My Fair Captain (35 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Aiden moaned and rubbed back, his hips pushing up again, frantically trying to get friction on his cock.

Nipping Aiden’s jaw, Nate reached for the headboard, getting lube on his fingers, and brought it down between them, pressing into Aiden’s crease, looking for the snug little hole.

Aiden bucked toward Nate’s fingers, impaling himself. He groaned and writhed, closing his eyes for just a second before he opened them


My Fair Captain

again. His gray eyes widened and focused on Nate’s as Nate added a second finger.

Nate moved in and out, opening his boy for him. His cock ached and his balls drew closer to his body. He wanted inside his boy so badly.

Adding a third finger, he angled them upward, finding Aiden’s prostate. Nate loved watching Aiden squirm, trying to fuck himself on Nate’s fingers. As always, Aiden’s need matched his own.

“Oh, yes. Oh, please, sir…” Precome seeped from Aiden’s hot prick, smearing on Nate’s abs.

Sitting up, Nate pushed a fourth finger inside. Using his other hand to get more lube, he caught Aiden’s gaze and spread the slippery gel around the outside of Aiden’s hole.

The whole time, they held each other’s gaze. Saying everything without opening their mouths. Nothing outside the room existed at the moment. There was no IN, no corruption, just the two of them.

Aiden drew his legs up, bending his knees and planting his feet on each side of Nate. He thrust up, making his prick slap against his lower belly.

, that was a pretty sight. Nate licked his dry lips, remembering the feel of Aiden in his mouth. After, he promised himself. He’d taste after.


He loved hearing the love and respect in Aiden’s voice when he said that, so easily and naturally. Without removing his fingers, Nate braced himself on his hand and knees above Aiden before slanting his mouth over Aiden’s, kissing him deeply. His tongue stabbed in, staking his claim.

Aiden returned his kiss with equal fervor, all the while bearing down on Nate’s fingers, trying to get them deeper.

Pulling away, Nate nipped Aiden’s lip. “What, boy?”

“Remember what you said that day? About my heart?” His voice was low, a whisper.


J.L. Langley

Oh fuck, yes.
Nate’s cock throbbed, jerking at the thought of his entire hand in his boy’s ass, feeling his heartbeat— His cock was so hard it hurt, but for Aiden, for this, he’d wait. Moaning, Nate stared down into his boy’s eyes again.
Mine. My boy.

Nate glanced down at the collar he’d bought Aiden. He’d never expected to find someone to share his life with, much less a lover who shared his desires. Pulling his fingers out a little, Nate fitted his thumb in and pressed slowly into Aiden’s hole. “You’re mine now, boy, all mine.”


About the Author

JL has been talking since she was about seven months old. To those who know her it comes as no surprise, in fact, most will tell you she hasn’t shut up since. At eighteen months, she was speaking in full sentences. Imagine if you will the surprise of her admirers when they complimented her mother on “what a cute little boy” she had and received a fierce glare from said little boy and a very loud correction of

“I’m a girl!” Oddly enough, JL still finds herself saying that exact phrase thirty-some-odd years later.

Along with the motormouth, JL also displayed a very vivid imagination and artistic ability. The artist first surfaced in way of drawing and painting, then became more apparent with dance. JL was a member of the National Art Honor Society in high school and has won several regional and national titles in dance, specifically tap and jazz. In college she majored in Graphic Art, but chose to make dance her profession. She taught tap, jazz and ballet for fifteen years before settling into her career as a writer.

Today JL is a full-time writer, with over ten novels to her credit.

Among her hobbies she includes reading, practicing her marksmanship (she happens to be a great shot), gardening, working out (although she despises cardio), searching for the perfect chocolate dessert (so far as she can tell ALL chocolate is perfect, but it requires more research) and arguing with her husband over who the air compressor and nail gun really belongs to (they belong to JL, although she might be willing to trade him for his new chainsaw).

To learn more about J.L. Langley, please visit

Send an email to J.
L. at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to

join in the fun with other readers as well as J.L.!

