My Fair Captain (32 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Raleigh felt tears welling up and his chest hurt. He desperately wanted for Rexley to be a child and have a carefree existence. A rebellion from him would almost be welcoming. He wasn’t like his brothers—he never let himself be a kid. Out of all his children Rexley worried Raleigh the most. From birth, Rexley had been raised to be king, and he’d taken that responsibility easily but he’d built up walls to keep from getting hurt. It didn’t work though, Rexley could be hurt, he just covered it well.

Finally, Steven stopped pacing and turned to face their son. “Say something, Rexley.” Steven’s voice was gruff, like he too was close to tears.

Rexley arched an ebony brow, looking so much like Steven. “What would you have me to say, Father? It doesn’t sound like I have any choice.” Rexley’s composure made Raleigh’s heart ache. He was such a good kid. Even as a baby he’d given Steven and Raleigh few problems.


My Fair Captain

Leaning against the edge of the desk, Steven ran his hands down his face and groaned. “Yell at us or something.” When he set his hands back on the desk they were shaky.

“Why?” Rexley’s brows drew together. “Ranting and raving wouldn’t change the situation, Father.” He got up from the chair and walked up to Steven, touching him on the shoulder, trying to console him. “It’s honestly not your fault, not really. You had no choice after what happened and no control over whom you would love.”

Which was the crux of the problem. Rexley should have someone who loved him, someone he loved too. He deserved that. Raleigh blinked back tears. All of his sons deserved to have what he had with Steven, but Rexley…needed it. He wasn’t laid-back like Steven. Rexley needed someone to help him deal with the stress.

Steven sighed, his shoulders slumping. “We’ll get you out of this, Son.”

Rexley stepped forward and hugged Steven. He was as tall as Steven now, and looking at them together they could have been twins but for the gray at Steven’s temples and the slightly wider shoulders. He patted Steven’s back and stepped away. “Father, just let it alone for now and we’ll see what happens. I can’t say that I’ve really met him, but Muffin has and she likes him.”

His behavior was so typical of Rexley, Raleigh smiled. Rexley would make a wonderful king. He always put others in front of himself. But it was that which bothered Raleigh the most. Rexley needed to enjoy life.

He needed to do something for himself for once instead of always sacrificing for others.

* * * * *

I’m not going to kill him.
Aiden unclenched his fists and opened his eyes. Nate wanted him to teach Trouble how to be a marquis. That included dancing. “Trouble. Leave the cravat alone and get back over


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here. You are not finished.” That even sounded almost civilized for being ground out through his teeth.

Trouble looked up at him from his place on the floor and glared. “This is stupid. I’m not dancing tomorrow night.”

“Yes, you are. Tomorrow’s ball is to celebrate not just mine and Nate’s marriage but also Nate being promoted to Admiral. You are Nate’s son and Rexley’s betrothed. You
to make an appearance. Now, get up.”

Having to shout over the music was giving Aiden a headache. Or maybe it was the situation, it was hard to tell.

Arching a golden brow, Trouble stood. “I thought I couldn’t dance the waltz until I had some sort of come out party and bowed before the king?”

Aiden’s jaw hurt from grinding his teeth together and he was developing the same tick Cony got in his cheek when he got mad.
, he was turning into his sire. Aiden took a deep breath and reminded himself for the tenth time in the last thirty minutes that Trouble had not had it easy the past few days. He’d gained a title and a fiancé in one big swoop, not to mention having his freedom curtailed. For Aiden, finding out that Nate was taking the promotion and staying on Regelence was a blessing, but for Trouble, it seriously imploded planets.

“You live under the king’s roof. Everyone will assume the king has recognized your admission into society. Therefore, you’re expected to attend such functions.” Aiden held up his arms, ready to give it another shot.

“Just because I go to a ball, doesn’t mean I have to dance.”

“Why are you being so difficult?” Aiden’s voice raised until the last word was practically a shout.

“Why are you? Shouldn’t you be drawing or painting or something?”

The twitch in Aiden’s jaw started again. “I would love to be painting or something, but instead I’m teaching you to dance.”

“For the last time, I don’t want t—”

Aiden grabbed Trouble’s hand and his waist, jerking him closer. He was done talking about it. Trouble was going to dance and that was that.


