My Fair Captain (19 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Nate blinked.
Good Galaxy
, the man’s color scheme was rough on the eyes. And to top it off the dandy’s fiery hair clashed with his outfit. Nate forced himself not to gawk. “Lord Bannon?”

Bannon paused, giving him a dazzling smile. “Lord Deverell.” He scrutinized the area immediately around Nate and frowned. “Might you know where Aiden is? He was looking forward to this set.”

“I was hoping you could tell me.”

“I haven’t seen him.” He motioned Nate closer. When Nate did, Bannon leaned in and whispered, “He was going to the water closet, then the refreshment table.” He straightened. “Perhaps I should help you find him. He was very anxious to dance with you.”

Nate winked. “Go dance. I’ll find him. I’m sure he’s fine.”


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Bannon hesitated then reluctantly nodded. “Thank you, Lord Deverell.”

Nate headed out of the ballroom after a quick stop by the refreshment table. The estate was huge, but the washrooms were easy to locate. They were just outside the ballroom below the main staircase. Passing several older couples and a group of younger lords on his way, Nate walked the length of the hall, checking doors.

There were several water closets since it would be improper for the young lords to be alone with other men without a chaperone. Most were empty with the door standing open. Knocking on the ones that were locked, Nate didn’t recognize any of the voices that called out, “Just a moment.” When he got to the last closed door about halfway down the hall, no one answered. Nate knocked again and tested the knob. It was locked and no sound came from within.

He leaned close, listening. These rooms would be perfect places for a lovers’ tryst, provided both partners could get in unnoticed. There were no video cameras, microphones or heat sensors inside washrooms—it was against the law. But Aiden wasn’t the type to meet someone for a rendezvous. If he were in one of the rooms he was either lost in a drawing or something was wrong.

Nate thought he heard a whimper come from inside the room, but wasn’t sure because the music was too loud. Putting his ear against the door, he heard nothing. He was about to leave when the sound came again. He knocked harder and an unfamiliar breathy voice finally called out, “Occupied.” Hmm, probably some lovers trying to be quiet as to not get caught. Nate turned to leave but a thud and some moans brought him up short.

He didn’t know whether to force the door open or go back to the ballroom. It was probably exactly what he thought, two lovers stealing a moment, but what if it wasn’t?

“Hel—” Someone yelped from inside the room and a loud crashing sound followed.


My Fair Captain

Grabbing the knob, Nate rammed his shoulder into the door. It came open instantly with only a small cracking sound.

A tall, dark-headed man jerked his attention toward the door with a smaller, limp man hanging from his arms. The man had his arm around the smaller man’s neck.

Howling, Nate rushed forward, punching the man directly in the nose.

Blood splattered. With a wail, the man shoved Aiden at Nate and grabbed his wounded face.

Nate caught Aiden’s limp body with one arm, keeping him from hitting the floor, as the man darted past him and out the door. Lowering Aiden gently but quickly, Nate sank to the floor next to him. It was as if someone squeezed Nate’s lungs in a vise.
he felt lightheaded, like he was going to be sick. His stomach twisted in knots and his chest ached as he searched for a pulse on Aiden’s neck. This man had already become a part of Nate’s life, his future. He couldn’t lose Aiden now.

Feeling the heartbeat under his fingers, Nate relaxed and took a deep breath.

Aiden was pallid, his lips almost bluish, but the color was coming back. Nate removed the neckcloth and tossed it aside.

Almost immediately Aiden began coughing and reaching for his throat. He bolted upright, his eyes wide and watery.

Rubbing the prince’s back, Nate pulled Aiden’s hands away from his throat and kissed his temple. “Shh… Calm down and take deep breaths.

Relax, Aiden.”

Aiden nodded and did as Nate instructed until the coughing subsided. He sat there for a few minutes, his breath still choppy and labored. Looking around the room, he appeared lost until his gaze landed on Nate. Aiden wrapped his arms around Nate and buried his head against Nate’s chest.

Nate enfolded him in his arms, relief finally setting in.
Closing his eyes, Nate let his head drop forward, resting his jaw against Aiden’s hair, and tried to regain composure. He sat there for several minutes just


J.L. Langley

holding Aiden close, feeling Aiden’s warmth. Aiden was still alive. “Are you okay?”

