My Fair Captain (22 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Lost in thought, Aiden started when Nate came back in and slid his arms underneath Aiden, lifting him. Nate held tight and went to the washroom.

Willing his heart to quit pounding, Aiden smiled and wrapped his arms around Nate’s neck. He was going to stop worrying and deal with Nate’s absence when it happened.

Nate carried him to the tub and climbed in. The big, black marble tub was plenty big enough for both of them. Nate turned him, pulling Aiden between his legs and pressing Aiden’s back against his chest. Aiden closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of naked skin against his own and the warm, relaxing water.

Nate’s lips trailed over the back of his neck as he ran a soapy hand over Aiden’s cheek. “Boy, how do you feel? Are you sore?”

Aiden shook his head. He was aware of his body, but it didn’t hurt—it was a nice reminder of what they’d done. He’d never dreamed that physical intimacy would be so intense. Something told him it wouldn’t be that way with just anyone. He and Nate had a connection.
If only that
were enough.
Aiden snuggled back into Nate’s chest. He promised himself he wasn’t going to fret.

Turning a little, Nate caught Aiden’s chin, lifting it. He smiled and kissed Aiden’s lips. The look he gave Aiden, the tenderness in his eyes, was nearly Aiden’s undoing. He wanted to cry and beg for Nate to stay with him, but he couldn’t. Nate would never respect such a show of weakness. And Nate did respect him, he had no doubt about that. Nate’s


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actions spoke volumes. He may be rough and domineering, but he was considerate and gentle at times too. Nate cared what Aiden thought and about what he did. He brushed his lips across Aiden’s one more time before letting go.

Aiden settled back against his lover, caressing Nate’s arms where they wrapped around him. Closing his eyes once more, he stayed there reveling in the feel of the strong arms around him and the thick masculine chest against his back.

Finally, Nate reached for the sponge on the side of the tub, his hairy chest touching Aiden’s skin. Nate took his time washing Aiden, exploring his body.

It was exhilarating and soothing at the same time. Aiden felt cherished, pampered. He could go right to sleep if he wanted. There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that Nate would take care of him. What was it about this man?

They lay there quietly for several minutes while Nate’s hands roamed over him, washing and loving. Nate’s prick began to harden against his back and just like that, Aiden’s body responded in kind. He no longer wanted to fall asleep. He wanted to spend as much time with Nate as he could.

Turning, he straddled Nate’s legs so he could look at him. He was such a handsome and virile man. Nate was tough. He made Aiden feel protected, yet he made him want to be able to fight at his side and make him proud as well. Cupping Nate’s cheeks in his hands, Aiden pressed his lips to Nate’s. The whiskers on Nate’s face tickled and caressed his own face, making him remember the feel of it on his neck when Nate thrust into him. Aiden moaned, his cock jerking against Nate’s belly.

Grabbing his ass, Nate hauled Aiden up against him. With his hands gripping each ass cheek, Nate pulled Aiden closer, making their pricks slide together.

Aiden groaned and moved on his own. The water sloshed, threatening to spill out of the tub, but he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered


My Fair Captain

was making certain Nate knew how much Aiden wanted him, how much he’d miss him.

“Whoa, slow down, boy.” Nate pressed Aiden against him, not allowing him to move.

He loved the way Nate called him boy. It made him feel special. But even still he had to fight the urge to groan. His body was aching for attention. He didn’t want to stop.

Nate used one hand to slide up Aiden’s back and force his head down on Nate’s shoulder, while the other moved into Aiden’s crease. Nate pushed one finger inside his hole.

“Ahh…” Aiden was still loose from earlier and turned-on. There was only the feeling of pleasure.

“That’s it, boy, just be still.” Nate thrust his finger in and out a few times before inserting another. His beard rubbed Aiden’s shoulder as he nibbled and laved Aiden’s neck. Nate continued to fuck him with his fingers shallowly.

Aiden couldn’t seem to help himself. He pushed back, wanting those fingers deeper. They ended up practically laying down in the tub, with only their heads above water. Aiden rocked back on Nate’s fingers, then forward, mashing their pricks together. His breath huffed across Nate’s face accompanied by small grunts and moans. But it was to no avail, he was learning quickly that Nate did things at his own pace. He decided when and how much.

Stopping, Nate pulled his fingers from Aiden’s arse and sat up, taking Aiden with him. “Come on, boy. We’re going back to bed before we end up drowning each other.”