My Fair Captain

Listening to the music, Aiden counted.
One, two, three.
He stepped forward but Trouble didn’t budge. They bumped heads. If he hadn’t been so aggravated, it probably would have hurt.

Trouble staggered back. “Ow.”

Aiden threw his hands in the air and paced around his stepson. “Galaxy dammit! Can’t you behave for five bloody minutes?

Every day for the past week I’ve taken time out of my day to try and help you fit in and this is how you repay me. I’m sick of the whining about edict classes. I don’t want to hear it anymore.” He stopped several feet in front of Trouble and let his hands fall to his sides in exasperation. “Yes, I feel sorry for you, but—”

“I’m not cinder-fucking-rella. You can dress me up in this getup”—

Trouble tugged at his cravat and waved a hand down his body—“teach me how to bow and say milord. You can even teach me to read Shakespeare sonnets but I’ll be damned if I let some old letch cart my ass around the dance floor.” Trouble fisted his hands, his teeth clenched.

“What’s next, Mommy?”

Aiden got right back in Trouble’s face, pointing his finger. “I’m not your fucking mother!”
Oh yeah
, he was losing it. He’d never shouted obscenities at another person before. His blood was boiling, and he was so mad he was beginning to sweat. Most people probably would have backed down, but Aiden had been putting up with this kind of behavior all week. Trouble’s constant criticism of Regelence culture was beginning to feel like a personal attack.

Trouble stepped toward him, raising his fist.

Aiden did the same. No way was he going to let Trouble cower him.

He told Nate he’d make sure Trouble behaved and he would, even if it meant the kid showed up at the ball with a black eye.


Turning to blast whoever was at the door, Aiden stopped dead in his tracks.

“Problems, little brother?” Rexley looked at Trouble and held out a hand. “Jeremy, would you like me to teach you?”


J.L. Langley

Aiden rolled his eyes, like that was going to work. Who did Rexley think he was? “Rexl—”

Trouble blinked, and his lips turned up very slowly. It wasn’t a smile, but it was close. He took Rexley’s hand, staring into his eyes. “I’d love you to.”

Holding his gaze, Rexley counted the music aloud and as one they moved together and began waltzing around the room, completely ignoring Aiden. Trouble even let Rexley lead.

Aiden stared with his mouth ajar. He wanted to be mad at Rexley for interfering, but at the same time…

Trouble tripped and Rexley steadied him before he fell. Instead of yelling at Rexley and telling him he had big feet, Trouble caught his balance and let Rexley guide him in the proper form. Listening intently, Trouble nodded and leaned into Rexley, letting him count and get them moving again.

Who would have thought? Last Aiden heard Trouble was referring to Rexley as the “perky-assed Ice Prince”. They actually looked and worked very well together.

Faltering again, Trouble frowned but quickly regained his composure.

There was no yelling, just a few nods of his head when Rexley told him something.

Rexley stepped on Trouble’s foot while trying to turn them, and they stumbled. “I’m sorry, Jeremy.”

Trouble beamed at him, then shrugged. “’S all right. It was my fault.”

After that Rexley bent forward and quietly spoke directions in Trouble’s ear. The whispering looked very intimate, but Aiden decided to ignore it. This was working and that’s all Aiden cared about at the moment.

He glanced around the empty ballroom, set up for tomorrow’s ball. It was done in red, black and white, Regelence colors. The red and black roses would be brought in tomorrow while everyone was at the ceremony, but the ribbons already decorated the railing of the balcony overlooking


My Fair Captain

the ballroom and the marble columns along the perimeter of the dance floor. If Trouble could just learn to dance, tomorrow would be perfect.

Trouble got nearer every time Rexley gave him an instruction, but Aiden disregarded that too. This could be a good thing. Nate and Father had both been determined to get Rexley and Trouble out of this betrothal, but if this was any indication of what was to come, Aiden would make sure they thought twice about it. Rexley was actually smiling. He looked…happy. It was something that had occurred less and less over the years. It made Aiden smile to see it.

Trouble said something, making Rexley laugh.

Aiden found himself chuckling. Rexley hadn’t laughed like that, over anything but Muffin, in a long, long time. Apparently, the perky-assed Ice Prince and the Hellion himself weren’t such a bad match after all.