Aiden nodded, jostling Nate’s head. When he spoke it was croaky and rough, coming out as a plea. “It wasn’t my fault this time. I
paying attention.”

“Tell me what happened.” Kissing Aiden’s head, Nate pressed Aiden’s cheek against his chest, rocking back and forth slowly.

Snuggling in, Aiden inhaled deeply, still out of breath. “He pushed in behind me and locked the door. I thought it was Payton at first so I didn’t even turn around, just called him dust for brains. Then he grabbed me and started choking me.”

“Did you know him?”

Aiden shook his head and pulled back to meet Nate’s gaze. “I’ve never seen him before.” Trembling softly in his arms, Aiden angled his head upward. His gaze locked on Nate’s lips and Aiden licked his own. “I was scared. If you hadn’t come in—”

Nate didn’t even want to think about that. Aiden was his and he wasn’t letting him go. Catching Aiden’s face in his hands, Nate kissed him. It was rough and desperate.

Within seconds Aiden was panting for breath, but this time it wasn’t from being choked. It was like the man was possessed.

Nate groaned at the arousal that spiked through him. When had he gotten hard? Sliding his hands through Aiden’s hair, Nate held his head still and returned the kiss with equal passion. He understood the need all too well. Adrenaline had always been an aphrodisiac, but not like this.

This was because of the young man in his arms. He couldn’t deny that.

There was something special about Aiden and Nate wanted to protect him for the rest of his life. This was all about assuring himself that
Aiden was all right.

A loud intake of breath pulled them apart.

Braxton stood in the doorway, his mouth ajar. The sounds of talking and footsteps grew louder behind him and in seconds the hall was packed with people staring into the washroom.


My Fair Captain

Abruptly, the crowd stopped and the talking ceased except for a few gasps.

Star dust, bloody hell and imploding planets.
Aiden scrambled off of Nate’s lap and grabbed his cravat. Nate stood and gripped his waist, steadying him.

As he tugged at the collar of his shirt, trying to cover his neck, Father appeared in the doorway. Pushing Braxton aside, the king motioned to them to follow him. “Deverell, you should probably say something before we start getting offers to stand in as our seconds.”

Aiden swallowed the lump in his throat, wincing at the pain.

Clasping Aiden’s hand, Nate led them out of the washroom into the crowd, behind Father.

Aiden wanted to sink into the floor when he caught sight of all the people in the hallway. To make matters worse, Cony looked like he was ready to explode.

Nate squeezed his hand tighter, then lifted it to his mouth and kissed the back of it. He bowed his head toward Father, then straightened.

“Your Majesty, I’m sorry. I know you wanted to announce mine and Aiden’s nuptials yourself, but under the circumstances…”

Nuptials? What?
Aiden glanced up at Nate.

Nate smiled and winked.

Yep, he’s definitely lost his mind.

Nate turned back toward the mass. “Aiden and I took vows as of today.”

Aiden blinked, once, twice, three times. Nope, he was still here in a packed hallway holding his dream man’s hand. And to make matters worse his own hands were starting to sweat. Could Nate hear his heartbeat too?

Father cleared his throat. “We were going to save the news of their marriage for the ball we were planning to celebrate this news, but since the newlyweds obviously were”—he chuckled—“acting like newlyweds…


J.L. Langley

And I must admit, it’s my fault, my apologies everyone, I should have never forced them to come to a soiree on their wedding night. So, if you will all excuse us, I believe we will now retire to the castle.” Father grabbed Cony’s hand and turned.

Giving Nate and Aiden one last look, Cony let Father lead him away.

Aiden worried his bottom lip. Cony had had that tick in his jaw he got when he was mad.

People rushed around Aiden and Nate offering their congratulations, patting their backs. There were several snickers and innuendos that Aiden didn’t quite catch and someone called him Earl-Consort Deverell.

His surroundings were beginning to get a little fuzzy. The only thing convincing him it wasn’t a dream was Nate’s heat beside him, Nate’s firm grip on his hand, steadying him and somehow giving him strength.

Aiden smiled and took the congratulations, never letting go of Nate.

Somehow or another they made it outside and into the lift.