Blinking at him, Aiden frowned a little, but he stood and climbed out of the water. He handed Nate a towel from the rack and reached for the other.

“Jeffers, are the servants done changing the bedding and straightening the room?” Nate stopped Aiden, using the towel to dry Aiden.

“Yes, milord.”


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Aiden closed his eyes, taking pleasure in the way Nate cherished and massaged Aiden’s muscles beneath the towel. Nate showed him how special he was without words. Aiden knew Nate was as anxious to get to the bedroom as he was, but Nate took his time. When he was done, he draped the towel over Aiden’s shoulders and retrieved the other and dried himself. “To bed, boy.”

Aiden practically ran to the bedroom. Nate smiled and shook his head, following at a slower pace.

His boy was gorgeous, that tight little body, the firm muscles. “No nightshirts from now on, boy.”

Watching Nate’s every move, Aiden nodded. With his gaze focused on Nate’s cock, he licked his lips. “Yes.”

Nate’s prick jerked. He was dying to feel that sweet mouth on him. Tossing his towel away, Nate joined him on the mattress. As soon as he was in the bed, Aiden pounced, landing on top of him. He attacked Nate’s mouth, kissing him, and ground his hot, hard cock against Nate’s thigh. Nate laughed and pulled back. He rolled them over so that Aiden was on the bottom and pinned his hands next to his head. “Slow down.”


He bit down on Aiden’s shoulder, the one he’d marked earlier.

Aiden practically purred, his back arching a bit.

For a few minutes Nate nibbled on his neck, licking and sucking, before making himself stop. He pushed up and off Aiden and sat with his back against the headboard. The boy was making him crazy.

Crawling between his legs, Aiden peered up at him, then his eyes flicked down to Nate’s cock. “Nate?”

Nate groaned and reached for him, pulling him closer. “Oh hell yes.

Suck me.” Grabbing his dick, Nate held it toward Aiden’s full lips.

Aiden tentatively flicked the heavy gold ring with his tongue, his hand wrapped around the base of Nate’s cock over Nate’s hand. He did it again


My Fair Captain

a few more times, then took just the very tip of Nate’s cock into his mouth, flicking and stabbing his tongue at the ring.

Every nerve ending in Nate’s body screamed out. He stroked Aiden’s cheek with the back of his fingers, feeling so overwhelmed he thought he’d explode. It wasn’t the most skilled blowjob he’d ever had, but the connection he shared with Aiden made it the best. Dropping his hand, Nate let go of himself and Aiden’s cheek before leaning back to watch.

It wasn’t long before Aiden caught the ring between his teeth and tugged a little. Aiden was obsessed with the Prince Albert. He kept pulling back and looking at it.

It was nice, but Nate wanted more. “Boy, quit playing.” Nate spread his legs further apart and cupped the back of Aiden’s neck, leading his head down toward his balls. “Lick.”

The gray eyes widened as Aiden’s mouth slipped down further on Nate’s dick, licking. He squeezed Nate’s prick in his hand and turned his head sideways, running his lips along the base of Nate’s shaft. He played there too. Then he stopped, looking up at Nate. “What should I call you?”

Damned if Nate’s cock didn’t jerk. He’d been so afraid he’d pushed too hard. He knew Aiden was having some doubts, but that made some of Nate’s own misgivings disappear. And it was sexy as hell. “You can call me sir, boy.”

Aiden smiled, his tongue flicking out to swipe Nate’s balls again. He drove Nate crazy, laving and sucking. Moving down, he nuzzled his face into Nate’s balls, licking behind them, his tongue caressing.

Nate growled, his balls drawing tighter.
Fuck, that felt good.
“Boy, get up here and suck my cock.”

Aiden lifted his head, his cheeks shiny with saliva, his eyes heavy lidded. “Yes, sir.” He brought Nate’s cock to him and covered it with his mouth. He couldn’t seem to help himself, his tongue went right to the ring, but pretty soon he began to go further down and sucked on the way up. It was awkward to begin with, but quickly enough he started getting braver and going farther down. He pulled back, gagging the first several


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times, the ring tickling the back of his throat, no doubt, but he kept going back for more.

Tangling his fingers in Aiden’s hair, Nate maneuvered his head, thrusting up a little. “That’s it, boy. Use your teeth.”

