myself and gave it to Thomas to put in my—”

Nate turned off the screen. “You went where?” His voice was tight, strained, and it put Aiden’s hackles up immediately.

“The docks, it was the day Jeffers was shut off.”
The day the weapons
were stolen…

“What in the bloody hell were you thinking? You went to the docks without a chaperone? You could have been raped or murdered or Galaxy knows—”

“Lord Deverell, will you be joining us? Lord Raleigh said you might be.” Christy walked toward them, Muffin on her hip. “We’re going to the toy store next. It’s only a few blocks over and their highnesses have decided to walk.”

Aiden was relieved at the intrusion. Nate thoroughly confused him.

Making himself relax his shoulders and balled up fists, he took his screen from Nate’s hands. He didn’t know what to think about Nate’s tone. On one hand he didn’t like it at all—he hated being told what to do—but on the other… Nate sounded like he was honestly concerned.

Christy turned and left them to follow.

He didn’t dare look at Nate, but he felt the man staring at him. As he stepped forward, Nate touched Aiden’s elbow and offered up his arm.


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Hesitating only a second, Aiden looped his arm under Nate’s.

Nate smiled, relieving the tension between them, and for a second Aiden thought he’d apologize for losing his temper, but he didn’t.

Amazingly, Aiden was glad. Most men would have groveled and tried to backtrack to make sure they were still in Aiden’s favor. But not Nate.

Nate didn’t make apologies for what he felt. It would have been out of character with what Aiden knew about the man. Nate had clearly been agitated at Aiden for having gone to the docks, and he had no qualms about telling Aiden. And that directness went straight through Aiden.

He held his sketchscreen against him, trying to hide his renewed erection, and allowed Nate to escort him. He felt a little shaky, but it wasn’t a bad feeling, only different, kind of scary and new.

Looking over Christy’s shoulder at them, Muffin pointed at Nate.


Aiden spoke without thought. “Yes, Muffin, very. But the word is handsome. He’s very—” He stopped, aware Nate was staring at him.

Fortunately, he was saved from further embarrassment by a round of greetings from his brothers. After a summary of what hats they all bought, they exited the shop.

Walking on the sidewalk, following his siblings and chaperones, they garnered a few stares. For once, Aiden didn’t mind the attention. He liked the idea of showing Nate off, letting people know Nate was with him. He’d never had anyone act as his escort, but Aiden was sure the looks were due to the big man walking to his left and not him. With Nate’s arrival in town, he had suddenly become the beau of the ball. Not only was it nice that someone other than Aiden and his brothers were getting all the attention, but it was sort of neat being envied for walking with the man the ton was dying to be formally introduced to.

“I’ll make you a deal. That’s why I came looking for you.” Nate turned his head toward Aiden as he tipped his hat to a couple of gentlemen passing them going the opposite direction.

Nate had come looking for
. Aiden’s heart rate kicked up a notch and he got that weird fluttering in his stomach. “A deal?”


My Fair Captain

“I won’t tell your parents about the tree incident or today in the hat shop, if you help me with the investigation.”

“Really?” He said it a little louder than he intended, but he couldn’t help it. He was excited. Nate wanted
help. Not only would he get to spend time with Nate, but how often was he going to get the opportunity to do something like this?

“Yes, really.” Nate laughed and tugged on his arm.

Aiden hadn’t even realized he’d stopped. “Throw in posing for me and you’ve got a deal.”

“From what I’ve seen you don’t need me to pose for you.”

Maybe he could even talk the man into posing nude. And how scandalous was that? But Aiden couldn’t get the sight of Nate naked on the bed touching himself out of his mind. He wanted to see it again, wanted to participate this time. The thought of it had his own prick throbbing.

Nate’s arm tensed under his hand and he leaned close to Aiden’s ear.

“Aiden, why are you blushing?”

The question did nothing for Aiden’s blush, he could actually feel the heat in his face. He tried to change the subject, hoping that would help.

“Tell me about your ship. What’s it like being an IN captain?”

“It’s hard to describe. I wanted to have my own ship since I was a little boy. Which made me a bit odd among my peers, they all wanted to be Marines.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “The Lady Anna is amazing. I still remember when she was given to me.” He grinned fondly. “It was probably the best day of my life. The Lady Anna makes me proud. I worked hard to make captain, harder than I’ve ever worked for anything in my life. And she’s a constant reminder of that. She makes me feel like I can do anything.” He looked down at Aiden, still smiling. “To me, she’s probably very much like your art is to you. She’s my first love, I guess.”

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