Look for these titles by J.L. Langley

Now Available:

Without Reservations

With Love

My Fair Captain

Coming Soon:

With Caution

Can a straight-laced business student and an indie boy with a thing for
extremely personal electronics turn one night’s wild ride into a trip to last

Catching a Buzz

© 2007 Ally Blue

Available now at Samhain Publishing

Adam Holderman isn’t your typical twenty-something college boy. He prefers jazz to Goth, shuns body piercings and street-waif clothing, and despises the lack of vocabulary among his peers. Some call him uptight, but Adam doesn’t see it that way. Just because he prefers his men articulate and well-groomed doesn’t make him a stick-in-the-mud. He simply has standards, unlike most guys his age.

The new employee at Wild Waters Park, where Adam works, single-handedly throws a monkey wrench into Adam’s orderly world view. Buzz Stiles wears eyeliner and black clothes, listens to emo bands, and talks like a teenage skate punk. He’s the polar opposite of Adam’s avowed

“type”. So why can’t Adam get him out of his head?

When Adam finally agrees to go out with Buzz, he finds there’s much more to Buzz than a hot body, a sharp wit, and a Goth fashion sense.

Buzz is someone Adam can see himself being with for the long haul. But you need more than mind-melting sex to make a relationship last. Can they keep their hands off each other long enough to find out if they have what it takes?

Warning, this title contains the following: graphic language, explicit male/male sex, inappropriate use of personal electronic devices, and gratuitous disco dancing.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Catching a Buzz
: The shop was decorated in blues and purples, managing to give the impression of dangerous darkness in spite of the brightly lit shelves.

Throbbing, percussion-heavy music played in the background, loud enough to set the mood without making conversation difficult. Groups, couples and a few lone shoppers mingled among the shelves. They all seemed just like anyone else Adam saw on the street every day.

“Wow,” he said, gazing around. “This isn’t exactly what I expected.”

“Why, what’d you expect?” Buzz turned down a row of shelves containing various anal toys and lube. He ran his fingers over a package containing a realistic-looking rubber fist and forearm. “Dude, check it out. Bet that feels amazing.”

Adam winced. “Ouch.” Resting an arm across Buzz’s shoulders, Adam led him around the corner to the next row. To Adam’s relief, it contained nothing to make his anus clench in self-defense. “I don’t know what I expected. Big guys in leather clothes leading around slave boys on leashes, I guess. Everybody in here looks like regular people.”

“That’s ’cause they
regular people.” Buzz’s eyes lit up. He snatched something off the shelf. “Dude, I am
getting this.”

Adam looked. Buzz held a thick black leather collar with six silver Drings set in it.
Oh my, now won’t that look nice,
Scarlett lilted, reflecting Adam’s thoughts almost exactly, if more coherently.

“Yeah, that’s good,” Adam said, wishing his voice wouldn’t shake.

Buzz flashed an evil smile. “I’m getting this too,” he added, picking up a long black leather leash. “I can be your slave boy for the night.”

What a magnificent idea,
Adam attempted to say. What actually came out was an embarrassing squeak.

Buzz pressed his body against Adam’s and kissed his throat. “Oh yeah. You like that.”

“Definitely,” Adam answered, finding his voice at last. “Buzz, unless you want to get fucked right here in the store, you’d better stop it.”

Laughing, Buzz flicked his tongue over Adam’s pulse point, then pulled away. He swayed over to the other end of the row to peruse the available goods. Adam stared shamelessly at his ass. It was a damn fine ass, and Adam’s hands itched to touch it. Seeing no reason why he

shouldn’t do just that, Adam walked over and planted his palms on Buzz’s tempting posterior.

There was something small, flat and rectangular in Buzz’s back pocket. Adam traced the outline of it with his thumb, wondering what it was.

Buzz smiled over his shoulder. “Fresh,” he teased, wiggling his rear in Adam’s grip.

“Yep.” Leaning forward, Adam bit Buzz’s neck. “What’s in your pocket?”

Buzz turned and planted a quick kiss on Adam’s lips. “I’ll show you later.”

Adam frowned. “But why—”

“Oh hey, here you go.” Standing on tiptoe, Buzz plucked a black leather biker hat off the top shelf and tossed it to Adam. “You can’t be a daddy without the hat.”

Adam considered being annoyed at Buzz for not telling him what was in his pocket, but decided it wasn’t worth it. He stared at the hat and cracked up. “Shit, I’m gonna look like such a fucking idiot.”