As soon as they got in and closed the door, Nate held his hand again and told his parents what happened. After the shock wore off and Cony called the castle ordering the security heightened and an armed escort to meet them, Cony slid across the seat and kissed his forehead. “Are you all right?”

Aiden nodded. “Thanks to Nate.”

Looking up, Cony gave a quick dip of his head. “Thank you, Lord Deverell.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” Nate squeezed Aiden’s hand. “It was selfishly motivated. I protect what’s mine.”

The princes began murmuring at once. Father and Cony only nodded. Aiden smiled, feeling all warm and tingly. He was well on his way to being head over heels in love with this man. Taking in every nuance of Nate’s expression, Aiden saw the tenderness and affection emanating from it. Scooting closer, he raised his chin, needing Nate’s kiss.

Nate caught his chin, running his thumb over Aiden’s lips. Shaking his head slightly, Nate whispered, “Later, boy.”


My Fair Captain

Aiden melted as Nate’s warm breath caressed his face. His cock was harder than stone and throbbing. He’d never felt like this before. Every time he was near Nate the feeling intensified.

Cony cleared his throat behind him.

Aiden started, realizing where they were and what he’d nearly done.

He turned away from Nate, trying to get his body to behave, and caught the shocked look of his siblings. Heat raced up his cheeks. He shifted, hoping his erection wasn’t obvious.

Finally, the lift stopped and Father stood. “We’re here. Let’s get the two of you inside. There is no time stamp on the books or consort license, only the date. If anyone checks, it will give them today’s date.”

“Where, Father?”

“Regelence Royal Cathedral.” Father ordered the door open and everyone out. “Come along. I called ahead, the Bishop is waiting on us.”

“No, Father, I—” Panic seized Aiden. They were going to force Nate to marry him, and then Nate would hate him and—

Nate glanced over Aiden’s shoulder. “Can we have a moment?”

It was quiet for several seconds, then Cony said, “Sure. Everyone else out of the lift, please.” Standing, Cony shooed everyone toward the door.

“That means you too, Raleigh.” Father reached back inside the coach and caught Cony’s arm, tugging him out when he would have stayed.

Cony was still grumbling when the lift door closed behind him.

Cocking a brow at him, Nate smiled.

Aiden’s stomach felt queasy. They didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t decide if it was nerves from Nate smiling at him, or due to the fact that he was facing a marriage ceremony. One he wanted, but nevertheless it was a mistake. Nate was an IN captain, he had to go back to his ship.

Nate touched his cheek gently.

He nuzzled into the touch, loving the feel of the warm, calloused palm on his skin. “I’m sorry, Nate. You rescued me and this is how you’re repaid…”


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Leaning forward, Nate brushed his lips softly across Aiden’s. Nate pulled him onto his lap, his erection pressing against Aiden’s hip.

Relaxing into the kiss, Aiden opened his mouth, tangling his own tongue with Nate’s. He wanted more, he needed Nate’s hands on him, caressing him. Trailing his hands down Nate’s chest, Aiden marveled at the hard muscle and heat. He wanted to feel that ring again, wanted Nate’s cock in his hand.

Nate leaned back, catching Aiden’s hands in his before they reached their goal. “Easy, boy. We both have to go out there in a minute.”

Aiden dropped his head forward, resting his forehead on Nate’s shoulder. He willed his prick to behave and his heart to stop pounding.

Tears welled up in Aiden’s eyes, making him blink rapidly. He lifted his head, catching Nate’s gaze. “I’m sorr—”

The door opened and Father stuck his head inside. “Let’s go. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

Brushing his thumb across Aiden’s cheekbone, Nate swiped at the tear dripping down his face. “Shh…”


My Fair Captain

Chapter Eleven

What the fuck am I going to do now?
Nate ran his hands through his hair and let them drop to his side. The sudden realization that Aiden was now his scared the shit out of him. And he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it. He hadn’t felt like this in years. Not since he left home.

With trembling hands, Nate unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it on the chair in front of the fireplace. He needed something to do while he waited for Aiden. Having time to think was making him a wreck. Nate chuckled without humor. Half the IN would be busting a gut right now, watching the infamous hard-ass Captain Hawk fret over getting married.

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