Holding Nate’s gaze, Aiden dragged his teeth up Nate’s cock, then nibbled and chewed at the foreskin. Aiden moaned and sucked him in again. Spit dripped down his chin and over Nate’s balls. He began using his hand, pumping it up and down as he sucked.

Nate planted his feet on the bed, moving his hips, fucking his boy’s mouth.

Aiden took it all, feeding him little moans and grunts along with the wet sucking sounds.

It wasn’t long before Nate’s whole body felt like it was on fire. His balls were so tight, his cock incredibly hard. His ass and thigh muscles contracted. “Fuck, boy.” He grabbed a handful of Aiden’s hair with one hand and his shaft with the other. Pulling Aiden off his dick, he came.

Spunk hit Aiden’s smooth pale cheeks, his chin, his nose and lips. It was one of the hottest things Nate had seen in a long time. Aiden blinked, his tongue darting out to clean his lips.

Nate groaned and sat forward. He caught Aiden’s face in his hands and tugged him to his knees. Slanting his mouth over Aiden’s, he kissed him hard and deep before stopping to lick the semen from his face.

Shivering, Aiden’s leaking prick jerked against Nate’s stomach.
hell yeah.
Nate groaned and maneuvered Aiden on to his back. He kissed his way down Aiden’s chest. Now it was his turn to drive his boy insane with lust. When he got to the red swollen tip of Aiden’s cock, he slowly engulfed it between his lips, feeling it slide over his tongue and into the back of his throat. He swallowed, his throat constricting around the head.

Aiden moaned, his thighs contracting.

“You like that?”

Nodding, Aiden practically whimpered.


My Fair Captain

Doing it again, Nate varied his technique, trying to discover what Aiden liked. He caressed with his tongue, probing at the slit. He sucked hard, then backed off using his teeth. “Do you like that, boy?”

Again Aiden nodded.

Turning his head to the side, Nate ran his mouth up, then back down. He tongued Aiden’s balls. “Do you—”

Aiden’s head came off the mattress. “Sir?”

Nate arched a brow.

“Just shut up and suck my cock.”

* * * * *

Something jostled Aiden out of sleep. He didn’t have to pee and his stomach wasn’t growling. How long had he been asleep? Was it morning?

Aiden listened for a minute before opening his eyes. The crackle and pop of wood burning in the fireplace nearly drowned out everything else. Even so, he could barely discern a clock ticking. The sheets rustled faintly as Nate moved, bumping his side.
Mmm… Nate.
Warring emotions rose up inside him again, but he pushed them away.

Cracking open an eye, he turned his head, looking for Nate. He rolled over, or tried to, but there was a heavy arm draped over his middle. His stomach fluttered and his already hard cock jerked, begging that he wake Nate to play. He groaned. Just a day and he’d become a wanton.

Ignoring his prick, he lifted Nate’s arm and sat up. What was that tapping sound? He didn’t see anything. They were cosseted in the bed with the side curtains pulled. Light radiated from the fireplace, casting shadows on the canopy.

“Hawk? Hawk, let me in. Jeffers won’t listen to me.”

Aiden frowned. The voice and knocking came from the sitting room that connected the suite. “Jeffers, unlock the door and open it please.”

“Yes, Lord Aiden,” Jeffers answered immediately and the door clicked and opened.


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A handsome young blond practically fell inside the room. He stumbled several steps before righting himself. He spotted Aiden and waved. “Oh, hi.”


Nate grumbled something inaudible and rolled onto his side. He reached out with his arm again and wrapped it around Aiden’s thighs, nuzzling his face into Aiden’s hip, making a smacking sound.

The closeness of Nate’s face to his groin made the memory of the night before come rushing back. Nate’s lips around him, sucking. Aiden pulled his knees up, making the covers tent over him, and turned his attention back to the boy. “Are you Nate’s valet?”

“I’m…Jeremy.” The last word came out hesitant.

Aiden frowned. “Nate’s son?” Why hadn’t Nate told him his son was here on Regelence?

“Yes. You know about me?” Jeremy’s gaze darted to Nate’s sleeping form.

Nodding, Aiden tried to calm the unease inside him. He felt almost betrayed that he hadn’t known Nate’s son was here. Jeremy obviously knew about Aiden. It brought back his importance in Nate’s life with alarming clarity. Aiden’s heart sank. “I thought you were still on Nate’s ship.”

“Nope. I’m here. Well, I’m sort of here. No one realizes I’m me. I’m posing as Hawk’s valet.”

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