“No way, dude, you’ll look hot.” Buzz draped his arms around Adam’s neck and straddled his thigh. “I bet you couldn’t look anything but smokin’ hot if you tried.”

To his supreme mortification, Adam blushed. He’d never understand why anyone thought he was hot. Buzz was hot; Adam, to his own mind, was cute at best. Not knowing what to say, Adam avoided the whole issue by kissing Buzz’s seductive smile.

“Let’s check out,” Adam suggested. “I want to get to the club before the bar gets too crowded.”

“Yeah, me too. Let’s roll.”

Buzz slid a hand down to Adam’s butt, ignoring the threesome that wandered down the aisle at that moment. One of the men gave them a wolfish smile. Adam blushed harder and crowded closer to Buzz.

As he and Buzz left the aisle and headed for the register, Adam stole a glance at the threesome. “Buzz, those guys were checking you out.”

Buzz gave him the sort of look you’d give a sweet but rather dim child. “Dude, those guys were checking

Shaking his head, Adam got in line behind an expensively dressed silver-haired man carrying three huge dildos and what looked like a tub of Crisco. “Why would they even be looking at me? You’re the sexy one.”

“Why, sugar, you’re both perfectly lovely young men. Why on God’s green earth would you think gentlemen wouldn’t be lookin’ at you?”

Adam’s mouth fell open
The world tilted on its axis.
Oh my God. No
way. No fucking way.

He forced himself to turn toward the honey-thick female voice coming from behind Buzz. A tiny woman in an ankle-length, high-necked black dress stood there, holding a copy of
Hog-Tied Lesbians
and a wicked-looking whip. She patted her lavender poodle perm and smiled at him.

“Pardon me,” she said. “Didn’t mean to pry. When you get to be my age, you tend to speak your mind and not fret about what folks think.”

“Um. No problem.” Adam clutched at the counter, relearning how to breathe. He was relieved to know he wasn’t going crazy and even more relieved Scarlett hadn’t somehow come to life.

Buzz grinned at the woman. “Lady, thank you for telling him he’s hot.

Because he is.” He gave her a deep bow, causing her to titter behind her hand, then turned back to Adam. His brows drew together in a frown.

“You okay? You look kind of green.”

“I’m fine,” Adam insisted, handing his biker hat to the clerk and digging a wad of twenties out of his wallet. “I just…I thought she was someone else.”

Buzz gave him a curious look but kept quiet, for which Adam was grateful. He really didn’t want to explain Scarlett just yet. Or, preferably, ever.

It takes a young castle guardsman with the heart of a lion to love a
Duke…and survive.

Heart of a Lion

© 2007 Kira Stone

Available now at Samhain Publishing

During a chance encounter, Curran is offered his dream job in Duke Luthias’ personal guard. The job soon sours as the lies and deceptions within the castle walls multiply like rabbits until Curran can no longer stomach them.

Tanis, the lover the Duke made Curran surrender as part of his oath of loyalty, is the only man he can trust to help him stop the Duke’s illfated campaign to punish the northern raiders. But Tanis has secrets of his own. As much as he loves Curran, they could lose much more than their lives if he got involved now.

When the northern savages retaliate for the Duke’s acts of war by laying siege to his castle, all three men are forced to take refuge within the fortified walls. Who lives and who dies depends on one man having the heart of a lion…

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit, erotic sex, graphic language, mild blood-letting, and hot nekkid man-love.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Heart of a Lion
: Tanis slid his lips over the head of the warrior’s impressive cock. The young man moaned in ecstasy. Encouraged, Tanis milked Curran’s member with both mouth and hand. His teeth closed over the purpled head, scraping it lightly with his teeth. He was rewarded with another long, blissful moan.

“Your mouth on me is a heavenly gift, Tanis,” the guardsman told him between pants.

Tanis had never before received such a compliment. His cock throbbed with longing for this brave, foolish, caring young man. Would he lose all ground he’d gained with Curran if he asked to sample the guardsman’s muscled arse?

Again, testing the waters seemed more prudent than voicing the question outright. Tanis fondled the guardsman’s balls with a firm touch.

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