My Fair Captain (31 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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J.L. Langley

Raleigh lifted his chin, turning to face Steven. “What does that mean?”

“I wonder.” The corner of Steven’s lip twitched as he turned his attention back to Nate. “It sounds like a wonderful idea, given the circumstances. You should give them what they want and make your headquarters on Regelence. I think this needs to be a case of keep your friends close but your enemies closer.”

Nate agreed. He was glad to see Steven shared similar views. It would make protecting what was theirs a bit easier. He took his seat back on the couch feeling much better. It also meant that he could stay here with Aiden.

Steven cleared his throat, resting his hands on Raleigh’s thighs bracketing his hips. “I got a report back from Wentworth, the head of the royal guards. Braxton’s townhouse didn’t turn up much. They did find a substantial amount of Rapture though. Apparently, Braxton was hooked on the stuff. His butler affirmed he was using the drug at least twice a day. He was hard up for cash due to his drug use and his gambling.”

Which would explain the spacey look in Braxton’s eyes the day he tried to take Aiden while they were all shopping. “I’m not surprised. It also means he’d be easier to manipulate. Which lends credence to Benson’s claims that he was a pawn.”

Raleigh nodded, running his hand idly over Steven’s arm. “Have the messages Trouble took from Braxton’s ship been translated? I want to know how Englor fits into this.”

“Not yet. But right now I think there is something more immediate that needs attention. The castle needs better security. Caldwell never should have been allowed to take Aiden and Trouble out of my suite, much less the castle. Are you aware there is a default loop in the security cameras and the princes have learned to get past it? It’s how Aiden managed to get into my room unnoticed.” Nate raised a brow at Raleigh.

“You have got to stop treating them, your children, like they are too young to understand. They’re all grown men and they need to be told what’s going on. This is their fight too.”


My Fair Captain

Steven sighed. “You’re right. It’s only natural to try and protect your children, but you are correct, they must be told about this.” He stepped out from in front of his consort and sat on the desk next to him. “Nate, since you mention children, we need to discuss yours. I believe Raleigh told you his suspicions about Trouble?” Steven rested his hand on Raleigh’s thigh.

“Yes, he did. He thinks Trouble is Regelen.” Nate was impressed his voice came out as unemotional as it did. He wasn’t going to deny Trouble the opportunity to learn where he came from, but if anyone tried to take him away… The kid still had nightmares sometimes about being abandoned and having to fend for himself.

“Trouble is Regelen and we got the tests back. We are positive who his parents were.” Raleigh laid his hand over the one Steven had resting on his leg and intertwined their fingers. “The men I told you about?

Marcus and Patrick Summers. They were the Marquis and Marquis-Consort of Winstol. When they were killed, they had their infant son, Jeremy, with them. We assumed Trouble died too.”

It didn’t explain how Trouble had ended up on a space station, but for some reason it made Nate feel better. Maybe the kid’s parents did not abandon him as Trouble thought they had. Not that it mattered, Trouble was his…and Aiden’s now. “He has me and Aiden. Jeremy
my adopted son.”

“And as such, you will be in control of one of the most vast estates in Regelence until Trouble reaches his majority. You and Aiden also have seats in parliament until your ward turns twenty-five or marries.”

“My son,” Nate corrected.
A seat in parliament?
Nate felt like someone dumped cold water over him. He wasn’t about to deny Trouble what was his, but… “His name was legally changed to Hawkins. Will that be a problem?”

Raleigh shook his head. “I will see to it that it won’t be an issue. As long as you and Trouble both wish it, his name can remain Hawkins.”


J.L. Langley

“Your son comes from two of the oldest and most respected families in Regelence. I’m sure there will be some in parliament who want his name changed back to Summers, but…”

“Steven, you’re stalling. Tell him the rest.”

Nate didn’t like the sound of that. He raised a brow at Raleigh.

Steven caught Nate’s gaze. “Trouble was betrothed at birth to Rexley.

Your son is to be the next King-Consort of Regelence.”


My Fair Captain

Chapter Eighteen

Nate walked up the stairs with a sinking feeling in his gut. What was the worse that could happen? He’d tell Trouble, Trouble would probably get pissed off and run to his room to sulk, then Nate would have to talk to him again tomorrow. Nate had witnessed the kid’s temper tantrums for years, he knew how to deal with them. But this felt different. There was the slightest doubt in his mind how Trouble would react and that worried Nate.