“What are you smiling at?” Nate came into the room, kissing Aiden’s forehead, before focusing on the dancing couple. “What the—?”

“Shh… They look good together, don’t you think?”

“Yes, but they are a little too close together, don’t
think? If your sire comes in here and sees them so close, he’s going— I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rexley smile. And I know damned well I haven’t seen Trouble without a scowl on his face all week. What did you do to them?” Nate stepped behind Aiden, wrapping him in his arms and staring over his shoulder.

Trouble was slightly shorter than Rexley, so he had his chin tilted up, but he wore a pleasant grin on his face. It had been there since they started dancing and he hadn’t broken eye contact for more than a second or two at a time. The entire time Trouble and Aiden had danced—or rather tried to dance together—Trouble had watched their feet.

Aiden shrugged, leaning back and reaching up to caress Nate’s face.

The whiskers tickled his fingertips. “I didn’t do anything. Rexley came in and asked Trouble if he wanted him to teach him and Trouble said yes.

I’m as shocked as you. Before about twenty minutes ago, I was convinced Trouble was either tone deaf or couldn’t count to three. Now he looks like he’s floating.”


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Nate squeezed him around the waist, hugging him tighter. “Look at the way he’s looking at Rexley.”

“That’s the way I look at you.”


My Fair Captain

Chapter Nineteen

Aiden sat in the front center row of the large semicircular room of the House of Lords uncomfortably aware of how many eyes were on him.

Being in the public should have gotten more comfortable with age but it hadn’t. It made his skin crawl and his hands sweat. Having his paintings shown was much easier than being openly examined himself. And being in the House of Lord’s meeting chamber had always been one of the worst public displays in his opinion. The room was a little on the daunting side, with its massive dome ceiling and high black, gold-veined marble walls.

Glancing to his left, he noticed Trouble looking around, seemingly oblivious to the scrutiny of the entire House of Lords. Maybe if Aiden had a sketchscreen he wouldn’t be aware of being studied. Not to mention he could capture Nate’s promotion as it happened. He leaned close to Trouble. “Do you remember what to do?”

“Yes. After Nate’s promotion, I’m going to go up there and stand by him.”

Well, that wasn’t it exactly, but Aiden decided to trust that Trouble knew what to do since the basic idea was correct. “They’ll call you forward. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not the one who’s worried.” Trouble gave him a pointed look.

“Stop it. I’m not going to make a fool out of myself or Nate…or you. I’m not a complete heathen.”

“I never thought that. My guess was only three-quarters of one.”

Trouble smirked before facing the front again.


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IN Admiral Carl Jenkins of Aries Fleet stepped up to the podium in his dress whites. “Lords of Regelence, I am honored to stand before your presence today to perform a military function that for most happens once in our lifetime. The promotion of an IN Captain to the rank of Fleet Admiral.”

An anxious feeling came over Aiden. He was proud, but a little nervous too. Which was silly, this wasn’t his promotion, but he couldn’t help it. Nate was his. He smiled, remembering how Nate had looked in his uniform before leaving the castle. He’d completely lost count of how many times he’d had his hands pushed away and heard the warning,

“Boy, behave.” Which hadn’t helped in the least. That good-natured chiding tone made him want to get his hands on Nate even more.

Trouble dipped his head forward, looking past Aiden across the aisle where Aiden’s family sat.

Apparently, Aiden wasn’t the only one letting his focus drift. He discreetly pushed Trouble back and turned his attention to Admiral Jenkins.

“It is my honor to have served you for all these long years but it is time for me to step down. I would like all of you present to recognize your new IN Fleet Admiral of Aries Fleet, Admiral Nathaniel Hawkins.” Jenkins raised his hand and looked toward the rear of the assembly room.

The entire audience turned, following his gaze.

Nate stood right inside the double oak doors on the black carpet, in full dress uniform complete with his sword. He looked like a vision dressed in white. There wasn’t a man in all the galaxy as handsome. The upper part of his face was shaded by a hat. It had a shiny black brim and huge gold brocade signaling his change in rank. It made the red and gold highlights in his dark beard and mustache stand out. Aiden’s brain conjured Nate’s chestnut eyes. Unfortunately, Aiden’s memory took the image a step further and saw the twinkle there when Nate rubbed his whiskered chin across Aiden’s nude body. His cock began to harden.

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