He had a lump in his throat the size of the Lady Anna. Which was ridiculous, this was good news. At least part of it was. Whatever happened, he’d handle it. Reaching his and Aiden’s room, Nate opened the door. It was empty so he crossed to the sitting room that adjoined his and Aiden’s room to Trouble’s.

Aiden and Trouble were both there, looking relaxed and in their own little worlds. Aiden sat on the chaise lounge, in a pair of pants and shirt, no cravat or socks and shoes—his shirt wasn’t even tucked in—

sketchscreen propped on his bent knees. Trouble lounged in his pajamas on the rug in front of the fireplace, on his stomach, with his bookreader.

Neither of them noticed as Nate entered the room.

“Ahem.” Nate closed the door behind him.

Aiden glanced up and smiled. Jeremy shushed him, waving a hand absently in the air.
The brat.

Nate took a deep breath and stepped forward. By the time he made it to the chaise, Aiden had put his sketchscreen away and was standing to meet him.


J.L. Langley

His boy’s head cocked. “Everything okay?” Aiden wrapped his arms around Nate’s neck and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah, everything is fine.” Nate kissed Aiden’s forehead and patted his back before turning his attention to Trouble.

Trouble glanced up from his reader, meeting Nate’s gaze. “Whatever it is, Hawk, I didn’t do it. I’ve been in here since you left. Ask Aiden.” He nodded and went right back to reading his book.

Aiden chuckled. “He’s been right here the whole time you were talking to my parents.”

“Trouble, we need to talk.”

“I already said I’m not the guilty party,” he grumbled, turning off his reader, and flopped onto his side.

Nate grinned. He wondered what the kid had done. Whenever Trouble professed his innocence before being accused, he’d usually done something. Sitting on the chaise Aiden had vacated, Nate looked down at Trouble.

Aiden sat next to him, catching Nate’s hand in his. Nate loved him even more for the gesture.


“Uh-oh.” Trouble sat up, crossing his legs, and gave Nate his undivided attention. “This must be serious if you are calling me Jeremy.”

Squeezing Aiden’s hand, Nate closed his eyes and took another deep breath. Trouble had always responded best to directness. So why was Nate having such a hard time being direct? “I know who your parents were. They didn’t abandon you, they were killed. You’re Regelen, Son.”

Aiden gasped.

Trouble blinked several times. “Excuse me?”

“You’re a marquis and you are from Regelence.”

“Oh.” Trouble frowned, looking down at his lap. He sat quietly for several minutes.

Aiden touched Nate’s arm. “How did you find this out? What family?”


My Fair Captain

“Your sire saw the Regelence birthmark under his arm and figured it out. I’d seen yours but I didn’t make the connection. Raleigh got a DNA sample from the Lady Anna’s medical team and had it tested. His family name is Summers.”

Aiden’s eyebrows pulled together.

Trouble lifted his shirt and arm, looking at the birthmark. He dropped the pajama top and raised his head. “I had two fathers?”

“Yes. Your parents were Marquis and Marquis-Consort of Winstol. I don’t know the specifics.”

Trouble nodded. “Thank you for telling me. Do you think maybe Raleigh would tell me more about them before we go back to the ship?”

Now for the part Nate was dreading. “He said that he would, whenever you’re ready to talk about it, but—” Nate glanced over at Aiden, reminding himself why he’d made this decision.

Aiden smiled and squeezed his hand, offering his support.

“We aren’t going back to the Lady Anna.”

“What?” Trouble glared and jumped to his feet. He positioned himself in front of Nate, hands on his hips. “What do you mean we aren’t going back?”

“You are heir to a title and I’m being promoted to admiral.”

“What? Admiral?” Trouble smiled for a brief second, then the scowl returned. “I don’t want to stay on this tight-assed, uptight, prissy planet.” He started pacing back and forth, shaking his head and grumbling under his breath.

Nate had known Trouble wasn’t going to make this easy on him. He looked up, gathering his thoughts, then back at his son.

Aiden reached over, patting and rubbing the back of Nate’s hand that was held in his. “I’ll go and let the two of you talk.” He started to rise, but Nate caught him. “You’re part of this too. Stay.” Leaning over, Nate kissed Aiden’s cheek and stood. He reached out toward Trouble, but Trouble stepped away. Staying on Regelence was best for Trouble, for Aiden, hell even for him, but he hated hurting Trouble even if it was for


J.L. Langley

his own good. “We have responsibilities now. You have to learn to manage your estate and—”
How was he supposed to tell the kid about Rexley?

Stopping, Trouble turned and jabbed his finger at Nate. “Don’t you tell me about responsibilities and managing estates. You skipped out on your own inheritance—”

Nate froze. It felt as if someone had punched him in the gut. Staring at Trouble, he tried not to let on how much that had stung. “That was completely different. I shot someone, I had to leave to protect father’s honor.”

Throwing his hands in the air, Trouble let them fall to his side with a slap. “Well, if that is the only problem, where’d I leave my gun?” He glanced around the room like he was searching for something.

Trouble’s accusation was said in desperation, but it still irritated Nate. He was older and wiser and he’d learned from his bad decisions.

His job was to do the best by his son and consort, and that’s what he was going to do. “Are you quite done being a smart ass?”

“Are you quite done with this idiotic idea that we are staying here?”

Nate growled, counting to ten under his breath.

Grimacing, Aiden pointed nervously at the door. “I’m just going to go and—”

“Stay!” Nate sighed. Damn it, he hadn’t meant to snap at Aiden.

“Fuck this. As soon as I’m old enough, I’m outta here,” Trouble said.

“Watch your mouth.” Nate still had several years to change the brat’s mind. “You can do whatever you like, when you reach your majority.”

And he damned well meant by Regelence standards—age twenty-five, not eighteen—but he wasn’t going to share that information with Trouble just yet.

Trouble raised his chin a notch. “Majority? Sounds more like a jail sentence to me.” He headed toward his bedroom door with his hands balled into fists.


My Fair Captain

“There is one other thing.” Nate pinched the bridge of his nose, his head pounding. “When you were born, you were betrothed to Rexley.”

Aiden gasped and stuttered, grabbing Nate’s arm. “What? You can’t let them do that. We have to stop it. It isn’t fair. Trouble and Rexley are from two different worlds, it would be a disaster. It will ruin both their lives. Nate, this has—”

Trouble spun around. His mouth dropped open then slammed shut.

He glared at Nate and Aiden. “Stay out of this, Aiden. I’m not going to be here long enough to marry the ice prince.”

Nate was not going to stoop to Trouble’s level. He was the adult and he was going to continue to act like one. “I’ll get the betrothal annulled later.”

“Is anyone listening to me? I’m not going to be here to marry anyone!”

Trouble made an exasperated growling sound and stalked toward his door again. The ears on his bunny slippers flapped furiously, dampening his dramatic exit somewhat.

Nate watched him go. “I’m doing this for your own good.”

Trouble stopped at the door, snarling back over his shoulder. “Are you? Or is it for your own good?”

Nate clenched his teeth together. He wasn’t going to get pissed.


“Nate, I am telling you I am leaving as soon as I am old enough and I am not asking for your permission on this matter.” He slammed the door to his room.

Aiden reached up, running a hand over Nate’s beard. “Do you think he’ll be all right?”

Nate caught Aiden’s hand and kissed it. “If we don’t kill each other first.”

* * * * *


J.L. Langley

Sitting quietly behind the desk, Raleigh watched and listened. He felt guilty about Rexley being affianced to Trouble. It was his fault. The contract had been signed before Rexley was born. Steven had broken his betrothal with Marcus to marry Raleigh. To atone for his and Steven’s sins, they had to sign a contract promising their heir’s hand in marriage to Winstol’s first born.

Steven didn’t hide his guilt nearly as well as Raleigh though. Having given Rexley the entire story, Steven paced back and forth in front of the desk. Every so often he’d look up at Raleigh then shake his head before going back to pacing.

Rexley’s reaction should have lessened their guilt, but it didn’t. It did just the opposite. Rexley was…well Rexley. He sat through the explanation perfectly still and expressionless, his amber eyes locked on to Steven, going back and forth as Steven paced. It wasn’t at all surprising. Whenever Rexley was given what he thought of as a duty or responsibility, he seemed to go into what Raleigh thought of as control mode. He would calmly assess the issue and deal with it. No temper tantrums or accusations, it wasn’t Rexley’s style.

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